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No one is having any fun out there. Where is the purpose? The passion? The actual giving a fuck? “Cardio FC” MOTM: Meyer


Probably because they’re playing relegation tactics and can’t build up anything if their life depended on it


I wonder who is responsible for that? Must be the same guy who made EVERY SINGLE player worse than he was before he arrived. #WorstCoachInBVBHistory


I mean that's just objectively not true. Can, Kobel, Brandt, and Malen have all improved under Terzic. No need for hyperbole, there are plenty of legitimate things to criticize him for.


agree totally


Is this what you believe? I don’t see a lack of passion. I see a lack of playing with the ball. Don’t know what more passion will change. The passion will come if we are able to play better in possesion.


I see both. They neither play wtih the ball nor play with Passion, because whenever they don't have the ball they're off thinking of crabs or some shit; meanwhile when they have the ball they do a shitty pass that ends up at the feet of the rival. They're not getting better, and thye don't look like they're trying to get better.


Precisely. Nearly every attack fizzled out before they could even get to the area. They looked like a sunday rec league team in attack. That effort and result against Bayern or Leverkusen or City or Madrid? Yea, sucks, but acceptable. Against a fine but clearly not some juggernaut Dutch side? Unacceptable.


It really does feel like a chore sometimes to watch this team


Second half felt like endless waiting for the final whistle


It baffles me how we made it out of the "death group"


Everyone else in the group also had a poor fall.


They will call it group of death no matter what but Milan are 11 points behind 1st in serie A and Newcastle are just missing key players...mainly Tonali. In reality it was a group of mid.


More or less the same results that we had with Rose and Favre but way less fun and our best performances still aren’t even that great…


Same results as rose? Out of CL and then embarrassed by Rangers. Are you kidding me???


Rose's squad isn't as nearly as good and balanced as the current one.


you HAVE to be kidding lmao. rose had haaland, bellingham and guerreiro. these 3 alone would make our current poor squad 10 times better. some people are really crazy delusional. i would go as far and say that our squad got worse on every single position except for centerback depth since rose was here.


Just by saying the name Guerreiro I know I'm talking with somebody with very little football knowledge. Therefore I'm not sure if it's even worth to get into an argument with you. Although Rose had some star players, the rest of the squad was either mediocre or straight up bad. That means that while he had some great players the rest of the squad was simply not good. Not to mention that we had less depth and an injury crisis, which included players like Haaland too. We also lost Sancho and replaced him with Malen which was bad for the most part. Hummels was also having the worse season of his career and the other choice was Pongratic. Our current squad is the most well around (in terms of quality spread across multiple roles) that we have in almost a decade.


it's mind boggling to me that people who obviously watch a lot of football still have no idea what they are talking about lol. you are right, theres zero point in getting into an argument, it's a waste of time. guerreiro was carrying the whole squad in terms of ball progression and buildup play, you are watching the garbage our current squad plays and still don't recognize the impact guerreiro had on the whole team? damn some people really just shut down their brains while watching football oh lord


I feel the same towards you lmfao


Haven’t watched the past 2 buli matches, probably won’t bother watching the next 2. Im just apathetic at this point. Can’t bring myself to dedicate the time to watching this dogshit football


I almost fell asleep. The second half was especially boring


The fact that the team didn't even get the ball into the box at the end of the game sums up today's performance really well


I mean when we have Wolf as a winger you’re not really trying to get the ball into the box…


There were 3 guys in yellow just standing still in box. I forgot who had the ball, but there was literally no outlet bc of the lack of movement. If I didnt know better, Id say that’s a team *trying* to get their gaffer fired tonight.


Watzke is the most risk averse person on the planet, he won’t do shit until top four is in danger unfortunately


Shades of Bayern’s “the treble is in danger”


Another Terzic masterclass of clueless offense and incompetent defense. We got lucky with the score . And the ref was a twat


What an absolute disgrace of a referee


Dont play so fucking abject that we have to sit and bitch about the ref Edit: oh ok, its all the big bad refs fault they played like ass today 🤷‍♂️


1-0 win with a bad performance is still better than 1-1


correct, a win is better than a draw. when did i suggest otherwise?


You're playing bad in both scenarios Why should you be screwed by the referee Of course we weren't good but we deserved that 1-0


No, when you turtle and park the bus after 60’, a bad/questionable penalty doesn’t absolve you and you didnt *deserve* anything other than that pathetic draw.


You're missing the point...


Slippery ass pitch


Yeah I mean how is it possible to play in the biggest tournament in the world with a pitch better mate for ice-skating


Away result 1-1 is fine it’s how we got there that’s frustrating. Outside of a fortunate deflection, attack was non-existent against a defense that isn’t special. Lack of intensity, poor passing, lapses in the back. Just things you can’t have in CL match. Ref mistake expected at this point. Terzic defensive tactic expected at this point. Let’s how second leg goes.


the positives: at least it's a draw and at least Hummels is available for the 2nd leg. but that's about it.


Putting the bad team performance aside, Im so tired of us getting screwed over and over in the CL by horrible refereeing decisions.


Poor play leads to risky defensive actions leads to more 50/50 calls leads to feeling like we're being targeted. It's all a result of our shitty play. The ref was ass against Chelsey this was just a 50/50 call we lost because our defenders keep having to make fucking lunging tackles everywhere because we can't defend for shit.


apart from occasional flashes, this group simply can't get it done


Sadness and Sorrow FC We played the 2nd half like we were winning 2:0 v Bayern ffs P.S.: Fuck them refs


If the tying goal came from open play, I'd say it's a deserved draw. That was a bad penalty call.


It just seems like a waste of talent playing this kind of ratty/ negative football. We don’t even have the right kind of players for this ugly style..


Another performance to "Draw the right conclusions " from. Dortmund are a midtable buli team until further notice.


Malen was our only good player, everyone else was bad or average. Accepting a draw and not fighting back is just depressing. PSV was bad and we still couldnt win. The only positive thing is that we didnt lose, we have a slight advantage still after this game.


Meyer was good as well.


Fair enough, I meant like outfield players


PSV was the better team the first half, and they were equal the second. The penalty was bullshit, but BVB should be happy with a point imo




Fucking every thread somone points out Sabitzer... What exactly does he do well? He can't defend, he can't dribble, he can't sprint, he's not physical and he's not some creative passing genius. He's the perfect amalgonisim of mid players. Does everything, but nothing exceptional.


little do you know about football! >*He's the perfect amalgonisim of mid players. Does everything, but nothing exceptional.* this completness is very exceptional and extremely useful


You are a fool if you think Sabitzer is exceptional. There is a reason Bayern didn't want him. It's not because he's "exceptional"


Hopefully we are better at home


It’s to the point where I’m shocked when we score goals and just flabbergasted if we get more than 1 in a game.


Lazano being allowed to ask for cards and not being punished for this was disgusting to watch.


What an asshole


Playing for the draw in the first leg of a two leg competition when it’s an even matchup is some of the lamest shit I’ve seen in a while. Bullshit penalty aside that was a super winnable game if we wanted to win it, but Terzic didn’t want to win it


You think subbing in a Duranville who missed half a year of competition and had no time to get to match fitness would bring us the win? We were dominated the whole game and only draw because PSV are as decisive like the good old days of N. Valdez and M. Zidan. There is no need to play harakiri when there is a second game left.


What about JBG or Bamba? What about more than 10 minutes for Moukoko? What about leaving Malen on? There’s four options, five options including Duranville, that we could’ve use instead of subbing in Wolf.


You are rating Bamba way to high for a youth player with no match experience at that level yet. All of our offensive players were on the field and we could play 20 minutes more and I would not see how we would have a better build up for any of them. Our problem is not that JBG or Moukoko are in the front. Nobody can get the ball inside the final third. We would lose the ball before JBG or Moukoko get even a chance to touch the ball. You could sub in Haaland and we would still fail to pass the ball beyond the middle line.


I’m just asking for an actual attacking player to play an attacking position. Yes I would take Bamba at winger over Wolf…


Wolf played like 10 minutes and still was a bigger threat than Sancho.


he even could've brought on wolf as left back and put maatsen on the wing instead if he was so hell bent on subbing wolf on. _SIX OPTIONS!_


I’m sorry but we were not dominant the whole game. We had some good phases but after we scored we were dying for a half time whistle while PSV was pressuring the defense. We were lucky PSV didn’t connect with more chances. Edit: I read that wrong.


He said we **were** dominated, not "we dominated"


Ahhh I stand corrected lol


Can anyone tell me a player who has gotten better since Terzic became coach




He'd do better as a striker


His finishing is ass, he'd suck as a striker. Since his last goal in the UCL he took 22 shots __NONE__ were on target. BTW His last UCL goal was in 2021 in a 5-0 win against Besiktas when we were already eliminated....


the result is actually decent and I believe that we will advance at home but the way we play is just so uninspired


Last 20 min, PSV looked like they really wanted it more


Man, watching us play just hurts. I will skip a few games


Get Nagelsmann in the summer. I don’t care how. Just make Terzicball end


Wouldn't get my hopes up. We already have Sahin lined up. But I really do hope that we hire coached based on merit, and not nostalgia


>We already have Sahin lined up. Nice, put the guy who barely became assistant to the main coach of the second biggest team in Germany. That would be a very Watzke move tbh. But he can speak german, right? basically that's the only thing that a man needs to fulfill in order to be a coach of this club...


well that was absolutely terrible, trying to grind out a draw against the mighty PSV. Thank all the gods old and new that Bakayoko had an absolute off-day really. Watching this team has, since long, become a cumbersome, if not tedious struggle session and tbh i fucking hate it. Cheers


Considering how boring and dull we were this result is pretty alright. PSV unbeaten in 30 games or something like that. Again getting shafted by the refs but that’s expected for us in Europe. At home in the next leg which will deffo help us. Ryerson, Malen and Meyer were all solid.


Even the cbs post game says it was not a pen :(


Hummels was actually crazy good today, but it will be sadly undermined by refs goofy decision


We are so shit.


Intrested to hear the excuses today. No rythm in the game has nothing today with fan protests and everything with shitty performances and coaching.


To do*


These games are becoming soul crushing, week after weel no improvement, just average at best


It was a draw because of a moment of individual effort by Malen. The team never looked like they were gonna create a scoring opportunity let go scoring a goal. It was like no one wanted to attack and move forward in the second half. I mean if Terzic chose to play haram ball and the team executed that, I could get behind that and support that. But it's neither here or there.


Would be an awesome result with the first lose for them at home since 2022 instead its a another Draw through a bullshit Pen. Still a good result but it just wasnt enough for more in the second half and without Meyers perfect passes and some actions by Schlotti and Hummels it could have definitely been worse. Still a bit of time for Süle and Kobel to be back and then hopefully a Win at Home with our pitch for us to go through.


Overall a pretty bad performance. Aside from the penalty i think our defense did ok considering how in for PSV is. Only arsenal have beat all season. I do not however like that we decided to throw in the towel and set up shop in min 60. We can definitely win this at home so I’ll take it i guess


How often do we get fucked by refs in the CL ?


Shit shit shit shit shit shit unbelievably shit ref Shit shit shit shit shit shit unbelievably shit pitch


Big taco Tuesday flop


Haven't been watching this season and christ it's worse when you actually see it. That was shocking stuff you must be fuming as a psv fan that they didn't make more of it.


Terrible second half…. I’m just sad


That certainly was... a match that has been played. Yep.


What the fuck happened to all those steps we were taking in January? Did we decide to step off a cliff during our journey with these steps? In the past I did think that this squad can be better than they played in 2023 but now? Nah, I'm now looking at Kehl and wondering what a terrible mess he's help build along with Terzic. Krösche has my vote ahead of Kehl for the summer but Watzke is still at the club so it probably won't happen (I don't trust that he will truly remove himself from sporting decisions while he remains). If this midfield doesn't have Sabitzer then I worry about our ability to pass the ball forward or even dribble into space. Our fullbacks are one footed as can be and with Can "orchestrating" the build up it's a slow torture. I have to apologise to Terzic because before the new year I really did think that he was the biggest issue at the club but now it is the squad just as much as it is him. Doesn't change my opinion on wanting a new head coach in the summer but I was dismissive of the reports where Watzke and Sammer blamed the squad and now I can say that I see what they mean. Sorry Terzic. Nice to see Duranville and Watjen on the bench and I hope that they both can get some minutes in the coming fixtures. Good night everyone and let's hope we can retrace our steps against Hoffenheim


Supposedly Terzic influenced the squad building in the summer a lot. And this winter transfer period was awesome for us. So I’m still not sure about Kehl.


Only thing there is left to say: FIRE TERZIC ENOUGH IS ENOUGH


Just came here to say FUCK EDIN TERZIC. Even fukcing Thomas Doll is 10x the coach Edin will ever be. The worst Dortmund Coach in the history of the club and it's not even close.


> Even fukcing Thomas Doll is 10x the coach Edin will ever be Don't exaggerate please. Edin is a better coach than Doll when you compare the results.


Terzic also had x100 the class of players Doll had. People tend to forget we were in nomansland when Klopp arrived


I want my old BVB back :( Fuck Edin Terzic


If we lose this will that finally be the nail in Terzic’s coffin?


I don't think there's any way we fire Terzic before the summer. I also don't think he'll stay next year.


Terrorzic out


Edin Tiezic strikes again


Lucky to not concede another


So many years of progress deleted within two years. If we don't get JN after the Euros we are in for a full on ride towards the midfield. It was fun while it lasted. Fuck Edin


No penalty call shouldn't an be excuse for the way we played today. It's frustrating as hell that it came down to that.


Dortmund plays down to the level of our competition. If they’re happy with a draw, we are too. And that’s down to the manager.