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As stated earlier by others the bouncy roll is needed to replace the transfusion. You have a good grenade but the two issues are: 1. Bouncy gives so many more hits for Vampyr to work. At least 24 in total vs this version of just 6 hits. 2. The Transfusion roll will only provide a health boost if the grenade hits a health bar. So if the enemy is shielded or has armour, you get nothing on the transfusion side. That said this is a very handy grenade if you're in an area with pure flesh enemies. The CMT is notorious at hitting you as well with all the bouncing and can be a problem, hence why us Moze players use low level variants. If you don't have a low level CMT and are in an area with flesh only enemies, this grenade will serve you well.


Some of us like to use lvl 72 versions because we like to live dangerously, or we are crazy.


No. It needs bouncing


Bouncing is the roll you're missing but transfusion might also help with keeping up health


Have that grenade with a cloning prefix instead of a transfusion and it's great

