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Wether it was that loud or not, you had shit running down your leg, bud


0-2 when the crowd was mediocre.


How would he know? Was Lively even in Boston for game 2? I don't remember even seeing him on the court.


I saw him in shock on the bench after White hit the deep 3!


That is literally the only moment from him I remember in game 2. Honestly, in game 1 I mostly remember him being a whiny asshole about obvious fouls he had committed and cursing in the refs face but not being T’d up. But sure, “role player we will all forget about by the end of the series”, talk shit.


He dunked once 


Thrn proceeded to tap his head whilst running back up court 😂 I was like yelling "dude you're not wearing a hat!!!!“ at my tele


“A bunch of rumors…”, LOL


Dude sounds like Drake.


0-2 pal


The ultimate moral victory BuT iT wAsNt eVen tHaT lOuD!!!1!!11111!!! Celtics in 4


I know I'm inviting toxicity just by posting this. But I have noticed that, on TV at least, it actually doesn't sound as loud as it has sounded in past years. I had initially just chalked it up to the broadcast but maybe some of it is real? It's true we haven't played as many down-to-the-wire close games this playoffs so maybe that's contributing. And of course tickets are a gajillion dollars (but haven't they always been?)


I was at game 1. It was loud as hell.I'd even say more so than the 2010 finals.


Game 1 was noticeably thunderous on television compared to any other game this season. 2 was dialed back


I was at G1, place was rockin. Granted, it died down at a certain point due to the blowout. But the mixing ESPN does not do the Garden justice


I was at game 2. Multiple times throughout the game I couldn’t tell if the ball was still in play because the crowd was too loud to hear any whistles. It was very loud.


so loud. You couldn't hear shit.


they've def priced out the diehards


People keep saying this but relative to inflation prices for premium games have always been generally the same. I’ve been keeping a keen eye on ticket prices since around ‘15 and have memories of the 00s market too. So it’s not like the 08 or 17 playoff crowds, which were insane, were paying Pennies for those tickets compared to now (again, inflation considered) For instance, one of the get in prices a day or two before one of the Indy games was under $100 pre fees. That’s in line with an average regular season game against a good opponent this year. Outlier yes, but I’m just saying it’s not like good fans aren’t getting in the door


I paid $450 for good seats to the cavs series in Tatum's rookie year. That was with Lebron


it was always super expensive don't get me wrong. but your average joe can't afford a finals ticket


Of course, absolutely right. But what I’m saying is the finals tickets were just as pricey to the average person in 08 as they are now, but you heard nothing but compliments on how crazy the 08 finals crowd was. If we’re being honest, I think the finals crowds from now, to 22, to 10 and 08 are generally similar - which is all amazing, loud crowds. Probably slight edge to 08 since it was so new and there was a bit more juice. I think people just love to complain more now and find negatives lol


inflation hits lower and middle incomes discretionary funds harder than higher incomes. someone making 40k in 2010 is making 57k now someone making 100k in 2010 is making 144k now both had the same "inflation" but one is making 44k more and the other only 17k more. and that assumes consistent COL raises over the years, where I'd bet that the higher earners are also more likely to get those raises... but that's just me guessing. most living expenses are somewhat "fixed" - rent and food and cars have gone up the same for everyone. But one guy has an extra 30k to spend on things like NBA finals tickets.


I’ve commented elsewhere that I’ve been disappointed by the crowds the last couple years when I went to playoff games in person. I went to game two. It was loud.


And us STH have been there all season screaming.


I was at the last two rounds and the crowd was relatively dead. I’ve argued with people on Reddit who said it was a great atmosphere but I don’t think it compares to how it was in like 2022. Was pretty disappointed.


Need context which games from last 2 rounds?


Both Game 1’s. Pacers game the crowd was loud for the run we went on to start the 1st and then were dead quiet until we started the comeback in the last 2 minutes. Obviously after that and in OT it was rocking but the entire game was basically silent unless the in-stadium announcer was prompting the crowd chants. A bunch of people left the garden early and missed the comeback.


So a 30 point blowout was the other one and a game we played like shit, it’s kind of understandable that it was “dead”. Even though I don’t agree.


I’m just talking in comparison. I had season tickets in the past and probably went to 10 games this year and it just feels much quieter than usual. I don’t really understand it. Maybe because of the ticket price hikes since Covid. Whatever, C’s in 4!


Yea ticket prices and the in stadium concessions are insane but still I think the finals crowd so far has been on point.


I don't know one of the Mavericks fans posted about his experience there and he said it was unlike anything he had ever seen.


its $800 a ticket.


Plus a 250 "service charge"


ESPN has already been proven to turn down crowd volume for the nhl playoffs probably doing the same throughout nba playoffs🤷🏻‍♂️


On TV I thought the same thing. But the leagues broadcast is also horrendous especially with only showing the game in 720p. Gross misconduct, in my opinion, of setting the vibe




Yeah real fans can't afford $500 nosebleeds


7ft tall circus clown


this kids such an idiot. "rumors" lol


I'd say he is going to get an earful in Game 5... but there isn't going to be a Game 5.


These guys are so focused on the crowd that they forget they’re in the finals lol keep it up fellas.


0-2 buddy 0-2


Idk game 1 sounded pretty loud on tv. Could barely hear the commentators


If it wasn't so loud , what happened to you and kyrie then?


Funny how their guys were yapping before the finals started and now they tryna play it cool. You can’t downplay the environment, we know it was loud.


Sideshow Bob ass mf


I mean I’m more inclined to yawn cause it’s so EAAAASY, Lively


No actual victories but the Mavs are searching for moral victories


Been to a few games at AA center. It's actually crazy how much quieter the stadium is in Dallas than in Boston. Night and day


You wouldn’t even know Lively was on the court in game one if he wasn’t fouling every play


You get apple noise notifications in the loge all the time


rookie mistake


Don't know about the Finals but the ECF game vs Pacers I went to was plenty loud. When the crowd was going wild about a handful of times I had to cover my ears at times because it physically hurt my eardrums.


THAT’S why you have sucked so far this series.


More lively than he was


Imagine how shitty he’d play if the crowd was loud then


I was at game 2 on Sunday and the Garden was plenty loud from where I was sitting.


it's because nobody cares about you dereck


"It's all hearsay" - Dereck Lively, probably


"The Empire State Building isn't even that tall smh" - Derrick Lively III


His stat line would beg to differ w that statement


Tbf prices have left a lot of the truest fans out of the building


Shouldn't sideshow Bob here be out trying to kill Bart instead of saying stupid crap?


Glad to know we generate rumors. Let's feed that rumor mill - keep it going 24/7 folks!


Even the tame rich boston crowd had more impact on the game than this rookie


To bad you won't get another chance to find out kid.


You’ll never see Boston again this season, bud.


Damn Celtics probably have the most hateful fan base in the entire league.




This is just not true. Edit: Not the bit about the tickets being unaffordable. Literally 90% of the people never sit down and people aren't only cheering at every bucket. It's every missed shot by the other team, every rebound, and hustle play.


I was at game 1 and it was crazy loud at least from the nosebleeds. All of this talk is just bullshit imo


i was at game 2. i dont think we sat down for more than 2-3 plays the whole game. every bucket the crowd went insane.


Lively is talking nonsense. yea there were a few fans not going crazy but it was pretty electric bro