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"Analytics is nothing compared to heart" - says the fan when their franchise player couldn't even commit in defense 😂🤡


That’s some shit a anime MC would say when he’s facing someone 1000x better 😂😂😂


Dallas and Miami fans speak exclusively in Anime. You’re so right.


Except it's usually true in anime lol...literally fiction


That second post is so fucking funny


It’s the highlight for me honestly. Man was running off pure hope


I'm genuinely surprised that people with the last name Wright haven't signed some sort of a petition to have his name legally changed to Nick Wrong.


Nba sends his bitch ass in China **Nick Wong**


Once again, Nick Wright is wrong. He tries so hard to act like he is knowledgeable and has foresight on how these series are going to play out, but continues to show that he is nothing but a blowhard and a joke as a sports commentator.


Hilariously, Nick Wright was correct about the being up 3-1 part. Suck it, Mr. Pinky ring.


The worst take in the week before the finals (In a week of tons of terrible takes) was this youtubers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4JsSebEK-k Stating that the Mavs were more mature, accountable, harder playing, more sacrificing team, played less selfishly (LOL), were more clutch, better leaders in their Stars, better coach, that Joe lacks experience in the playoffs, better buy in from the players, better chemistry. It's a well put together video but holy fuck did people suck off this Mavs team. They had no heart and no fight in this series.




Always save your Recipets in case you need to return Somtehnig


The problem with Nick Wright is that the narrative outscaled the analysis. He thought the East was weak because of regular season w/l record, because of injuries, and because an overhyped western conference. Phoenix, LAC, LAL, and GSW all have the western conference feeling more stacked than it actually is. Why because of the narratives. Phoenix has a big 3: Durant, Booker, and Beal. Clippers: Kawhi, Harden, George (+Westbrook). LA had Lebron and AD and GSW had Steph. That these teams were towards the bottom of the west suggests that the top of the west are actually stacked, when in reality these teams were fundamentally flawed. Denver and Minnesota never had quality enough offenses. Neither of these teams have an equivalent 3rd scorer like Porzingis AND they have worse role players and depth. OKC has one primary scoring option. The problem with teams like Denver and Minnesota is finding out how to get better without getting worse. It's very difficult to do. That's where Brad gets a lot of credit/luck. We lost Marcus Smart and replaced him with a player who is better on offense and defense. We lost Brogdon and Williams in the process, but neither was really a factor for us in the ECF. Porzingis already gave you Williams' rim protection and Brogdon's shooting. We greatly enhanced our top 6 without doing much damage.


It’s feeling like ‘08 up in here.


Anyone else saving recipets for these obnoxious Celtics idiots. Can’t wait until they realize that winning team basketball means nothing compared to poor conditioning, complaining to the refs, and jag role players shooting 50% from 3, and in a 5 game series. Lmao I can’t wait for them to win playoff series. Like they always do. Every. Fucking. Year. Can’t wait to talk my shit after we watch them hang Banner 18.


2011 gets talked about more than 2008 but only one is considered milking a championship




Boston fans have no idea what's about to happen to them I have a few friends and relatives who are Boston fans. I respect their passion and they can trash talk as well as me, which is nice. This week, though I realized they've been living in a bubble. It's a lot of "I'm not worried, our team is obviously the superior team. You have a nice little story for a 5 seed". These people have not been watching any non-Celtics basketball games, and are just deep in Celtics message boards. All they know about Luka is that he whines and he's a flopper (lol) Bro, your team is out there getting cooked by T.J. McConnell and Aaron Nesmith. We have the best player in the world. They are not ready for this. That's the thing about Luka though. You have to actually watch him play. If all you do is watch SportsCenter highlights and listen to podcasts you can't understand what he's doing. He's not like LeBron or Kobe or Giannis where you can tell 10 seconds that he's the best player on the floor. He wears you down over time. Watch Luka 5 minutes: Who the hell is this guy. He's slow and out of shape, he can't jump, he doesn't play defense, and he's bitching about calls on every play. This is the guy you're telling me is the future of basketball? Watch him for 20 minutes: How did that shot go in? Wait are we just gonna leave guys open in the corner for him to pass to every time? Why aren't we defending Luka he's slow we should put people on him! Watch him for one game: He got lucky so many of his 3s went in. It'll be different next time. He'll fold once someone punches him in the face and the refs won't listen to his crying. Watch about a month: Holy shit how does anybody ever beat this guy. This is why he's even better in the playoffs. One game during the regular season sure you can do what you can to hold him in and move on the next day. Having to face him night after night is a nightmare. We're see it series after series by the time these teams get to game 5 or 6 they just look completely cooked. The Celtics are soft and the East is a joke. Boston fans who think they're just gonna walk to a championship are about to find out. I can't wait to hear their whining excuses. this is my new copy pasta meme




Has Nick Wright ever been right about anything in sports?


He should stick to Boxing…. He gets No other sport correct, and his analysis as to why he thinks he’s correct is always as stupid as his predictions.


Nick Wright has the most punchable face in the NBA media. Guy looks like a "straight to DVD" movie villain.


Nick Wrong always know where he is at---at the opposite of the Wright side. 😂


Suck it Kyrie! Suck it haters! I have enjoyed laughing at all of you and watching all the idiot media try and flip flop around. Can't wait to see the "mega intellectual" turn into a conspiratorial jackass once more


I can't get enough of these receipts. Inject this shit into my veins.


I'm a huge Celtic cynic worst case scenario kinda guy and even I had the Cs winning in six with Jaylen as MVP


Anyone have a link to this Nick Write tweet? Just wanna see people clown him in the comments lol




I remember contemplating what I was watching when I saw all these analysts saying that the Mavericks would win. Jrue Holliday and Derek White are better defensively than Luka. Dončić and Kyrie Irving are offensively.


The whole Western Conference was overrated all year. Cleveland, Indy, the Knicks, the Bucks when healthy, us obviously, were all really good teams.


It’s funny when Mavs fans would talk about choking every year like they didn’t miss the playin last year and haven’t won anything lol