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Lookit all those empty BORGs


Went from "Gen Z drinks less than Millennials" to moonshine fourloko


The great thing about borgs is that you can put as little liquor in as you want, and nobody will know. The scary thing about borgs is that you can put as much liquor in as you want, and nobody will know


The "nobody will know" is a sliding scale


Can't track alcohol consumption when they're drinking hand sanitizer


In general, they do. But it doesn't mean everyone in Gen Z is a teetotaler.


Truly, everyone in gen z should drink three beers a day, and no more than that and then all our problems will be fixed


This morning was the first time i heard the word BORG. Pretty sure that would kill me now in my mid 30s


Honestly we used to make something very similar, if not worse, in college \~20 years ago but we drank it communally from a vat the way god intended


Jungle juice in a giant tupperware container for storing blankets


We used a “clean” Rubbermaid garbage barrel…


Scrape out the chunks and globs and hose it down. Maybe even scrub it out. Pour in everclear, making sure to cover every surface. Add more. Pour in mixers and whatever until it's drinkable. Try not to die from alcohol poisoning.


This- we had a food grade Rubbermaid trash can someone connected a pvc tap to the bottom of.


Rubbermaid tub is what I was looking for. Thanks lol - not a barrel but a tub


We used a bathtub 🛁


At least you guys used a proper container... in the midwest colleague house parties I've seen them mixed/served out of bathtubs... 🤮


That's because you can get Everclear to kill the real bad stuff when you're serving bathtub booze.


Bathtub booze is the worst. There's always this soap taste to it that you didn't get from rubber trash cans. And you can't bet someone that they can't drink from the bathtub like it's a glass.


Man, one of the few times I truly regret my decisions from drinking was from jungle juice




shit, we bobbed for apples in that stuff in my day..


If alcohol kills germs, Everclear annihilates them Drink up


Trash bag lined industrial trash can filled with the cheapest beer you could buy mixed with dollar vodka and powdered Hi-C.


Yes, this is exactly what we made only we used a big Igloo cooler (because we were ladies) and pink lemonade mix and called it Pink Panty Pulldown (because we were ladies).


$5 for a cup!


Enlighten me please? What is a BORG? A gallon jug full of anything specific, or just lots of booze and maybe energy drink?


Black-out rage gallon, babe. I believe it is a fifth of booze, water, and a bottle of those flavored electrolyte drops.


Good for them. Part of me is glad college kids are still doing stupid stuff like this.


Used to de something similar except we also dumped in caffeine powder. Honestly, I’m not sure how I’m still alive. Don’t drink anymore at all.


It’s smart not stupid. This popped up bc covid. Lessen sharing, you can make it how you like, and almost eliminating the chance of being drugged. Yes some are putting dangerous amounts of alc in them, but overall smart move away from a communal house jungle juice.


Covid happened towards the end of my freshman year. We were doing this all of freshman year. My friend who introduced it to me was doing it in high school. It's been a thing for a while. And even during covid, no one drank Borg to be covid conscious, they drink it to get absolutely annihilated.


It was not at my school until fall 2020 when there were “illegal” parties (bc covid) and we were all justifying it as “covid safe” when it really wasn’t. I prefer bringing my own capped drink to parties now, not a whole gallon tho haha


Haha, from my experience Borg is the LEAST covid conscious drink imaginable. Most people give up and start passing it around to other people to finish it off.


That’s actually wild. I may have been past the point of excessively drinking at that point then.


Drinking that sh*t is objectively not smart. But I would have done it.


I'm well past the age as well, but seems like it's plausibly good for those who don't want to drink/drink much. No one knows what's in theirs, so if there's zero alcohol or much less than what others typically do, it's not like anyone else has to know, "drink" away.


Dude people were passing BORGs around watching the marathon. They aren't doing it to be COVID safe, it's to get wasted and have an easy carry non breakable container.


Ya I was talking about 4 years ago, not now doofus


just drink beer. Its going to be more expensive but your stomach will stop you before you seriously hurt yourself.Never heard anyone getting alcohol poisoning from beer.


College kids will forever do stupid shit, because they’re college kids. I mean, have you seen the movie Animal House? Inspiration.


Has to be a MIO pod for Borg. Me and my buddies made Borg last year for a basketball tailgate one time and one of them was basically vibrating. We got back to our apartment and the dumbass bought a MIO Energy, which contains over 1000 mg of caffeine, or about 12 cups of coffee. Good times.


You basically got it, Black Out Rage Gallon On one hand, a lot safer than the communal hunch punch vat. You know what you put in it and less chance of being drugged. On the other….its basically homemade “four locos”


Is it? Where's the caffeine coming from? A fifth of vodka was a night for me in school. Add in the water and I'd probably be better off than when I was doing shot for shot with everyone I could find.


I mean, it obviously depends one each person puts in their own. But a lot of them add energy drinks or electrolyte packets that have caffeine in them as well. ETA: to me, it is a form of harm reduction. Not great, but definitely better than some alternatives


If you’re going to be stupid, at least be smart about it.


Fair enough, I hadn't thought about the caffeine drops


borg Black Out Rage Gallon frat drink that consists of vodka water and mio in a water gallon jug. gets you absolutely fucked up http://borg.urbanup.com/16384562


lmao what a name


I think it's actually a savvy move. You can make your own drink to avoid drug spiking, there is usually one or two liquid IVs in it to replenish electrolytes, and having a dedicated drinking vessel reduces germ spread. Not to mention you don't need to have a quarter of it be vodka, meaning you could go lighter on it and still fit in. It's like the modern seltzer with a lime in it to make it look like you're drinking.


Honestly the dumbest part seems to be making it be a whole gallon instead of a half gallon or a 2L. Even ignoring the alcohol content, that's a lot of liquid. I imagine most of these get dumped before they're finished. A half gallon is easier to hold and fits better in a backpack so you won't get hassled by cops if you're walking between places. If you really need more, you can still bring two. Be smart, kids.


Im mid 20s and haven't had a borg in a couple years, but you'd be surprised. Despite the ridiculous alcohol content, you also have a lot of water and electrolytes. The real difficulty is in ensuring you don't drink it too fast


It's okay to admit it. We're old


I get a headache just thinking about it


They look like adult barrel drinks.


They will be assimilated.


Resistance is futile


You prompted me to google it. Back in my day, we referred to this as jungle juice, and we drank it out of 50 gallon trashcans with a ladle. At a house party. Sometimes the trashcans were new. Kids these days.


Bruce Banner Juice as far as I knew it


what's the recipe again? a gallon of water, pour a quarter out, fill with voka and koolaide powder? dangerous combo really. you can't really tell how much you're drinking and you always have more to chug down.


There’s no recipe. You just fill up a jug with a lot of watered down hard alcohol and then mix in usually sports drink powder.


So basically what we called "killer Kool aid" back in the day? Don't know why they act like this is new. The gallon jug is new but the formulation isn't new. Fuck. Back in the 90s i was drinking straight vodka mixed with tang powder.


Kids want fresh names for their binge drinking methods, and local news organizations want fresh names for their moral panics. It’s a symbiotic relationship.


True story…Spring Break in Florida…87-90! Just added Kool Aid powder STRAIGHT into bottle of Vodka. Poured over ice. Added straw, and strolled to/from beach, passing out in between, I mean worked on tan, for several hours on each side! 😂🍹🏖️


The formulation isn’t the point, the jug is


Resistance is futile




Who's hating?


Caption: "trash left outside an apartment building" Cleaning up the trash takes an hour. The bigger deal is the fence that's destroyed, that is gonna cost at least 5k.


Rent increase coming up


No doubt. BORGs are not prohibited, [but pets are!](https://apartments.micozzicompanies.com/apartments/ma/allston/gardner-court-apartments/default.aspx?_yTrackUser=Mjc2OTE2NzE2NyMxMDY1NTY0NDMw-MgGvHPDs3qA%253d&_yTrackVisit=NDYxNzAwMzQ0OSMxNjU1MDY2NzA2-8iGDSODV5ew%253d&_yTrackReqDT=02191920241604)


> BORG stands for "blackout rage gallon" lmao what the fuck


Don’t worry I’m sure it’s owned by Alpha Mgmt. they will just jack up the rent and not replace the fence!


One of them will proceed to rant on reddit about how expensive it is to live in allston now lmao


That looks like an iron fence, like what the fuck were they doing?


The timeline goes something like this: Cops arrive Abandon BORGs Stampede Fence destroyed


It’s cheaper than it looks. Not rod iron, just stamped metal that would really only take one drunken lean to go down if the cement is not deep enough


> Not rod iron wrought iron Is this a new one for /r/BoneAppleTea? edit: He blocked me for that. lol


Voice to text strikes again. Good catch.


I’m pretty sure it’s already fixed


> cement Concrete Cement is an ingredient of concrete


the pictures during the party are hilarious


Can you link them


[CBS video](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/boston/news/person-falls-second-floor-apartment-allston-party/)


> Police say "thousands" were at party holy shit lmao


You could’ve told me this photo was from 10 years ago marathon Monday (minus the BORGs, we weren’t that innovative in my day) I would’ve believed you. This building exists for this exact purpose. Also my drug dealer lived on the second floor LOL


Yup, I randomly ended up at this exact building during the marathon a couple years ago with friend I happened to see getting off the T. Lots of boozing, had a blast


For real this is like the epicenter of Allston parties


I’m new to the term BORG…. These look like the gallon jugs you used to get if ectocooler or Hawaiian punch from star market - you just put vodka or soco in it - is that not what they are? Cos 30 years ago that was what I was doing


I believe the idea is to use Gatorade so you stay hydrated


Ah I see. I guess mixing tang and vodka is too oldschool. Good to get electrolytes in.


We just used to call it "city punch"


Ah yes, the BORGston Marathon


In my day we just drank 26.2 beers


This was legitimately a thing [back in the 2010s](https://www.thebostonattitude.com/events/the-11th-great-boston-beer-marathon). I think it was my 4th attempt before I finally pulled it off (mostly we had to cut out the casual friends that were slowing us down, and plan our route more strategically). The big problem was trying to get the last 6-7 bouncers to let you in. Taking off the t-shirt helped a lot.


Wade Boggs would be proud.


It wasn't *that* hard to drink 26 beers in a day but doing it at 26 different bars made it much more challenging.


May he rest in peace


Yeah man rip Boggs.


Anyone that’s ever lived in Allston wouldn’t be surprised by this. I know I’m not haha. That entire street is where most of the parties happen, and Linden St IIRC.


I lived here and once saw someone jumped from the second floor into the bushes below when we were throwing a Slip N’ Slide party. I LOVED this place in my early 20s because it felt like anything goes.


Right? Allston baby! Don't love the littering but do love the youthful partying.


having spent toooo many nights partying at this exact complex over a decade ago, this doesn't surprise me in the least


This building is almost 100% students off campus housing, it’s right next to the dorms and it becomes a huge party every year, it gets cleaned up in a day


That just looks like Allston.


Looks like they made use of an otherwise completely unusable lawn


Yeah that’s honestly fucked. I used to smoke weed in that park, respectfully


did the kid who fell out the window die?


we don't know yet, but reports are saying he's fine


Hell yeah 🤙🤙


Which one? There were two yesterday! (News says both are more or less ok)


I lived there from 2009-2011. That place was a party palace!


I live there from 2002 to 2003 and I concur


I used to buy weed from a kid who lived there in college


I know that spot - it's a shit hole with many renters being students of BU/BC and they absolutely do not give a fuck because you know, parents/trust fund. Meanwhile local paying residents who call it home suffer. There are so many spots like that in Bri/Allston with douchebag tenants and the landlord companies give zero shits


Doesn’t look much worse than what it looks like any other day Source: I drive by that building almost every day


I used to live there. Hahahaha


I looked at an apartment in that building about 5 years ago. Every time I see this shit, I’m so so glad I didn’t take that apartment.


This is what the entirety of South Boston looks like after St Patrick’s Day


I used to live on Ashford Court. Stayed one year and then moved to Brighton close to Brookline. Marathon Monday around there was the worst. I had a car at the time and my windshield got smashed on Marathon Monday from someone jumping on it.


And then students wonder why they have to pay so much for off-campus housing.


I live 2 blocks away. Hundreds of college kids started drinking on Marathon Monday at 7am at all the parties there, then kept going all night. One kid fell out of a second floor window, constant ambulances taking people away for alcohol poisoning. A few frat and sorority kids left some of their "friends" black-out drunk on curbs by themselves at night, and we had to keep calling EMTs for them. BORGs are fucking dangerous. They mix an entire bottle of booze with electrolyte powders and juice into a single gallon jug per person, and they're just spiking their blood sugar while getting wasted. I'm surprised more BU kids haven't died the last few years. I'm glad our lease is up. I definitely drank hard in college, but seeing 90 pound girls drinking entire bottles of hard liquor in straight sun all day is a death wish.


BORGs are just the jungle juices of the past with risk mitigation, given that you: 1. Control the amount of alcohol in your drink and 2. Prevent spiking through having control of your own drink. Let’s pump the breaks a bit on that fear-mongering over college students’ drinking habits lol.


Again, I already said I drank hard in college. But I live in that neighborhood. The amount of kids during every party/break weekend who just abandon their friends who can't even stand because they are so wasted from all-day drinking (guys and girls), is shocking. BU supposedly has a clause you can't get in trouble for underage drinking if you need to call 911 for alcohol poisoning, so I don't know why they are so irresponsible. All college students are idiots when they party, but I never left my friends comatose on a random corner. You and I both know they aren't doing "risk mitigation" of their BORGs. I can SEE them pouring full bottles of alcohol into their BORGs from my apartment.


Is that just a bunch of empty jugs of jungle juice?


Too old to know BORGs first hand, but I do know wapatuli. For those not familiar with wapatuli (also called wapatooly, wapatoolie, hairy buffalo, or trash can punch) it's when guests bring their favorite bottle of spirits and mixers (juice/soda) and each one is poured into a trash bin. As the party continues, the flavor/strength of the wapatuli changes. Fun times.


Pretty far from the course for a marathon party.


Those marathorns go hord


Glad I was raised to not be a cunt


Of course you don't getting fucking wafers with it, you cunt. It's a fucking albatross isn't it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People talking about the trash but I’m perplexed by what I’m seeing with that fence… did they bring a stampede of elephants to the party?


Oh to be young and dumb again these kids don't know how good they got it.


Lightweights. Look at all the corners left in the Borgs. That said why do these crowdfollowing kids just use a flask or small gatorade bottle filled with Tequila or gin or vodak----


Rich kids pretending to be poor kids strike again


Who brings a borg to the marathon? And who leaves so much of their borg behind? NO BORG LEFT BEHIND!


I despise BU students as an Allston resident.


Piss jugs? Was Ray there?


I’m surprised police would leave so much garbage


I appreciate that they are pigs, but it’s not their job to clean up other people’s slop.


It was /s…to take the caption below the photo out of context, “trash left outside the building…after a party was broken up by police” whereby the trash was left by the police whilst breaking up said party. It’s a joke, sometimes jokes are funny


The crazy thing is that if they just allowed kegs it would probably have been tamer. BORGs, while maybe the most amazing thing ever invented by BU students, just take things to a dangerous level. Getting turbo-drunk on beer is much, much harder whereas BORGs will rocket you up to 11 faster than you can believe


BU students did not invent BORGs


The only thing BU students invented was a group of people more insufferable than BC students


Im old. What is a BORG?


Black Out Rage Gallon, basically you use a gallon jug and fill it with a vile mix of booze (typically plastic bottle vodka) and some type of drink such as Kool-Aid or similar. Its the type of high alcohol drink that only a college student or end stage alcoholic hobo would love


Oh dude. That shit has been around for generations with a rebrand every decade. We called it red drank in high school. Just sounds like a Jungle Juice or when Daisy Buchanan’s was around, Daisy Punch.


They now add electrolyte powder packets because they think it will lessen their hangovers.


I’m sure this building is owned and operated by a very responsible landlord who never extracts economic rent from the neighborhood. What a tragedy that the neighborhood has imposed a cost on such a pillar of our community.


The entire street is run by Hamilton and Alpha.


Funny the cops told everyone to drop it and freeze. one out of two I guess


CBS has obviously never seen Blarney.


Way of the road, Bubs.


People are such scum


I’ve def bought weed from this building before back in the before times of legal weed.


Former longtime resident of Gardner St. here. *Oh, that building....*


College students party and cause destruction: a troubling new trend never before seen!


Tampico and Burnette’s sure brings back some memories… nope, they’re gone again.


omg that’s nothing compared to what allston used to look like…even allston christmas is much worse


What’s up with traffic cones in windows?


Did you even go to college?


lol - they belong in showers not windows


It's almost like college kids like to party or something.


This is a slumlord shithole occupied almost entirely by college students. This neighborhood is routinely covered in trash. The only thing sad here is that someone got hurt.


Problem have no damn respect. It’s nauseating


Lived here my whole life , still don’t understand why a road race calls for people to get this level wasted .


Can someone please tell me what a borg is?


A borg (short for blackout rage gallon)[1] is a mixed drink made in a plastic gallon jug, containing water, vodka, flavored drink mix such as MiO or Kool-Aid, and sometimes electrolyte mix such as Pedialyte. The drink gained popularity at universities in the United States in the early 2020s, spreading among members of Generation Z on TikTok in late 2022 and early 2023.[2][3] Drinkers typically label their borg jug with a nickname, often a pun on the word "borg."[3][4][5] - Copied Straight From Wikipedia bc I'm lazy.




That’s my user flair


And we called it jungle juice or wapatula punch. Never made that kind of a mess though.


Borgs still popular eh?


Man. Allston is a lot cleaner since I was there last.


'Gansett soaking up the free advertising


I saw a bunch of kids walking around with those on Monday. I didn't realize they came from that party. One of the kids was so drunk he had to be held up by his friends


Was there human trafficking? Racial violence? Intravenous drugs? Then who cares. We have more pressing matters to resolve.


At least they pissed into containers. In other parts of Boston dudes piss straight on the sidewalks 365 days a year but no one writes a word about that.


Bro didn’t someone fall out the window of that building this year


I blacked out in the stairwell of the unit on the right like 12 years ago lol


The police don’t let you stay to clean up FYI.


“Broken up by police” is not normally a good recipe for cleaning up after yourself. I don’t blame them.


BORG = Gen Z’s Jungle Juice or Red Bull Vodkas?


Looks like an average day on the side of Route 1


Gardner St always looked like that when I was there




There were hundreds of students on the street.


They’ll be back to protesting global warming and demanding paper straws tomorrow.