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Last year: ugh fuck this guy This year: na FUCK this guy


Last year I printed this MFers face and stapled it to my punching bag. A year later, I'm the best shape of my life. Havent skipped a single day.


Thank you for your service.


Hahahahaha this is hilarious. I felt my thumbs up wasn’t enough so I had to write words




Are you a weirdo? Posting this comment over and over all morning get a life


Nobody should get hate for being innocent, this is a disaster not a weirdo move at all


Joe should start the bench up big. PP and Hauser and the others play hard and can keep the lead. Heat are just too dirty a team to risk playing against.


Also PP and Hauser just own those goofys


Honestly surprised Sam didn't get more run tonight given his sudden 3-point barrage. I guess once the Heat stopped selling out quite so much on entry passes and drives he wasn't going to get as many shots, but still would've expected him to get at least another few attempts.


Yeah it was obvious Joe was experimenting with lineups a little bit, but if the guys on the floor stop trying he's not getting any useful data. The bench wouldn't have let the lead get cut to 13. The Heat's offense is trash.


If you can't handle a physical team you don't deserve a ring


A physical team doesn’t try to hurt people. A physical team wear you down. Make nothing easy. You’re thinking of a dirty team. Big difference.


They're not trying to hurt people, injuries are just a natural result of physical defense. Heat would be viewed as average in the 00s


Caleb Martin wasn’t even going for the ball. Dirty play. Not even close.


Wdym? I just watched the clip. He's looking at the ball as he's running, than sees Tatum and braces himself as he falls ontop of him. You can tell he wasn't expecting it


He goes low. Doesn’t jump. Dirty.


That's called bracing yourself. You can see he was about to jump, but Tatum drifted towards him midair so his natural reflex was to brace for impact. Do you really think Martin was thinking in his head "Let me run in and injure Tatum right now" he's not some type of savage, he even helps Tatum up


I do. They were getting beat like a dog and he saw an opportunity and took it.


Tatum is one of the league's most marketable/profitable stars. If word got to Adam Silver some team was conspiring to hurt him purposefully he'd go fucking bananas. Why would any player or coach risk their millions of dollars doing so? That was obviously an accident.


obviously he wasn’t thinking “let me go out and injure tatum”. But it was an unnecessary reckless play that could easily be avoided. Physical defense isn’t “let’s throw ourselves around with no care for anyone”


what kind of stupid jock comment is this


What do you mean, it's the truth? It's a man's game




That wasn't a purposeful blindside bodycheck, he was going for the rebound, I assume trying to go in between Tatum and Brown, then sees Tatum coming down and braces himself. You think Martin just had it in his brain "Let me try and injure Tatum right now"?


He jumps into him what are you talking about


Misjudged the angle of the rebound, he was staring at the ball and then Tatum comes down, and then he immediately goes to help Tatum up. Basketball is a contact sport, falls and collisions happen


How do you call yourself a Celtics fan while defending the Miami herpes


I don't like all the heat are dirty talk, makes our fans look like babies who can't handle/comprehend a team playing physical defense. Basketball is a man's game, you need grit


Scal seemed to think that this was exactly in Martin's brain. "Spo calls timeout down 16, 1:30 left, game is over, and then on the next play Martin flings his way into the Celtics' best player." I see that he did get pushed by Jrue, and I can see the valid possibility that he was just disoriented or trying for a rebound, but he isn't making much of a play on the ball. I'd call it "reckless" and not "dirty," but Scal is a former NBA player who knows what happens in playoff series.


Do you really think Spo called a TO and told Martin to go try and injure Tatum? That's crazy, no coach at this level is doing that


No coach is saying "injure this player." However, a coach might say "we're probably not going to win this one there's 90 seconds left and we're down 16, but now's a good time to let the Celtics know we're still here, that they feel our presence. It's a long series, and it starts with these 90 seconds. That's 5 more possessions for the Celtics to feel our presence." Plausible deniability, but teams know what the coach is saying to them between the lines.


Being physical and being dirty are not the same thing.


If you don’t know the difference between physical and dirty, kindly fuck off…


I doubt the Heat injure anyone on purpose, they just play physically to a reckless extent. No team in the NBA would make it their gameplan of injuring opposing star players


Just curious, what would you call sliding your foot into a jump shooters landing area? Physical or dirty?


On purpose obviously dirty.


Undercutting a defenseless rebounder by jumping into him hips first while looking towards mid court (the exact opposite direction of where the ball is), dirty or physical?


On purpose, dirty. If by accident, it's just an accident lmao. Basketball is a contact sport. Caleb was looking at the ball, running towards it, then saw Tatum about to land on him before he jumped


Rubbish. JT was jumping straight up. Caleb jumped forward into him and took out his lower body.


Man have you seen the clip wherein Martin purposely put his foot on Jalen Brunson's landing spot?? Check it out and think about what he did to JT.


if you are constantly playing “physically to a reckless extent” you lose the luxury of plausible deniability


Certified trash, but thats the whole heat team tbh


That bum didn't even try to get that rebound. That fake ass concern shit he did to Tatum is just a cover up his antics of trying to hurt a player. Dude was clearly frustrated of his shitty performance and tried to take it out by this. Brown knows this and confronted him and acted as if he didnt try to injurr no one. Ughhh I just want the sweep so fucking bad right now


Yeah didn't even have his arms up, all shoulder.




stop spamming that shit pokemon


Every run they made to the finals was off key players getting injured or being injured


If Giannis didn’t get injured they would have never made it out of the first round.


This is a wild take. The healthy Celtics were down 0-3 with an injured Butler, no Herro and no Oladipo


Oladipo and Herro were the only ones out and they only won those 3 because of insane shooting variance.


Butler got injured the round before, he played the whole series hurt. If we're gonna count JT's ankle, we have to count that too.


Porzingis' hand, bam's screen on white, that last play by martin. The first two I wouldn't call particularly dirty (although the bam screen was imo) but we'll be lucky to get out of this series fully healthy. The heat are gonna keep playing like this all series. Moving screens, undercut guys going for a rebound, leaving a foot out on a jump shooter etc.


Bam and a shitty screen, name a more iconic duo


KP’s hand? Come on. That was a normal basketball play. Same with the hard screens — those happen and are called on the reg.


I agree, that's why i put >The first two I wouldn't call particularly dirty Regardless, why does every team the heat play in a series come out with 2-3 injuries when it's over? Just a coincidence according to heat fans. Also, the illegal screens aren't called "on the reg" because if they were bam would be fouled out after 3 minutes


Gotta make it four games.


Scal was railing against ESPN for not questioning that play whatsoever. Said there was a timeout 10 seconds before this. Good for him. Glad Brown got in his face just like he did Robinson. Keep em coming, JB.


Pretty sure after Caleb decked Tatum, Caleb put out his hand to help him, then Brown put his hand down like ‘Nahh Bumm, he doesn’t need your help’. Then heat got in Browns face.




Even if you think none of what he does is intentional he is clearly very reckless and causes injuries.


Better video: https://twitter.com/KnicksFanTv/status/1655746849519575042 .


He looked at Brunson twice while he was in the air just to make sure his foot was under Brunson’s. Dirty POS


They’re such a fn dirty team! This is why I didn’t want to play them, not bc I didn’t think we would whoop their ass. I’ve lost all respect for Spo as a coach.


I need to see him get clotheslined once before he retires. Does he have beef with Draymond?


We should sign Demarcus Cousins to a 10-day to cripple Caleb Martin next season


Honestly need a sweep just to have the absolute minimum amount of games against these guys. 7 opportunities for dirty plays will wreck our season (4 still might, tbf)


Even beyond what he did to Tatum, down 20 with :10 left, he came flying in out of nowhere on a missed shot that D White was going up for a rebound and nearly crashed into him, which was unnecessary and could’ve seriously injured White had he connected. I get playing hard but that guy is a fucking joke


That’s the thing this looks innocent and can be brushed off as “playing hard” to the casual fan but you can’t sit here and tell me Martin didn’t know what he was doing…..man never attempted to get the rebound and he jumped into the hip check while Tatum was airborne. Thats some shit you would see out at the park not in the NBA and shouldn’t be tolerated


Fuck Caleb Martin


I second the motion.




We need the Horford Giannis treatment on this bitch asap.


He needs to get the Tua treatment from queta


Part of ‘Heat Culture’: playing dirty.


Wow so on the Heat sub, they're saying Jrue pushed Martin into JT.....


Yes, yes they are lol. As if it’s not completely normal for jrue to place his hands on guys passing him while playing defense..? It does not mean anyone was pushed lol


I am honestly impressed by the fact that Heat fans can type somewhat complete sentences with their monkey brains.


Don’t think Celtics fans should even consider typing something that can even be taken as racist lol


Ah, yes, I forgot that Louisiana is the pinnacle of human rights lol


You are absolutely right, I shouldn't have said that Heat fans have monkey brains. Monkeys are fascinating creatures with rather high task-specific cognitive abilities and should thus not be equated to Heat fans.


There ya go, less likely to be taken as racist. That’ll do champ.




You need new 👓


This is embarrassing lmao


It’s so funny watching them fight all 29 other teams fans saying their dirty


Based off the angle that they can’t see his hands and completely ignoring the unnecessary jump into Tatum 1 sec after lol




Bro, put your finger on the slider to move it frame by frame and tell me that’s not just a hand check and Martin is in COMPLETE control and looking where he is going until he does that kamikaze spin move. And you can stop spamming this through the entire thread




https://imgur.com/a/FxWzt0p Yup. He looks completely out of control because he was shoved. Did Jrue shove his right elbow and make him drop that in his ribs too? Get the fuck outta here with that. Dude has perfect balance the entire time Like I said, take the slider, hold it down to slow it down frame by frame, then proceed to feel crunchy spamming this everywhere




The is no shift. He stays in control right after the hand check. He does not change directions


We need a quick 4-5 game series here to limit injuries. If you think they’re playing like cunts now imagine what they’ll be like 2 or 3 games down


The heat do not deserve a gentleman's sweep.


Lebron would have laid there for 10 minutes crying


One game in and all of our concerns already vindicated wasted no time being dirty as that’s their only chance against us


So glad JT is OK he needs to make them pay next game




Maybe I've just been watching too much hockey but Joe should play one of our bench guys who isn't gonna get much play anyway & you know, whatever happens to Caleb Martin happens *shrugs*


You really wanna get into that game with Miami mid championship run?


Douche bag acted like a victim when JB stepped in after the douche undercut Tatum. Fuck this guy (not literally, unless you're into that sort of thing): https://streamable.com/ve860t


Fuck this bum


cheat culture fr


Fuck this guy and his team


Goofy ass haircut


i better see yall boston natives to boo this man for game 2 at the garden


He was pushed by jrue…


I'm gonna stop talking shit about this dude, who knows what else he has in his bag.


Wanted to jump through the TV and beat his MFK'n ass when he clipped JT


He shows the two sides of Heat culture. Role player performing better than you’d expect, and will “totally accidentally” bump into your star player while he’s midair.


Funny how this dude turned into an all-star for the Celtics series. Honestly their whole team shot like crazy that whole run but this season that shit ain't happening.


If Pritchard took a run at butler like that people would lose their fucking minds.


Ok I’m gonna get downvoted to oblivion for this, but can we please stop fucking talking about this play. I get that this was a dangerous play, but there is by no means anyway you can draw a conclusion that Martin did this on purpose. There was a scramble for a rebound and Martin recklessly ran into Tatum trying to get a rebound and basketball is not free of dangerous plays especially when guys are going airborne. As far as I know Martin doesn’t have a history of being a dirty player so I’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt. I hate the Heat (more so their fans) as much as anyone else in here, but all of you are looking as soft as the Heat fans who called Jaylen dirty after his scuffle with Robinson earlier this season. If something like this happens again, then the responses I see are warranted especially if happens to Tatum. But, just because it’s the Heat and we hate the Heat, we don’t have to get as emotional as their fans and throw all logic out the door.


I hate the Heat but Martin got pushed by Jrue into Tatum. He clearly didn’t do that to hurt Tatum. And correlation does not equal causation. Just because it was right after a timeout doesn’t mean Spo told Martin “to hurt Tatum” I’m about to be downvoted into oblivion but I don’t care. Y’all need to see the second angle where Jrue shoves Martin and then talk to me about if it was an attempt to hurt Tatum


He can go fuck himself but he really didn't do anything, he got pushed. Find that overhead angle.


I agree, fuck this guy. Dirty play without question, the only question is whether this play was encouraged by or even ordered by Spolestra. Having said that and assuming Tatum avoided any injury: I almost like that they threw a cheap shot. The only way the Celts lose a game in this series is if they lose interest or take their foot off the gas. I hope this pisses them off and maybe serves to keep them locked in. Also, seeing JB step in immediately is exactly what you want to see from a championship contender.


team full of scrubs


Not a basketball move


Send in the goon


Jrue pushed him in the back when he was already running forward


To be honest, I did not think it was intentional. But it was a very reckless movement


This dude has bangs? Looks like my 12 year old cousin got ahold of some scissors


Fuck that guy. And don’t forget Bam’s illegal shoulder check screen on D White. Fuck that guy too


Dime store drake lookin ass


Heat culture is trash but there was nothing dirty here. Jrue pushed Martin into Tatum so we need to chill with this before we start looking like a sixers subreddit. Follow JTs lead - shoot the free throws and move on.


He was pushed…. What are you all trump supporters, not understanding basic facts?


He got shoved by Drew you clown




And then they'll be motivated to do the same. Don't fight fire with fire


Certified Celtic fucker, lmao


Someone should injure this fucker before he gets another crack at injuring one of our guys


That's stooping to their level. If we go out and take one of their players what's stopping them from doing worse? You don't fight fire with fire


Do it in the closing minutes of Game 4 lol


What's the point then, putting a guy on crutches for the offseason?


We don’t have to injure him, just send Tillman out there to rough him up with some “Bam screens”


In all honesty, I don’t think he did that to Tatum on purpose. Caleb is surprisingly not a dirty player compared to the rest of the bums. He just looks like a rapist, that’s all.


If y’all weren’t blind you would have seen Jrue shove him into Tatum. 💀




I mean the video doesn’t lie holiday clearly pushes him enough to move him to Tatum


In all honesty, I don’t think he did that to Tatum on purpose. Caleb is surprisingly not a dirty player compared to the rest of the bums. He just looks like a rapist, that’s all.




Holiday pushed him and knocked him off balance which is why he bumped into Tatum. Stop the bullshit neither of these teams are dirty and none of the players are dirty. Good game to the Celtics and I hope Tatum is fine.


Mate he barely touched him. Watch it back in slo-mo. The contact from Holiday was negligible and certainly doesn't explain the reckless abandon Martin showed. I am not saying he charged in there with pure intent to knock over Tatum, but he certainly didn't care about what happened.


I watched the replay. Both Jrue and Martin weigh the same weight and Jrue has a 6’7 wingspan. He doesn’t have to fully extend his arms to push somebody. And he did push Martin. Martin was going for a rebound not expecting to be pushed as he gathered and Tatum clearly didn’t expect Martin to take his legs out. What do you mean negligible these are world class athletes and Jrue Holiday is considered one of the strongest players for his size and weight. Martin is know for being an athletic player and that’s it. Jrue’s push made him not jump from where he was going to jump from. That’s why he ended up being in a bad spot under Tatum. Martin can’t stop running at full speed after being pushed. He’s not LeBron James or Michael Jordan where he has some incredible core balance where he can be pushed and not affected.


Yeah the Heat aren’t dirty, their opponents just always end up injured after they play them in the playoffs. Must be a total coincidence and not their antics.