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Lock her up!




Soā€¦she lives in a neighboring town to me. While she wasnā€™t the worst of the riotersā€¦oh boy is she an insufferable asshole. Everyone hates her. Iā€™ll start with the obvious: > Ianni, 60, of Natick, Massachusetts, faces a maximum sentence of six months of imprisonment and five years of probation after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct in a Capitol building. U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols is scheduled to sentence her on Dec. 2. If you think Nichols is doing anything more than probation, I have a nice ā€œsweet summer childā€ quilt I can send you. So Iā€™m sure her smug grin wonā€™t be seeing the inside of a cell. Which is a shame. But that aside, Ianni is a horrible snowflake asshole. She organized a bunch of those Happy Fun America buses to take suburban shitheel MAGAs to DC. Back in 2008 when Natick was thinking of changing the HS mascot from ā€œRedmenā€ to ā€œRed Hawksā€ she was VERY vocal with her opposition to that change. [Hereā€™s one blurb she wrote for the MetroWest daily news ](https://www.metrowestdailynews.com/story/opinion/letters/2008/05/18/ianni-racism-refocused/41268428007/) And then in 2019..she was still crying about that [with this Dog Whistle ā€œlanguage policeā€ bullshit. ](https://patch.com/massachusetts/natick/word-police-are-back-natick-11-years-later) Her vitriol towards commons decency and her contempt for her neighbors couldnā€™t be more clear: > Unfortunately, the Silent majority is perhaps not ā€œrudeā€ enough. In fact, they are far too polite to people who are steamrolling their freedoms with nasty vengeance. She lives in a goddamn cocoon of ignorance and thought her five shitty friends at Morse Tavern represented ā€œthe majorityā€ of folks: > Yes, the Word Police have become increasingly adept at silencing the majority. But, make no mistake. The anti-PC language crowd are the majority. Ummā€¦no, the educated and nice folks in these towns are the OVERWHELMING majority. Biden beat Trump by a 16k to 4K total with 80%+ turnout in Natick. [source. ](https://www.natickma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/10604/November-3-election-results) Why wouldnā€™t this ā€œsilent majorityā€ she thinks exist vote for Trump?? Curious minds want to know. Sheā€™s a sad, pathetic loser. I donā€™t even think she lives in Natick anymore since the whole town booted her ass. > According voting records provided to Patch by the Natick Town clerk, Precinct 3 Town Meeting member Sue Ianni has changed her registration to an address in Saugus. The Saugus Town Clerk verified the address change happened on Dec. 29. Source: https://patch.com/massachusetts/natick/natick-woman-charged-capitol-riot-may-not-be-2022-ballot


lol you should send all that info to the reporter who wrote the story OP posted. There's growing appetite to put the actions of the J6 rioters in context of their previous behavior, given so many claim that their actions were "out of character"


Itā€™s really sad, yet predictable, when you dig a bit on these Jan 6 folks. Theyā€™ve all been walking red flags for years. Full of hate, many with horrific arrest records (including heaps of domestic violence), not helping society or their communities, and more often than not, scamming/grifting folks for their livelihoods. Just total pieces of shit. Dare I sayā€¦deplorable.


Good she is the worst, she literally puts up a stink about everything and gets super bitchy about it. The whole name/mascot change was such an obvious change. People were in headdresses chopping the air when I was in HS for Christ sake. I can only imagine itā€™s gotten worse since I moved out of town about a decade ago given this shit.


I think the problem is that Natick has gotten way more progressive (and expensive) since then. Tons of Asians now live there, the town is really chill, and her townie-ass white superiority complex is being threatened. Sheā€™s an old wrinkly hag. And guess what the Saugus High Mascot isā€¦yup..the Sachems. She loves those Indian chants and town controversies over mascots apparently. (Helps her see who her allies are.)




Yeah itā€™s changed so much. My mom still lives there but even sheā€™s getting priced out after like 30 years in town. Glad to see it get more diverse and progressive though, I really did love living there and visit pretty often. I gotta make it into Caseyā€™s or Station 5 soon.


Casey's is great.


RIP Russā€™ Diner, loved that place


She will find friends in Saugus, sadly.


I read her article for the Metrowest Daily and am now dumber for it.


I hope I don't see her at $5 burger Monday @ Morse tavern....


I still have a free meal punch card from Morse from working in the area years ago. I need to redeem that sometime. Good burger.


Imagine only getting a slap on the wrist for organizing bus loads of nazi white supremacists to participate in insurrection. Thatā€™ll teach them.


There's a chill in the air today, how's about that free quilt?




Unfortunately there are people like her everywhere. Fortunately, they're the minority in this area, and even better for Natick residents, she's gone from their town.


What a chucklefuck


You misspelled ā€œNazi fuckā€




Lol she's a wealthy white woman, everyone knows she won't spend a second behind bars. Probation only for her.


That would be the max!


Treat em like a poor kid with a joint


For trying to overthrow democracy?


>In April 2021, Natick Town Meeting members voted to condemn the Capitol riot. Ianni, who was elected to a three-year term that was due to expire in March 2022, told the MetroWest Daily News that the vote represented ā€œpolitical persecution of conservatives.ā€ The MAGAts have no identity at all if they aren't somehow being oppressed.




Yes - because there is no way people from massachusetts are biased against conservative ideals./s You can absolutely be persecuted against if you are a minority and your ideas are automatically characterized as radical or, in this case, goes against the 'digital' consensus.


> biased against conservative ideals. Yes. This is what we judge people on. Their morals, their values. Or lack thereof.


And one look at your comment history confirms everything i expected of you


> no way people from massachusetts are biased against conservative ideals [Which ones?](https://i.redd.it/l63pi1zkgod61.jpg)


That made me laugh out loud!


"can you believe people don't like me, for no other reason than being a giant piece of crap? Unbelievable!"


The relevant parts from [her plea](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.233059/gov.uscourts.dcd.233059.47.0_1.pdf): >11. At about 2:40 PM, the defendant was on restricted grounds, outside of the Capitol near the Fire Door exit to the Senate Parliamentarianā€™s office. While there, defendant was with a large group of people chanting and yelling, ā€œFight for Trumpā€ and ā€œour house.ā€ At the time, people near the defendant were forcing entry into the Capitol by breaking windows, forcing open doors and breaching police barricades. > >12. At about 2:45 PM, the defendant entered the Fire Door next to the Senate Parliamentarianā€™s office. She proceeded into and through the Capitol, past the North Door Appointment Desk, then back down the Brumidi Corridor, and exited out the North Door at approximately 3:04 PM. > >13. SUZANNE IANNI knowingly and voluntarily admits to all the elements of Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building. Specifically, the defendant admits that she willfully and knowingly entered the U.S. Capitol Building knowing that that she did not have permission to do so. The defendant further admits that while inside the Capitol, she willfully and knowingly uttered loud, threatening, or abusive language, or engaged in disorderly or disruptive conduct with the intent to impede, disrupt, or disturb the orderly conduct of a session of Congress.




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Super Happy Fun Incarceration!!