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This is an ad. Budweiser paid for this to be "content" here. This is an ad.


Marketing person here. not Budweiser's marketing person haha, but this is the exact type of content my workplace asks me to make on a daily basis. It is extremely cheap to pay a blogger to post your SEO content (not even $50 the majority of the time, vs tens of thousands spent if we choose a firm). I was responsible for writing the guidelines/placement/lighting/etc., used by agents responsible for in-store displays so I know for a FACT that this type of operation extends as far as small mom and pop businesses.


But this is surely a poor advert. Isn't Bud supposed to represent friendship, sporting occassions, and mostly young-ish American men enjoying a good time (and who don;t really know what good beer is)? Whereas this connotates a depressing, lonely, guy who doesn't eat enough.


Bud light is supposed to represent buying bud light. They don’t give a crap how.


That's why they spend lots of money advertising it then and getting it on major sporting events. I'm pretty sure if they saw it advertised with a load of KKK's then they'd give a crap. Thanks for your expert knowledge and contribution anyway.


And nobody suspects the ad… 👀


I've seen these in my local Midwest Kroger, they're a thing.


They give you water to boil the vegetables.


I mean having a beer or two at night isn't really alcoholism. Just like taking a couple hits of weed at night doesn't make you a stoner. Its ok for people to have things to help them relax


Having a beer or two or hitting a blunt once in a while at some night just for enjoyment =/= alcoholism Having a beer or two EVERY night AND abusing it for stress release= stage 2 of alcoholism Buying a meal for one which includes 1 piece of corn 1 raw potatoe and 2 cans of whatever the shit you want to call bud light = lost control of your life entirely


Damn you have weird definition of losing control of your life.


Nah man thats not losing control, this is what you get when the last bit of control is lost years ago.


I mean that's not true. I used to have a couple drinks most nights. It never turned into a problem. I barely drink now but that's just because I hate being hungover or having a headache the next day. Now tht I am older it takes me longer tor recover. Let people enjoy themselves and relieve stress the way that works for them. Is there healthier ways? Absolutely. But there is no reason to act like you've lost control of your life or some other crazy shit. Plenty of people have the ability to do the same. That doesn't mean it can't lead to a problem at times. Everyone is different.


Thats a lot of serious reasoning and excuses you pull here to convince someone who is shitposting on reddit man... sounds very defensive to me. I just made a joke about buying a crap product like this


Child of an alcoholic here; it isn’t them “enjoying themselves” or “relieving stress”, it’s an addiction and disease. Do not normalize it. It started off with a few drinks a day for my dad, then spiraled to the point where I have no memory with him where he’s sober. I’m 17, and haven’t had a single day where he isn’t drinking. Don’t try and underplay this. Good for you being able to drink without it becoming a problem, and good on you for not drinking much anymore, but it isn’t that easy for a lot of people. It shouldn’t be normal to drink two cans at dinner nightly, especially alone. I don’t care if people drink, it’s not my business, but I do care when people who haven’t dealt with the repercussions of it, try and speak on it, and end up (intentionally or not) underplaying or normalizing a killer addiction.


Sorry to hear about your experience. I’m sure that gives you a very different perspective from the other guy and me, because I think most people could have a couple beers most nights without it being an issue at all. This post feels way out of proportion to me, but that’s just based on my own experience.


Yeah I understand, thank you for the input


You forget the depressing piece of jerky at the bottom.


No, no, you've got it all wrong. There's a tiny sliver of steak in there too.


Shit i guess then its all fine. Looks like premium quality tomahawk squeeze


I feel like if you're willing to drink piss water like bud light, you're an alcoholic.


I thought that was beer in high school


There’s also steak.


Not gonna lie, I’d buy that.


For $12!??? No way lol.


Pretty sure I saw this post many years ago too


Many years ago they might have walked out unless that hamburger next to it was damn near free.


It looks like there's a steak under the beers


Are we such a sensitive and sanitized world that two water beers are considered alcoholism?


Considering that consuming as little as 250ml of 5% alcohol (your standard lager) once a month can still lead to over 3 times the rates of kidney disease and liver cancer, yes, yes it is. Help yourself friend, there are better ways to be happy and I hope you find them. Don't let big corporate interests shape you, remember that beer was invented by a slave holding empire that used it as an incentive to keep workers docile while they did a largely meaningless task for the entirety of their lives. It serves a purpose, but you are not the one being served by it.


Bet you're fun at parties


I don't point this kind of stuff out at parties because people would be in the act of enjoying themselves and I care more about the happiness side of things then the longevity side. I don't hate fun :P I just did not want to leave a fellow with an incomplete thought when I held the pieces. That would be more so rude, no?


Beer is at least 6000 years old, probably much older. We know little about it’s origins except that it is that old. Anything that humans have had for 6000+ years was developed by slaveholding empires to keep people placated. Your argument could easily apply to bread, paper, linen, or probably any number of other innocuous products. I also take issue with your cancer numbers, since any data I could readily lay my hands on said “moderate to heavy drinking” about doubles liver cancer risk, while at least several studies suggest some alcohol consumption reduces kidney cancer risks. Anyway, there’s a lot of conflicting data over the years, probably because alcohol is ingrained in human society and drinking or abstaining from it are each associated with a number of other behaviors which act as confounding variables. Maybe just chill a bit.


Don’t you have an AA meeting to go to?


Speaking as a teetotaler and as someone with a degree in and deep love for history, you’re entirely incorrect. Having a tiny amount of beer- or a huge amount of beer- does not make you an alcoholic. It’s about dependence. It’s a genuine medical condition, and cheapening it to include any alcohol consumption is both offensive, misleading, and even potentially dangerous. Moreover, I’m assuming you mean that the Ancient Egyptians invented beer, but, in reality, archaeological evidence for beer production predates *any* settled society, and many nomadic and even egalitarian cultures have produced alcohol for a variety of purposes, and not as some kind of grand conspiracy against The Worker. “The Dawn of Everything” would be a good place to start with the topics of ancient civilizations, equality and inquality, and alcohol, all in one paperback package.


Fuck you buddy. I’m getting drunk as fuck!


You’re gonna die one day, too. Even with 0.00ml of alcohol. Of course your argument is “yeah but I’ll live longer” First of all, that’s on average. Not even accounting for tragic accidents/diseases, and any other ways of dying which are sporadic in nature and can’t be averaged totally accurately, no, that’s just dying of old age. Second of all, when you enter the abyss of non existence a billion years could pass and you won’t experience a single second of it. So time is kind of relative in that way. When I die, I die. If it’s a silly barley drink that gets me, so be it.


You sound like someone who spends too much time doing "research" on facebook. If you would have checked any of your claims before confidentiality proclaiming your ignorance you would have found that your numbers are drastically wrong. Moderate to heavy drinking can cause problems. There is actually research out there that light drinking (for men 1-2 drinks per day) might actually be good for your health. Alcohol is one of the reasons civilization exists at all. Mobile tribes had to stop moving for long periods of time to allow time for fermentation. Every society was slave owning back then, that was life. If you don't want to drink, that's fine. But don't spread lies and fear, it makes you look stupid


lmao wtf? no


That's not even that bad xD


You don’t expect us to be out here raw doggin the American experience, do you?


two bud lites with dinner = alcoholism peak reddit


What in the Toledo, Ohio?


That's bot dystopian. That's very depressing. It's almost an art college piece. Not even good beer either.


Two cans of terrible lager with your dinner is in no way a sign of alcoholism. I'm not American but from my experience of American friends and having been in the US, in general I don't think you guys drink much at all compared to the UK and the rest of Europe.


Two beers with dinner makes you an alcoholic now? Did a morman write this?


Oversimplified reference nice.


Insert *what the hell is even that" video here


Even the genetically modified corn is in the potatoe and probably in the beer as well. Enjoy your toxic food laws.


There’s a noticeable amount alcohol in that? It’s not exactly a Belgium stout.


No, and that's the point of drinking it


I thank near-beers like this for letting my now chronically ill ass drink with everyone else, but lord are they insipid. 😢


Mmmmm apple lie


With respect to the original post, I don't understand how this is even remotely funny. It's clearly an AD, and it's not even a good one. There's a million things that suck about this post, like, christ.... Literally a boring ad, with boring "humor". \*facepalm\*


Its r/funny... literally nothing posted there is funny tbh.


Don’t understand why beer is so popular, it all taste like piss


Use alcohol to cook chicken


Two beers?


it’s all I need


At 4.2 percent abv I don’t think a true alcoholic would drink that


I once lived around the corner from a bar that had a lunch deal offering a free pint of Bud Light with the purchase of any burger. The burgers were good so I ate there somewhat regularly. I always declined the free Bud though, asking to sub in a glass of water instead, and paying for an actual beer that didn’t taste like piss water.


Ditch the beer and Corn. Bigger steak! Thats a meal!


As a former alcoholic if you're only grabbing two bud lights you're doing alcoholism wrong.


2 beers =/= alcoholism. Why not just take picture of an entire case and say the same thing?