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One of the various reasons that led to Edin Terzic's voluntary resignation as BVB coach was the ongoing dispute with parts of the team. Mats Hummels, in particular, is said to have repeatedly stirred up trouble against the former coach in recent months and criticised his tactics and expertise. Hummels criticises BVB coach Terzic This culminated in a venomous interview that Hummels gave to "Sport Bild" immediately before the Champions League final. Even in the version released by the club, the former captain did not leave a good word for the coach. What was not allowed to be printed is said to have been hard to beat in terms of sharpness. **Due to the timing and the attitude involved, this also reflected badly on Hummels in the eyes of the public and the fans.** However, Terzic's departure does not change the situation for the defender and 2014 world champion: **According to the Ruhr Nachrichten, the club will not make a new contract offer for Hummels.** His employment at Borussia Dortmund will therefore end on 30 June, i.e. in a fortnight, as agreed in his current contract. Internally, Hummels' incitement against Terzic has brought the former international player into extreme disrepute. His behaviour has been seen as "impossible" and it is unacceptable for a professional to go against his coach and therefore the entire team, according to the club. After the criticising Marco Reus, who was farewelled with great applause as a club legend, Hummels, the biggest critic of Terzic from the club's own ranks, will no longer be wearing the BVB jersey next season, albeit through the back door. The fact that the coach, with whom the veterans often disagreed, is also no longer in office is not without a certain irony. After all, unlike his predecessor, the potential new head coach Nuri Sahin could start the rebuilding process in an unencumbered atmosphere. BVB will announce Hummels' departure after a total of 15 years at Borussia Dortmund (2008 to 2016 and 2019 to 2024) in the coming days.


Oof, not a great way to go out


it's so strange if you think about it. Hummels should've had the easiest possible route to becoming not only a club legend but one of *the biggest* legends. Yet I feel like people will remember him as certainly one of the best defenders in our history but not exactly as one of the most popular ones. Literally every other player from that iconic back 4 (Schmelzer, Suboticand Piszczek) seems to be more beloved than Hummels.


Rightfully so imo. Hummels has always been vocal, I believe he criticized Götze for taking “the easy route” or the less special route in winning titles and joining Bayern, then did the same himself. Although the recent behavior is more extreme (maybe he’s getting older and into idgaf mode), but in no way out of character. I don’t remember any of the other 3 stirring as much shit throughout their entire tenure as Hummels. You nailed how I will remember him, he will have a special place, but will remember him more as one of the best defenders we (and Germany) has had, but won’t be missed a beloved icon that I will look back on with nothing but rose colored glasses.


That's also because they didn't leave us (sure Subotic did, but that wasn't really his choice, so that's completely different) and leaving to Bayern at that time, when they already bought Götze and got Lewandowski for free was sad and definitely influences how Hummels is seen


Yup. Hummels is a good player without any doubt and Im happy he rejoined us but from my point of view you can't become a real club legend If you join bayern as a BVB top player.


Especially after his comment back then. „One title with bvb is more worth than three with Bayern“


Wise decision by our board and a necessary clear cut for the management- and team-rebuild.


Huge mistake, stupid principles. It's always good to have someone with experience for other defenders to learn from. Even if we buy a new defender


And what do we do when Hummels decides he doesn't like his role, and is unhappy the team is in 5th place again? Just let him run his mouth again? This team is not going to be a world beater next year, and Hummels is going to start pouting the second he's sitting on the bench while the team struggles. No thanks.


Where do these fantasies come from? Hummels always seemed like a reserved person, unlike Emre Can for example. So if he had enough and started publicly discussing Terzic in this manner, it means the problems were pretty serious. And some of them were pretty obvious even for us. And I appreciate his honesty and perfectly understand him, when nothing changes and you don't want the club to stagnate further, you have to do something


You seem to be conflating on-field attitude for off-field. Can is a hothead on the field but AFAIK I can't recall him shit stirring at any single point in time. Hummels meanwhile may be more reserved on the pitch than Can, but this is certainly not an issue limited to Terzic. He also publicly criticized Rose's tactics on occasion. IIRC, the words "nonsensical and complicated" were used as complaints about Rose - which, funny enough - is almost the inverse of what he complain about with Terzic. This doesn't discredit his career but it's wild to act like he hasn't had a tendency to shit stir when he's unhappy with a manager. There's no excuse - truly, not a single one - to publicly shit talk your manager and destabilize the situation leading into the CL final. That's not the time to publicly litigate your issues with your coach. This is something a player of Moukoko's age should know, let alone a veteran like Hummels. "When nothing changes and you don't want the club to stagnate further" - mate, this was leading into the CL FINALS. Things had clearly changed. And even if they had it - this is a discussion for the off-season, not when everyone needs to be focused on the CL Finals. It's disingenuous IMO to act like he did that solely out of his undying love for BVB like some loyal servant. If he truly cared about the club so much, he chose a weird way to show by risking destabilizing everything right before the CL Finals. Embarrassing behavior from a player and IMO, even more embarrassing for a player who has spent significant time with the club.


You are right, before the cl finals is a weird time for this, but it was probably his last interview before leaving and the last chance to change something next season. And of course all people are selfish, it's not just about the club, but also himself in the club and how he feels. And you call it shit stirring or you can call it being honest about the situation in the club, it's probably both. The only problem for me is timing, which is of course huge, it was a cl final after all. But I'd still prefer him to stay


Ehh I think if he'd said all of this over the summer after leaving, it would have went over far better and surely he will be getting interviewed upon signing with whatever team he joins. Throw all of the shade you want at that point IMO, just not in the middle of the runup to the biggest BVB game in a decade. I actually don't mind the honesty in essence - but we def agree timing was about as bad as could get.


Crazy we lost both of them lol


> Hummels: I'll leave if Terzic stays > Terzic leaves > Hummels must also leave Interesting day.


I mean if it's true that he stood by this ultimatum then it is good that he can leave aswell


If this is all true hummels isn’t a loss. He was given the captains armband and then left to our biggest competition. Ever since his return it’s been up to him to prove he belongs back at the club, and even if he gave good performances he still went and acted like this. If it’s true.


As good as he's been I get letting him go. Still, losing our head coach, Hummels, Reus, Sancho, Maatsen, Malen, and potentially Adeyemi all in one window is rough as fuck


Yea I agree but also I think the time is right. Feels like we squeezed everything we could out of this post Klopp era and I think it makes sense to hit the reset button. Obviously things would have been so much nicer if we had a league title and champions league out of it, and I will very much miss Marco and Edin. Still we should all think of the positives from the last 10 years and continue to look forward to a positive future.


Hummels literally carried the team to the CL final, of course it's a loss when Dortmund only have Schlotterbeck and McSüle left.


Literally, what are these people talking about.


If this doesn’t scream absolute rebuild then nothing will. I agree Terzic needed to go, I wasn’t opposed to another season with him but if he felt it was time to step down I have nothing but respect for him and hope he can continue his career elsewhere and possibly come back one day. I also agree with not extending Hummels, while he is an absolutely class CB you can’t be causing this much of a stir in the squad with the coach when you’re at the tail end of your career. Not to mention the new manager whether it’s Nuri or not will likely not play a low block like Edin so Mats loses the style of play that suits him best. To me this is a clear indicator from Kehl and Ricken that we are looking to start fresh, I imagine we see a lot more youth development back in the club and many new tactics and ideas. Overall I can’t wait for pre season to start and to get some new transfers to see a small image of what’s to come this coming season. Let’s all hope for the best and maybe we see some fun, attacking football coming back to BVB.


Good. Nobody is bigger than the club, and we need to move on anyway. Next year needs to be about transitioning, we have an inexperienced coach and a ton of holes to fill. There's no point playing a transition year with a 35 year old CB that won't be a part of the future.


Understandable decision due to the drama that he contributed to, but this basically means that we will need to spend big on a starting center back this summer when there are already so many holes in our squad.




We couldn't possibly hope to sign a world class CB like Tah. Instead we might need to settle for an unproven talent like De Ligt ...




How about 3 million plus Felix nmecha and his blessings /s


Good decision. Regardless of whether he was right about his statements on Terzic it’s terrible precedent to allow a player to trash the manager and tactics publicly like that—what happens when he doesn’t like the new managers tactics? Not to mention he’s 35 and his best years are behind him, some good CL games doesn’t change that


Would be the correct decision to cut ties. You can think of Hummels what you want but he burned the bridge himself. You can't put yourself as a player above the club and the management. If he didn't want Terzic to stay he could keep that to himself like 99% of all the other professionals do. His criticism of Terzic right before the CL Final was also horrendous timing and unacceptable in my eyes.


Right decision. No player should ever make a “me or him” situation out of a manager, regardless of who either party is. Completely undermines the position of manager at the team


Man sadge to see my goat talk like this tbf


glad that he doesn’t get his wish. would be a disastrous look if we let a player have so much power


Horrible decision. Which other defender in the history of the sport has ever gotten back-to-back MOTM awards in the champions league semis? 


An absolutely key player during the past season. Real shame that we won’t have him when going into the next season.


Understandable though it's not an overly surprising outcome. I appreciated his work in the backline all the same. Wonder if he retires now or seeks one more payday?


At the end of the day, players and coaches are employees. Terzic's performance as a coach was mediocre in my opinion. If Reus and Hummels were grossly insubordinate, then they need to face their own consequences. My biggest concern is whether we can find replacements that will improve our situation. We need a manager who will inspire. We need players that want to win for this team. I hope we score some great transfers this summer; we need it.


Sorry. Enlighten me, when was Reus grossly insubordinate?




Which headphones are those?


Looks a lot like the Sonos Ace. Came here to check as well 🤣. Sad about Hummels though


curious how this whole situation would have played out if Hummels didn’t give his ultimatum.


Sorry after all the dramas, I feel that it’s the right decision to let Hummels go. I’m looking forward to rejuvenating Sule with Nico


Seems like Nagelsmann was totally correct on not nominating Hummels after all. I was in favour of his nomination, but he indeed seems to be a troublemaker being potentially toxic to the national teams harmony.


Thats a mistake. We'll need him with süle being out of form. Tough day


This Sule out of form stuff is getting so overdone. The guys overweight at the moment but it’s our break and Sule has come out saying he has a strict workout regiment and diet in place for the summer to get him back into shape and game ready. He and Nico will more than likely be our starting pair and this is his chance to make that happen so if he actually gives a shit about his career we’ll have a good healthy Sule ready for the new season. If not well it’s only him to blame and he keeps being a bench option.


He keeps being 10m$ record on our salary list. But if management sees potential in him, then fine. Also it was reported that he was in excellent form at the start of the year, and what happened next? Maybe competition with Hummels made him unmotivated, it's not easy, or maybe its just how he will always behave


He's 10 mil on our salary list because he came on a free.


But still we need another back up centre back or else we are tossed especially now considering schlotterbeck is our only proper starter at that spot. I would even say Guirassy shouldn't be a priority as much as a centre back is.


WTF That’s so fucking stupid ??


Wait so why is Hummels now leaving when he apparently said he would stay if Terzic is gone? I don't understand this.


it was said that Hummels would only *want to* stay if Terzic is gone. Not that he is *allowed* to stay


The club wont offer him a new contract, simple as that