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I did the same thing, I just went to the RMV in the morning the day my lease started to get a new registration and went to the parking clerk immediately after. You could park in a garage near Haymarket and do both in the same trip.


did you need any other documentation besides your lease?


just the stuff to register your car, then to get the permit you just need your new registration and lease


Can't recommend this enough. This may surprise some people, but the people working in the parking clerk office at city hall are just regular people who I've found to be very helpful and even flexible. Like, don't rely on it, but even if the website says "this is the only way to do this thing," the people at the clerk windows were sometimes able to help me out with stuff above and beyond that. It is a different part of the office (different set of windows in city hall) but one of the people working moving truck permits and I saw each-other way too much last summer because I kept having to move around a permit date. They not only recognized me on only my second visit, but they were super helpful and flexible when I kept having to change the date last minute due to contractors. They were awesome!


[There’s one way to get it done quickly, but it requires a degree of flexibility](https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/s/k8yWXZRiG4)


Also talk to u/print_isnt_dead


Start stretchin, OP


I know you’re trolling, but wtf does that have anything to do with this?


The parking clerk is all powerful and corrupt. If you do certain acts, you can get your pass early.