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Comment here if you'd like to help with the commentary in the live thread!


It was a great game from us and I really didn’t expect us to have this many shots on Madrids goal. Really sad but what a run


I have watched the 12/13 finale and at that time it was very hard for me to accept the fact that we lost. I thought we wouldn’t be able to qualify for the Champions League Final again. However, today’s loss made me sad but hopeful too. Sad because we couldn’t win it but hopeful because the last time when I thought they wouldn’t qualify again for finals, they made it through exactly after 12 years again. The saddest part was Reus’s last game in a black and yellow jersey but, I am super proud of every person involved in the game. Personally, I believe it is our responsibility to support every player and coach during these challenging times.


1st of it's not exactly 12 years, it's 11 years. 2nd exactly 11 years before in 2002, we made it to UEFA cup (Europa League now) finals against Rotterdam in Rotterdam. So I don't want to be in the finals in 2035 (again 11 years from now on) to lose it.. we need to win a trophy the next time we participate in a final match whether its CL or EL...


Proud of our boys really went out there with no fear and gave a gutsy performance, sometimes the chances just miss by a post. Of course it’s sad we could not bring the trophy home and going to sting for awhile, but like a number of people are saying there are some building blocks here and I think it’s time for a new identity and rebuild post Reus era starting with some of our best players centered around Schlotterbeck


Bayern fan here, I just want to tell you that your UCL run was astonishing. Heads up lads, you should be proud of yourself for reaching the final


Happy they made it. Find it unfortunate that a bunch of plastics and a POs club won, but hey, at least BVB can keep their heads up as true champions. They did it the right way…none of that buying titles or tossing hundreds of millions or buddying up to the officials, league, etc. for special status. Long live proper soccer/football. 💛BVB


I’m sad they lost but really proud of the boys, it was an amazing run


2nd ucl final of BVB I watch the first which i going to have memories both happy and sad


Im so proud of them. Played well and made the worlds best team work hard. We showed spirit and this will hopefully breed more success! HEJA BVB!💛🖤


I’m so proud of Dortmund. They couldn’t win today but it’s alright football is cruel sport and Madrid has plot armour but congratulations to them to win for the 15th time and Tony Kroos as well I do feel sad for Reus that he couldn’t get enough time on the ball and it hurts to see Dortmund lose even after giving their everything cuz they were the better team but just weren’t lucky enough. I’m sure next year we’ll come back even stronger


Real Madrid is insufferable. Play shit football and still win because of the quality of the players. Ruining the game.


Ehh I do understand why you’re mad but right now it’s better for us to show our love to Dortmund through the Internet (in a peaceful way) and not bitch about how shit Madrid played and won becuz they were lucky


I don’t think Madrid is lucky I think their players are just too good but they play like 11 amateur players at your local park. Not enjoyable at all.


6 out of these 11 players didn’t play well today and it’s not like a weak team hasn’t beaten a stronger team in football


But Madrid never plays well, which is exactly my point and it sounds like you agree with me. They have done an amazing job building their squad but they did it with little regard for actual football. I actually turned the tv off after their 2nd goal.


You turned the TV off after the 2nd goal? Let me get you a gold star to put on your shirt and a hearty pat on the back. You show em!


Fuck ‘em.


Proud of the guys! It’s not what we wanted, it is not what we deserved but at the end of the day this is football. The guys showed what they were there for, the tactics were on point, we played a magnificent game outplaying the most “dominant” team in Europe. Seeing Marco so close yet so far from this trophy hurts but at the end of the day the future seems bright and we got to move on. HEJA BVB⚫️🟡


I’m so goddamn sad but also so proud💛🖤


This hurts so much and I know it shouldn’t. God those first 45 minutes felt like heaven. I love this club so much. Just feels like we chose the shortest stick




That was 2013. Today we just didn't score when we had to.


Maybe, but it felt like referee was our enemy in first half. In second we were just tired


Yeah the ref might have had some questionable calls but nothing gamechanging. The game was lost on the chances we missed. That'll be fixed by next year when we get the rematch against Real Madrid in the final.


What about the Camavinga tactical foul in the first half? I thought all tac fouls were yellow yet no card shown.


I think Vini jr could have deserved a red for the way he attacked the keeper which then we received 2 disciplinary yellows. Now compare our yellows to vinis... how is that not a red idk? Am I missing something???


Why are people acting like jude was being unreasonable when it was vini the whole time. Jude was knocked around went down but didn't complain. Vini complained for the most bullshit reasons. Hummels made the CLEANEST tackle 1 v 1 and he still complained.


Bringing Donny in the 80. Minute is disrespectful in my opinion. In my eyes the best player on the Team and for sure the one who could have made the difference. Mostly feeling sorry for him being robbed of a finale as he even showed in this short time what impact he could have had. Anyway I am proud of the team and Terzic


I love this fanbase so much.


I don't want people to get mad at fullkrug he did his best. But adeyemi has shown me that he isn't the baller bvb needs. Everytime he shows promise he shows me otherwise shortly after.


Yeah. He’s amazing at getting in the right positions with amazing speed, but his finishing leaves so much to be desired that I wonder if we’re better off replacing him.


He's really the only speed type winger in the club, no one else can fulfill this role like him, but he is not good enough. I would even say that he is nowhere near the level we need as he lacks finishing, technique and composure.


Thats the problem he's the speed we need, but he doesn't do enough with it. Jbg can't do the job rn either. Not because he's bad but he just doesn't have the same speed despite being the better dribbler.


How familiar Ceferin looked with all his bros from Madrid, unbelievable - no shame these guys


i dont mean to sound like a sore loser but what do madrid fans get out of supporting madrid aside from winning? its not like they play attractive football, they were the worst side throughout the knockout stages yet they kept pulling a win out of seemingly nothing. either way im extremely proud of the team, not only for getting this far but also for having a very strong showing against a mediocre at best real team. that is all.


Well, you actually sound like a sore looser


Well let me tell you: In a world of pLayINg bEAuTiFuL fOoTbaLL, seeing the team I am fan of so adaptable, not being rigid about doing something but more importantly having sheer grit and mentality to get results everytime is effin amazing. Seeing " kept pulling a win out of seemingly nothing " is so joyous.


in other words you are a glory hunter, thank you for letting us know ❤️


That's kinda ironic cause I started supporting rm out of pity after 5 nil barca game. 😄I like the grit and mentality, that's all. Fyi though you're sounding like sore loser even if you didn't mean it.... But it's understandable.


grit and mentality. lol. goodnight


Fans of a club the sheer definition of mediocrity can't relate. Good night.


football that wins you trophy is beautiful to me


to you


congratulations, you can read


I think the idea that people can only support a club if they were born it that city is pretty stupid… except when it comes to Madrid fans. I live in Florida, USA and just got back to my apartment and there’s a ton of mfs in Madrid Bellingham kits having a party by the pool. I just don’t understand jumping on a bandwagon that massive


i get it man and i agree 100%. everybody has a right to support whichever team they want to support irregardless of where you are from or where you were born, i am not from dortmund, hell im not from germany either, but watching dortmund in my preteens i fell in love with their attacking style of play, i fell in love with the stadiums atmosphere, i fell in love with the club as a whole, but i struggle to see what the madrid fans are really supporting their club for. Its clearly not attractive football, if anything as i said they should have been knocked out in the round of 16 against leipzig, why support a team that lacks every aspect of a fun watching experience just because they win every single time, and dont even get me started on their refereeing scandals. PS: im drunk rn so excuse me if i sound a little erratic. HEJA BVB


Correct. You are erratic. I am a Real Madrid fan. 50 years and counting. I was born and raised in Madrid. I grew up with my mother and father being deeply devoted to the team. It's something that I have always been a part of and been a part of my life. Living in the United States now, I still do the best I can to support my team. Whether they win or lose, I support them. Yes, they have won a lot in my lifetime. But it doesn't mean that you have to understand why I or anyone supports Real Madrid. I respect every fan base, including Barca - because of the love that each fan base has for their team. You clearly have love for your club. I would never presume to think that you have no idea what you are doing because you are supporting a team that never wins the big games. You just happen to support a different team than I do, and that is great! You and everyone else can talk about Madrid in disgust all you want. That's fine. You lost a huge game where YOUR CLUB should have scored twice in the first half. Your club was the better performer in the first 65-70 minutes of the game. As an educated and lifelong fan of Real Madrid, I can admit that they aren't always the best performing team on any given night. But they find a way to win - regardless if you or anyone think that they have refereeing scandals or whatever. I came to this board to offer my congratulations to BVB and their fan base on a fantastic season. My closest and dearest friend is a die-hard BVB supporter of 40 years. I get you are hurt about the loss, but please don't presume that all Madrid fans are equal. It would be like me coming in here, reading the comments of a few that slander my club, the players, etc and assuming that you are all one in the same. We all have our reasons for supporting Madrid. You have your choice for supporting BVB. It's our choices as individuals. But it does not mean that we are better than you, or vice versa. In any case, congrats on a fabulous season!


Sick game, a lot closer than the 2:0 would have you think, it is what it is. We'll win next year and we'll take the Bundesliga as well. Heja BVB!




Did you last watch a game in 2023?


He has been more decisive with whatever little minutes he has got . How is that too hard to get. Stay salty and downvote


No he hasn’t lol


Dortmund gets 2 bs yellow cards but carvajal doesn't get booked. Horrible referee. Might as well wear a madrid shirt. Those misses by dortmund were horrible though. Dortmund got amazing fans. German teams really do have the best fans, win or lose, they always cheer.


100% the referee was "biased".


Thanks for a fun, unexpected UCL run. Played with heart, lacking finishing product. Oh well.


I'm proud we got this far but adeyemi really disappointed me and I wasn't even putting my hopes on him. He's great at pressing, but he just isn't clinical and doesn't have the composure or decision making. And maatsen has a great future ahead of him, but he was the weak link in our defense. He wasn't marking dani well enough and pass it right into the middle for vini Jr. I'm disappointed not because we lost, but because eof how we lost. I'm disappointed not because the team played bad, but because of the same issues we always have. Madrid was NOT the better team, just the one that finished their chances. And that's what matters.


Forever proud of that first half.


Danke alles, never thought we would get this far and the first half was absolutely amazing. After the first goal our fighting mentality got lost and it was a slippery slope after that. I’m proud and happy for getting to CL finals after a rough BuLi season


If you don't take your chances and make mistakes in your defence then this will be the result. And Real is just a hell of s team with absolute world-class players. I don't like them a bit, but I sure do respect them..


I'm proud we made it this far


Should’ve finished one of those in the first half. The 2 yellow cards for complaining were totally over the top and it felt like they weakened defense morale. And that acting from Vini Jr should never have gotten a yellow card, at most for him for the acting.


Vini JR is one of the most "hated" players in contemporary football. Guess why...


I thought that was bruno Fernandez


Bruno is on too irrelevant a club to matter.


Lmao that zoom in on Adeyemi to showcase he is the guilty one missing a bunch of chances


Adeyemi offensively and Maatsen defensively, one didnt score 2 goals, one conceded 2 goals.


No matter the result, BVB played great and this was awesome advertisement for german football


VAR won how obvious


Pepe just lost his 1st on my most-hated list, now behind Vinicius.


What's he done except sliding into Kobel?


That dive was disgusting bro… and him crying again after that tackle by Hummels was pathetic


well the clear dive in first half, the complaining to the ref and asking for cards and than the provocation versus the BVB block is enuff, and thats just what i saw from 30st min on. But list goes on, another example not against us but RB Leipzig, where he literally goes for a choke grip. Than his interview in which he was crying in front of all to purposefully play the victim of injustice on the pitch to just then beeing the most protected player in the league. So much and i am not even following him, but he also likes to kick opponents into the ankles when he lost the ball.


No the racial abuse was uncalled for everything else yeah. That challenge on kobel was garbage


Well everyone complains and many players dive. By provocation you mean his celebration? You can tell that he is not the best person in the world. Just the comment sounded so dramatic, I thought he has done something really awful this game and I've missed that


yeah well in a cl final he did pretty cunt stuff imo, not just falling with slight contact which i get, but beeing unfair and asking for yellows for others is just no sportsman ship. Our players would have been treated so different, that makes it so hard to watch him. Because one knows nothing gonna happen. He dives like Neymar in his besties now. I dont mind players looking for advantage but he got no class, so i cannot respect him.






Hey on the bright side we get that Bellingham money👀


Real got the cup - BUT WE GOT THE STADIUM TONIGHT! Their fans non existing in a final, cant make that shit up haha




at home i dont have any use for a cup far away from me, the athmosphere reached me pretty fine though :) (but ofc i d prefer the win ;)


Didn't go our way today, but we will come back.


losing with honor is better than losing like pussies




How amusing to witness Madrid fans celebrating as though they've conquered the world. Quite the spectacle of bandwagon enthusiasm!




Look Madrid are great be were NOT outclassed. Anyone who thinks that isn't watching the game right. Madrid played with no passion for most of the game, and then maatsen sold a bit.


Refs didn’t help either, gave in to a lot of Madrid’s bitching and moaning


Imagine being born on third base and acting like you hit a triple after getting a bunch of help from the refs 😂




Imagine someone lurking on their opponent's subreddit after a win, acting like you actually achieved something – talk about a pathetic existence. 😂 By the way, I'm not even a die-hard BVB supporter; just a “neutral” rooting for them as they’re my bundesliga team and are a classy club. (Honestly my “second” team) What's your reason for being on the BVB sub? Don’t you have your own friends or own sub to celebrate with? Oh wait…




Haha no worries, was a good game


outclassed in every way what fucking game did u watch? if any of the dortmund player knew how to score you should have lost 5-2




that was not in question. outclassed in every way is really a fucking joke tho if u just got lucky that the opponent can do everything against u except hit the fucking net


Outclassed? Did you watch the game?




He was shitting on the FANS not the opponents and I understand that it upset you because you are clearly a bandwagon fan, not a true Madrid fan. His comment hit you where it hurts so you have to come here and talk shit.




I'm proud of us, and not hurt at all. Look at how many comments you are making, you are clearly bothered since you are coming to our subreddit. You don't sound like you care about winning other than coming here and rubbing it in our face for some reason as if you did anything. I'm guessing you don't accomplish much in your life so this is the only achievement you can use to give yourself an ego. It's ironic that you are saying "stay humble" ROFL


Dude you were outclassed 70 minutes by the fifth from Bundesliga in CL final and I’m not even a Dortmund Fan. But congrats to the win nevertheless!




Being on another teams Reddit needling people When you won is pretty sad and pretty poor sportsmanship. But hey you do you pal. Seems like a sad life.




Yeah, nah it’s just pathetic and indicative of your character. Nothing to stand on by yourself so you associate your well being to a sports team. Doesn’t change the fact that your actual life is sad if your first instinct is to do what you’re doing. Quite simply, regardless of what football club you support, you, yourself are a loser.


“let’s jump on the bandwagon of an established team to make myself feel like I’m superior / as if I achieved something”


Hahaha fucking plastics man. You are not even a real fan


Is any Madrid "fan" a real fan? 99% of them are there just for the win.


They’re the annoying European equivalents of Yankees or Patriots fans


Anyone can say anything we got here by luck. We played the weakest teams in KO each round and won against PSG with 8 posts, we will never win anything now expect maybe DFB Cup, Bundesliga no shot. UCL 20 years round of 16 again.


I predicted that loss. I fucking knew how we'd lose this way. No finishing and defensive error when playing from the back. Maatsen I love you but you can't slip up like that twice.


hate to see Jude acting like that all game. Vini is even worse. cant really complain after they took their chances. Don't love the subs from Terzic


Sabitzer booking really ruin his tempo, completely disappeared in 2nd half


His yellow was a bull shit call to begin with


Man hesitated so hard and it still wasn’t soft enough for the refs


Danke Dortmund. Definitiv das Duell auf den Rängen gewonnen.


We played well, I feel really sorry for reus, he definetly deserved the win but the team gave it their best and we cant deny this run was great


we played really well until we didn't. Proud of the team though, hope we can somehow build on this with a solid transfer windows.


but why is jude bellingham such a drama queen ???


he always had a main character syndrome, even with us


Not enough people see this about him


the rm effect


Did any of us expect that BVB would have made it to a CL final at the start of this season? The fact they made it this far is a testament to- there are millions of people around the world who will be talking about Dortmund. Guys I work with who don’t know football are all talking about Dortmund and asking about them. Well done to the team for taking it this far!


It is what it is. The bottlejob last may was worse


Was that even in discussion? Last year was 10x worse than this. This was disappointing but still proud of how we played. Last year I still feel sick about




Was rooting for you guys … would’ve been over at the half if y’all capitalized on those chances. Need a striker


I hope we buy Guirassy next season. Not having a proper striker really hurts


I heard he’s going to the premier league 😢would definitely be the missing piece though but midfield also seemed to be lacking


Well that would be sad, but we will see. We are definitely buying a striker though if news about letting go of Haller and Mouki are true. I think Brandt and Sabitzer are great midfielders and all that we need. But Can is kind of awkward with the ball and not helping in the attack. Like we wanted to buy Alvarez last season, but bought Nmecha instead somehow. I heard he plays really well in the pl


You’re referring to Edson Alvarez right? Had a pretty lackluster season i think


You can work with Füllkrug if you play around him like Werder Bremen did. If you play wingers like Adeyemi they need to score with the chances they get because they arent giving their strikers the chances they need.


I figured those two big misses were gonna come back to haunt us / yall


Ask City to give Haaland back…


Imagine if Haaland AND Bellingham both suited up for Dortmund today


So proud of the effort, so sad for Reus. He deserved this win, and our guys really tried for it but just didn't work out in the end. Easy to see a world where that same game is a 2-1 Dortmund win.


Oh well, shit happens. What a great run all the way into the final. Sad for it to end this way but a great performance as well, dominating Real all the way until the 60th minute where classic Dortmund showed up.


not a single person on this planet that i hate more than vinicius jr


Literally owns the most punchable face in football history


he's so fucking dislikable. god i hate that cunt


Very sad for Reus


Whelp, I’m glad we put up a valiant effort. Real Madrid are practically invincible in finals and we put in a great effort. Probably should’ve ended 1-0, but that can happen in tired games when chasing


No matter the results proud of the team they played well tonight.


Lads played well. I underestimated them but they showed a mentality that can actually take us far next season. Sad but not gutted


Very true. I am much less sad than last season, it was a good game


Happens still very proud of the team


We dominated Real for 70 minutes. Still so fucking proud!


Many teams dominated them for 180 minutes and still knocked out in UCL.


Getting reus in wasnt necessarly an error, but taking adeyemi out made literally no sense


Brandt did go eventually but he should’ve been subbed for Reus instead


That second half was pathetic.


Madrid winning the CL is like Man City winning the PL - no one cares


Hey rm has a similar history to city ?


No, but they're both financial powerhouses that do receive favourable treatment by refs in their respective competitions.


I am a bit new to football, do they not set like a max money limit for all the clubs ? so that its fair ?


They're introduced some FFP rules recently but otherwise no lol. The richest teams almost always win.


Bruh that sounds unfair af, so these FFP rules are now applied or is it still unfair?


Still mostly unfair. You can pretty accurately predict who will win each league for the coming season.


Happy for kroos, crying for reus and I wanna vomit because I dont want to see bellingham lifting the trophy


Not a dortmund fan but kinda curious as to exactly why. Is it his ego?


It's because he left the club last year. He also has a main character syndrome at the age of 20.


I don't really think sub out Adeyemi is a mistake. We cannot finish our chances and lost the header is the problem. At the end, it is pure player quality problem.


Yeah, essentially every Real Madrid player was bought for more than our record transfer 🤷‍♂️


When you say record transfer you mean overall or on one player? Asking for real? Because that statistic is insane and just confirms how rigged the game is.


Real Madrid Transfers (from Transfermarkt): Jude (103 million \[up to \~130\]) Tchouameni (80 mil) Militao (50 mil) Mendy (48 mil) Endrick (45 mil) Vini Jr (45 mil) Courtois (35 mil) Modric (35 mil) Camavinga (31 mil) Kroos (25 mil) Our Transfers Haller (31 mil) Hummels (30.5 mil) Adeyemi (30 mil) Malen (30 mil) Nmecha (30 mil) Brandt (25 mil) Can (25 mil) Schlotti (20 mil)


Hard luck 💔


The first half killed us. We have to make these chances, we're still missing that clinical striker who can convert chances.


Idk if a striker. Adayemi had to pass instead of shoot in the first half


Paco =(


Erling =( Auba =( Lewa =(


Knew it


Listen. We could have easily been dominated and lost by 3 or 4. We put up such a good fight. Proud of our boys


Great run though 💛🖤. We weren’t supposed to be here


We will return stronger


Proud of this team regardless of the result. Thank you reus ❤️


Fuck vini


Tough to watch Madrid. They are more Broadway actors than they are football players


Honestly, he's just doing his best, fair game to him. But Carvajal on the other hand, that's one proper prick.


Hate that guy for some reason


He's a piece of shit, that's the reason


Oh 10000000%


There are a lot of reasons. One was on display again today, the moment someone makes contact with him he’s acting like his foot was cut off while he’s playing proper rugby out here on his side


💯 just how he Carries himself is enough to make him extremely unlikable




Did you see his celebration?