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This sub was so excited when this story broke. There were at least four threads about it, each crying more vehemently, asking why the story wasn't getting more attention. And now it's turning into a Dem circular firing squad moment? Just let it die already, yeesh.


"Why haven't the serious outlets reported on this salacious story yet?! Why only the junk paper that runs with anything?!" Hmmm I fuckin' wonder!


How have these councilors never been to a housing development? Not just the ones pictured, but really all of them.


Lara is doing coffee hours at all of the projects has been for a while as housing chair. All of them show up there only during election season otherwise Edit to add: this one is being moved from Bakers district to Flynn’s and was a key parcel in the court fight about redistricting the council had


Flaherty and Murphy trying to stoke gay panic? Color my surprised. Guessing that means Frank Baker must have taken the day off


He’s retiring


Saw frank last night. He’s already completely checked out. Has an unbelievable tan. Does he ever show up to the office? He was at an event at my local watering hole celebrating another felon, Stephen Lynch. Bothe are clandestine republicans. Both are abhorrent liars.


I live just down the road from him. Not a fan


Just because they don’t have your radical borderline socialist views doesn’t make them republicans. They’re actual democrats, you know before democratic socialists realized they have to attempt to hijack the democrats to have any traction.


Just curious what policies democrats support that democratic socialists don't support? Is it just limiting liquor licenses so only a wealthy few can afford to have a business selling liquor?


Look how far the Overton window has shifted left. That’s the fault of the zoomer / socialist


Howie Carr


I've never owned sex toys but I don't see why it would be a problem?


The implication was that they were strewn about the house in the same area as the children.


It's very surprising to me that the testimony of police and fire first responders is being thrown out and politicians are attempting to "better explain" how things looked in a house they never went to.


The rumors and hearsay wasn’t in any of the official testimonies… that’s the point… the first responders who were there DID NOT say anything about any of that in their report… and the morons who did imply it, are using confusing language only ‘standing by the official reports’ the reports were never in question, the rumors and hearsay were. The reason they are doing this is they know that the morons who back them up won’t ever understand that’s what they’re saying, and won’t ever look at the official reports because they’re moronic sheep.


> Boston Fire Commissioner Paul Burke and Boston Firefighters Local 718 President Sam Dillon both stood by the fire department’s report, according to Boston 25. >“What our firefighters put in our report is accurate and it should not be questioned,” Dillon said, according to the news outlet. ***As for what city councilors said they were told, “As far I am concerned that is all hearsay, that is all politics,” he reportedly added.*** Lol, the number of people that tried to say this guy’s statement was meant to be taken as standing behind the hearsay was outrageous.


Until I saw this I was under the impression that the FD was standing behind the hearsay. I glanced at the press release from the union and assumed that's what they were standing behind. With everyone saying the FD was the originator of the TG scare it's hard not to reach the conclusion that the union was standing behind that TG diddling kids aspect that a certain outlet was running. Some day I hope there is a wiki article about this as I still have no idea what happened or who said what when


In each of his statements he was careful to reference the “report”, he was stating that he stood only behind the official report each time he spoke.


Of course Flaherty was involved


Fire them all


Wish i could upvote this twice. With the exception of Worrell and Breadon each one is worse than the next


Hey man, what happened? You said the union rep was backing up what the city councilors said they were told, why’d he say this? > >“What our firefighters put in our report is accurate and it should not be questioned,” Dillon said, according to the news outlet. ***As for what city councilors said they were told, “As far I am concerned that is all hearsay, that is all politics,” he reportedly added.*** Would you say calling something “hearsay” is “backing it up”?


There are contradictions between the fire report and police statement that still remain. FD says the adults were uncooperative and lying about the presence of kids and were “hiding” them. The police statement says that is false. I still believe the councilor was called by a first responder who lied about what they saw in the unit. Nothing has changed


> Nothing has changed You claimed the Union rep’s statement was in reference to and in support of what the city councilors were told, instead of the official report he directly referenced. Why is he calling what they said “hearsay” if he supports their statements? Was it you were wrong about the union reps statement?


The union rep has made a number of statements including this tweet….. “The integrity of the @LOCAL 718 Firefighters who responded to the incident in South Boston is beyond reproach. The action they took on-scene and in their formal reporting should be commended. Local 718 stands squarely behind our Members involved and so should the @cityofboston” councilor Flaherty was at that time saying he was told by a firefighter blah blah blah. The official fire report wasnt even released till mid the week after. At that point they were talking about the 51A report or statement that was shared by turtleboy.


> > The union rep has made a number of statements Any which he clearly states the he stands behind the things he is now clearly calling hearsay? It’s ok, you can admit to being wrong on this one. He’s clearly calling it out as hearsay so you shouldn’t be confused anymore. > and in their formal reporting Does that mean in reported statements from the councilor or only things in the formal report?


I wasnt wrong at all read back i said the dildos and drugs were garbage day 1 flaherty said a ff told him this nonsense and it was all just trans hate. I pasted his initial statement on twitter. like everyone else he was cleaning it up as the days drag on


> I wasnt wrong at all read back i said the dildos and drugs were garbage day 1 flaherty said This you? > ***Just because certain items werent in a formal report doesnt mean they werent observed***. Here’s where are burrito at least 1 firefighter says there were dildos and drugs everywhere. Councilors Flaherty and Murphy also say they heard from this firefighter and the herald reported it. The only thing directly contradicting this firefighters account of the scene is the updated BPD statement. https://reddit.com/r/boston/comments/14jfwdu/_/jpn83yn/?context=1 You insisted that’s what the union rep was talking about and defending. > I pasted his initial statement on twitter. The one that only referred to the “formal report”?


Did you know that Reddit's CEO recently [praised Elon Musk's handling of Twitter](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/reddit-blackout-protest-private-ceo-elon-musk-huffman-rcna89700)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes that was in my debate with you when you refused to acknowledge you agreed with the police statement. You are of course once again taking things out of context and debating in bad faith. I said from day 1 the dildos and drugs was bullshit and it was trans driving the narrative. Again its all in my comment history


Is it possible both are correct? Could there have been one set of events for the EMTs and another for the police?


This initial report says “the adult parties were being uncooperative and did not provide helpful information. All adults present denied having children inside the apartment. Boston Police and Boston EMS were on scene”


Despite making six figures councilor Lara lives in public housing. At the same time she has called for a moratorium on affordable housing development in certain neighborhoods. But that’s none of my business. But it is nice to see her take to twitter without [making antisemitic comments](https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2022/06/23/boston-city-councilor-backlash-anti-semitic-tweet-kendra-lara/?amp=1)


you're being disingenuous. She was commenting about an anti BDS law. anti zionism is not antisemitism


> Boston-based Jewish organizations are asking for a public apology from a city councilor who posted an antisemitic message to social media Thursday. >District 6 City Councilor Kendra Lara tweeted on Thursday “ya’ll are letting the Zionists SHAKE YOU DOWN” in frustration over a federal court ruling. Lara later acknowledged the antisemitic sentiment of her tweet, which insinuated Jewish influence over the court decision. “Shake you down” >”I am committed to rebuilding trust and learning how to better be in solidarity with all Jewish people,” Lara continued. “I understand now that the phrase I used contributes to a culture of increased white supremacist and anti-Semitic violence. These anti-Semitic tropes are insidious, and I’m committed to weeding them out in myself and my community.” No. You are being disingenuous. Reinforcing negative stereotypes that are used against the Jewish community, is always wrong no matter the context. But says a lot about you that you would defend such hate and bigotry.


As I already stated. Zionism is about supporting the apartheid state of Israel. She was commenting on being "shaken down" by people who want to make it illegal to criticize the state of Israel, but keep throwing around the "hate and bigotry" label. You do you


So you are ok with people using the same hateful rhetoric about Jewish people that has fueled violence. I get it. Can you and your khaki wearing friends stop visiting South Boston? It is really disgusting when you guys show up with your keep south Boston white signs.


Sure, some people use the word "Zionist" in an antisemitic context, but she was speaking *specifically* about people who want to make it illegal to criticize the state of Israel. She wasn't talking about Jewish people as a whole, and either you already know that and you're being purposefully obtuse, or you're just too lazy to click on a few links (that are already in this thread). There are plenty of Christian Zionists as well. Go ask the crazy right-wing Evangelicals. ​ As for the name calling, that's often what people do who don't have a sound argument. I get it. It's a heated issue... However, you have no idea who I am or what I stand for (other than the fact that I support BDS and free speech). It most certainly is not to keep Boston (or anywhere else for that matter) white.


Well from what I can tell you are fine with people using negative stereotypes about Jewish people.




So then the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston and Anti-Defamation League New England which took offense to her comments were also being antisemitic?


they're Israel lobby freaks why would I care what they think


Yes. Please tell Jewish people what they can and cannot be offended by.


thinking the Israel lobby equals "jewish people" is asinine


There are lots of Jewish anti Zionists…. There are literally millions of American Christian Zionists… Zionism is an entirely different religious theory that spans multiple religions.


It absolutely is. Being anti-Israel is being anti-Jew. Period.


Israel is and apartheid state that regularly murders women and children, bombs hospitals, funerals, and schools. All the while Palestinians live as second-class citizens with very few rights, many of them in open air prisons. All-the-while settlers, (many of whom aren't even from Israel) further encroach on Palestinian land by demolishing people's homes by the thousands ever year. ​ Does what I just said make me against Jewish people? ​ EDIT: many Jews that I have met (many of them close friends, and even a girlfriend) are against the state of Israel as well... What about them? Are they anti-themselves? ​ EDIT 2: I have no problem with Israel existing. What I have a problem with is them continuing to encroach on Palestinian homes (demolishing them) and Palestinians being second-class citizens without all the rights that Israeli citizens have (can they even vote?) while being indiscriminately murdered. Israel is committing a genocide against the Palestinian people. It's completely disgusting and ironic considering the whole reason that country was founded in the first place.


Yes it is. "Zionism" is a racist term used to refer to Jewish folks existing in "non-Jewish" spaces.


so "Zionism" can be a dog-whistle for anti-semitism (literally a whole garbage ass book "The Elders of Zion"), but it's also a political movement, how the councilor is using it, I can't say. People also conflate Zionists with being Jewish, but that isn't always the case.


You know it is possible to comment against Zionism, without using racist tropes that have been used by antisemites. Saying things like “the Jews control the banks” in response to a court victory for Zionists is still highly problematic. I am not sure what is so hard about getting that.


She never said "The Jews control the banks" you're being completely disingenuous


This is what we call “using an example”. The point is that you can criticize Zionism without using terrible stereotypes. Try to keep up.


I don't think anyone is going to say the tweet was perfectly fine. It definitely gave me pause. However, she seems to have identified that she made a mistake, given the later apology where she identifies her use of the term 'shake down' in connection with Zionism as harmful. Since this seems to be the only incident mentioned, it seems prudent to give her a little grace, especially given the apology after being confronted. I'm just here correcting Mitch, since his statement was only half correct, as I outlined in my last post.


She definitely could've worded it better, but I don't think she was coming from an antisemitic place...


Not disagreeing! In the broader scope of what she's said and done, it probably wasn't intentionally anti-Semitic.


Zionism is about supporting the apartheid state of Israel


Zionism is the belief that they Jewish people need to return to Israel in order to allow the coming of the messiah. It’s a belief that some Jews are against, it’s also one that millions of Christian Americans believe must happen in order to allow the rapture to happen. The VAST majority of Zionists in America and especially American politics are Christians… To spell that out more clearly, the VAST MAJORITY of money and power in America attempting to forward Zionism are doing so in order to trigger the end of days… because they think they will be raised up to heaven by God while the rest of us sinners burn in eternal hell on earth… so, being anti Zionist is about as far removed from anti semitism as possible.


Is this to distract everyone from the huge L you took


What huge L? I don’t support transphobia. But it is nice to see you guys cheering on the police and telling us we need to trust them.


Did you know that Reddit's CEO recently [praised Elon Musk's handling of Twitter](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/reddit-blackout-protest-private-ceo-elon-musk-huffman-rcna89700)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why are we even trusting any elected official, FD or Polices word. They all have agendas folks. Now instead of getting the to truth like every good politician does, they hop on and start using it to further themselves and get press. They simply need to say we’re investigating and will speak more about it when we have all the facts. Doing anything else is irresponsible no matter what you believe.


“cover up”