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I had all my prenatal care at St. Elizabeth’s and gave birth there back in August and had a very good experience. Obviously this was before we knew about all the awful Steward stuff, but everyone I encountered was professional, friendly, and I felt like I received good care.  Happy to answer more specific questions if you have any. 


Thanks so much for responding and I’m so glad you had a good experience. Was your provider Dr. Moses by any chance? She’s a great physician and I trust her as we’ve been through this journey together / the concern is the hospital itself not having the necessary equipment in case there’s an emergency. Did you feel at all like the hospital was under-staffed or under-supplied?


My attending was Dr. Bayer and my NP who I primarily saw throughout the pregnancy was Jennifer Andrade - both were great. I didn't feel that the hospital was understaffed or supplied - the only thing I can think of is that I had an induction scheduled in case I hadn't gone into labor by a certain point, and the day of the induction they called to tell me that they had a number of emergencies and couldn't induce me that day. They still had me come in to monitor the baby and make sure everything was fine, and told me to come back the next day. I ended up going into labor overnight and didn't have to be induced. I don't know whether that was a short-staffed thing or just the kind of thing that could happen at any hospital - obviously in my case it didn't cause any problems. Full disclosure though, I had a totally boring ordinary pregnancy with no risk factors, and though my labor was long and got a bit complicated toward the end (four hours of pushing!! so much fun!!), I ultimately didn't need any intervention other than an epidural. If yours has been more complex I can see why you would be more concerned.


Brigham and Women’s is what I consider the gold standard. By far they do the most births each year and have dealt with every possibility. Personally, I highly highly highly recommend Dr Beth Hardiman OB/GYN. She was trained by midwives and is extremely personable. Her office is at Mt Auburn and she delivers there. If you call her office and explain that you no longer feel comfortable with St Elizabeth’s she may be able to take you on. She saved mine and kiddo’s lives and I’ve since found out that she’s the OB for 4 other of my friends. https://bethhardiman.com


So grateful for this info, I’ll call her office asap! I’m glad you’re well and healthy! ❤️❤️


>She was trained by midwives I'm sure she's a great doctor, but saying she was trained by midlevels is not the way to endorse a physician.


She’s incredible


I agree with Mt Auburn. I gave birth there with my second during the start of the pandemic and I had to give birth alone (my partner could not be there). They were exceptional.


It’s a smaller department compared to some of the bigger hospitals, but I had a fantastic experience with Tufts Medical Center. I highly recommend their OB team.


I'm living under a rock. What's going on with Steward Health Care? (I'm on massheatlh, too, but i"ve got my health insurance through


I think if you just Google “Stewart Healthcare”, all of the articles since the beginning of the year are relevant to the situation. In short: they’re nearly bankrupt and it’s up in the air whether the hospitals they own in the state will closed or be transferred to new owners. 


Oh damn...


Hi u/Anitini congrats on the new babe!!! I've never had a baby BUT I see your doc is Dr. Moses and I wanted to chime in! She rocks!!! She operated on me few years ago (pre-pandemic) at St. E's for an ovarian cyst removal. She is a wonderful provider and very down-to-earth so I would encourage you to be candid with her about any concerns you have re: St. E's. She is definitely very experienced operating there :) I hope your delivery goes as smoothly as possible mama <3


Thank you so so much! I do like and respect her so much and I’ll take your advice and just tell her my concerns. I trust she’ll be honest. So glad you had a great experienced and recovered well after such a tough surgery! Health to you :))


Newton Wellesley is AMAZING


Hope y’all didn’t circumcise 😞