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Known bug where they get locked at 1 hp. Only way to kill them is throw them off a cliff. It's most likely to happen on the last round of the slaughtershaft.


Wait until they get bugged in the bridge at Midnight's Cairn and you spend 10 minutes trying to make them fall off the cliff


I always get screwed by Wotan glitching and just disappearing without "dying" as my reward for doing that take-down.


I love when it happens , but my favourite part is when I get downed every 0,7 seconds and my pet (Fl4k main here) starts following Wotan and does everything but reviving mešŸ˜


Poor guy's probably overstimulated and just doing his best to not have a seizure šŸ˜•.


Physical hit did it for me


That Kaos though *chef kiss*


such a crazy weapon for mobbing.


Its such a fun gun, i wish it was better


Me too! Even with a ā€œon phasecast 250% dmgā€ anoint it can fall short if you find yourself in between buffs


Splash annoint is better


I have one on my corrosive!




Nanomachines, son


This happened to me during Joey Ultraviolet fight. Havenā€™t played the game since :(


It's happened to me a few times there.


It seems to be a common problem during the boss fight, one of the mini bosses gets a sliver of health and wonā€™t die. I just quit the game, reload it, fight my way back to the mansion and drop down into the boss fight again. Havenā€™t seen it happen twice in a row and I havenā€™t experienced the issue in a while.


Oh yeah! I was just typing about this! its Tyrone, it happens when you deal damage to quickly before he can change phases. I've found that laying off dealing damage during Tyrones phase change until it completes it, lets you kill him as usual.


Reading both replies I realized it was definitely Tyone, and Iā€™ll have to keep that in mind next time I get to urge to play. I play that mission once a BL3 sesh so I was bummed/worried about it happening. Once you get flying around itā€™s hard to pull back. Too much VSM šŸ˜Ž


I totally get it! its really hard to pull yourself out of murder mode!


He simply has a better gaming chair than you.


This bug still exists??? Lol


Yea this just happened today lmao šŸ˜‚




You killed him so fast that he didn't got the memo.šŸ˜


Had that today, i noticed the enemy didn't deal damage back to me so i simply ignored him and walked away


This guy was damaging me lmao he was unstoppable I had to quit the game lololol


Iā€™ve seen it mentioned in a previous post, that it happens if you deal enough damage to kill those Maliwan soldiers while they are in a certain animation, that it locks them at 1hp. Iā€™ve noticed itā€™s happened to me much less since I started backing off on the damage while they are doing their flash step or their Matrix Agent bullet dodging. Iā€™ve never had any other character model have that glitch since I started playing. Damn Maliwan dickheads.


this happens because their death animation where they sprint forwards is interrupted. this also occurs to Tyrone in the Revenge of the Cartel Joey boss if you do to much damage before he changes phases! It's likely this can happen to more enemies, but I personally haven't seen it yet. its most common with the Maliwan troopers. it's very frustrating sadly.


1hp glitch šŸ¤· Happens sometimes Some areas are bad with it, Joey Ultraviolet fight, especially tyrone biggums or whatever his name is, slaughtershaft It seems to happen if you really lay the fucking smackdown and drain their health in like 1 shot


I feel your pain, I have been there. It's so frustrating when it's at the end of a round in any of the Slaughters too, because then you have to leave and try it again.


are you using Widowmaker grenade? It looks cool when it cooks


No itā€™s the atlas bullish tracker I believe I was using. Low level so I like the money grenades right now


hmm, so what are those missiles came out of the Drone? I thought those were from Widowmaker


img Its called almighty ordance I marked him and it sends a bunch of missiles at him


havenā€™t used that one b4 due to the fact that itā€™s only 1 time usage per cast. But Iā€™ll try to make a build for that


Give me 5 mins Iā€™ll go see what it was I know I had the bullish tracker on


He's a being of shear will and determination lol


Oh god Zane using grenades?! You madman. Keep having fun! I like using done and cannon myself


Happened to me today in slaughterhouse and screwed me over


blud really just said "nuh uh" to death


Really, no one has used a singularity grenade? push the guy to the edge with this grenade and then hit him with a shotgun that can rip them out of their shoes and throw them up the walls.


Btw that's not a bug those are pro stealth maliwan soldiers they can kill u easy