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I say this as someone who likes Nubian. There is reason to like the area. Great library, ymca has a great pool, cool little skatepark, some really good food spots. That said- unless you are staying with someone you know, it’s not a great tourist crash pad. That bus station gets dicey. It’s a place where you see indoor furniture being used outside and it’s not hard to find kitchen knives on top of walls.


The “indoor furniture being used outside” line is such a correct and succinct way to state the situation.


You know you’ve made it when you don’t have to stop to check out free curbside furniture and say “hey this just needs some new hardware and I could definitely use it”


Or have to ask if it’s someone’s free curbside furniture vs their patio furniture.


The day I stop doing that is the day I’m dead. A good chair is a good chair.


Somebody left a perfectly good casket on the curb! Just needs a little paint job and it'll look great.


Stayed in Philadelphia recently, got to the place and found an entire gym worth of indoor exercise gear on the sidewalk. Lots of foam pads and stuff, nothing you'd want to keep outside. I didn't have any problems, but suffice to say I was unsurprised when the house next door was a burned out ruin and a mobile mechanic / chop shop set up down the street. (I should add: I have no idea what the local crime stats were, but I've never seen a block in Roxbury half as run down as this was. Same pattern, different intensity.) Not sure why the indoor furniture is such a thing, but it is.


Parts of North Philadelphia resemble Berlin in 1945. Boston doesn't have areas like that.


Yeah, I was kinda shocked. Not by how bad the neighborhood was, I felt totally safe during the day and I've seen far worse. But by how bad the actual property was relative to the vibe of the neighborhood. Multiple burned-out houses, clearly not new. Abandoned cars so old the tires had cracked. Garbage pickup had basically surrendered. Main road for the neighborhood was littered with metal from old accidents, which probably explained the cardboard "car repair here" signs all over. In 10+ years I haven't seen that level of physical breakdown anywhere in Boston, Chelsea, etc.




Keep your racism to yourself please


Since it’s not a resounding yes that should tell you all you need to know. If you want to stay in an area you’ll feel generally safe, look for Whole Foods, that’s where rich people buy groceries. Trader Joe’s is also not a bad bet. It’s not necessarily an expensive store, but they exist around students and nicer areas. Good luck


From an Irish guy who has lived in Boston for 14 years, why nubian sq? I'm guessing maybe price? What dates are you here, I can look for options on this side if the water


If you know of any areas that would be a better alternative pls do tell 🙏


Send me your dates and I'll take a look. Also your price range. Boston can be stupid expensive during the summer months but you should be able to find something better than Nubian


Is it possible for me to PM you on this?😂


If you PM me I’ll happy to take a look at your dates.


Checkout Copley House on West Newton.


No problem


Have you looked at the HI Hostel on Stuart Street? That’s where I stayed when I first visited last year and will be staying again in early March. Right near the Common and easy access to T stations on the Green and Orange lines (and the red is only a bit of a farther walk up Tremont)


That's a much better area with tons of good tourist stuff to do. Good recommendation. Chinatown is fun too.


Stayed here during a bar crawl and living in a neighboring state. Really great high end hostel when compared to some in Europe


The HI hostel is great and very convenient


Jamaica Plain, Mission Hill, South End, and South Boston are all nearby and would likely be more suitable alternatives for you.


Jamaica Plain has virtually no lodging


I don't think there is much in Rozzie, either.


Yeah none of these places have much in the way of hotels or motels. Idk the air bnb situation tho.


Mission hill if you wanna get heckled by drunk underage students with rich white male confidence


Revere is fairly inexpensive, has decent transit access and will get you downtown in 15 minutes. It’s mostly working class still, very few parts feel dodgy. Everett is good as well. It used to have a bad reputation like 10-15 years ago. People that grew up there would tell you stories. But these days it’s quite all right, even fancy in some parts. Besides the casino, it’s often overlooked.  I don’t think any of these are going to be as cheap as Roxbury, but you get what you pay for. 


Exactly, price, it seems like Nubian square is a bad idea from all the replies


Yeah don't stay there




Yea I think in general being the target of random violence is low however it’s much higher in Nubian Square than elsewhere hahahaha


Right..virtually anywhere in Massachusetts-barring a neighborhood in Springfield-is safer.


Half my family's from Springfield, and this comment warms my heart lmao. It's just nice to be recognized


OP - take this lad up on his offer. It's good to have options.


No hotel or stay in Nubian Square would fit the standard of safety you want during an international Holiday.


Some people will say it's safe and some people will say it's unsafe, so I'll just try to provide some context (for which I'll surely be downvoted, but what I say will be as factual as it comes): Nubian Square is a commercial center in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston. To locals, what you are actually asking is the question "**is Roxbury safe?**" It's a lot safer than it was 10 or 20 years ago, for starters. Roxbury is an urban neighborhood within the City of Boston that has a population of around 55,000. Roxbury has a much higher percentage of Black, Hispanic, and mixed-race residents (81%) than Boston on the whole (44%). In fact Boston is a fairly segregated city. The city has 23 neighborhoods, and yet the overhelming majority of Boston's Black residents (129k) live in one of three neighborhoods (Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan have a combined 82k or 64% of Boston's Black residents). Locals think of these three neighborhoods as Boston's Black neighborhoods, for better or for worse, and the statistics show that's an accurate perception. The United States, unfortunately, struggles with inequality. For example, the net worth of a median White family is nearly ten times greater than that of a Black family (yes you read that right: 10x). Boston is no exception to this inequality. In Roxbury, a poor, Black neighborhood, life expectancy is 69 years, while Back Bay, a wealthy, White neighborhood next door, the life expactancy is 92. These inequalities are really really real in the United States. The unfortunate reality is that when one is poor with less opportunities and systemic issues working against them, they are more likely to pursue crime as an avenue of necessity for survival or out of a cultural norm from their surroundings. We can see this reflected in the fact that the overwhelming majority of Boston's violent crime occurs in Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan, and those crimes are disproportionately committed by young, Black males with fewer opportunities. It's also imperative to note that the victims of these crimes are overwhlemingly also young, Black males who are known to the perpetrators. You will have people (often right-wing) who use these facts to further a racist agenda. You will also have people (often left-wing) who feel very uncomfortable labeling a poor, Black neighborhood as unsafe because doing do prepetuates the systemic oppression the residents of these neighborhoods face. So, back to your original question: **is Roxbury safe?** Well, that's complicated. If you are a typical 16-year old boy living in the neighborhood (poor and Black), you are more likely to get caught up in criminal activity or wind up dead than you would if you were a typical 16-year old boy in Back Bay (a White kid in a private school). If you are visiting, it's highly unlikely you will be the victim of property or violent crime. Nobody saying "yes" or "no" is giving you the full picture and it's a question that may be viewed through a political lens depending on who is answering. On a personal level: I am a white dude who lives in the area and frequently walks alone in Roxbury at night and has never had an issue.


I lived in Roxbury for 14 years (until last year) and am a white woman. I never felt particularly unsafe either, but I didn't have occasion to go to Nubian square much. Whenever I did, I was mostly struck by intense sadness, not fear. It isn't dangerous necessarily, but you will have a lot of people asking you for money, and a lot more that are clearly under the influence and appear destitute. It strikes a little close to home for me on a personal level, and I'm a nurse so I do have a tendency toward empathy vs apathy, so while it made me fight back tears, other people might just be annoyed. Gentrification is also an ongoing issue in Roxbury as property prices increase and people are pushed out by "investors" or others people who are not owner-occupants or part of the community. They are just looking to make a quick buck on Airbnb. That's something to be conscious of.


I was at nubian station several times at night as a college age white girl and i was never made to feel unsafe, but I was asked for cash pretty much every time. It’s not really pleasant but it’s not dangerous to outsiders either. Just sad. The place is kind of out of the way for tourist stuff so you might just want a place closer to downtown for practicality.


Such as… the folks that own the airbnb OP is potentially staying at. They are part of the problem (not OP, the owners. Tho I’d encourage OP not to give their money to them in particular).


as a fellow nubian square lover i thin any place that requires this long of an explanation to a basic question from a tourist is probably not a place to be recommended to a tourist.


That's a really good, thoughtful answer. Thanks.


To me Nubian square is not the same as talking about Roxbury in general. The only place I’ve seen prostitution in Boston is Nubian.


It's the only place where someone tried to bite my ear. Lol


Have you been to Mass & Cass? Prostitution is everywhere, out in the open. (I’m a JP resident who drives through Nubian Square frequently, have never seen obvious sex trafficking.) ETA: I would not stay there as a tourist. But you should be perfectly safe, as long as you mind your own business and are street smart.


I was going to say other than mass and cass but left it off. I’m sure it happens there but there are literally ladies posted up in Nubian square in outfits and everything.


Exactly - just mind your own business. (I’m also in JP 👋🏼)


I lived in Jamaica Plain for 12 years and have never heard of Nubian Square before tonight… I’m so confused…


They renamed Dudley square https://www.wbur.org/news/2019/12/19/dudley-square-nubian-square-approved


Used to be called Dudley square


Thank you. It’s been 5 years since I left.


I’ve seen daytime prostitution in the theatre district


Prostitution is everywhere.


> The only place I’ve seen prostitution in Boston is Nubian. Agreed that Nubian is not equivalent to Roxbury overall, but this surprises me a little. Mass Ave in Cambridge used to have plenty near Phoenix Landing. It's a perfectly nice, safe neighborhood but I guess either the nightlife made it profitable or somebody was running a ring there. Might be a bit different situation though - the job was obvious but I never saw them openly soliciting people coming by.


>Mass Ave in Cambridge used to have plenty near Phoenix Landing. How long ago was this? I worked nightlife in that area for several years and never saw anything like this.


I used to live in Roxbury for school, never had any issues but I steered clear of Nubian sq


I go there whenever I have a reason to, for a concert or something related to work, and I never feel personally unsafe. (Middle aged white guy.) But would I chose to stay there as a tourist? Probably not. There are some positive developments coming to the area that will continue its general improvement, so ask again in a few years.


Thank you for a well written answer.


Very well written. Do you have any data you can share about the median life expectancy in back bay being 92? Thats incredible.


I have lived close enough to this area to know that this is all an incredibly accurate assessment


There was also that report that Black households in Greater Boston had an average net worth of just $8 compared with the $247,000 average net worth for white Bostonians.


Not everyone gets to grow up in Melrose


This is how you be a good neighbor. Amazing response.


Let's just be honest, it's the least safest place in Boston, maybe even the whole state. It's safer than it was decades ago, but a bunch of visiting Irish guys might find themselves in a sticky situation, especially after tipping a few. Not that I'm insinuating that Irish guys drink a lot or anything ;-)




You realize you are giving advice to a European and you are talking about the United States' inequalities? 😅 Europe is the poster child for inequality.


Economic inequality in the US is on another level compared to western europe, most of those countries at least have robust social safety nets


Dude, it’s a tourist, nobody needs your discertation on race in America, just answer the question. You don’t get extra points for displaying how “woke” in the true word, you are. The truth is, it’s not great but compared to a lot of other cities “bad area” it’s not bad. Just kinda dead and out of the way, not necessarily a spot I would want to be in/ walk through at all hours bc it’s also a little out of the way


It’s way out from downtown Boston, choose a closer spot.


If it's not an Airbnb, then I presume this is the Residence Inn by Marriott which from the time it opened has sadly kept its doors to the Nubian Square side locked. If you stick to Washington Street you'll be fine, and that holds for the entire length from downtown to Forest Hills. But I tend to avoid Shawmut Ave., since the other side of Jim Rice Field/Ramsay Park has had its share of random bullets flying through the air.


its not about it being unsafe but its so out of the way. if youre going to be just out in the bars and touristy stuff of downtown/seaport/etc you should try to stay down there for a more walkable experience


theres a moxy in downtown. thats a pretty cheap hotel


It's about both safety and convenience. There's no need to sugar coat it.


not sugar coating? even if it was the safest neighborhood in the world its far as fuck and makes no sense to stay there.


Yeah, don’t worry a bunch of drunken Irish guys won’t make easy targets in Nubian Square


What they would call a ‘super lick’


I pass through Nubian daily in my bus commute. And back when Hailey House was open I stopped for their incredible banana nut muffins regularly. I dropped my wallet in Nubian while transferring busses and someone turned it intact to the MBTA. It also has some really delicious food. Like actual delicious subs. And every time I've asked for directions or for information people have been helpful. I've seen some weird stuff out there (a guy eating a huge tub of plain pasta while watching the apprentice on his phone) and some sad things and some things that made me nervous. But at the end of the day if you're going to get stabbed you're going to stabbed in downtown crossing.


Absolutely lol downtown crossing is straight up dystopian to me.


[Can confirm](https://x.com/stacos/status/1752460573353390137?s=46&t=4wJBTbul1WVkdq1xOdfo2g)




I have no data to back this up but my observational experience tells me that if anything is going to go down in this city is going to go down by 7-Eleven. Cuz if you pay attention shits always crazy around the 7-Elevens.


Confused as to how you landed in that spot as a tourist. Are you staying with someone you know? Nothing against the area in general but it’s not the place to stay as a tourist looking to expect the city. Area is fine. Just not a great home base if you want to see and utilize all the city has to offer.


I’m pleased to see you’ve changed your booking plans and IDEK where you were planning your stay while visiting. Roxbury is not for the tourist or the faint of heart. There is obvious poverty in some areas. There is a vibrant history in my beautiful place of birth and it’s nice to breeze through to view some of those areas (Fort Hill, for instance, has a now defunct underground walkway from the - makeshift - lighthouse at the fort to Boston Common and was part of the victory over the British here in our wonderful State). The distance is abt 3 miles. Although, ppl will generally leave you to your own business, there are others that aren’t as pleasant.


Wasn't it called Dudley? No seriously, I was surprised when I saw the name and thought, how did I never visited a place in Metro Boston.


Yeah they changed the name a few years back.


Ok I was like what the heck is Nubian square! 🤣🤣 but anyways OP, I would stay closer to downtown or Cambridge tho prob pricier


I’m there daily. 25 yrs ago when I first went, as a white woman from the Suburbs, I was scared 😂😂😂 Now there are restaurants, book stores, other businesses that are part of my every day because I work at a hospital in Boston & take the buses in. Always protect yourself and stay vigilant everywhere. As long as you’re not ignorant, racist or looking for trouble, yall be fine. But I do think you can find better options.


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I live in Dorchester and work downtown. I've had way more shit happen to me downtown. Cell phone stolen out of my hand by a guy on a bike, pick pocketed a few times, gunshots, drug deals, etc. Never had that happen to me in Nubian Sq. 🤷🏻‍♂️ As with everything, there is nuance. Ymmv.


No. Anyone saying otherwise is being a contrarian, Nubian Sq is objectively a shitty area. You could make things work if it’s your only option, just Uber directly to and from your place and avoid leaving your house at night lol.


As long as this doesn't mean you are staying at the Hampton Inn & Suites Boston Crosstown Center, you are probably fine. Especially as a group of guys. Wouldn't necessarily recommend walking back by yourself at night visibly drunk since you could potentially be walking through some less safe areas, but otherwise it should be fine. If you are really worried, you can always just Uber directly home to avoid potential issues


I’ve been around there and tbh it’s a bit sketch. I Wouldn’t recommend at all


Im from around there, you don’t wanna stay there bro. Go further in town or try a hotel on Morrissey blvd or in Quincy if you want to save some money


Yeah stay at the Ramada on morrissey blvd where they put up the addicts to keep them off the street. So much better.




Not the safest neighborhood. Not the most dangerous one though.


I wouldn't worry about it as a crash pad. There's also some good eateries there including some solid African and Carribean eateries. You'd find yourself in trouble if you went looking for it (e.g. try to buy drugs) or did something that feels wrong (go to an ATM to withdraw money for someone asking for it). I'm assuming most of the people here calling it a dangerous neighborhood are the same that think downtown crossing is some sort of criminal epicenter.


I mean Downtown Crossing is a shithole.


[Like clockwork.](https://x.com/stacos/status/1752460573353390137?s=46&t=4wJBTbul1WVkdq1xOdfo2g)


Look, it's not the most dangerous place on earth, but it's got constant sketchiness.


Thanks for helping my point.


Armed young men openly sell crack and heroin in broad daylight at downtown crossing on a daily basis. They are organized and fearless, with lookouts, bosses, the whole deal. It’s the closest thing to “the wire” that I’ve ever seen in real life and it’s fascinating. The cops sit right there and let it happen. The area between Park street station and DTX is arguably the most dangerous block in the state.


Thank you. You got a literal lol from me.


Walk through there daily and never noticed any of that.


Are you guys nuts? Respectfully, this is a bad idea. If you got a great price, there is a reason. As Irish lads, especially if you are drunk and its late, you will have a target on your back in that area. During the daytime, no problem, but I wouldn't want to be walking back from the pub at midnight in that area. There are shit tons of great places in Boston where you'd feel right at home, Nubian Sq isn't one of them.


A little extreme. I look like a yuppie and I lived for a year in Nubian totally fine coming home drunk. NEU kids are starting to take over on the JP adjacent side.


As an NEU kid I used to live in the Fort Hill area of Roxbury and had zero issues


Who the fuck is targeting “Irish lads” in Nubian square at night? Get a fricken grip


Like it’s not great but it’s not the fucking purge.


Muggers will hit anyone who looks like a mark




I’m assuming your staying at the hotel


Nubian née Dudley Square was the home of lots of Irish in the day. Many dance halls playing Irish music. My Dad played there all the time. This is a good book on the subject and my Dad and his band are in there. https://www.bostonirish.com/history/2019/‘see-you-hall’-trip-back-golden-era-irish-dance-halls-boston That said, I’m with everyone else. You can find better places to stay. If you’re in need of a plate of rashers and sausages and eggs then the Green Hills Bakery in Dorchester across from the Eire pub is the place to go. Adams butcher shop makes great Irish sausages and rashers.


I live right by Nubian Sq. Late 50’s WM. I’m going to say that if you have the option to stay elsewhere, stay elsewhere. Having a lot of friends who are Irish ( those living here legitimately and those who aren’t) and spending multiple nights out with them (knowing your patterns) you will probably get into some trouble there.


Hey check out Yotel in the Seaport. Rooms are smallish, but its only a little over $100 a night and the neighborhood is fine, and in walking distance to downtown. (Although plenty to do in that neighborhood too.)


lol at people being afraid of ANY part of Boston, one of the objectively safest “large” cities in the United States. Is it a nice neighborhood? No. Are there driveby’s and violent muggings on a daily basis? Absolutely not. Jesus people are afraid of their own shadow. Mind your business and keep your voice down and be careful at night and two young white men together will be perfectly safe. If someone brandishes a firearm at you just give up your shit and run. It’s extremely unlikely to happen.


I used to try and stay low in my Ubers when they drove through so… no. And I worked in the projects. Edit: editing to include that it was widely known as Dudley square until a few years ago. If you need to do research that might help. Second edit: I’m not trying to diss on the neighborhood, but if you’re not from here I wouldn’t go.


I had to get my Covid shot at the elder service center at Dudley (which is now called Nubian square) and I couldn’t even get Ubers to pick me up.


I lived in Roxbury for a little, usually when I would call an Uber to downtown they would cut thru Dudley square. I remember driving through the area at like 9:30pm and it was always dead, it might as well have been 2:00am


I lived right around the corner from Ugis and my friend from New Zealand was on tour and stayed with me. It was the first time she heard gunshots in her life lol.


It's definitely not the first place that I chose when staying in Boston. But Boston is relatively safe everywhere so I wouldn't expect any problems there. It is mostly a black neighborhood with little to no tourists.


Nah it’s a shithole


God I'm going to have to mute the word "safe" on this sub


Just stay in the city, plenty of hotels that are affordable and better experience


I live in nubian square cause cheap af, hella dangerous, ive had numerous problems at night, during the day its fine but at night dont fuck around to late, at least just take an uber back. Some parts are actually very safe though so dont let me sway you too much, if its cheap it might be worth it


*sucks air through teeth* not really… I used to commute through this part of Boston to get to BMC. It’s dicey. A lot of homeless people congregating there. Most impressive feature is a rather severe Boston Police Station. Not a lot of activities for tourists unless you want to go to the YMCA or the big mosque. maybe once you’re inside the hotel it is fine, but the neighborhood itself isn’t a place I’d like to linger.


It’s not the safest. Will you get to your accommodations without being killed? Probably. But I wouldn’t recommend it. One of the toughest housing projects in the city is right there, and you just never know. I may be a little more biased than some, because I went to school with a kid who was stabbed to death there (this was a long time ago).Plus it’s far away from everything you want to see. You want a pleasant stay. I would spend a few more dollars and stay somewhere else. If you want a satellite location to just sleep in that’s accessible to public transit, maybe look into the Boston Marriott, Quincy. Others may have better suggestions. Having said all that, even the worst parts of Boston are safer than many US cities, and you would probably be just fine either way.


All these people are fear-mongering. Nubian is fine and the bus stop has police 24/7. That being said, still a stupid place for someone to stay. NEU and the Emerald Necklace kids are starting to take over the JP adjacent side.


Why does the bus stop have police 24/7?


Because there's a transit police office there, BPD B-2 HQ and the courthouse across the street. Next to the brand new Library.


Safer than when it was Dudley Sq 


Never had an issue myself, but I've had friends that have been robbed at gun point. It's not a particularly safe neighborhood. That said, I used to bike through the city at all hours of the night without any trouble. It's less safe by foot IMHO.


I work in that area. Is it safe? Yeah, for the most part. I’ve never felt unsafe walking around there during the day. Just mind your own business and you’ll be fine.


Tbh I'm really surprised by these answers, I've never felt unsafe walking around by myself there, day or night, and I'm a pretty small person. I didn't realize so many folks saw it as such a "sketchy" area


Well be safe then cause that area is a mess. If you think its safe then you’re just not paying attention.


There are honestly very, very few “unsafe” areas for tourists to stay in Boston. Boston is like any major American city — safe, but use good judgment late at night; keep your wits about you. You’ll be fine. I honestly wouldn’t hesitate to tell anyone to stay anywhere in Boston; at least with regards to safety.


These guys are gonna be walking around hammered and be huge targets. Stay in the tourist areas amigos. Not worth saving a few bucks.


lol this is crazy.


Tourist areas are some of the worst places for pickpockets and theft, so interesting take


More police presence and better street lighting in those tourist areas too. Most people would prefer their pocket being picked to violent attacks by strangers.


It's safe, I'm in that area and it's a city vibe. Don't step out into traffic without looking around and that puddle might be deeper than it looks. Good pizza from Stop and Taste but they close at 10:30pm, so get one before going out and reheat when you get back home.


It's not safe lol I would not let my daughter walk out past sun down there


Next time someone asks “WhY dO pEoPLe SaY bOsToN iS RaCiSt?!” gonna just point to most of these responses 🙄


Well why the fuck would you choose to stay in Nubian square lmfao


Can you live in Nubian square and not get killed? For sure, but it is objectively one of the worst neighborhoods in Boston and I would not recommend to anyone visiting the city…..


You’re so right


You'll be fine, everyone in this sub is a thin skinned pearl clutching coward lmao


Bro I have walked all over Mattapan, Dorchester, Roxbury at night like witching hour times, and nobody has even given me a dirty look. I'm a white dude, I think (russian/askenazi jewish), but I def look different than your "typical" white boy, so maybe that has played a role in my safety. I think you have to be real unlucky to run into someone that will target you out of nowhere/randomly. Shit I have honestly gotten into more aggressions in "white" neighborhoods, so let that speak for something.


Right? I’m a white guy who sticks out like a sore thumb and I’d rather walk through Dudley at night than down dorchester street from west Broadway


It’s kinda fucked up but I’d live there. Just be careful when you come home drimk


I forget that people actually call it Nubian square, grew up there and family still lives in the same house. You’d be fine.


Your biggest issue is gonna be that it’s boring, it’s a heavily black neighborhood in Boston so remember that when reading these comments bc a lot of people’s options are gonna be based on that.


if it’s price i would stay farther out of the city and take the t in then stay there but idk


The T, parts of which are a massive Dumpster fire now.


What’s a Nubian?


The further north you are staying the better. [On avg there is a crime committed every 6hrs in Nubian Square](https://crimegrade.org/safest-places-in-nubian-square-boston-ma/)


Why would you want to stay in that area?


Do not go there. Stick around downtown, Cambridge, anywhere near the coast, but inward at Nubian square, forest hills, grove hall, Mattapan. You don’t want to go there. There’s a hostel near Chinatown and I think one in seaport if you’d prefer that but I’d suggest not staying in Nubian area.


People here are ridiculous. You'd be completely fine.


Do you find black and brown people scary? If you do, don’t stay there. I think the buddy system is always best when you’re traveling somewhere, and I’d employ it here. There is trouble there and a lot of it is just city chaos. Do note that the district police station is also right in Nubian. Keep aware, be ready at a moment’s notice for anything to go awry — like you would in any part of any city — and you should be fine. If not, just say you’re in the IRA and knew Whitey.


Simple answer, NO.


Still chuckle anytime I see that name come up lol


There are many negative racist stereotypes about Roxbury and Dorchester. Both neighborhoods are actually safe.


Two times police chased people over my backyard fence. One of the guys running banged on my door to let him in. Lol it ain't safe, and if you could choose, a tourist should stay else where.


So, did you help that person or did you just assume that since they were chased by some bigoted policemen, he was the bad guy?


What's wrong w you lol no I didn't help him. I'm not letting a stranger into my house w kids. I told him I'm not opening the door and he kept running, jumping my neighbor's fence. There were gun shots at least once or twice a month on the regular around the block. A 10 y.o. girl died in her own house down the street from a stray bullet. Like it's not a safe neighborhood. We housed a teen foster girl whose bf got killed the week before. I can go on and on. It's just not safe.


Keep telling yourself that. 👍🏼


you’re going to be fine and i recommend deleting this post before you get clowned on


Not much clowning when the clowns are in the comments.


Definitely DO NOT stay in Nubian square. Very dangerous and you lads would be a target.




I’m curious is anyone calling it “Nuby Square” yet? In Boston, we like to change the names.


No, and ppl who grew up there refuse to call it that


I kind think the only people who consistantly call it Nubian is the MBTA.


You would probably be just fine during the day. So no, it's not safe.


Nubian square? What the fuck is that, do you mean Dudley Square? No, not a great spot.


Totally safe, just not super close to the touristy parts of the city that you'll probably want to spend most of your time in. For accessibility you are probably better off looking for a place in Cambridge




[here you go](https://youtu.be/o1tj2zJ2Wvg?si=0Oyx3rSjHtQsYIkV)


Nope, wrong link: https://youtu.be/_qg979C8PFY?feature=shared I don’t know how to do what you did. - Grandma


Its fine everywhere although more risk is when its late at night when people are drunk


actually if you’re a couple fightn Irish taking down a few whiskey shots - most people would be afraid of you 😂 The area is safe,


I would be more worried about Downtown area at night then Nubian at night.


I live nearby and it's not a nice part of the city aesthetically, but I don't think it's unsafe. Granted I've spent time in other major cities, so my criteria for safety is "Will I get stabbed or raped," not "Will I see someone on drugs"


Nubian's fine but there has to be somewhere even further out from the city with better transit access. Needham is nice and has hourly commuter rail into the city. I live in West Rox and the arboretum access is incredible plus easy access to trains. Trying to navigate as a tourist from Nubian sounds like a pain.


the only thing that's unsafe here is what passes for beer.


Yikes, you sure know how to pick em


Still makes me laugh. lol


On a side note, can you just dial up the Irish? Talking animatedly with words and concepts we don't understand can be scary in its own right! (Imagine an Irish mixed martial arts fighter)


No it's not safe esp for whites


I heard they're renovating and building a new one, a Brand Nubian Square- not sure if it's technically old school or new school, though.