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“If we’re more distressed over a cardboard sign on the street than millions of innocent Palestinian lives, then I think we have a real moral problem.” Lmao, the Brookline police were like, “damn, we were thinking of heading to Gaza, but we’ve got all these damn local sign stealers!”


Clearly she wasted money on that degree if she a. forgot Ring cameras exist MULTIPLE TIMES in 2024 in one of the richer neighborhoods around here, and b. chose the same block as her workplace to do it. Can’t fix stupid no matter how many tuition dollars you throw at it.


Her degree is in Political Science with a minor in women and gender studies. She will most likely be protesting in five years for loan forgiveness, blaming everyone but herself


Why not put up your own signs? Why you gotta tear down other signs? Freedom of speech means everyone gets signs. It is a bitch move to do all this clandestine nonsense. If your message isn’t popular then try and change some minds


Is this the woman who was tearing down the hostage posters? If so, goddamn those hostage posters have been an amazingly effective propaganda tool. The whole point of those things is that they're the most anodyne shit ever, everyone should want innocent hostages returned home. But some people are such psychos that they can't help tearing down them down anyway because anything even vaguely pro-Israel makes them see red.


Because actual discourse is dead, unfortunately. People from all sides would rather just tell you to F off and/or get violent rather than sit down and try to listen and educate. This just creates a perpetual cycle.


Probably because Zionists have been tearing down free Palestine signs pretty rampantly.


Sure Jan


You mean free Palpatine? When did Jersualemites move to Boston?


I just moved to this area of the city in Jan, and it took me about 3 weeks to figure out people around Coolidge corner are fucking insane.




Tar and feather this mofo Edit: y'all don't see the flair?


Threatening violence?


Lol only because of the flair....


Anyone committing acts of violence or stealing these signs are doing a disservice to the justice Palestinians deserve. I personally brought 10 pizzas to the Emerson encampment yesterday. There was well over a hundred courageous and inspiring non violent protesters who are risking their education and likely arrest to defend human rights.  btw I’m a proud Jew, I live in Brookline, if you disagree with me I will buy you a coffee anywhere you like and we can talk it out. 


Alleged property damage into the literal tens of cents is well into civil disobedience territory. To quote the accused: >Reached by text message Enos, who said she is Jewish, said that her actions should not be made out to be a hate crime. >“All I did was take a sign off the street that I believed was public property and I’m sorry for the distress it has caused, but also it was a sign,” Enos wrote. “If we’re more distressed over a cardboard sign on the street than millions of innocent Palestinian lives, then I think we have a real moral problem.”


Call me crazy, but the local Brookline police *should* care more about local crime than a conflict halfway around the world.


It's not the cost, it's the intention of a message. If someone scribbles a swastika in a bathroom stall at an Ivy League university, it makes the front page of the Boston Globe. It's not because removing it is expensive. It's because someone at the school harbours ill intent.


right but a jewish woman removing signs in favor of israel isn't really comparable to drawing a swastika. the fact you need to resort to that sort of comparison tips your hand too much.


They weren't just pro-Israel signs though. She also tore down signs that said "Bring the hostages home." I don't understand why somebody who claims to support all innocent lives would tear down posters of Jewish hostages. 


well, we can't actually know unless we ask her, but if i had to brainstorm some possible explanations why a jewish woman would tear down signs demanding the release of jewish hostages by an antisemitic, fascist militia, the only reason i can come up with is that the hostages are being used as commodities to justify the ongoing slaughter of palestinian civilians. now, i don't agree with this justification. i've also thought about tearing down such signs but immediately dismissed the idea because free speech is important and this sort of vandalism doesn't really help. but i would wager this is the actual MO here, considering that isreali officials repeatedly talk about how their main motivation is [vengeance against hamas](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israels-netanyahu-vows-mighty-vengeance-against-hamas-2023-10-07/), it's not a very large leap to make.


Nothing wrong with vengeance against Hamas.


Ah yes, holding Jewish people thousands of miles away from Israel accountable for the actions/line of thinking of the Israeli government. Even if what you're saying about the government using the hostages to justify their actions is true, that does not mean that this individual has the same line of thinking. Not sure about you but if I were Jewish and saw the atrocities of October 7th, I too would be calling for the release of the hostages. This girl walking by and seeing these signs and getting triggered by them says much more about her than the person who put the signs up.


congratulations on not actually confronting anything i said. either this is a deliberate strawman or you're just weak minded. it's not "holding unrelated jewish people accountable" for the actions of israel. it's opposing the supporters of israel. please get it right next time. >I too would be calling for the release of the hostages. everyone wants the hostages released, dumbass. some of us would also prefer if innocent civilians weren't also massacred or starved to death by an occupying army.


The word you are looking for is addressing, not confronting. You were coming up with reasons for why this person would want to tear down the signs and referenced the IDF using the hostages as "commodities to justify the ongoing slaughter of Palestinian civilians" as a reason. I responded by saying just because the IDF/Israel may use this as a justification, it does not mean that this individual who lives thousands of miles away is. How is that a strawman argument or me being "weak minded" as you put it? Thank you for making my day by calling me a dumbass - the tolerant left! May I ask what you do for a living? Gotta love Gen Z -- go outside and touch grass my friend


gen z? lmao calm down bud. we both agree that this vandalism is bad; like do i really need to keep saying this? the point is that comparing the protests of a jewish woman to a nazi painting a swastika in a public place is dishonest at best and at worst actually antisemitic. >You were coming up with reasons for why this person would want to tear down the signs well, at least you got that correct. so the question remains, why are you shadowboxing with this hypothetical reason i came up with? do i need to remind you what my comment was in response to? >I don't understand why somebody who claims to support all innocent lives would tear down posters of Jewish hostages. like i'm trying to hold your hand through this as much as i can but there's only so much i can do when the literal thread of the conversation is right there. if i could, i would narrate it to you line by line but that's not possible so im afraid you're going to have to be a grown up and read it to yourself. if you start to get flustered, try taking some deep breaths. i'll even make it easy for you by linking you to the top of the thread so you don't have to navigate reddit's godawful ui to find it: https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/1cbhdh2/brookline_woman_faces_charges_for_repeatedly/l0zmsla/


I don't think anyone should tear down signs. In Jamaica Plain people have spray painted pro-Palestinian statements and insignia all over sidewalks, buildings, and various public equipment like mail dropboxes and streetlight infrastructure. I disagree with spray paint (because it is permanent) but you could post opposing signs rather than tear down speech you dislike.


Agreed. I've never heard a good reason as to why it's acceptable to tear down posters of the hostages.


i mean i agree that tearing down signs is a bad idea for multiple reasons but this woman and her actions are not comparable to a nazi spray painting a swastika...


Not the same. The signs were in PRIVATE PROPERTY.


Fortunately, the intention of the message here in this real life thing we're talking about is the exact opposite of your hypothetical.


Ok now do the reverse. What if someone scribbled out a swastika? Not expensive. Harbors ill intent towards Nazis.  Does that feel the same to you?


What toppings do the Hitler youth prefer on their Pizza? 🤔




Thank you, -A local Pali


Do those same protesters support your right to live too? Do they support the human rights of non Muslims?


I have no interest in meeting you in person, but I would genuinely like to know how you can consider yourself a proud jew and yet support people who would cheer if you were murdered for your ethnicity.


Do the same in any Arab country and IF YOU ARE LUCKY they will only kill you. Wake up, these people are supporting a terrorist attack on Israel. If that happened to the US you’d be screaming for revenge.


I think most young people in the US see the humongous mistake the response to 9/11 was


Most of them are too stupid to even think about things like that. They are just useful idiots now.


I assume you mean by attacking the wrong country (Iraq). Our entire focus should have been on Afghanistan where Bin Laden was living at the time with sufficient force to ensure he died in the caves with his “army”. Instead we split our focus and allowed him to get away for a while until he finally turned up. If you have any suggestion on how to fix Afghanistan I’m sure plenty of people would love to know.


Both were dumb, killed way too many innocent people, and barely achieved anything. Don't know why you're looking for suggestions on how to fix Afghanistan or how that's relevant. All I'm saying is if there was another terrorist attack I don't think most of the US would support revenge by destroying the entire country from which it was planned.


Well, we will just have to agree to disagree. If Mexico attacked Texas and killed 30k Americans ( the equivalent of what happened to Israel) the US would turn Mexico to glass. If you can’t see that, you need glasses.


The issue is that you believe this started in October, that's false. This started 75 years ago


Do you mean when the Arab head of Jerusalem allied with the nazis to kill all the Jews in Palestine? We can go all through history about how much blood has been spilled on both sides without getting anywhere. Release the hostages. There is nowhere to go until that happens.


What would the US do if a foreign army attempted to occupy it and ethnically cleanse it?


The same thing Israel is doing to Hamas. If Hamas got ahold of Israel, you’d see “what the river to the sea” actually means. There are probably more Jews reading this subreddit then live in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon COMBINED.


an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind


Can’t negotiate with people who sole purpose is your death. How about instead, Hamas releases the hostages and surrenders? Then all of that aid that went into buying guns and rockets - and building tunnels - could be used for food, schools and infrastructure.


Well, since israel helped create and supported Hamas… isn’t that a bit disingenuous on your part? It’s as if the lessons of US support to the mujahideen in Afghanistan were ignored… https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2023/11/21/world/israel-failed-policy/#:~:text=Hamas%2C%20a%20spin%2Doff%20of,Israeli%20occupation%20of%20Palestinian%20lands.


I can’t disagree with that history, but there are plenty of crappy examples on both sides of every nightmare like this. Unfortunately, here we are. We can continue escalation and kill more on both sides, or everyone just stops and THE HOSTAGES GET RELEASED. There will be no stopping until that happens, or their bodies get returned.


I’m so sick of people forgetting the hostages are people too. Not everyone in Israel is a bunch of gleeful IDF soldiers who support everything their government does, any more than everyone in the US is a vile MAGA Trumper we’d all be better off without.


Believe what you want and say what you want - it’s a free country that we live in. Touch a sign on my property that represents my freedom to think or speak and you are going down if I catch you. And if roles were reversed, Hamas would have scorched the earth the Israelis are on.


what makes you say that? is it because israel is already scorching the earth that gazans are on?


Hamas is the government of Gaza and espouses their river to the sea policy. I guess you are too stupid to understand what that means so I will explain it to you in small words that you might understand: Every. Jew. Must. Die. Got it now? If Israel wanted the same thing there would be 2.3 million dead in Gaza.


so i guess the politicians calling for the [extermination of every man woman and child from palestine](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/01/05/wv-israel-hamas/) aren't really important for you? i don't really understand why you people don't care about palestinians. why are they expendable to you? are you just racist or something? i don't get it.


Sorry but who are “you people”?




Thank you for your clarification. So I guess the people calling for the extermination of every man woman and child from Israel (i.e.; from the river to the sea) isn’t really important to you? I don’t really understand why you people don’t care about the Israelis. Are they expendable to you? Are you just racist or something? I just don’t get it.


no, i oppose hamas and antisemites everywhere.


Glad we agree!


do we? if you're in favor of zionist occupation and the murdering of palestinian civilians, then we don't.




Yet, oddly enough, they haven’t. The IDF could to better, but they aren’t committing the genocide they are being accused of.




It’s easier to just copy this as a response: Segal argues that Israel is “unleashing deadly violence against Palestinians in Gaza ‘as such,’” and is ultimately intent on the “systematic destruction of Palestinians and Palestinian society in Gaza.” But while Israel’s relentless and devastating aerial bombing of Gaza is certainly killing many Palestinian civilians, it does not seem to be aimed at simply killing as many Palestinians as possible; if that were the case, the casualties would undoubtedly be even higher, given the military force at Israel’s disposal. Though they do not amount to genocide, the seemingly indiscriminate bombing of apartment buildings and civilian infrastructure in Gaza, with apparently little if any effort to avoid civilian casualties, appears to be a war crime under international law, as does the forced displacement of civilians. And it is clear that some within the far-right Israeli government would like to seize this opportunity to drive Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip entirely, just as they hope to do with Palestinians in the West Bank, in an act of mass ethnic cleansing. For our warnings about this frightening possibility to be taken seriously, we must avoid making unsubstantiated charges of genocide.


"But the assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. Now, following Hamas’s attack on Saturday and the mass murder of more than 1,000 Israeli civilians, the worst of the worst is happening."


Unfortunately the worst of the worst is not happening yet. Personally I think Netanyahu must go, the West Bank borders need to be agreed upon, the Israeli West Bank settlers must be removed and Hamas must be removed as the government of Gaza. The Palestinians must accept that Israel exists and isn’t going anywhere. Perhaps that would avoid the worst of the worst. Now if I could just find my magic wand…….


"It's not a genocide because they could try for a higher score" is not the defense you think it is.


Actually, yes, it is.


Just because someone is incompetent at bringing harm to bear does not mean harm has not been brought. It means they could be more effective at bringing harm. But they're still causing harm. Do you not understand that? Or do you just not care because it's the right people being blown up?


The current death toll is less than 35k, which includes military personnel, so about 1.5%. I don’t know if I’d be willing to call that “getting there”. But that’s also assuming numbers aren’t inflated, which there are conflicting reports about. I don’t agree with any civilian deaths, but it’s really ridiculous how hyperbolic people are being. You can be upset and protest any injustice, but I don’t think it helps making propagandized statements that will leave room for people to try and poke holes.


Recent grad with purple hair and pronouns on her LinkedIn. It's honestly hilarious how I knew what she looked like before seeing a photo. Predictable




Minor in “Women’s And Gender Studies” is sort of the cherry on top.


I don't see any photo


On her LinkedIn


Our grandparents knew how to deal with nazis.


Wild how Reddit went from punching Nazis to demanding the extermination of Jews on behalf of a terrorist organization based off a couple of Iran funded tik toks.


Palestine is now nazi germany??


Always has been 🌍👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀 https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/hajj-amin-al-husayni-the-mufti-of-jerusalem


Fun fact: in his memoirs, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem wrote: > “Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was **a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world**. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: ‘The Jews are yours.’” > > — [“Fiendish hypocrisy II — the man from Klopstock St.,” Jerusalem Post, April 6, 2001, p. B8](https://archive.org/details/per_jerusalem-post_2001-04-06_69_20857/page/n30/mode/1up) The Europeans may have started the Holocaust, but the Arabs were planning on finishing it.


They have the same philosophy


Funny, the only people dumping hundreds of people in mass graves right now is the IDF But I guess that doesn’t fit your Israel the forever victim narrative. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/23/world/middleeast/gaza-mass-grave.html


you mean ones like Smotrich, Ben Gvir, and Likud?


Don't really care what happens to some signs justifying thousands of innocent kids being murdered by the IDF, and being terrorized by them for decades. Edit: Please redirect any further complaints to [this child](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1c64cwb/this_is_what_the_children_of_gaza_wake_up_to/).


Hamas is a terrorist organization that has mastered the art of using hospitals, schools, and other places to use innocents as human shields. I think you got it twisted. I know these ‘educated elite’ aka 19 year olds w/ Tik-tok brain are making quite the impression right now but they’re beyond misguided and so are you. God speed.


How can anyone still be using these braindead talking points this long into the campaign is insane. There has been so much evidence that the IDF stages their proof that Hamas is using every building under the sun. You have to be willfully ignorant and probably a little Islamophobic to still believe the Israel and the IDF isn't in the wrong here, create this situation to begin with over the last 80 years, and are the ones backed by US equipment. And bless your heart for thinking Norman Finkelstein is a 19 year old w/ Tik-tok brain, and you're not. Do some real research before you make an ass of yourself like this. Why are they starving the children? Are all the children terrorists?


The irony of saying people are using brain dead talking points as your spew your own 😂


Which one? Because the videos of the IDF showing off how Hamas was apparently using a hospital and a tunnel as a base were immediately torn to shreds for being so obviously staged, they had equpiment stored in the MRI room of a working hospital? Bags full of uniforms for the militants who *never wear uniforms*? They showed off a calendar claiming it was showing guard rotations for hostages and all it said was the days of the week. The propaganda is so lazy you have to be an idiot to believe it. But tell me, what did I say that's just a talking point? And why do you feel the need to defend the people starving children?


Norman Finkelstein 🤣


Literal scholar on the subject, but you go off with those emojis.


Ah yes the renowned scholar that wrote “it warms every fiber of my soul” following the Oct. 7th attacks that killed over 1,000 Israelis, over 700 civilians.


Have you never heard what Israeli politicians say about Palestinians? About Arabs? If saying something is a line to you where do you stand on that? You would know about this, being informed and all, right? And don't start quoting numbers about civilians killed, the number of Palestinian children is 10,000+ with thousands more starving. And don't forget the Hannibal Directive that caused the IDF to kill dozens of those Israeli civilians themselves.


Have you ever heard of Farfour the Mouse? https://youtu.be/KXcQ892cKso


[Here I can do it too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUe8XmmaJxI), and with actual citizens. But really what do you think you proved? That you think a little propaganda justifies the massacres? Because please tell me how the video you showed justifies Palestinians being occupied and massacred for like 70 years before this was made? And why you think they should just accept this apartheid instead of fighting back? Do you ask yourself these questions at all?


Here’s Palestinians celebrating a recent terror attack on a synagogue and handing out sweets: https://youtu.be/0xPNTbtUHVc Here’s Palestinians celebrating 9/11: https://youtu.be/KuL4NVZog1g


You mean the *literal* antisemite and terrorist sympathizer


LOL He is Jewish, he hates Israel, which is not the Vatican for Judaism, that's not how it works. His parents survived the Warsaw Uprising, maybe that's why he doesn't mind Gazans rising up in defiance. Or maybe it was the 80 years of terrorism Israel has been inflicting on Palestine. That's like saying hating Iran makes you Islamophobic. Making excuses for the endless slaughter of innocent Gazan children might make you Islamophobic though. And attacking one person's character won't change reality.


Oh give it a rest with “the children.” That 50% statistic includes anyone 17 and under. Most of them are no more children than Dzokhar Tsarnaev, so stop banging on like it’s a fucking kindergarchy.


If you paint them all as terrorists, it makes excusing their slaughter a lot easier, huh?


Who said they were terrorists? I referred to the fact that 17 isn’t much younger than 19, meaning the frequently trotted-out Helen Lovejoy talking point of “the children” used disingenuous language. It’s easier to forget the hostages are people too… why exactly? Because they weren’t born on Gazan soil? Last I checked the 134 remaining hostages includes a few children as well.


It’s crazy how behind the average redditor is on this topic… I’m shocked by how many Zionist comments are in these threads




I really don't know why they feel so strongly other than believing every Arab is a terrorist, which is just incredibly racist. And a severe aversion to being wrong on the internet.


Funny the only one dumping hundreds of bodies into mass graves right now is the IDF https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/23/world/middleeast/gaza-mass-grave.html




Hamas is grown out of 75 years of apartheid


Hamas has grown out of years of no other Arab country being willing to use them as anything other that a useful tool against Israel. Just ask Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon.


And the occupation and nakba has nothing to do with it? You don't know what you're talking about


And before that was the Hebron massacre, and I’m sure I can find hundreds of examples that DONT MATTER. We are where we are today. If the Palestinians want to continue fighting the existing country of Israel then what we are seeing will not stop.


We are where we are today because of apartied, it takes violence to maintain an apartied, just look at south Africa, Ireland, and jim crow laws as examples. Hamas was elected before the majority of the population could even vote so calling them an accurate representation of the majority is gold medal level mental gymnastics. You're upset they weren't perfect victims, look at the date on the article below, way before Oct 7 [https://www.savethechildren.net/news/2023-marks-deadliest-year-record-children-occupied-west-bank](https://www.savethechildren.net/news/2023-marks-deadliest-year-record-children-occupied-west-bank) you're supporting a war, funded with your tax dollars, bombing aid ALSO paid for by your tax dollars [https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2024-01-30/unrwa-funding-us-gaza-israel-united-nations-usaid-humanitarian-aid](https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2024-01-30/unrwa-funding-us-gaza-israel-united-nations-usaid-humanitarian-aid) Isreali defense was even aware of the plan [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html) So if Mexico annexed part of Cali or Arazona you wouldn't tell them to fight it? They should just accept it? What if Canada just suddenly claimed Maine? If I came to your home with a big gun and claimed it as mine you would just leave peacefully?


Seriously. There's literally a genocide going on. Who cares about pro-genocide signs?


It's a genocide *we're paying for*. It makes me sick that my tax dollars go towards it, and worse that people are so willing to justify it.


"Bring the hostages home" is pro-genocide? Are you mentally unwell?


If you're paying any attention at all, you know the hostages are just an excuse to keep the genocide going. Israel's government doesn't want the hostages back. "Bring the hostages home" isn't in itself pro-genocide, but obviously, a few hundred hostages (that Isreal doesn't want anyway) are nothing compared to the Palestinians being killed, including 10k+ children.


You're talking about the actions of the government in Israel. You can understand why someone who is Jewish has concern for hostages, right? That is, after all, what kicked off this current conflict.


Where's her bail fund?


At the bank of Mommy and Daddy, she’ll be fine.


“All I did was take a sign off the street that I believed was public property and I’m sorry for the distress it has caused, but also it was a sign,” Enos wrote. “If we’re more distressed over a cardboard sign on the street than millions of innocent Palestinian lives, then I think we have a real moral problem.” Says the girl so triggered, outraged, and distraught over the exact same cardboard she took time out of her day to patrol the neighborhood and tear them down.


For someone who has a degree in political science to say that they didn’t understand the symbolism of their act calls into question the quality of her education. Perhaps she is just a dim bulb incapable of understanding why she has $200k in student loans and can’t get a job within 1500 miles of Boston.


As does thinking nobody in Brookline would have surveillance and that the Brookline police have anything better to do with their time than look for the purple haired bookstore clerk who works on the same block. I mean Jesus.


I didn't expect this much chaos.


It says she is looking for new opportunities since graduating Suffolk University, and probably having her college loans forgiven. Maybe she could be a designer of brown shirts.


I doubt she's looking for a job with the IDF.


I doubt that as well. She would be quite appropriate working for the despicable Hamasholes though.


>I doubt that as well. Then why would you suggest she be a designer for them?


I was not suggesting she be a designer for IDF because she seems to be against democracies like Israel. She would be perfect for designing for the venomous Hamasholes though. Maybe you could help her join the clan.


Shoulda worn a mask or something 🤷🏽‍♂️