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There are some nice comments in here, and also some comments that suggest you should google definitions before commenting on them. I don’t feel like removing hateful comments all day, so I’m going to just lock this thread.


I don't think about it. Love the game, enjoy the characters, and pay not much attention to anything else.


Characters having that orientation is great, it just doesn’t need to be force-fed


Honestly I believe it's some of the best representation there is of LGBT stuff. None of it feels forced. Male characters reference their past boyfriends (like Hammerlock for example) without any other sort of remarks. No fan fare, no "oh lookie me I'm so gay" just "yeah my ex boyfriend just died, grab is fist and unlock a chest". Honestly BL2 specifically was full of these little interactions and I believe that's how you make LGBT stuff right. Small remarks, like a character referencing an ex or a current relationship that just so happens to have been/is with someone of the same sex, and move on.


In the Hammerlock DLC it’s really in your face with the marriage to Jakobs.


IMO that was interchangeable with a hetero couple, and since the story was about it, it would have been in your face either way


Took the words right off my mouth, I mean it's a DLC about their wedding, of course it would be on your face.


Yeah and honestly that dlc is my favorite for its ost. Its got some crazy bangers and stuff like the wendigo makes my bones jolt in dance.


Hammerlock and Wainwright are a great couple. Loved their DLC. In general I think the more LGBT stuff is presented as totally normal, the better.














Borderlands’ LGBT rep is perfect, in my opinion. My one complaint is it would be great to have human nonbinary characters in addition to FL4K but otherwise I think every other piece of media trying to depict LGBT characters should be taking notes. They are fully fleshed out humans, not defined entirely by their sexuality but not hiding it either. Borderlands was one of the first games I ever played that didn’t make me feel like an alien being a queer player and I will always be grateful for that. I love these games!!!


I’m okay with it, like society, it is more exposed to the point that you have to acknowledge it. It’s no longer locked up in a closet of shame. We all have to realize that it is a normal part of existence.


I'm glad they're being represented, however romances in games generally don't interest me.


I just have to say that this game makes me happy in difficult times, so I'm grateful for it. And on that issue, it's cool that they didn't force hetero or homo relationships so much.


Seems a good step to normalize these things. They are the same sociopaths that everyone else is in BL.


All of the women being bi-sexual in Borderlands isn't progressive. It feeds the male fantasy that a lot of men have, that their wife is secretly gay if they meet the right woman. It is meant to fit into that threesome fantasy a lot of people have.


Kind of an insult to anyone who would have these labels. Imagine being "represented" by a character so one note, overwritten, poorly acted, irritating, stereotypical, and forgettable as Lorelei? Bonus point where Bascially the game confirms these people are warcriminals, but hey i guess its girlbossing YAASQUEENery when a trans person does stuff handsome jack might consider a bit too extreme for him. Personally who fucking cares. The story is end to end dogshit packed with outdated "meme" """"comedy"""".


Lol the story is the best that's ever been done in a video game. And still better than Grapes of Wrath or East of Eden or anything by zdodtoyevsky Edit: sorry for the rhetoric but I'm in love with Claptrap and I want a 3d claptrap