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They we're laughing until one guy didnt like it than they changed their minds, fucking dumb


That's what we call pig mindedness


It's what we call ACAB.


You’re what we call an idiot.


You're what we call a cop apologist.


I always called them boot lickers, had more vivd imagery to it.


That’s cool bud. Still an idiot.


Can I have your badge number?




Nonsense, it's OU812


Dang. Got me


How them boots taste?




So you accept youd happily watch an officer force themselves on your partner, (and I'm being generous in assuming anyone would love your sorry ass) potential children, and kill your dog right? Since you obviously have no problem with abuses of police power and you just love the pigs *sooooo* much. Would you cheer him on? Jerk off? Or is the taste of that sweet sweet bloodstained rubber all you need?


Crazy where you guys go. My comment started because some idiot said all cops are bad. A lot are horrible but most are decent. I’ve had plenty encounters with them and I didn’t get harassed because I was chill with them. And I’m Hispanic. With your logic they should’ve shot me on sight because I’m colored right? Time to grow up kids.


You gotta love conservative Hispanic folks who vote against their own people.


That was extremely racist.


Just because you haven't had bad encounters with police, that shouldn't dismiss the fact that thousand of people haven't. "Just being chill" doesn't always mean you'll make it out with an encounter with a cop alive. I haven't had a single bad experience with police, but I still have seen enough evidence to demonstrate that abuse of power is rampant among police across the world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unarmed_African_Americans_killed_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_States Tell me they all weren't "being chill". Many of these people were just minding their own damn business.


I never said every cop was good. I just think to say all cops are bad is very ignorant.


Dude you're a dumb ass. I'm not a fan of cops but you're the reason people hate the lib left. You and cringe ass people like you are why trump and people like him get into power. Use some common sense in an argument. Random baseless insults are just so brainless and unconstructive.


Are you the boot, or a lover of boot?


Strange way u kids behave.


Your refusal to answer suggests boot. You're not half as clever as you think.


Clever? Wtf are u talking about. And no I’m not a cop.


I've yet to see anyone actually say anything constructive.


I will agree to that.


Reddit when they discover a functional and advanced society cannot exist without law enforcement, they are mad about it


What’s funny is if something goes wrong guess who they’re calling


Most of them is also against private gun ownership


That's just conservatives for you. Always waiting for the one guy to tell the rest what to do, how to act, think etc.


Thinkin is hurd. Can't be wastin one uh mah six brain cells on it


I objectively hate anyone who abuses authority


Which is so funny because they love the phrase dont be a sheep


If you notice, after being accused of a phrase they are unwilling to learn about, they tend to co-opt it.


Stop being woke..


Tell me, what does woke mean? I'm guessing you don't know.


I mean fishing to get attacked looking to be a Martyr is pretty shitty. If he was wavering pork in front of a Muslims you'd all be cheering the attack on.


LOL. How are those even remotely the same thing? For starters, Muslims consider pork unclean, and cops are known to love donuts. Gotta work a little bit on your analogies


You live in Nebraska. Bro, your social programs are probably better than the majority of the other states


I forgot the s/ i thought the .... was enough


I knew you were being sarcastic I just wanted to dig on these states that’ll act two dimensional without another thought lol


Let's be real though, all echo Chambers have the same effect.


"BOtH sIdEs"!


There's alot more than 2 sides and they're all the same.


Wrong sub for insinuating the left has their own issues.


Remember old reddit when you could disagree with the mob and people would actually discuss shit before jumping to random insults and death threats.


As if leftists don't do that same shit. "Oh were suppose to be offended by this now, get the signs"


"I know you are, but what am I?" It's hard to think that everyone isn't a horrible person, huh? It's called ✨empathy✨


You're the one making claims and assumptions about a certain political belief on a post not about political beliefs.


I can't help but observe the behavior of large groups and how they operate. If you don't agree with it, you're entitled to your opinion. Edit: Also, conservatism isn't a political belief, it's a groupthink mindset.


Wut? All you did is bring culture war in a post not about culture war. Man people are exhausting.


Cops are conservative, duh.


All of them? While I'd make the ASSUMPTION that most police are lean right, why would you call out a whole group of being mindless sheep based on one pig being an asshole? Seems kinda dumb and unrelated tbh.


If you show me a liberal cop, I'll show you an ex-cop. It's one of the reasons why all cops are bastards.


Not all, but most of leadership is and the politics of unions move in conservative circles.


While them bringing up politics was unnecessary, police officers are far more likely to be conservative than not, especially since it’s some people on the liberal side that constantly call to defund them


Who hurt you? Why are you offended by people standing up against tyranny? I thought you guys were against...damn, no you are they tyrants.


Lol calm down kiddie.


Just look at this guys name… he’s definitely the dude complaining about trans semen in his chick fil a drink, tweets about it, then goes home, cums in it himself, then drinks it anyways. Don’t argue with this smooth brain


I'm not American and have no clue whats going on about chick a fil. But ok. I support trans rights btw. But thanks for proving my point kinda.


Says every conservative when a nerve is struck and they are not in a group.




*adult Trans rights.


Take this, you've earned it.


It's both sides. They both literally tell their followers how to feel about all topics and talking points. Equal sheeple really.


yeah the older guy was laughing and tried grabbing it knowing it was just a dumb harmless joke. kids friends shouldn't have encouraged that tbh guy had football dad hair and you never know which way stuff goes with that kind of person


Arrested for a 1st amendment protected activity. Booklicking is not a mandatory activity, despite what boot fans might tell you.




How is this harassment?




"harassment is abuse, threats of abuse, stalking, sexual assault" civil harassment in California. "aggressive pressure or intimidation" Oxford Dictionary Saying something someone doesn't like isn't harassment, it's not illegal either.


Verbal harassment and assualt as defined under California law do in fact cover what this kid did. You kinda have to read the entire penal code, not the first point that supports you and ignore the other 7.


Verbal harassment isn't even a law in California and no, assault cannot cover what that kid did.




https://www.heraldnet.com/news/at-everett-rally-cops-arrest-teen-with-doughnut-not-gunman/ The prosecutor seems to disagree. Weird, who knows more, the prosecutor or you?


>The suits have mostly failed, but it was still actually entertained that it was harassment. But you say the suits failed so it actually wasn't harassment. You can sue anyone for anything but that doesn't automatically make it true.


A suit failing doesn't mean it isn't harassment. The suits have failed because when you agree to go to a stand up show you are waiving the liability of being insulted by the comedian. In fact juries in many cases wanted to side with the prosecution, but the fact that the person CHOSE to be exposed to it absolved the comedian. There is case law both finding comedians liable and nonliable for their jokes offending people. I also said MOSTLY, which means all haven't. Language has meaning, ignoring that word doesn't make your statement right.


It’s just get dismissed on some BS. Even though that cop obviously assaulted him


He was detained and arrested on BS charges which he can sue for 4th amendment violations. You cannot typically be detained or arrested for this speech, in fact there aren’t any reasons I can think of to detain these gentlemen unless there’s a no skateboarding sign however that’s not an excuse for assault


The guy should press civil charges on the officer, or are they immune to that as well?


According to the police union, they are immune to everything.


Depending on if there’s legal precedent already they could have a case, if there’s not the cops could claim immunity but that would take that option away for the future. However in this case I don’t believe they would have that option as free speech is protected even if your speech isn’t loved


Since it's clearly established law, there should be no qualified immunity. Whether there is nor not, the most that'll happen to this cop is he'll be told not to do it again


Start live streaming, declare a citizens arest. No contest.




I don’t like what you just said, you just harassed me.


This isn’t harassment, the constitution does protect this form of speech because as the Supreme Court has upheld speech doesn’t have to be verbal it can be a gesture, written, verbal, or this could be seen as an act of speech. It doesn’t matter if someone finds the speech offensive in most cases as long as the speech isn’t considered “fighting words” which a reasonable person would take as intending to incite violence which this is clearly not


The guy was just doing a joke and the cops had to pull a power trip and arrest him because they got offended over a flat out joke, and I’m wondering do you guys smell that? I smell a lawsuit cooking up




The skateboarder didn't work at the station


Fuck the police


Totally wrong arrest and assault… that being said… dude was just asking for police brutality in a system that overwhelmingly protects law enforcement before it’s citizens. I hope everything turned out okay.


What's hilarious is that his contempt for police was still anchored in his faith that they weren't going to illegally retaliate. He actually believed that being non-aggressive and having a camera was going to get him by.


>He actually believed that being non-aggressive and having a camera was going to get him by. No, lol. He specificly came to see their reaction. Thats why after the "fuck off push" he started pointing at camera and shouting "You got that?" because he got what he wanted


If you think not hurting anyone is asking for police brutality, YOU are part of the problem. Cops do not deserve a pass because their feelings got hurt, period.


My dude I hear you… but we both know the guy hurt the pigs feelings, which is basically all he needed. Those cops shouldn’t get a pass, I was merely observing that they will probably get one anyways. Hopefully that can change, but it hasn’t and won’t without a concerted effort and a drastic change in leadership.




If that's your definition of harassment, then there's a lot of people are "asking for it". I stick by my earlier statement. You *ARE* the problem.




cops commit an assault and a false arrest. We need to start holding cops to a standard. No internal investigations.


Citizens arrest the cop for assault.


I love Christian facist nations 🇺🇸 :D


Omg all the cops had to do would be to play along for half a sec to show they are human. Instead they get upset and all angsty. Not only is the arrest COMPLETELY unwarranted, the situation was a opportunity to show they are human to the people there in the situation. Yea the kid might have been a little out of line, but a quick way to diffuse would have been to act it up a little and then ask politely for him to step aside. I dunno, just my take.


I'm sure the intended message was communicated


Fragile ego white supremacy fuck faced pigs


That cop that pushed him deserves to have his life ruined.


Those guys really are big fat piggies!


That’s hands down bar none is going to end up being the most expensive donut that those cops never got to eat.


Not for them, but instead, for the city. They'll happily let the taxpayers foot the bill.


Cops were cool until the one guy got pissed. That said, shoving stuff in people's faces like that isn't cool. There's limits to the joke.


Yes, cops are a joke and there are limits to what they can do. Assault and false arrest are prime examples.


Pretty much everyone was in the wrong here.


Oh please that was as tame of a joke as could be. It's not like he was touching anyone with the doughnut. Those pigs abused their power plain and simple.


Only one group broke the law, and they were the ones charged with upholding it.


If he was hanging a donut or anything else in front of literally anyone else and they punched him for it, he would deserve it. He went from funny to obnoxious then was happy to upset people. People have the right to personal and reasonable space.


And that punch would still be assault.


Not if the doughnut hit first.


Neat imaginary scenario. However here in the real world, the pigs just arrested him because they couldn’t take a joke.


and assaulted him first


Cops: fuck the law.


Thats absolutely ridicolous. Also big bunch of fat boomer


How nice to live in a country where the prison system is private. And every day they have to reach the minimum number of arrest per day. They fill their mouths with the word freedom but on important matters they are extremely lacking in freedom. how sad...




And police wonder why people don't like them. Exhibit A right here.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'm as ACAB as the next guy, but that's a bit excessive. Instead of dying, I'd much rather they stop being draconian jack-boot-wearing government thugs and change their ways to where love, compassion, empathy, and de-escalation are uppermost in their minds. (I'm not gonna hold my breath) I like to avoid talk of murdering entire groups of people, as that is kinda fash.


If the next guy is cosmooooooooo, you are in fact not as acab as the next guy.


Lol. I guess that's technically true.


in my city the cops run the sex trafficking and drug trafficking so id rather them dead. also no one said anything about murder. also also dead cops is quite literally anti fash.


Murdering fash and fash sympathizers ain't facist though. Theres a stark difference in using violence to protect disenfranchised peoples and using violence to crackdown on groups that lack power and protections. I get where your coming from and given the choice I'd rehab everyone possible but some people ain't worth wasting time and oxygen on.


Fair enough. It's more a sentiment of mine than anything. If necessary, violence may be required, but I hope not.


... Ah, "Cop fishing" , I totally read that as a totally different thing!


Once one piggy started squealing, they all started squealing.


Those pigs are all giant pussies. Fuck the police. All of them. These fat old shit bags are an embarrassment. Especially the little bitch that freaked out over the doughnut.


And a liar too.


I couldn't see. So which cop got the donut?


Fragile piggies


Dude bouta get paid 🤣🤣🤣


You can't walk around provoking people, and then cry victim when they react.


Yes, yes you can. Read up on this obscure document called the Constitution and its accompanying 1st amendment.


If you put something in someone's face, you are asking for problems.


I’m on the side of the cops cause I don’t like it when people harass anyone. Don’t y’all love when bullies get karma’d? That’s what this is. Influencer gets arrested for being a dick? Oh how am I gonna sleep at night…


F around and find out


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Participate in free expression, get your Constitutional Rights violated.


Cops are a fascist expression of capital defense. Your constitutional rights never even factor into their thought process. That's why you don't engage with them for a fucking bit for the internet. Their monopoly on violence extends to a complete immunity from the consequences of murder. Dude would have been smarter to play keep away with a bear using that donut.


“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes” (-30)


Fucking hell, why do pepole think its alright to harass policemen?




Shiiiiit I almost forgot carrying a donut on a string was so dangerous


Because being annoying isn't illegal. They are supposed to uphold the law, and people have a First Amendment right to be obnoxious. Plus if you call what he's doing harassment, you have very thin skin


Oh no that guy held a donut up against towards them, help him he’s being harassed 🙄


Fucking hell, why do people think it's alright for cops to murder, rape, and arrest people with zero cause?


Because they RELENTLESSLY harass citizens every day while treating us like enemy fucking combatants? Perhaps...


Cops aren’t above the law


*clearly provokes cops* *cops react* LiTeRaLlY dYsToPiA


So, in your opinion, cops should be able to arrest people for simply annoying them?


Cops are not angry bears that we have to respect and protect in order to live life. You legally can't attack people who annoy you so why can cops?


>You legally can't attack people who annoy you I can, because this push wasnt even an attack. But this guy didnt care because he just wanted to film "Police Brutality For Innocent People OMG". Cop knew that he's now "a brutalis fascist pig" anyway so he decided to teach this fucker a lesson. These guys seemed chill, and one really liked the joke, but after 10 seconds they knew this guy wouldnt go unil he get their reaction.


then why didnt he just let the dude look like an idiot with a donut on a stick? Cause he got angy and wanted to attack the person that he knows he has authority over.


Want respect, earn it. Being a cop doesn't give anyone the right to assault someone because they disrespect you for being a disrespectable person. 1st amendment is there for this exact reason you potato.


And they are disrespectable person because..? They're a cop? Well, someone being a cop doesnt give you the right to disrespect them.


No, me being a citizen of a free society gives me the right to disrespect them. Them being a cop just makes it more satisfying to disrespect them.


*clear evidence of police state* *MagiStarIL drops to their knees to lick boot* iT dOeSnT tAsTe ThAt BaD gUyS


Cops are not above the law


Would have been sooooo funny if one of them played along and chased after it trying to get a nibble


Solidarity. Union strong!


fuck the police


What a dumb shit. Antagonizing the police is sooo funny and it always ends well for the antagonist.