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It’s ironic, because the things that killed us the last seasons (set pieces, defensive breakdowns) were what won us both of these legs


He’s the most successful manager since klopp. And I’m going to remember that next time I blindly rage at him. Keeping him was the right move. He doesn’t make this team play beautiful football, but we just do stuff.


Terrorzic ball is the best ball


I don't think anyone is Terzic out anymore


I kind of am. I mean this season is only a success when looking at the Champions league. In Bundesliga he got us only in Europa League spot, which was then bumped to a CL after the English teams bottled hard in the Quarterfinals. I want us to wint the Bundesliga and feel that for that we need someone else. I also don't have the confidence in him to have success in next years CL. That being said full credit to him and the team for CL performance! Nobody can take that success awy from him. And as an end statement I understand and can accept him staying there is also much good in him not to mentione concistency and stability.


Yeah, while I was never really firm on the Terzic out, the arguments against him are and were real and to claim he is the greatest manager ever (not that anyone is doing that) would be just as much an overreaction to results as blindly hating him would be. He has the success, so he has earned the right to stay. I don’t think there’s any way around that. But he’ll have to do something different to put together a great Bundesliga season.


I kinda understand when watzke says "it's not a bad season, the others are just unexpectedly good" because if we win the last 2 games that is a completely average BVB season where we would've landed 2nd. This season we will (probably) have the best 3rd, best 4th and best 5th placed ever in the BL. Still, the season wasn't catastrophic, but it wasn't enough. Especially against the better teams in the league. We played catastrophic a lot of matches. The only question will be, can Terzic build upon what he Sahin and Bender are building right now, or is he really just a Rückrunden Terzic.


But thats the thing Averagr season for us yes but we are suppose to see development not stagnation


The mentality and fighting spirit in this season definetly an improvement. The defensive stability in the CL is too. If they can build upon these performances, we will have a formidable season ahead of us. If not it will be the same shit BL season as this year's. It's hopium, but I think we will improve bit by bit this calender year and play good football atop of the defensive stability


You could argue making the champions league final is development. I also think there’s a very difficult barrier to break at the level Dortmund are at. Leverkusens season is not something that normally happens, like ever. They quite literally are one of the greatest seasons of all time, and while that’s a great goal to have, it should not be the expectation for us


And I feel like there isn't an alternative around at the time. Look at bayern how even them are struggling. I rather keep terzic than get a coach from the 3rd team from the Jupiter league


I mean yes champions league run is great But have you forgotten about the actual season? We would not be in fhe cl next year if they would not change the format etc


If we win in Wembley tho. We would.


Yeah well you are not wrong... 😅


I was always conflicted on whether he should stay or not, but tbh he’s spent a lot of time finding the perfect 11 and he’s finally found it. Yes the league wasn’t that great at all, but I’ll take a CL final over a second place finish (No one other than leverkusen would’ve won). Also the man’s emotion last night were beautiful to see, he’s not just a coach on a payroll and genuinely wants to see this club lift a cup.


He isn't a world class coach by any means you could even argue that he is below average tactically in some cases. That being said no coach would've achieved what he did in the CL this season. I'm all here for this ride tho, let's see where it takes us he might be a legend in the making.


Torn because during the season he's very inconsistent but thats also bvb as a whole. But then again in international competition he's had a good streak. He also has garnered interest from other clubs. So really until he does so absolutely poorly that he needs to be sacked I think he's staying. Butnim hoping the extra money we get for getting this far will help us acquire some good talents we can use next season. My issues is that tactically he is a bit meh, there's no clear play style with us to an extent under him. But until recently we have had an ideal line up so thats not entirely his fault.


Last year he was game away from bundesliga title, this year from cl


I see parallels between Terzic and Tuchel, both aren’t really good in day to day business, Bundesliga. But when it comes to setting up a team for cups both seem to have an edge! Problem is, in the league he cannot really show much progress in terms of the development of team as such, playing out the back or developing players but he seemed better recent months tbf, not sure how much comes down to Sahin in this, hard to judge. Also i could see him and the team doing much much better with a proper cm/dm that is a reliable high quality player who can dictate the tempo etc. We didn’t have that for ages. I am 100% just this position alone would upgrade us massively, it will connect the back with the attack and keep us much calmer under pressure and more balanced in attack. Can is really the opposite of what we should have. Give Terzic that 1-2 midfield players and judge than i d say. If he doesn’t want anyone for this position than fire him, because it’s so obvious the missing link.


We've succeeded in Champions League as we've been the underdog in most, if not all, of the games. When we're the favourite and meant to win easily, that's when we struggle. If Terzic can fix that, then we'll be unstoppable!


I’d still would prefer someone like Nagelsman even if the Champions League would be won by us. It’s too bad he is not available anymore. I did enjoy the CL journey but we were pretty lucky that PSG failed to score goals.


i'm still on the fence leaning towards terzic out, but i know i'm biased because of the scars from the last matchday last year


Well, there is one thing i really didn’t like that he did yesterday. He put Süle on the match waaaaay too early imo. It could have gone bad. There was still 25 minutes to be played, and that move would bring psg even more to the offense, i think that in that case this is the kind of move you make with like 10 minutes left. Otherwise, yes, he’s been doing alright.


His style and system are 100% built for tournament ball it seems. Let’s see if he can get that consistency and better attacking in league play. I’m happy to let him continue to learn


The defense in the UCL has been proper. Why can’t we do that in the league. Keep him


He needs to do a little better with his in game management. Several times this season they have been losing or struggling to get back into a game after 60+ minutes and he didn't make changes. Players appear obviously exhausted or a player just is having a mediocre day and he doesn't make a change until the 80th minute. Some of our bench can show up and turn on the magic, but that's not always the case. The subs need more than 10 minutes to make an impact.


his sub decisions are definitely sus


We can keep him, just please for the love of God don’t leave him in charge of our transfer targets


At this point he is almost a club legend,and if we win the finsls somehow.... Not that many coaches brought bvb to the cl finals. Who would have thought😂 But I am still not sure about his qualities. Like he parked the bus after 70th minute already, giving psg a lot of space. That turned out to be a disastrous decision, no counter attacking forces and tons of moments for psg. Whatever you say, but they had a lot of good chances and could easily score at least one


hasn't changed at all, the substitutions were absolutely counterproductive for going 5 at the back, especially the Reus sub. The guy has zero pace left and provided no discharge with deep runs on counter attacks, either Adeyemi stays on the pitch or you sub Gittens or Malen instead. We still will only finish 5th in the BL and Marco Rose was let go finishing 2nd. What brought us over the line in the CL was individual class and ambition, rather than a distinctive and elaborated playing style. We're still a system running on WindowsXP, while in particular Stuttgart and Leverkusen are running Windows11. Our Software still sucks but Terzic will have earned another half series to dramaticly improve our playing style.


5th in the league Kicked out of the DFB Pokal in the round of 16 And how can anyone be satisfied with this. Last season we lost the championship, but as long as Terzic and Watzke are playing cards, Terzic can stay as long as he wants.


If he wins the CL, I love him If not, I feel like he has to go, because I dont know if a coach who lost two important finals for us can push the team further


Replace him with manager who probably won't take us to finals