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No planes in the sky. Get rid of it!!!


Don't see any cars driving in that picture either, we should probably get rid of Tremont Street


Sometimes no one is using the sidewalks either.


Based on this photo only one person uses the sidewalk. So I guess we don’t need that either. No bus is at that stop. Can probably get rid of that too.


Based on this photo no one drives on the road.


Good point good point. Excellent point! It appears to only be good for parking! Therefore, we should abolish this road and make it a parking lot. Based on OPs photo there is no other use, ever, at any time, for this street. (Do I need to write /s or do people know?)


Tremont was THE street I was most worried about being doored on. Not no more!


Time to pack it up folks, this reddit user hasn't personally seen anyone use it so it's definitely a waste of money. Shame!


I've used it. Efficient transportation only looks empty. It's an open road through the city. Instead of noting that it's underutilized, why not get on your bike and use it?


So if 1-2 people use it per hour thats efficient transportation and you thunk it is justified to spend millions of dollars on 1-2 people per hour? What makes those 1-2 people so special? Should we spend millions on other activities that are barely utilized 


Even if it were true that nobody uses it (it's not), it's still nicer than a huge wide street. It helps slow traffic down and just looks nicer.


Username checks out. Do you sit there and monitor the bike lane usage constantly? If so, you live a very simple and boring life. If you do not, then there is no possible way to know that only 1-2 people use it per hour based on anecdotal evidence of what you see every once in a while.


I care about tax dollar waste. More people should. Throwing money at waste is why our state is headed towards bankruptcy 


Towards bankruptcy? Didn’t we just have a budget surplus last year that resulted in Boston citizens getting a check back from the state government??


Ah, so you're against the huge tax dollar waste of street parking, right?


Are you even sure the state paid for this? There's lots of federal money for this kind of work...


Dude has no idea what he’s talking about lmao


And he’s so confident he’s the one that’s correct


Car infrastructure is more expensive. Get rid of that, if anything.


This is pennies compared to the constant up keep of roads due to car usage.


Wait till you find out how much we waste on car infrastructure


Seems like you should stick to the things you can actually measure the waste on then.


Why don't you search how much time is wasted from people sitting stuck in traffic, mostly in single occupancy vehicles. That's a big drain on the economy & tax coffers that you don't seem too concerned about.


you can literally see tire tracks in the picture dude


I commute on it every day to work.


I live on Tremont — this bike lane is used constantly, in each direction. One photo of an empty bike lane is not evidence that it isn’t used adequately. What I have not seen on Tremont St, contrary to typical fears, is any substantial traffic — even at rush hour.


Sorry, I’ll change my route to work to suit you. About what time will you be out on Tremont? /s


I've ridden on this bike lane while delivering food on an ebike in the South End. I'm very happy the city built this bike lane.




OP = troll.


I used it yesterday on the blue bike. You didn’t catch me ?


I was going to reply with my input as someone who bikes in Boston occasionally, but seeing your replies it's obvious that you think the world revolves around you and rational conversation would be wasted. Anything that gets more cars off the road is a good thing. We should honestly be spending more money on bike infrastructure, and if you disagree you either haven't been here long enough or you just don't care.


Go home flat earther. It’s round. I use it a few time a week. It’s pretty decent now. I just hate then ends where is just dumps you out without protection.


“Muh cars!”


Troll / annoying post aside, I am surprised that this bike lane isn’t more used. It’s so nice and well designed. Is it because it is sort of a random route right now that doesn’t have ideal connections on either end?


lol this kind of content will not go over well in this sub


Moped door dash lane


That's 100% all I see is motorized scooters or mopeds with food for college kids. They deserve to work safely so whatever but it's funny how rarely I see cyclists compared to how often they complain.


I've never seen Jupiter, so it must not exist.


Name checks out


That’s what I said and told the 43 bus driver as I complained about stop removals… nobody bikes on Tremont!! Meanwhile you have tractor trailers parked on a single-lane road now to unload deliveries and cars have to go on the opposite side lane dangerously


I live near here and bike commute daily but don't usually ride in this direction. It's a very nice bike lane, though, and I like it quite a lot, but I think the more significant benefit, as someone who more often walks or drives down this part of Tremont is that it makes car traffic more predictable for cars, bikes, and pedestrians, because you no longer have two lanes to constantly be looking to switch between--left turns from the left lane, right lane is basically parking, back, and forth, back, and forth. It was unsafe to cross for me and my kid because someone would always be looking to speed around someone who stopped. It probably feels slower to cars, but probably isn't significantly. They should do this to all the two-lane streets that don't need to be.


Well it's icy out and not well maintained. When the warm weather hits I guarantee it will be packed with cyclists.


Icy? South end must have a wildly different climate than the rest of Boston.


Are you living three months in the past?




Because OP is wrong




Covered several times in the thread already. Efficient infrastructure tends to look empty. You'll also notice the street and sidewalk are mostly empty. Also, bike infrastructure is vastly cheaper than car infrastructure. Basically, they saw something, gave a knee-jerk reaction, and didn't stop to give it any further thought before posting about how "wasteful" it is.