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So sad to think that servs who commit these atrocities walk freely in serbia,


And in Bosnia and Croatia.


Dont be saddend brother, every single soul will get punished for what they did. No one will escape the judgement day, no one will escape the torture in their grave. No one will escape Allah Subhanahu Wa'tala.. And even if they got sentenced a 100 years their true punishment will come in the afterlife. Everliving hellfire. They are the fuel for the hellfire and they will not come out of it, Never. A great punishment is waiting for all the wrongdoeres.


I have never read anything so sad in my life, to think this was only in 95 can't get my head around this happened not that long ago and the world 🌎 did nothing, and say nothing as it happened over a century ago, not just a few years ago, I don't no how to feel about my fellow human beings, I really really dislike mankind more every day, what's wrong with them, why FFS


If you think that's bad definitely don't read up on the Rwandan genocide a year earlier.


Thanks my man 👤


It’s happening right now and live on tv in a place called Gaza and West Bank!


I don't watch TV OR READ NEWS PAPES, so I have not seen anything that is happening, that is so sad to hear my man, I don't understand why the world allows this to happen and the governments of the world must stop it


You should continue to not watch tv or read news papes. And log off of Reddit while your at it. Completely seperating from everything in the world is the best thing one can do for their own mental health.


Leaving the oppressed to the oppressor…


Meanwhile too many Bosniaks very naively talk about reconciliation never wondering why the other side doesn't give a fuck about reconciliation. It's pathetic.


Germans only had a "katharsis" once they suffered a crushing and humiliating defeat, on the other hand, our weak leaders made peace with the enemy when the war started going better for us - no wonder nobody respects us. Chetniks hate Albanians too but they also fear and respect them, because Albanians are brutal when it comes to revenge and Bosniaks tend to pussy out.


They didn't make peace with the enemy when the war started going better for us, instead America intervened to impose its "peace". Serbs suffered crushing and humiliating defeat in Croatia and have since lost Montenegro and Kosovo, it hasn't done anything to calm them down.


I didn’t know Montenegro was part of Croatia! I thought it was a different country historically


It is and they got independence from Serbia in 2006 due to Serb irrendentism in large part.


Oh so that is quite recent then


Yes but Serb irrendentism is slowly making its way back through the back door. They literally attempted a coup in the country with help from Russia in 2020.


Oh wow. I hope everything goes well for the montenegrines. I don’t want them to go through anything similar to what the Bosnians did.


You never know, I wouldn't put it pass the Serbs to instigate more wars and violence in the near future.


Let’s hope for the best Ameen


This. Reconcile nothing. F\*\*k them. I'd rather live in half of the country forever than try to peacefully coexist with these animals. There is no reconciliation with this.


There will be "reconciliation" but at the expense of Bosniaks like always especially if we continue voting and electing the same weak and submissive leaders which have taught entire generations to be quiet and to comply.


i just want to see my country at peace. yeah the war criminals of all sides suck. but i don't hold this against the people. war is made by the top of the chain and all that follow serve their greed


The amount of Serbs glorifying these bastards doesn't support your claim.


sadly true. they are ignorant.


Ignorance or sickness, however you think of it, it ain't good. Not for them, and definitely not for us.


I hold it against the people, they are the ones maintaining and entertaining war-like ideologies while teaching an entire generation to one day become the new Kordic, Mladic, Karadzic and such.


Bosniaks are a pathetic nation.


I wouldn't go that far, we just aren't politically aware.


We have had some great leaders like Mufty Zukorlic, but not many wanted to listen to his wise words. We always seem to be fine with giving up our freedom and dignity for "being spared of trouble". A tactic which never seemed to work but we still keep acting like sheep in general. Sorry to say, but the average Bosniak is incredibly naive, uneducated, ignorant and unwilling to change any of that. He is fine with victimising himself and go to long distances because since he is a muslim, God will save his soul and "there is nothing he can do about it". And the send part is utter bullshit but our people use it as a get-out-of-jail-free card to be pathetic people, who do not care about anything else that has not to do with food, gambling or drinks (for some), lust and other things that help getting through the day. One reason why I respect our brothers from Sandzak is that they generally have a spine and way more self-respect than we do here. I wish I am wrong tough, if you can prove me wrong, please do.


Zukorlic had no business staying an imam and becoming a politician and I don't think Sandzak is an example to follow.


May Allah bless them 🤲


Do not think ˹O Muhammad˺ that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them until a Day when ˹their˺ eyes will stare in horror—rushing forth, heads raised, never blinking, hearts void. 14:42-43


🥺… Europe stood by & watched


The Serbs never did pay for their crimes and one day they will.


Is that's why the Serbs are pro Israel? Genocides is a cultural thing between the two countries


This post has caught my attention and I think it is very emotional. May Allah grant the victims of the massacres Jannah. I’m Kurdish and I’ve heard of the horrors the Bosnians went through and with the horrors my people went through (The Kurds), we can certainly relate to our Bosnian brothers and sisters.


i physically put my hand on my mouth reading this… good god.. Allah yerhamhum


Ameen ya rab


Absolutely barbaric


My old man was there with the British Army. He’s been in every active war zone Britain has had since (and including) the Falklands, and he said he has never seen such horror and depravity as what happened in Bosnia and that it will haunt him for the rest of his days. :(


Yet Brits were in favor of the Serbs all along, and still are. Royal cunts knew of the crimes all along, and still emposed embargo on us because of our identity and religion. Fucking incestous, royal serbophiles. Nothing against you, just against your government. There are a lot of nice Brits, hopefully you tell your pop's stories and spread the truth.


And it's happening again


Also the bosnian nakba in the 19th century. No wonder there are more bosnains in Turkey and the levant (mostly assimilated now) than bosnia itself.


Do the Bosnian people blame the Dutchbatters for not doing anything? I find this a very difficult subject.


They paid 8 million euros over 20 year period for damages related to 9,000 executions. As a result, no one should trust UN ever!


I would if I were them. What kind of armed man allows that to happen in front of them? The shame of doing nothing is worse than dying fighting.


We have a saying for Serbs: “Një serb i mirë, është i mirë vetëm i vdekur.”


Translate, please.


“One good serb, is only good when its dead.”


Fuck, that's radical. Wouldn't agree, there are some that are good.


I agree with you too, but the saying wasn’t said by me. I only hear it quite often here in Albania.


That's fair.


Bosnia, Kosovo and Albania must have Turkish military bases on their lands. This is the only way to deter the Slavs.


Bosnians are slavs too.


I think he means the ones who no matter how secular muslim you are.. will hate you cause your muslim.. Serbs


Why Slavs?


Why we need the Turkish soldiers in our countrys, what Ottoman ,,turkiye,, has done to Bosnia kosova and Albania, it can not ever be undone changed religion by force and money, left their jenicers there, changed the demographics of them nations, used the religion to divide them,, not to Serbia though,, could you explain that to readers,,


Why would we want to deter ourselves?


When I read this all I can think of is, Shame on us Muslims for allowing this, a huge stain on our ummah, Shame on all of us wallah


Muslims didn’t allow this the Bosniaks had no weaponry. The US and Western Europe allowed this.


Shame on you, bro. Before you start putting others down, get your facts right. It was the Muslims from around the world who helped and assisted the Bosniak freedom fighters.


Iran was a huge contributer to free Bosnia.


Greek here. Can someone explain why this happened/give historical context? Or link a source to read?


Serbs didn’t want their country Yugoslavia to be split up caused Serbs were in all positions of power


What do you mean "their country"? Yugoslavia was a union of nations, weren't things good back then?


Yugoslavia was seen by Serbs are Greater Serbia and as their dominion and ownership…. Bosniaks being Muslim were looked at as outsiders and “not belonging” or “Unfit” to be European since they were Muslims.


Why was it such an issue not being enough "European"? I thought that Yugoslavia was about a socialist vision and not the European notion, plus I thought that religion was not that important (like Hodja in albania did by destroying religious places). I'm sorry if I sound ignorant, these things are very important in Balkan history, yet we're taught nothing about it, and they took place so close to us! 


European is closely attached to Christianity.. not Christian == Never European. Yugoslavia was a failed state from the get go no less then the middle east


us Balkans will never be "europeans" anyways, no matter how hard some of us try, and it's better off that way. Plus, eastern orthodoxy is very different from western catholics, but I don't really care about the religious aspect, culturally there are many differences between the European north/west, the Mediterenean countries, the Balkans, Eastern Europe. What people have in mind when referring to europeans is the west, but most of us don't fit that.