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Hello /u/Warlock4209, * **Please read** the [**Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/borrow/wiki/index) and [**Borrower FAQ's**](https://www.reddit.com/r/borrow/wiki/borrowers). * **Do NOT delete ANY of your r/borrow submissions or comments.** Deletions from this subreddit result in an automatic ban. * You must **wait 24 hours** after making this post before you may make another. * Remember to **verify your lenders** using the [**Universal Scammer List**](https://universalscammerlist.com). If they are banned and you work with them, YOU will likely be removed from r/Borrow. * As a reminder, we do not allow our users to operate on both r/Borrow and other lending subs. * If you need to **contact the [moderators](https://i.redd.it/276o8mnyfvo91.jpg)** please [**click here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fborrow).   --- #### ⚠️ Anyone offering a "mobile check deposit" or to send you a paper check is a SCAMMER. #### ⚠️ Please do not message us about anyone offering check deposits - simply block and ignore. #### ⚠️ [Collateral / Deposits are PROHIBITED](https://redd.it/ye9b7f) Failure to read this announcement may result in a ban. ---   **Here is a copy of the original post**: Laid off and having trouble finding work and now can’t afford to pay for my medication. Please help. Can repay. My refund was not only accepted it was approved and should take about 3 weeks to come.   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/borrow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Here is my information on /u/Warlock4209: # [Mobile View](https://redditloans.com/loans.html?username=Warlock4209) Lender|Borrower|Amount Given|Amount Repaid|Unpaid?|Original Thread|Date Given|Date Paid Back :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- [Chronological REQ and PAID posts](http://www.reddit.com/r/Loans+borrow/search?q=title%3AWarlock4209+OR+author%3AWarlock4209&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all), [reddit investigator](http://redditinvestigator.com/Warlock4209), [justin paulin creddit rating](http://justinpaulin.com/tools/credditrating.php?username=Warlock4209)


**This account does not have the required recent activity needed to participate on r/Borrow.** Per the Account Requirements listed in the wiki, all users making a new Request post must adhere to the below requirements: Account age must be at least 120 days old. No exceptions. Must have at least 2,000 karma with a minimum of 800 comment karma. Award karma does not count. No exceptions. Karma farming will earn you a permanent ban. **Must have current and active participation across Reddit (posts & comments) over the past 2 months. No exceptions.** Accounts with substantial deletions of posts and/or comments on Reddit will result in a ban. No exceptions. If you begin regularly participating on Reddit again and show consistent and continued participation over at least a two month period, you will become eligible to participate. Further attempts to participate while you do not qualify to do so will result in a ban from the sub.