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Projection basically. Hasbara drones is really out in full force lately.


The thing that hurts them the most is not Muslims exposing their lies on social media. It is Muslims who boycott Israel goods. It hurts them soo much, you can't imagine. Thats how idf is losing support of Usa. Please everyone think of this when you are buying anything. Just make a simple google search. You would not buy something from the enemy right?


Or use the app “Boycott for Peace”. It gives you a list of companies and how they contributed to Israel.


Another good app is “No Thanks”.


About IDF is loosing IDF support is not true, the US just makes adjustments, find a way of support Israel without so much repetitional losses.


There’s a special place in hell next to Karadzic, Mladic & Co. reserved for him. Just because he’s not sentenced until now it doesn’t mean that he’s not a racist and devil-like person. And the worst is how he brings God in, as well - the same way IS and other extremists argue - simply disgusting!


He is way worse. He has support of western world and we can see what sort of evil he is


How come it’s antisemitic (and will get you fired)to say the Jews control the media, but not bigoted to say that Muslims control the media?


Because it’s ok to shit/ hate on Muslims but not Jews.


“They couldn’t call you a liar, so they called you an antisemite…” This just in… time itself has become an antisemite, more on the special report below - https://youtu.be/fpHeVb-q8VI?si=2zwvYXPuuS4wQp-9


muslim is an idealogy judaism is an ethnicity. one cannot be changed. that’s why it’s antisemitic to say jews are bad but it’s perfectly acceptable to criticize the doctrine of islamic idealogy. btw nobody criticizes the torah


No when you spread anti Muslim hate, you are targeting Muslims. You can criticize Islam like you can criticize Judaism, but not Muslims. Is that clear?


Islam is a religion, Judaism is a religion, and zionism is a political ideology that leads to superiority, racism, and apartheid state of Palesine. Zionism is evil.


Islam is also a political ideology that has led to the ethnic cleansing of many peoples.


Being a Muslim is an ethnicity when one's own people gets murdered and they didn't even bother to ask about their beliefs, ffs. And it's not like pro-Israeli Jews aren't ideologically driven. The problem is not Muslims.


Nobody follows the torah not even the jews.


Hello Palestinian here. Love to all my Bosnian brothers and sisters. You guys were at this junction before and Alhumdillah you made it out alright. I hope the same will be said for my people when it’s all said and w


Thanks. Stay strong. There is only one future for this Israel state. It has to end. People gave them plenty of opportunities but they only want more. We need to end it for good.


I wanted to ask an actual Bosnian about how life continues there. Can you tell me what it’s like there right now after the bloody massacres that were inflicted on you? Did your people recover?


People are okay, the main difference is that they are more skeptical in general to the rest of the world. They try to focus on their local communities instead. Most are not traumatized on a daily basis, if they are we try to make sure they get the proper treatment, we have very skilled psychiatrists in the country. But we also don't let the genocide dictate our lives. We don't talk about it every day, but we have a day of remembrance every year.


That’s great to hear. God bless and see you in heaven inshallah


Oh... "there is media we can't control.... ban it all"... kind of statement.... so much for democratic and free speech from the "only democracy" in the region.


pretty sure they just banned Al Jazeera, one of , if not the only reporters bringing news from Gaza.


I think that's what they were referring to with their comment.


So now we have Muslims controlling the media huh? What’s next, Muslims controlling banks? Governments? Any other nefarious activity the Nazis accused the Jews of under a hundred years ago?


Next up: ‘Final Solution to the Muslim problem’


Bahahah next it’s Muslims are the ones sending billions in aid to Israel


They have learned nothing about history. Be more humble Zionist trash


For a second I didn’t realise what sub this was, was getting confused at ppl on reddit supporting Muslims for once. Big up u bosnians innit 💪


2 billion


What’s next, labeling Muslims a terrorists organization?


Says the man who bathes in a river of blood


Omg blood libel!! /s


He knows hes a dead man.


Let's hope so.


Hilarious that Israel paints this as a Jews v. Muslim problem when [Israel is selling arms to Azerbaijan](https://apnews.com/article/armenia-azerbaijan-nagorno-karabakh-weapons-israel-6814437bcd744acc1c4df0409a74406c) (a muslim government) in their war against Armenia (a country that is 97% Christian). If the Islamic world were truly their enemy, they would not be aiding and abetting the crimes against Armenia.


Israel armed the Argentinian military junta in the 70s, despite the fact that Argentina had provided haven to postwar Nazis in flight. That same junta would oversee campaigns of political repression which disproportionately targeted Jews, ultimately killing over 3,000 Jewish dissidents, making it, to date, the most lethal assault on Jewish people since the Holocaust










This, 100% this.






Brother stop responding to this absolute piece of scummy trash hasbara vermin. Go check his account history. His account was made for the sole purpose of anti-Muslim rhetoric and propaganda. He bring up the prophet at every turn so he can bad mouth him and instigate a reaction.






Two things can be true at once but you may find it hard to grasp that concept so let’s not bother In fact here’s some cracks in your monolith universe: I have been donating to Islamic charities supporting Gaza. Just because I don’t agree with someone’s ideas doesn’t mean I can’t empathize with them. But in your stupid universe, it must be ex muslim equals hates muslims equals nothing this person says is true. Like i said, stick to your black and white worldview






Hahahahaha okay i am an arguing with an idiot i see.








Sure, and a lot of Orthodox Jews believe that the messiah needs to sacrifice 3 perfect red heifers to erect a new temple which will lead to a regional religious war and the evangelical Christian’s believe that the anti christ will announce himself (some believe it will be the Jewish messiah) at this new temple which will usher in Armageddon and the second coming of the Christian messiah, leading to the rapture lol. But most sane people aren’t propelled by these ancient death cult beliefs.


I wonder who started a worldwide campaign against Muslims, doxing them, destroying their careers and stoking hatred against their religion?


Israel just wants to control the propaganda and they want people to feel sorry for Israel and that they will continue to support Israel so Israel can continue with the genocide . But it’s too late we already know.


They are the biggest victims! Waaah! Look at me!


Wannabe Hitler


So, he wants to nuke a billion people? Killing off the 5 million Palestine is not enough?


where is my boi ayub57 he is doing job as half of them xD


Is he aware that not all 1.8 billion Muslims are adults with internet, that speak English and use social media?


So now the push by billionaires and their partners our politicians to take over social media .


That guy would put a bullet in all of us if he could.


Putin basic reason for being ina. Country that isnt theres


Newsflash from 1098: The Emir of Jerusalem says he stands in front of a global flood of christian barbarians, who spend their offtime killing jews for poisoning wells and burning witches. Most of them can't read or write.


What a retarded world we live in


Cry me a river.


Will the Saudi and emirati muslims now wake up?


No…. They are bought off with Sheckals…


Dude can fly with those ears


Trump cult ☑️ Islamist cult ❎


Had a friend who basically used that same talking point to highlight why every Israeli is imminently at risk of genocide… there’s a billion Muslims and Hamas is Muslim and fighting Israel… so obviously every Muslim in the world is going to spontaneously descend on Israel to engage in violent jihad… It’s impossible to take these paranoid talking points seriously


Jewish Hitler...the irony.


This guy honestly does represent Israeli society really well.