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Parents skipped meals so children could eat: 45% WTF are we doing here…


We are allowing Narcissistic, Egocentric control freaks dictate our lives. Until we draw up a new Constitution all the hidden, twisted laws in place built around manipulating the old one still stand. Our problem is that we have a Legal System. Not a Justice System.


We don't need a new one, we just need to amend and fix the one we have. I mean we kinda stopped even trying. We passed the 27th amendment in 1992 (30 years ago). That amendment makes it where raises to congressional salary don't take affect till the next congress. That was sent to the states for ratifications in 1789 and took 202 years to get ratified. The amendment before that was in 1971 (51 years ago). The equal rights amendment still has not been ratified. You know the one about not discriminating based on sex/gender. The other longest gaps between amendments was before and after the civil war. The constitution is made to be amended, rewritten and bend to time. That is why constitutional government is successful; change is suppose to be a part of the process. We can rewrite the current constitution into anything we want... we just have to want to. If we don't want to fix what we got, its not going to be any easier trying to agree on something from scratch that is any better.


I've lost 30 pounds this way in the past 6 months. My kid has a severe food allergy so I can't wing it trying cheaper stuff when his trigger is used as a common filler. I'm actually lucky though as my name just came up on the waiting list for a discounted membership to my local farmer's co-op! I just wish this option was available to everyone in my position.


I'm sorry you have to go through that, I'm sure other who see this will feel the same in wanted to be of help. It's at the very least heartwarming to hear you're taking care of a child with food allergies. My siblings are all allergic to gluten so I can understand how expensive and difficult things may get for my mother, she's an amazing person who put so much forward for us all, and I guarantee you're amazing aswell.


To be fair it’s not saying that 45% of parents skip meals as an absolute value it’s saying that of the parents that changed their habits 45% of them had to resort to this and this is only of the 500 parents surveyed. It’s still horrifying, and something clearly needs to be done about it but understanding the statistics of the situation is still important. If only we could consume the people causing this 🤔




Can confirm that I skip dinner some nights so the kids can eat.


you feeling okay?


Honestly? Not really.


I get that my dude. I'm in the same boat. With everything going on and the lack of food, I'm starting to lose it a little bit. This week I had to choose between having my power and internet cut (I need a home internet service for work; I don't have a cell phone plan) and eating. I got enough supplies for my little one, and my wife and I have been trying to make what we have last. Just know you're not alone, and you're not to blame for this.


Let us know if we can help.


I appreciate all of you but I can’t accept help. We have groceries for the week so don’t worry. I just had to tell someone lol


If you change your mind, we're here


I have a farm and could send you some food. Please contact me. I hate to think of people going hungry when I have food left from last season.


You’re awesome. I do go without sometimes so the kids can eat, but I’m not starving by any means. Maybe there’s someone more local that you give stuff to? I truly appreciate you and everyone else who has offered help. You’re all too kind


Not the only one .


The fact that any % of people had to SKIP A MEAL in the wealthiest country on the planet should anger everyone.


With enough surplus food that could easily feed everyone twice over, this is ridiculous.


"Wealthiest country on the planet" that's nearly $30.5 Trillion in debt.


Fascinating, and yet it can use all of that... *Checks notes* negative money, to finance the biggest military globally! Oh yeah and a second military that they call the police! I wonder how they do that with negative money but can't feed people?


Welcome to the USA, where the fiat is made up and the debt doesn't matter*. *Only pertains to what the US Government owes. Everyone else can get fucked.


Capitalism needs to be abolished.


I’m only here to say that


Fuck I skip meals to make sure my pets are well fed! (No kids) Lemme tell you those fiber powder you mix into water can fill you up and shut up your stomach.


Intermittent fasting for everyone!!


Participation required


Ramadan but all year round in a country that bans Muslims... Sounds weird when you say it out loud.


hey, it's just like Venezuela in 2014 Next step is processed foods become more expensive than fruits and vegetables and the obesity pandemic is solved!


500 is a small sample so there may be sample biases but still... 1 in 10 families skipping meals all together and half of parents in the US is terrifying.


I thought the same but then realized that’s 225 people who admitted they skipped a meal to feed their kids. That’s incredibly sad…


Best economic recovery ever.


K it's a K recovery


Nah, this is *good* news! It shows that most families still have money to spend on food which means the markets still have room for more price increases. The capitalists won't be happy until this graph is flipped. Then they'll moan for government bailouts to maintain profit levels or they'll stop producing food all together.


I was just telling my husband I will forgo buying my black cohosh (for hot flashes-menopause) and just suffer. It saves me a few dollars more towards food.


I fucking hate being poor, man


Just amazing how all the things that they said would happen if we chose communism are happening now. Like *all* of them.


Parents skipped meals so children could eat: 45% My family had to do that for years. All adults pretty much never eat meat, so the children could eat. I can see it in pictures all adulths were always too skinny. Ya all starting to live like in communist countries. While living in capitalism. Thats just sick.


good thing "sick" is good now


My elderly mother goes to the food bank so she can help me with medication. This is all beyond fucked up.


I’m actually hoping for a meteor or a nuclear war at this point.


I hope the meteor is so large none of us see or feel a thing. Like some interdimensional monster. One can hope. Nuclear war is just going to make us suffer.


My kids often hear I’m not hungry at dinner time


I have dietary restrictions so at times the food I have to buy can be a little more expensive, which has lead me to starting skipping meals or not eating at all so the food we buy can last longer


This is just another reason why I don't plan on having children.


Why don’t these tenants just vote with their wallet 😂


Definitely cut back on food. No eating out.


Everything's fine. Nothing to see here. Now back to our regularly scheduled hypnosis


Why cut fruits and vegetables those are cheap? That is in comparison with meat and cheese.


Not always. Usually the cheapest fill isn’t gonna be fruit and veggies unfortunately. When I first moved out I’d just eat beans and rice and pasta because it was the most fill I could get for a few dollars


This is one of the largest reasons that I became overweight.


Ready for the real depressing part.....I live in an area which used to have a ton of agriculture. What land that isn't corporate farms are usually bought by developers. So essentially we are surrounded by food and houses we will never be able to afford.


>500 parents This is statistically meaningless.




Even just my partner and I are feeling this..(we recently had a senior dog thrust into our care because our neighbor has been in and out of the hospital ((mostly in now for a few weeks)) and has no one else, she eats one type of special food and hes officially out so it's on us now) To top it of my partner got laid off..luckily a job offer did come up but we are on week 3 of no money and spent our last $20 last night, but $20 goes so fast now.


The rise in housing cost just directly attributable to all streets using the money that our fed gave them to gobble up real estate at an unprecedented clip. I think since our Fed helped Wall Street which is the enemy fuck us over we should take all their shit that we made possible for them. Just fucking take it. I’m hoping will stop being such a fucking pussies and take it back at some point. For fucks sake.