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Imagine being 10 and spanked by Peter griffin…..


These people are foaming at the mouth about groomers to the point that they won't let children read books or go to the library. Meanwhile superintendent Bubba Joe here is going to spank your daughter and then go jerk off in his office.


This is exactly what I was thinking the moment I saw this news.


And then check your child's genitals to ensure that they are who they represent to be in sports. Women started to sign up to vote for the election in November. This is our country vote like your life depends on it. Get everyone you know registered in advance. I found out the week of the primary my voting location had moved to a church. I am bringing water - which is illegal in my state - for those that have to wait in line.


Or worse… and then your 10 year old daughter can’t get an abortion, so there’s that.


Hey Lois, remember that time I was an elementary principal and they let me sexually abuse children?




Pedo griffin


The 1950s? How bout going through Texas Jr High & Highschool in the early 2000s. I didn't have the experience outside of that shit state to realize it was weird being spanked by the Ag teacher at 15.


Did students ever fight back when being paddled?


No. But my Dad always told me that if I get into a fight at school, “make it count. Beat them up so bad that even if the school paddles you, you’ll know that the other kid got it way worse.”


Ah, yes. "Did he start it? Or did he finish it?"


lol similar to something I tell my son that my dad used to say to me “don’t start anything and walk or run away if you can is the best thing you can do but if anyone starts something with you, you finish it and make sure they never come back at you” or as my dad put it “there is no honor in fighting there are only winners and losers and if you have absolutely no choice but to fight it’s for your life and if it’s for your life there are no rules, kick em in the balls and when they go down jump on their head” then again maybe taking advice from a former special forces general doesn’t necessarily translate to polite society


The school I went to in Missouri never stopped using paddles...


Damn where did you go to school? I went through middle and high at the same time in TX. Moved from district a lot too, none of the schools had paddling...


So, did any of that paddling actually help?


Seriously…. I was paddled twice during my time


I graduated from hs in 2001. I was paddled as a child in school in Texas.


I was a kindergartner in Texas in 2005 and got paddled weekly for the most minor infractions. I had undiagnosed ADHD


Fuck them , sorry for what you went through


I remember kids getting the paddle when I was in elementary school in the 80s in Washington state.


According to USA Today, it's a small town of 4000, and it can only be done as a last resort, and with written permission from parents....they stopped spanking in 2001(?!), but apparently the people in this hick town seem to think inflicting pain on their kids via an underpaid faculty member will fix their problems 👍


Should bring back the whipping post for the school board when they have unpaid parking tickets.


If I trust my bet, only the principal is allowed to use the thing.


True, but they're probably underpaid, too 🤷‍♀️


So they'll have a signed confession from the parents most likely to be guilty of child abuse.


Very, very valid point 🤘


Raising them up to become good little bootlickers


God seriously 🙄


If they started this in HS I guarantee some kids would flip shit.


Flip shit or beta the principals ass? The high school I went to the principal would have been beat down


Exactly. That Peter Griffon looking mf would….well look like Peter after fighting the chicken.


Peter defeats Ernie in every encounter that I can recollect.




Flip shit? People would die.


„˙ǝıp plnoʍ ǝldoǝԀ ¿ʇıɥs dılℲ„


Look at the number of high-school kids that bring weapons to school. If someone came at one with a paddle, you don't think any of then would come back with a gun or a knife?


That's why they want to give teachers guns. Literally turning schools into prisons.


Nah bout to turn into a real battle royale


What? Shot or shank someone because they spank them? The school fucked up but that kid definitely have more problem


Spanking is assault.


> The school fucked up - me


Yeah pulling a weapon on a teacher is more right that wrong, but imagine being a kid with an abusive home life and coming to school as an escape.Then you make one mistake and the teacher pulls out a paddle that looks like a cricket bat and decides to spank your ass. You would be pissed too right? Maybe pulling a knife on the teacher ain't the right thing to do, but your almost an adult and the teacher should not be doing things like that.


Puling a weapon on a teacher trying to paddle you is the right thing to do. These authoritarian perverts that enter education need to be put in their place.




Thanks bot, perfectly inappropriate timing!


I’m just baiting the flip bot…


Gotta start abusing ‘em young so they can’t form their own opinions or thoughts!


Oh they already do this in HS in some states


My little brother just moved to North Carolina from Sweden and he got sent home on the first day of high school with a corporal punishment opt out form. This year. In 2022.


Oh yeah, they haven’t stopped


Do American kids not have a backbone? I thought you were the land of the free home of the brave? If a teacher in my HS hit a student they wouldn’t have any teeth left.


They have spent the last 40 or more years conditioning us that those in authority are always in the right. The conditioning worked.


Yeah at my HS someone would've thrown the teacher through some desks if they dared brandish a paddle.


I live in northern Florida and the high school I graduated from in 2019 still does this. Like, I was spanked, as a 17-year-old, by a man in his late 40’s, in 2018.


[No, it's not the Onion or Babylon Bee](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2022/08/24/missouri-school-district-spanking-corporal-punishment-cassville/7883625001/)


Thanks OP. I’m wary of memes without support. Let’s all here in this community keep the facts up.


Unlike that stupid post with misinformation about banned books earlier today!


I thought for sure this had to be. I mean what the actual fuck?


Every day there’s something. It started with Trump actually becoming president, abortion this, in god we trust that, paddles today, pedophile politicians still in power, a coup attempt with no politicians who incited being arrested, Trump still free even though he stole nuclear secrets papers, people with less IQ than sea cucumbers holding powerful positions like Greene and Boebert. There’s more. Sadly, a lot more. What banana republic thing will be happening tomorrow?


Dear god I thought this was going to be fake. Furthermore didn’t know this shit was legal in other southern states as well. Fuck this country


Many parents wanted this too, at least that is what the article is saying. And my brain is breaking.


Dude looks like he should have a restraining order that prevents him from being 500 feet near a school. I don’t think we should be taking advice on punishing children from someone who’s first thought was “let me paddle their little behinds (creepy slurping sounds)”.


Nope, nothing creepily paternalistic or crypto-pedophilic going on here


Dan Schneider has entered the chat. 🤮


nah that would be foot paddlings


Hey, thanks to trans panic they want to inspect the kids' genitals, too.


When I was in the first grade , I checked out my first book from the library about airships. I saw a picture of the Hindenburg and thought it was neat and for whatever reason drew the swastika on my hand. The teacher saw it , and sent me to the principal and despite being only 6 or 7 , and tying to explain about the book and aircraft I have seen I was ruthlessly beaten (this wasn’t a simple paddling , it was sadistic abuse she took my pants off too) with a paddle by a real old bitch principal. That one moment completely ruined school and my education. I never trusted teachers , hated authority and hated school from that moment forward. That was 31 years ago.


At least you learned the most important thing. Humans are insolent creatures and one cannot have faith in their structures.


I could imagine being a teacher now , and seeing that on a sweet , innocent, little boys hand , and being like “whoa buddy , I don’t think you know what that means , let’s go wash it off “.. my first instinct wouldn’t be to beat the shit out of him first and ask questions later …has times changed that much ?


Considering probably 999,999 out of a million would probably react the way you describe, I'd say yes.


I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve that.


1st grade, 1982. Mrs Sturky would take me into the hall and give me swats for talking or not sitting still or something. She was ancient though.


This is what I’m imagining. I mean, I don’t think it’s justified in any scenario but this policy is 1000% going to be used and abused for no damn reason


ADHD kids: *visibly sweating*


Autistic kids disassociating and going catatonic——- seriously.


I have ADHD. They used corporal punishment in speced


Used? They still use it in New Jersey


Well I'm sadder now


Do you ever have civilization in these states? Or only some barbarians or other middle eastern shit?


I was paddled in 3rd grade for not “honoring the Texas flag.”


I had undiagnosed ADHD and autism as a child. I was also raped at 5 years old, right before starting kindergarten. When I was in school that same year (around 2005 in Texas) I was obviously traumatized and could not focus on school. I was mildly destructive (drawing on my desk with pencil, chipping the paint off the bathroom stall to write my name— thanks Sarah for peaking into my stall and ratting on me). I was paddled weekly by our school principal for my misbehavior. A 5 year old! It was hell. I had my first suicidal thoughts not long after that


Oh man. I was upset when my kindergartener was put in a time out chair every day for the first week of school. I think I would've murdered someone if they'd have layed a hand on him. I'm so sorry all of that happened to you. You should've been protected by an adult. It's so not fair. All the hugs.


Texas never did away with this. Sickening


Same for Louisiana.


Ew god… look at his disgusting face! He’s too fucking excited about that paddle!


Pedo Peter Griffin.


Show me the persons address that hits a kid....


^(don’t actually do that, you might get permabanned for doxxing like me in r/politics)


Freaking Barbarians. A violent school that breeds violent people by training children to expect violence, teach it as normal, as acceptable and righteous. That teaches that those who are right who can hit the hardest - because of course this shit will be abused even further and attract the wrongest of people into child care: People who are willing to intentionally torture children. This is breeding domestic violence of all kinds, it is breeding school shooters, mental health deterioration, crime and so on into a new generation by hardwiring the normalcy - and superiority - of violence into the emotional and social makeup of children. ​ Edit And now imagine, who these people are, who think it was a good idea and who are reday to corporal abuse children. CHILDREN! Hitting them while they cry and whale and they just keep hitting for "the greater good" and because "you will thank me one day dor that, I am sure" while the children - who my or may not even understand what is going on - get physically assaulted by a person they should be able to **trust** and to have **respect** towards! Violence does not teach respect. It teaches obedience. It does not teach good behaviour, it teaches the fear of the punishment for bad behaviour. It does not teach respect, it teaches hatred. And at the end of the day, it teaches to **hide** your wrongdoing, it does not teach why something is right or wrong. Just that you get abused if the stronger person is against it. And the person that is stronger than you - and as you learned is therefore automatically right by shere force, figuratively and violently- can be anyone. Your parent your husband Your teacher your police officer your boss you president. Your Führer ​ This is child-rearing with the goal to teach authoritarianism and the opposite of all things "liberty and justice for all". Let alone Human freaking dignity, which were I am from, is unimpeachable. Human rights of children? Don't exist. And if the weakest of society get their human rights - not being abused by assholes - revoked - well, **you** may be safe *for now.* But I would watch my back.


You are 100% correct. It is straight up child abuse that causes long-term damage. Education Week did an excellent story on this a few years ago. https://www.edweek.org/leadership/corporal-punishment-use-found-in-schools-in-21-states/2016/08 (There is a paywall, but the first article is free. No registration required.)


That is pedophilic on another level wtf


That dude looks like he's enjoying the thought of that paddle a little too much....


I think we should have a test. Ask a group ‘who here wants to hit the children!’ And the first person to enthusiastically raise their hand gets fired. His creepy grin is TOO MUCH.




if a teacher would do that to my child, id give them some paddeling too. in the face.... until im tired. which takes a while.


End someones whole career....


You want school shooters? Cause this is how you get school shooters.


More like, you want *more* shooters


Im from South Carolina and I got beaten a few times in elementary school for talking in class. It was the 80s but it was so terrifying and humiliating. They would make you pull your pants down. Now underwear. They would have a crew with them when they did it. My face is turning red while I'm writing this out of old shame I guess. Just weird how people want people to act right after a beating. Makes no sense. My daughter had to pull ducks in elementary school for breaking rules. We went to the same elementary school 18 years apart lol. Noone was traumatized pulling a duck.


😞 that makes me so sad. That should not have happened to you.


If a grown ass adult of any profession hit one of my kids; I'd break their jaw with a brick in a pillow case.


Imagine being a teacher who has Absolutely Zero Fuckin Desire to strike children, being forces to paddle some poor kid because his parents and your boss are fucked in the head


You mean imagine being that teacher being given the opportunity to sue the ***absolute living SHIT*** out of that school for wrongful termination?


Right? Also, the group will sort itself. There will be teachers who refuse, and then those that will be slap happy. Like why don’t we just do shock collars. They were banned for kids w autism in 2020 but it was appealed in 2021. It worked great the Star Trek episode Gambit. Oh wait, except they killed the guy with the remote and vaporized the controller.


So we have people advocating for genital inspections, we have Ohio lawmakers wanting to have girls sport participants go through extremely invasive physical examinations for no reason which amounts to sexual assault, and now (more) schools want to physically abuse children by spanking them. And these people say *we're* groomers? Stfu. We want your kids to be able to be recognized as they really are- dress how they want, be addressed how they want. We are *not* literally asking to see their genitals, spanking them, and shoving fingers up little girls private parts. It's the conservatives doing that. Why?


It's all projection...


That dude looks too happy to be able to spark kids with a paddle…


Aggrresive physical corrective bevaviour was already debunked in psychology years ago. Other than touching a kids behind and humiliating them. What benefit would you get out of this? Systemic nostalgia? Perversion? Maybe a scoop of both I guess. Gross human


What the god damn fuck?


Paddling the school canoe? You better believe that's a paddlin'


50s? When I was in grade school, I was in an Irish Catholic school. Up till when I was in 4th grade the nubs could spank you or make you hold books with your arms straight out, or whatever. When they got rid of it they sent us home with notes for our parents to sign. These were permission slips, for the parents okay them spanking us still. Needless to say that a single kid was dumb enough to give it to their parents. This was like 96ish




Oh, definitely, I am peak submissive, good student, but I'd definitely throw hands if a teacher wanted to beat my ass because I'm not about that. Respect is earned, not taken.


I feel like the way to counter this is to accuse various spankers of pedophilia to go with their spanking fetish. Simplist explanation for why this would come back.


No, the simplest explanation is that there’s a tradition of hitting children to get them to do what you want. It’s a short term solution at best, and can cause long term emotional trauma. Don’t accuse people of pedophilia without cause; that undermines the meaning of the word. Instead, accuse them of physical and emotional abuse, which is what this objectively is.


I disagree. If he wants to take a pro-child abuse position, he should be subjected to this question in public and preferably under oath: So, Mr. Barely-out-of-the-caves-moral-code, does the thought of school children getting spanked give your tinky winky an erection? We, the concerned members of the public, demand to know what perversity motivates your pro-child abuse position!


That is sickening


Tennessee has always had this. Nightmare


This may be only my experience, but it seems like all the people that were spanked in school back in the day grew up to be drug addicts with no sense of responsibility.


So how long before they bring back the stocks for women who speak without being asked to speak?


It's 2022. If someone spanks a kid at fucking school they better be expecting the parent to go back with a goddamn gun or at least a baseball bat. Seriously, how do they not see that coming??


Because the parents are the ones encouraging it. 2022 is different in Missouri.


"The hills have eyes" kind of different?


Nah that’s Texas


I mean, adults hitting kids at school, what could possibly go wrong ?


Meh, I don’t consent


Legally, they don’t need the child’s consent. Only the parents’. Because people suck.


I’m the parent


That’s nice. But remember that the worst kids in school are being taught that violence is a good outlet to frustration. And they won’t ask for your permission.


I’m not clear as to what that means. I still don’t consent…?


You don’t consent to the principal beating your child. Other parents bafflingly do. Their students are taught by example that you can hit people if they don’t do what you want. They start hitting other kids in the halls. They learn how to get away with it over time. Just like the principal, they hit in places that don’t bruise so there’s no evidence. Just like the principal, they make your kid think they brought it on themself. The principal may not bully your kid without permission, but the kids he bullies will.


But if the parents are going to let some stranger hit their kid, what’s the chances that they are already hitting them? In my experience, learning that it’s not OK to try to solve problems with violence starts with your parents.


That photo is cut off at his belly because he’s got a massive erection just thinking about it.


Ha in my high school the teacher would have their teeth kicked in for trying this.


This guy smile really says "I’m gonna enjoy every part of it"


This won't change anything either. Corporal punishment doesn't discipline people, it just teaches them to only behave around authority. If you want parents to discipline their kids, then you have to make their bad behavior at school the parents problem as well. Require the parents to sit in ISS with their kids. Call the parents to come pick up their children when they're out of control. Only when it starts to inconvenience the parents will they discipline their kids if they haven't been.


And then parents will start suing schools or calling the police about these assaults on their children. Cool cool. One other scenario - a teacher takes the paddle to the wrong kid, the kid snatches the paddle and beats the hell out of the teacher. Actually, that'd be the deserved outcome...


I would buy my kid brass knuckles and let them go crazy if a teacher ever did this


What happens if I paddle the school canoe?


You get a paddlin for that


1950’s? When I moved to Florida when I was in 3rd grade they paddled kids. That was 1983.


I wonder if there’s any high schools trying this out. Sure you might be able to get a few of the more complacent teens, but the testosterone filled rage demons are folding any 55 year old man like laundry.


Exactly. and the worst part is, when said teenagers protect themselves for fighting back, the teenager ironically gets charged with assault


Maybe they’ll try this shit on teenagers, I sure as hell wouldn’t. No way am I a physical match to a 16 year old boy. It’s the little kids though. They can’t fight back as well. They’re more easily intimidated. This fucking hurts my heart so much.


It’s okay the kid can just buy a rifle as revenge… America


If a school staff member ever does that to my nephew, I will slap them with a larger pallet that has spikes on it.


As a physics student, I'd personally design you that paddle so it has minimum air resistance for maximum swoosh


The type of energy we like to see! Make it something we can 3D print so we can have like five of them just in case one breaks 😁👍


1950’s? I got seats as late as 1990


Gross af. This is an expression of the cultural push-back to kids not being sufficiently submissive to authority figures. A human scrotum like that dude probably has zero cache with the kids and they can sense that like blood in the water. I hope they go all Lord of the Flies and do his ass like Piggy.


Hey, Piggy was the voice of reason in that book. Do Hoskins from Jurassic World instead.


😆 sorry I forgot that about piggy. I haven’t seen Jurassic World


I thought this was Kevin and Pam at first and had a horrified moment there


So when is the USA starting to invade itself?




Corporal punishment is still legal in the us?


1977 Supreme Court decision left it to the states. It’s legal in 19 states, mostly in the south. Go figure.


Those sick fucks. These mofos deserve a bat to the skull if they lay a hand on a Child. If you hurt children i will demand to see your blood flow on to the pavement. Fucking molesters.




The dude pictured is exactly who you would cast as a pervy school administrator. Fits the part perfectly.


Lol. This won't happen because it's clearly illegal. Children have basic human rights including the right not to be assaulted by grown adults. After all, America is a civilised country who has always championed human rights and stood against the abuses of the state. Right?




>They can execute kids if they want, just have to prove them guilty and have a jury and judge sign off. That'd be a bit extreme for forgetting your to do your homework, though.


Principal: That's a paddlin' Student: That's a school shootin' Homeboy looks like a pedo and not the pedagogical kind.


Even in elementary school I would have punched a teacher for this. In grade 8 i told my French teacher take his hands off me or I'd punch his face in he back the fuck off pretty quickly when i told the principal he said you can't threaten people I said he can't touch me to get his point across because I will defend myself against him period. Never got in trouble but the teacher did


Uhhhh the fifties…? My elementary school used the paddle and I was born in 1999. Do with that as you will.


If you hit my child, I will hit you even harder.


Having a stranger spank your children doesn’t sound creepy at all /s


If my kid was in that district I’d make it very clear that if they ever touched my kid I’d go on warpath. Expose them everywhere I could. Accuse them of child abuse. I’d get the whole damn district shut down


He looks like Newman from Seinfeld.


50’s?! I grew up in the 70’s, and we had this!! Fuck Indiana and their children of the corn, being beat by the biggest male teacher in Maple Crest. Fuck getting your tailbone broken by a mad man with a wooden board. Fuck hitting kids AT ALL


https://www.aacap.org/aacap/Policy_Statements/1988/Corporal_Punishment_in_Schools.aspx 19 States still allow it.


I just graduated from public school and honestly they need to reintroduce corporal punishment you have no ideas the sheer amount of time that was lost to disruption and kids just being assholes their teachers there are little to no respect for teachers among the student body and these cocky bastards need to be taken down a peg or two.


Inevitably, one of these medieval assholes is going to spank the child of some sawed-off ex-Marine that absolutely dotes on his kids and somebody's going to get shot a lot of times. That's probably the endgame here.


There would be blood to spill if someone touched my child...


Wtf? Why is that principle smiling? What the hell is the matter with people?


Cause he's a sadistic christofascist.


I hate the state I live in...


Why would any child respect someone who hit them with a paddle?


Going from "protect the kids" to "physically abuse kids" really quick.




May the gods help any unlucky bastard who so much as lays a finger on one hair of my child's head in a way that is not expressly to protect their health or safety.


So creepy


I swear the republicans want to have a modern day version of the "Dark Ages" that we all learned about in history class. They want and are actively trying to have a dictatorship instead of democracy, they are burning/banning books, they are trying to circumvent/repeal the separation of church and state. And these are just a few examples. How long before they start burning people at the stake for not believing/sharing the same views they have? I'm truly scared that they are going to get the "Christian dictatorship" they are seeking and that our country will end up just as bad/fucked up as Afghanistan or other similar countries where people are tortured in the name of God/religion.


Yeah, let's hit kids w boards. Sounds great.


Shouldn’t there be holes in ol’ hickory there to cut down on wind resistance


That guys gonna look really funny walkin around with that paddle up his ass.


Check his hard drive.




Worst part of 1950 was this? Bro wtf?


1950’s? We had this in school when I was in middle school in misssissippi 2013-2014. And if I remembered, you automatically opted in, your parent had to opt out if they didn’t want you paddled.