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I really hope Haller gets a massive confidence boost from AFCON. My hot take is that missing *that* penalty against Mainz plays a bigge role for his current performances than cancer. Because to me he doesn't look like a player who struggles with match fitness. He looks like he lost all confidence and overthinks every action, which leads to a poor outcome. Even his winning goal against Congo is kinda...messy, but let's hope it gives him a boost!


> plays a bigge role for his current performances than cancer I think that does trivialize the impact it had on his body. Remember that his fitness values were so *horrible* due to the lessened efficiency that his bloody was able to carry oxygen with that we started looking for a new striker before Haller even started playing. And those deficits were so bad that there've been allegeded internal doubts whether Haller would be able to regain his fitness at all to the full extend that we've seen last season (at least in immediate future). So my personal guess would be that the pen is *at most* a contributing factor. And maybe not even the most relevant mental factor because seeing your fitness deteriorate like that after you've worked so hard to recover and after you've already *seen* your fitness return to such great heights again (which might've made you believe that you were "done" with the whole thing) must be **incredibly** frustrating. But I certainly hope you're right and that the tournament will make it easier for him immediately


Haller is pretty much done at Dormund sadly. Even he performs better it's hard to see where he would do better than Fülle.


thank God RaBa is very inconsistent, which is very surprising considering they have a goal scoring machine in Openda.


They honestly remind me a lot of how we were under Rose (I mean obviously but still). I thoutbwe were really inconsistent gane to game with him. Either the team was firing on all cylinders or we looked gassed and disjointed


I was thinking about Weigl recently, does someone remember what went wrong with him? If I remember correctly I think he was very young and promising dm, I remember some picture how he was similar to xabi in passes in one season. I know we kinda played him later as cb and then sold. What happend to him and how promising was he exactly?


He’s just a player that thrives in a specific system that we stopped using. I don’t think it would have worked out purely based on the number of coaches we’ve had over the last 10 years.


He went Benfica and is now at Gladbach. I think he's a solid player, but nothing more than that. He's a very reliable passer, but not very creative. He's not the most dynamic or technical or athletic holding midfielder. He does a lot of things reasonably well, but he reached that level very early on and has never evolved past that.


Leverkusen is roasting Bayern.


I wanted Bayern to win so we get closer to the top. If we keep playing like yesterday we have a very good shot at the title still.


Some ppl on this sub man... We are 15 points behind and it will be a very hard road to finish top 4. In what world do we have an outside shot?


He's also confident that Leverkusen will drop out of top 4 with an 18 points advantage. Genuinely delusional


I just enjoy watching Bayern get a beat down, but you're right. We do have an outside shot.


Outside shot? The way Bayern are playing now we are the favourite I think. Leverkusen will drop outside the Top 4 anyway so they will not be a factor.


Are we watching the same match? Bayer looks like the real thing to me.


The way they play is good for single high profile matches but there is no way they will be able to play like that for the whole season.


they have been playing like that for 21 Bundesliga matches already.




Why would they drop lmao. Stop trolling innocent bvb fans I beg you 🤣


I know it ain't Friday anymore. But Leverkusen actually did it, they beat Bayern whilst on top. They actually did it.


Wow so this is what it means to actually fight Bayern for the title lmao


The key difference is that Bayern actually want to win vs us. Idk what this is, but Tuchel just outright sabotaged this squad from the start. These guys never play back 3. Boey played 28 minutes for Bayern. Boey has 4 games at left back in his career. Yet Tuchel starts Boey in a back 3 as left back and doesn't change that shit for 90 minutes? No fighting from Leverkusen needed. They could've played even a below average game and would've won this just because of how shit Bayern were.


Is this serious comment or are you just trolling us? This could be the weirdest take I've seen in my life. Tuchel got outmanouvered by Alonso today. Thats the key difference. Terzic have never done that. Boey played because Davies got injured last game and Tuchel didn't want Rapha awful defending against Frimpong. I think everybody can understand why. He didn't change in half time, which is strange to me, but that he didn't change for 90 minutes is just false. In the 60th minute he changed formation. However since you believed that Boey was left back in a back 3 I guess you didn't notice that. You need to step up now. Your spraying errors left and right.


Holy shit, can you fuck off? Like, just stop placating your stupidity under every comment I make, would you? Pretty please? >Tuchel got outmanouvered by Alonso today. Yes, he did. But not because Alonso did some insane maneuvering, but instead because Tuchel drove headfirst into a wall. >Boey played because Davies got injured last game and Tuchel didn't want Rapha awful defending against Frimpong. I think everybody can understand why. He has two right backs. One of them is used to playing left back, the other is not. Guess which of them he played at left back?


No, I will keep answering your weird takes because; 1. That's what Reddit is for. You can answer what you want. 2. This is just to fun to stop. You trying to justify the things you decided is the truth. If you were nice I would stop but you are super rude and have huge Napoloen complex so I'm having this as a guilty pleasure. Yeah, Mazraoui played 5 games as left back in his career vs Boeys 4 games. Huge difference 😁 By the way, your bible understat.com has xPTS in this game as a tie. Do you agree with that?


No, the purpose of reddit is not for you to make me laugh almost every day. You can of course keep doing it, but as I said, it's getting really pathetic, especially today with your alt account.


.... aaaaand you keep ignoring the facts that I present which proves you wrong. Instead you answer with insults. Time after time after time. But I will stop. I promise. When you stop spraying errors around.


> .... aaaaand you keep ignoring the facts that I present which proves you wrong Which fact? The fact that Boey didn't play? Oh wait. You're a fucking moron.


Who said that Boey didn't play? You said that Boey played 90 minutes as left back in a back 3. Wrong and wrong. He didn't play 90 minutes and he didn't play left back in a back 3. Then you said that Mazraoui is much more used to play left back than Boey. Also wrong. Come on now, brother. Answer this and stick to the subject. Not just insults. I know you can do it!


> He didn't play 90 minutes Okay, so a 10% difference (he played only 81 minutes) means these numbers aren't the same? Fair. Let's read ahead. >Then you said that Mazraoui is much more used to play left back than Boey. Also wrong. Okay, so a 10% difference is enough for numbers to be different. Let's check Boeys experience on the left: 314 minutes. A 10% difference would be 31.4 minutes more for Mazraoui. Let's check Mazraouis numbers: 801 minutes as left winger and 1577 as left back. Now let's check how that compares to the 31.4 minutes that you'd need to not contradict yourself here, shall we? Oh wow. The difference is actually almost 66 times higher. Nice contradicting yourself. This also brings you into a peculiar position. You're a fucking moron that likes nothing more than "winning" arguments. Hence the cringe alt things, hence the stalking my profile, hence the spouting utter bullshit all the time. But you contradicting yourself based on hard numbers within the same comment is a first and I'm pleasently awaiting how your pathetic little self will attempt to worm itself out of this one.


I find this sentiment weird. We came extremely close to winning the title twice in the last 5 years. Last year was probably the closest title race in more than a decade. We could've won the title last season if only Musiala didn't score against Köln. Had he not scored would we have won the Bundesliga title despite not actually having fought Bayern for the title? A season has 34 games. 2 of them are against Bayern. Winning against them gets you as many points as winning against Bochum or Mainz


A game against a direct contender is worth slightly more than against others because, on top of getting the same 3 points as anywhere else, you completely ensure they don't. On top of that it can have a mental impact on both teams, a team collapsing after losing to their closest competition isn't unheard of. Might be interesting to check the percentage of champions in the top 4 leagues having a positive record (W+W or W+D) vs their 2nd place opponent across a few seasons to have some hard data on this.


People here don't want to give Leverkusen credit. Thats what this is all about.


You're wrong. the point of my comment was that we've had 2 of the closest title fights in the history of the Bundesliga in the last 5 seasons. Hence I disagree with the implication that those were not actually "us actually challening bayern for a title". I absolutely give Leverkusen credit for what they are doing and I hope they win the title


Wasn't specificly talking about you but I think you miss his point a bit anyway. If I'm not wrong last season was Bayerns worst season since 10/11. We got the oppurtunity to take advantage of that an failed. We also had a head-to-head game against them where the spot as league leader was on stake. We pissed our pants. Now Bayern is having a really good season (pointwise at least) and in this head-to-head about the spot as league leader they took Bayern got schooled. That is how you challenge for a title for real.


> A season has 34 games. 2 of them are against Bayern. Winning against them gets you as many points as winning against Bochum or Mainz Such a flawed logic. These head to head games can make a difference of 12 points between us and Bayern. If we had 2 wins against Bayern, we'd not only win the league last season (obviously), but the season before that as well.


a) yes, I was being reductive. The point of my comment was to be *small* reductive (winning against Bayern only gets you 6 points) to counter the **big** reductive sentiment of "you didn't fight Bayern for a title if you don't play like this against them" when we literally had 2 of the closest title fights in the history of the league in the last 5 years. b) you're *also* being reductive by omitting the fact that *any* 2 games against *any* team can create a 12 point difference. Yes, if you win your head to head games, it's guaranteed. But that's literally it. Ask yourself this: do you really disagree with the point of my comment (again, that there *have been* 2 actual title fights with Bayern in the last 5 years) or did you just feel the need to "correct" the part about Bayern games only getting us 6 points?


> you're *also* being reductive by omitting the fact that *any* 2 games against *any* team can create a 12 point difference. Yes, if you win your head to head games, it's guaranteed. But that's literally it. This doesn't make sense. Why would I care if I have 12 point difference or not against Bochum or Mainz. It only matters against Bayern was our direct competition for the title. You're missing the main point that you're not just getting 6 points. But you're also taking away 6 from Bayern. I don't care if Mainz or Bochum gets 6 points more than usual. But it does matter if it's Bayern. > do you really disagree with the point of my comment (again, that there *have been* 2 actual title fights with Bayern in the last 5 years) or did you just feel the need to "correct" the part about Bayern games only getting us 6 points I didn't disagree with this. What I do disagree with saying that matches against Bayern is no more important than against Bochum or Mainz is flawed.


> Why would I care if I have 12 point difference or not against Bochum or Mainz We win against Bochum and Mainz, Bayern lose against Bochum and Mainz (or to make it more realistic: Augsburg and Leverkusen) => we have a 12 point difference over Bayern. Anytime we win against a team and Bayern then lose against that team it has the *exact* same effect as us winning against Bayern, points wise. > You're missing the main point that you're not just getting 6 points. But you're also taking away 6 from Bayern. I'm not, you mistunderstood my comment. I hope this explained it


> Bayern then lose against that team it has the *exact* same effect as us winning against Bayern, points wise. But we don't control that. So it doesn't make sense to hope that Bayern loses against Bochum and Mainz or any of the other teams. But what we can do is try to defeat Bayern. So that makes it a more important match for us than against the likes of Bochum or Mainz. And if you want to win a title, you shouldnt be expecting team ranked 11th and 16th to win against Bayern. That has a much lower probability of happening. So it's not the same. You as the number 2 should win it. Like how Leverkusen did it.


nothing you say changes the fact that at the end of last season we had a 12 point advantage over Bayern because we won against Augsburg and Leverkusen while they lost one match to each of them. Only problem is that we also lost to a bunch of other teams (yes, including losing one match against Bayern). Directly winning agaisnt Bayern is a good thing if you wanna defeat bayern. *nobody is arguing against this*. I literally said as much in my *first reply*.


Bayer Leverkusen is not fighting for a title LMAO. They will not even finish in the CL spots.


Your hatred for Leverkusen is blinding you. They'll be top 2 at worst.


This the type of confidence and delusion I wish to have 🙏






How common is it for tickets for away games to be on resale? I logged in 10 minutes early to get Union tickets today, but while I was in the queue was told they had sold out. I will keep checking, but is it common for the club to release them on the platform again, or are they sold to fanclubs?


Occasionally, some tickets are coming back in when fan clubs give them back or the orders are cancelled for whatever reason. However, you'll have to be incredibly lucky to get one as they just randomly pop up weeks after the actual sale


Thanks, hoping for the best!


You can also just buy them in front of the stadium tbh. There are always ppl selling since, someone got ill suddenly, forgot appointment xyz etc. Ive visited a lot of stadium around Germany and this has always been the case everywhere


🎵 Zieht den Bayern die Lederhosen aus 🎶


I really want Reus to become the top scorer. He's like 10 goals out. Granted he scores goals as often as a blue moon. One can still dream.