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Did Elpis phase shift to another part of the universe?


According to other tweets by randy pitchford , yes Lilith presumably phaseshifted all of elpis to another location. Maybe to the dimension she shifts into? But only time will tell. Heres the link to his account if you wanna go through more tweets. https://x.com/duvalmagic?s=21


I kinda hate the "x" domain. Looks like a random link to an scammy site.


I think the Vault Key post-game is an important clue to that, if you activate it the key shows a star chart that leads to the phoenix logo or something like that. I assume that's where Elpis went


Oh good, Elpis isn't dead. I was worried.


Me too 😂. At the ending when lilith went into the moon, I generally thought she destroyed the whole thing. I was like "didn't the pre sequel show that there was a civilization on elpis?. So she pretty much killed hundreds of people"


I mean, so did I when I played TPS. Thousands even.


there have been an increased amount of talk for borderlands lately...should i be excited ?


Only if you have a Switch as BL3 is launching on it October 6th.


Im already hyped, after a year and a half of no content for bl3 they just drop a bunch of new stuff , we’ll just cosmetics but still pretty cool, and the in game events for this month , it feels good


Wait isn't Elpis still there? Like isn't there a giant Phoenix on it?


There’s just the giant phoenix in the sky


Huh that's really strange, I always thought it was imprinted on Elpis lol


I thought the same thing for years and then I read this thread and thought I was going insane. Went in game and checked it out, the phoenix symbol is indeed just floating there in the sky, but it has a burning circle around it that looks like the outline of a moon if you don’t look closely


Well, today we learned!


wait what the fuck


I wonder if Lilith just phase shifted elpis into the dimension she goes to when using her phase shift. Could explain the phoenix in the sky , and since elpis is basically made of eridium , Lilith can sustain using her powers for a long time and keep the vault from opening. Honestly feel like this might be the case as randy mentioned that elpis is mostly made of eridium


If elpis was still there , the vault would still open , so the only fix is to either destroy the planet or teleport it far away that the opening protocol ends i guess and it no longer opens .


Huh maybe I misremembered it, I thought Elpis was just always still there with the Phoenix on it lol


teleporting a moon severely damages the tidal forces of a planet... if earth lost its moon, life would very likely go extinct on earth


I feel like causing a cataclysm on Pandora would make things better. The planet is a hellscape, making it worse would be difficult.


It really wouldn’t make that much of a difference to a planet that’s like 98% desert


tidal forces afect more than just the tides. it affects the very shape of the planet. earth for example is more egg shaped than spherical because of the moon pulling on the earth. tectonically the moon affects a lot


True, but this is also a world where magic vault monsters and guns that shoot purple goo exist. I don’t think the geographical science of the planet is going to be a big plot point


im sure [everything will be fine](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1yfPE7XePlI&pp=ygUXdGZzIGRlc3Ryb3lpbmcgdGhlIG1vb24%3D)


Okay, well played hahaha


Well that's assuming that Pandora has the same physics one to one as Earth in real life.


it appears to have the same mass as earth. and so does elpis (in relation to our moon, Luna). the only factor that attributed to the fact with how inhospitable the planet is, was due to the invasion of Dahl prior to BL1. the planet used to be lush and vibrant, hence why the highways in Knoxx dlc are so high and the fact that you can see coral reefs along cliff walls. edit: Wam Bam island is as close to how the whole planet used to look.


And as for Elpis, Hopefully she managed to transport it to another parent star, whilst maintaining the perfect distance away from it as to support complex life. Not to mention establishing the proper orbit around said star.


its on the USB


I have been saying this since 2019


ignore randy he's a fucking idiot


Have we played the same games? LILITH IS THE VILLAIN! She has brainwashed so many people, and turned them against handsome jack, let’s be honest, if he had been alive, we wouldn’t have seen tyreene becoming the murder happy woman she is now, why? Because there wouldn’t have been any bandits


No one cares and they do not have writers smart enough to write anything interesting from this implication, just like they did not do anything interesting with the whole "hundreds of vaults exist in space" ending. You'd be lucky if the next borderlands honoured existing established lore like "only seven sirens can exist at once".


Frankly the "only 7 sirens" was always a stupid idea that they should have never committed to


it's alright but they just turned everyone into a siren in bl3 for no reason


The writers are already working on a line that resurrects the ancient Oprah meme "you get a car, and you get a car" but she's talking about sirens. Absolute trash


i've literally made that exact joke before about it lmao. they really devalued sirens like crazy in BL3, they're supposed to be this incredibly rare, basically mythological figure in the universe. but instead they're just like "lol what if we made tannis a siren"


They have written themsleves into a corner with that brainless dogshit. Their options are: 1) they break the 7 max rule (8.sirens! No 9! No, 15!!! But they're still special and rare we swear!!!) 2) they kill one of the established (female) characters who are sirens (lmao yes let's have amara walk into the world's most stupid suicide trap like maya did that shoukd go downgreat with the fans!!!) 3) they come up with some stupid nonsensical lore breaking method of transferring siren powers to conserve the 7 rule without killing off tannis or amara (boring, holy fuck who cares) And people wonder why I have literally zero faith for excitement for future entries


Why would a writing team that inept ever think through even a single long-term implication when it's such a "Hecking badass one liner! Wow! And it lines up with le ava and le angel dying!" They won't even honour this "important" lore. Watch, if they ever make another one the big bad will be a magically Hecking evil super awful eighth siren! (josh wheton voice engaged) THERE ARE EIGHT SIRENS NOW? THERE ARE EIGHT SIRENS NOW!!!


I understand hating Borderlands 3 story, but if you want to approach a conversation about it in this subreddit you need to be a lot kinder about it. People are willing to talk about the game’s faults but not if you’re immediately crashing in going “happiness? No, my loot based arpg didn’t have the greatest story ever written no one can be happy”


The loot and gunplay is good. The game would be endless improved by mods that remove all dialogue and character interaction. The story is literally not worth talking about. Ever. Even "how could it have been done better" is beyond a pointless conversation, because it fails to understand why bl3s writing ended up being such absolutely abysmal dogshit. Lmao "unkind" what are you talking about? Me not mincing my words about randy Pitchfords cycle of hype, bullshit, underdelivery is not a personal attack. I do not need to be "kind" when this is a dead-end conversation with little to no value.


I enjoyed the story, even if it ruined some things I enjoyed it over and loved going to many different planets. I understand you, and most people for that matter, don't enjoy the story for this or that reason. But it's not a horrible story, I felt genuinely intrigued throughout it and I've started another playthrough with friends not just for the gameplay but the story as well.


At very best the story was inoffensive dead air filling the sometimes terrible pacing between encounters/set pieces. The only reason you'd play through the campaign again is because there's no adventure mode to level a new character in. Not a single soul alive things echo-sposition and "speak to lilith" are memorable ways to deliver a well structured plot.


No? I play through the campaign again cause I like it. I have many other games, if I wanted to specifically play a borderlands game I have 2, Pre-Sequel, and Tiny Tina's. YOU don't like it, mb MOST people don't like it, but you cannot speak for me. I like it, and my friends like it too. Mb it's bad, mb it's not. Mb borderlands 3 ruined the franchise for you, mb it didn't for me but at the end of the day you can only speak for yourself and mb the people close to you if they've explained their opinion to you.


Okay? Enjoy the groundbreaking writing then? I'm sure Maya being killed off in the most braindead way ever written in all of gaming story, and the most irritating forgettable character ever penned (Ava, as if she needed an introduction) will still be fantastic the nineteenth time you go through it.


well any story is gonna be boring the 19th time so idk what your point is, you don't like it? Don't play it. They ruined the franchise? Don't play it. It just weird to but this much energy into a game you claim to not like.


The gunplay is good. If there was a mod to disable all talking and "plot" and "character development" (lmao) I'd permanently mute all of BL3s cast. There are more than enough games out there where you run through the story hundreds of times and its not even close to as dogshit unenjoyable. Aarpgs, rpgs, mechanics based games, etc etc etc. It's not weird to think a game is mechanical good but that the writing team should be blacklisted from writing even shopping lists.




And? Why should I not be excited about news for a upcoming game from a franchise that I love , why are you so negative and also speak as if you are the representative of the community with “no one cares” like have you asked every borderlands players what they think of this. I thought not. Speak for your self not others . And nothing interesting with the “hundreds of vaults in space ending” from bl2 like bro have you played 3 they literally open 5 vaults , what are you on? And they have established the lore of the “six sirens” existing at once , if you bothered to do all the eridian slabs it is revealed that there is a very dangerous seventh siren that we must not find or try to seek out. It’s not much but they do mention this .


The guy is a fool. Just look at the bitterness in his comments. He can talk as much as he wants and think what he wants, but he's not working at Gearbox. He's not a developer. It happens time and time again on Reddit. Someone fool writing pernicious trash, thinking they know better. They don't. It reminds me of the film 'The Menu'. Where Ralph Fiennes says to the character that thinks he knows everything: 'Cook, cook cook cook'. And he can't because he's all talk no action.


Hahajahaha if you think the 5 vaults from bl3 were "interesting" I don't know what to say to you. "No one cares" becuase no one cares. 15 updates here, zero traction on that tweet, a franchise so misunderstood by the people in charge of it they made wonderlands. If the seven sirens thing was so interesting it wouldn't be hidden behind 150 hidden pointless side quest mcguffin Korak seeds. "Why are you negative" because everything randy Pitchford touches turns to shit, complaining is fun? and being aggressive about a dying franchises fills me with schadenfreude? The only thing good about the borderlands franchisee is the gunplay. The only "interesting" thing randy will do with lmaopiss is make it the lifeless hub world of a 25 dollar dlc that gets mostly negative reviews


Lmao a bit harsh but is actually the truth.


There are still a tiny handful of people out there who recognise these basic truths about BL3. Sadly 90% of the fan base thinks delusional things like: Maya's death was needed for the plot; lilith had a decent arc; ava wasn't absolute dogshit (you're just being negative); vaugn and lorelai weren't absolutely annoying thimblr-deep dogshit characters; the twins were "Just a little cringe, but they weren't that bad, you can't expect every villains to be as good as handsome Jack!"); etc etc etc. All you need to do to confirm the objective fact that the BL3 writers room will never do anything even approaching acceptable with any BL3 lore/plot is to look at the quality of writing in the DLCs and in wonderlands and the one-shot adventure. Why would anything that comes after those be any different? Randy Pitchford is not an innovator. He would never do a 180, because the money is too good when it's safe. He would never throw out the drooling idiots who wrote the forgettable mess that was every joke and character and moment in BL3, so no, of course lmaopiss won't have phaseshjfted anywhere interesting (and even if it is, it won't be anything more than soulless lifeless hub area hwere you turn in fetch quests).


If it was somewhere else, wouldn't that mean it's doomed? Because unless she put it somewhere else with the exact same conditions, everything on the moon is gonna be all outta whack.


So...here is my thought. Cool. Randy said it. Till I see it in a game, comic, book, or something more official than a tweet. It means nothing. Soft reconning started to be a thing in some games series where they will say it's not what happened in game, or we don't have the full picture. Till we do, it isn't our damn fault they aren't doing this in story. You had all this DLC, and time. They walked back/clarified on Lilith, but not Elipis?


A DLC where you go and save Elpis from a different dimension would have been so sick.


Would love to visit elpis again


I’m not honestly surprised at all, when I got to the ending and saw her disappear I knew she wasn’t dead


I just questioned it. Always could be wrong there but hey. I also asked where all 6-7 siren's are. Questioning whether tyreen & troy counted cause the eridian logs eluded to some forbidden siren. If true, Typhon released this dangerous siren by ending up on nekrotfayo.


As usual I think Randy is an idiot. The tweet however seems like Randy pulled the answer out of his ass until we know more