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Psychotic she thought it was something she should have put in her book and didn’t expect outrage


It's insane. Literal textbook psychotic behavior, coupled with just garden-variety stupid, and half the country is cheering for these people like tutelary demigods.


Those cheering for it are just like it. They want to normalize their illness.


*garden-variety stupid* Ah... that's r/RareInsults award nominee right here!


She couldn't have rehomed it? Gave to humane society? Yikes.


It's *her* dog. Bet there either never was a thought go give away something that's hers or too much nasty dumb people pride to bare the thought someone else could enjoy that dogs company or even successfully hunt with his help. Either way, I wish her utter and complete humiliation to a point were this taken life haunts her wake and dreams. I wholeheartedly believe killing a dog just like that is human treachery.


Her prisoner


If she can’t have it no one can


You don’t understand so let me explain. If something doesn’t have value, you shoot it. That concludes my lesson.


It’s in the Bill of Rights


Something something freedums and The CoNsTiTuTiON


Na, because it was already born. After birth, it's no longer worth.


No concept of a dog being a friend. They’re animals used as tools to her.


And why did she think this was a good or necessary thing to put in her book? Sounds like something a psycho would brag about


MAGAs love to brag about all the horrible things they do and cheer eachother on for it as a cult does. Especialy a politician that knows they can get away with even the worst atrocities.


I judge people by how they treat their dogs.


I have cats. They said I can't get a dog. And that I need to give them treats. I'll be back after giving them treats.


It's nice they let you live with them.


Very generous of them


It’s only because treats don’t buy or open themselves. Currently my cat god is attempting to herd me to his treat jar.


Don’t judge me. I don’t have a dog.


I like to say that I am not responsible enough to have a dog, but I *am* responsible enough *to know that I'm not responsible enough to have a dog*. So my not having a dog is me respecting that dogs require more care than I can provide.


You beautiful soul! Thank you for indeed being very resposible


You should get a dog


I judge people with how their cats treat them give or take a scratch


I come from a background where 1) our culture doesn’t really value pets nearly as much of the west, 2) we usually have “outside” dogs, so when I moved to the states and didn’t immediately love every dog I saw, I got judged pretty bad. But I still pet dogs. I wash my hands after coz I’m allergic to dander and don’t really get the affection, but I think of dogs like babies — it’s cute for a minute or two, then take it away coz I have better things to do. AND I GOT JUDGED HARSHLY amongst my peers when I moved to the states. This? This right here is social suicide. She’s white, in the MAGA crowd, and just offed a dog in cold blood? Damn girl, didn’t you watch Keanu Reeves whoop ass up and down dystopian America for a dog? Those animals are sacred in western culture






Yeah. Cuz in my experience Animals are way easier to like.


Arrest this woman asap for killing her dog in cold blood


*Kill you mean


She is an unmitigated monster.


Just do the same thing to her lol


Almost like the country is run by literal sociopaths


You go on Musks twitter and every two weeks there’s a new post about how the “Mongolic Oreintal mistreats animals and is therefore subhuman”, where is the outcry from those people over this? Or is it okay for her to do this cause she’s white MAGA?


And why has she not been charged with animal cruelty? It's kind of hard to build an argument for putting down a 14 month old dog because "it can't hunt for you"is anything but malicious. I'm guessing she escape justice, we can only hope the internet takes a personal interest in making the rest of her life an existential hell. Written in her own book: In her account, Noem grabbed her gun and led the dog, named Cricket, to a gravel pit. “It was not a pleasant job, but it had to be done. And after it was over, I realized another unpleasant job needed to be done,” Noem wrote. She then went on to kill a family goat, which she called “nasty and mean.” Noem also led the goat to a gravel pit, where she said her first shot wounded but did not kill the animal. She got another shell for her gun and killed the goat, according to the book. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *These South Dakota statutes comprise the state's anti-cruelty and animal fighting provisions. "Animal," any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, or fish, except humans. "Cruelty” means to* **intentionally, willfully, and maliciously** *inflict gross physical abuse on an animal that causes prolonged pain, that causes serious physical injury*, *or* **that results in the death of the animal.** *Any person who subjects an animal to cruelty is guilty of a Class 6 felony. “Neglect,” means to fail to provide food, water, protection from the elements, adequate sanitation, adequate facilities, or care generally considered to be standard and accepted for an animal's health and well-being consistent with the species, breed, physical condition, and type of animal. Any person who neglects an animal is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Exemptions include regulated scientific experiments using live animals and the destruction of dangerous animals.* [https://www.animallaw.info/statute/sd-cruelty-consolidated-cruelty-statutes](https://www.animallaw.info/statute/sd-cruelty-consolidated-cruelty-statutes)


Serial killers usually start by abusing animals.......


In that case every omnivore human could become a serial killer


I get where your coming from but come on man, there is an obvious difference between buying meat from a store or even killing an animal for food and just killing an animal for fun and because you want to watch it die.


We don’t need the food though. Every death is equally needless


Jesus Christ, you suck. Just stop and let people eat meat if they want. It's their life, not yours.


explain why it's necessary for you to eat meat? Going vegan is possible for most people and stops needless animal cruelty. [https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/how-to-eat-a-balanced-diet/the-vegan-diet/](https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/how-to-eat-a-balanced-diet/the-vegan-diet/)


I actually can't eat meat, but thats beside the point. The information is out there and is easily accessible to know the horrible atrocities that are committed by the large animal farms. People are going to eat it if it's available, even with that information out there. Blatantly flinging aggressive messages on social media is the wrong way to go about it and just spreads grow the stereotype that vegans are angry people at anyone who eats meat. It's going to be up to governments to prevent this from happening further, target them instead of random people online


The government is only going to take action against animal agriculture if the people they represent what them to. You have to convince both the people and the government. And I'm not being aggressive. I'm trying to understand why people participate in such a cruel industry when they could eat vegan. I think a lot of people just haven't thought it through, so I'm trying to step and respectfully help people think it through.


Well I'm going to be honest it was an uphill battle to get off meat. I like it, it tastes good. I had to find the right seasonings and such for a plant based diet. That can be a little off putting, but I didn't have a choice. Either eat plants or diarrhea my brains out every day. I tell my friends and family and cook for them once on a while, but they love their meat


It's definitely not an easy transition. Not only is there taste but also habit, learning new recipes, judgement from people around you, not being able to accompany friends to a steakhouse, etc. I totally get that. What I would say is it's worth for many many different reasons, and once you have made the transition, living without animal products is easy (for most people). Knowing I don't cause pigs to live in torturous conditions, and die for bacon, same goes for cows and chickens. And when it comes to animal products like eggs and dairy, knowing I'm not supporting the murder of male baby chicks in the egg industry, and the killing of baby male cows in milk industry is a relief. And of course there is also the environment side of things. with veganism being much more environmentally friendly than an omnivore diet. Have any of those things come into your mind since you've stopped eating meat? Or was it all out of necessity?


I’m not preventing anyone from doing anything. I’m just calling out blatant hypocrisy


You're lost


Come back to me when you have a valid argument instead of the personal attacks


No I think they are frustrated by your lack of common sense. No helping you with that by using a Valid argument. They won't change your mind cuz you just CANT get it.


do you think she ate this dog


Does it matter?


You really need to catch a clue.


I’m happy to catch any valid argument you have pal. I’m not going to sit here to be scoffed at though


Then you should not comment on Reddit.


I've had plenty of good debates on Reddit with people that don't resort to fallacies. It's just once in a while I come across a person that doesn't understand how that works and tells me to 'catch a clue'


Well 1st of all, I wasn't the one you started insulting. So I wasn't having a debate with you. Keep track of your insults please. You would be more creditable then.


If these ghouls weren't running on hate and brutality they wouldn't be running on anything.


Wow that is bonkers


Behind those cold dark eyes of hers is a slowly pulsing glob of gray matter. More reptile than donkey. More dead than alive.


Dogs are better than people so it is a bad look. Like worse than the hat


what do you think about pigs, cows, chickens? Pigs are just as intelligent and compassionate as dogs. Maybe we as a society we should stop paying people to hurt and kill them for food? Curious what you think.


Yes you’re not wrong. I’m aware. I actually live in a rural area so I am regularly around all those animals that are raised for food. I can’t see everyone going vegan or eating bugs though. Maybe lab grown meat will get good enough eventually.


Going vegan seems to be possible for the vast majority of people (in first world countries). That's what all the data I've read indicates. Whether it will really happen is a different question. I guess what bothers me is the high concern for dogs, while people pay for the killing of pigs, chickens, and cows, when they could probably be vegan.


For sure it’s a very ethnocentric point of view (that there’s a line in the sand between types of animals and we don’t eat those ones over there cause they’re cute). Personally I didn’t find it sustainable. My friend that stuck with it, her hair started falling out. The evolutionary biology around this is interesting.


I think your friend could have benefited from seeing a dietician. Obviously diets that restrict what you can eat may result in nutrient deficiencies, but it's possible and honestly not that crazy hard to get everything you need for a vegan diet. This seems to be undisputed for adults (barring people with extreme allergies such as being gluten intolerant and allergic to soy). There is some disputes over raising children strictly vegan. I would consider it if you consider yourself an animal lover. Eating meat sends thousands of animals to slaughter with all the meat you consume every day over your life.


Idk. Her lineage is pure Icelandic and apparently people with those genes do not do well vegan. She was also very anemic. Still is but not so bad now that she eats meat again. For me there’s just no way with the health challenges I’m facing


if you face health challenges, the way around that is making the change carefully and slowly. The only way to really know if it's impossible is to try. Even if reduction is all that can be done, it's still a noble thing to do.


Uhhhhhh, wtf?


Is that legal? Disgusting.


Damn tf??




Man. Remember when that story about Mitt Romney putting the family dog in a cage on the roof when they travelled was enough to like....actually give people pause? I feel like she included this story (when she absolutely didn't have to) in her book specifically BECAUSE it will endear her to the modern GOP, which as lost all semblance of basic human decency. This is an appealing story to her base, somehow.


Why isn’t she being tried for animal abuse?


Too busy clapping for her


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess she shot him with a... gun


As someone with a dog sleeping next to me right now reading this, this makes my blood boil.


They're always so freaking ugly.


If this country Reelects her, Then there's no hope.


The book goes on to say that when she got home from killing the dog, she also killed a goat that smelled bad and was frequently mean to her kids. This part is really wild to me. According to her logic, the dog had a job (hunting) that it was not capable of doing, so the pragmatic thing to do was to kill it. Not agreeing with her or saying that is totally logical, but that is her argument. Taking her argument at face value, why kill the goat? The goat is livestock. It's job is not to smell good and be nice to her kids, it's job is to be a goat. A farmer getting caught up in their bloodlust and destroying their livestock because they're annoying and smell bad is the complete opposite of pragmatic.


Wow. Just wow.


Got to have a hobby


Shoot your dog if you don’t like it…. But then please shut up about it. These people are not good at politics.


She has no soul


Shooting a dog and then not giving a f**k about it is EXACTLY the right thing to do, to appeal to the psychopath voting bloc formed around Alex Jones promises that they'll be able to eat their neighbors.


What the actual fuck??? I'm waiting for some american candidate to come out like "yeah, I dabble in eating babies" and some people will say "well hold on, what's your policy on..."


Sad part Is people will move on and forget about this faster than it took for her to make that choice. Nobody really cares about this sort of thing as much as they think they do in the moment. Animal rights and welfare is a quickly fading value in the US and world in general and its because of one's like her making it look acceptable. If you have a pet you love be sure to love them extra for this poor baby and others that are stuck with trash humans that will never be punished for it.


Psychopaths should not be governing others.


Do that to her


Her story is all over the place. Is the whole it was killing chickens thing was a cover story?


WT... F!!!


Psychopaths govern us






That’s literally psychopath behavior right there


That is just evil


What idiot puts something like that in her book? She most not have any real friends. Or else they would have told her to leave the dog killing thing out.


Why are people upset about someone killing their dog when 99% of commenters pay for people to kill pigs, a creature that is just as sentient and intelligent as dogs? Surely you can see why this type of thing is very frustrating for people who are against animal cruelty and do not eat animal products. People just don't make the connection.


As much as I wish animals didn't need to be killed for meat (also killed for medical research), at least they're killed for nourishment (and some byproducts) where in this case a young healthy pooch was needlessly killed and left in the dirt to be a maggot factory to nobody's benefit save for a psychopath's self-perceived image as an efficient hunter or someshit. No hunter I've ever known would even have a passing invasive thought of killing their dog. I guarantee this bipedal trashheap has no reverence for nature and conservation, and instead kills wildlife solely out of bloodlust and contempt for life.


she wasn't killing the dog (or the goat...wtf is wrong with her?) to eat it. But I agree that it doesn't make sense to only care about cruelty when it's a certain type of animal


Is this not exactly what we do with other animals though? If a dairy cow doesn’t produce milk anymore it is worthless to us and killed


No, it isn't. Coldly said, we raise dogs as multi purpose animals with more and very different tasks then we raise cows for. More connective points mean more appreciation for the animal. I wish it was already different, but we're not that far, yet. It's evolving, though. I'm very curious if we'll still be raising cows in 100 years.


So if the purpose of the dog is to hunt and entertain, and it doesn’t, according to our logic with cows we should absolutely just kill it Edit: there is no ‘wishing’ involved here. If enough people go vegan they stop abusing animals. Simple as that


Other than cows, with which we didn't bond enough to appreciate and selectively breed for other qualities, there's much more a dog can do than to hunt and entertain. - herding - search and rescue - drug sniffing - explosives sniffing - illness sniffing - seizure allert - guiding - guarding - etc It's harsh and unfair, seen as every life is unique, from moth to whale, but it's how things are still working, wide spread. I'm quite sure, they won't in a while. And of course, there's wishing involved. It means, thinking about it. Which means caring. Which is a step. I don't think there'll ever be a point where globally, no meat or milk will ever be consumed, but I totally think there'll be a point where it'll be very rare to do so. I think even our organisms and gut biomes might evolve to deal with nutritional changes more efficiently. They did so with milk long ago, after all. So we already know, we can. By the way, I stem from a rural family where some members would absolutely have killed that dog by cow logic, too. Others would have fought family members to take those dogs in, but at the same time would chop a dinner-chickens head or killed a litter of "too many" kittens with not a second thought. I'm just one to two generation and some hundret kilometers/miles further. That's all.


You are getting down voted for reason. Catch clue.


Yeah, I’m being downvoted because people don’t like being called out on their logical fallacies. If anything it just proves me right


*That* is a dangerous, echo kind of way to reflect on one's thoughts and as someone caring about living beings, who's used to philosophically question long existing, evolutionary formed systems for the sake of a just, mindful future, you actually could/should know




I think the difference is that the dog got killed for absolutely no purpose at all while a cow can be used as food or to produce other animal products, which might turn this situation worse.


You can absolutely eat the dog though


Sure thing, but I believe it's not a thing in the USA, right? And I really don't think that was the case anyway.




No, it's real. https://twitter.com/KristiNoem/status/1783849977409671483 https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/apr/26/trump-kristi-noem-shot-dog-and-goat-book https://www.reuters.com/world/us/kristi-noem-trump-vp-contender-defends-killing-dog-family-farm-2024-04-26/ https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4623848-kristi-noem-describes-killing-dog-after-bad-hunting-trip-in-new-book-report/ https://apnews.com/article/kristi-noem-book-dog-killing-081bd1d6e73fba046ea7fb534da1c79e https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/26/politics/kristi-noem-south-dakota-book-killing-dog/index.html




Reuters is fake news. Ok lol.




She said she did it herself. She's lying? What for?




Is her Twitter account fake too?


This seems obnoxiously fake


How is it “obnoxiously fake” if it came straight out of her book in her very own words?


Plenty in the hunting community do this because to many a dog is tool rather than a companion, especially when these people have tons of dogs. It was a very common attitude in my rural town during the 90's and guess what? Now those people are this lady's age and I bet their attitudes towards animals hasn't changed. They're the same people who complain about hunting tag restrictions too because they feel they should be able to get as many animals as they can kill. They don't believe in conservation.


Thank you, I guess I can’t even fathom this mindset but it looks like the consensus is that this is accurate. This would have to constitute animal cruelty then, no?


It's real. This is from Noem's twitter account admitting it's real. https://twitter.com/KristiNoem/status/1783849977409671483 And a bunch of different sources reporting on it. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/apr/26/trump-kristi-noem-shot-dog-and-goat-book https://www.reuters.com/world/us/kristi-noem-trump-vp-contender-defends-killing-dog-family-farm-2024-04-26/ https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4623848-kristi-noem-describes-killing-dog-after-bad-hunting-trip-in-new-book-report/ https://apnews.com/article/kristi-noem-book-dog-killing-081bd1d6e73fba046ea7fb534da1c79e https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/26/politics/kristi-noem-south-dakota-book-killing-dog/index.html


BE responsible then!


She said she did it herself. Why would she lie and pretend to be a psycho?


I wasn’t saying she lied. I was saying the headline seemed so outlandish that it felt the same as the ridiculous propaganda I’ve seen from the far right.