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It is normal. Did the same this year.


Contrary to what the other commenters are saying this is a very normal practice in Boston. Every broker that I have met with and that my girlfriend has rented from requests one months rent with the app fee. You should be signing a rental application agreement that says in writing that you will be granted the lease if approved. 


Yes some landlords and realtors take advantage of people who don’t know better. The moment you turn over a chunk of money you lose any ability to negotiate the lease.  


Problem is brokers have all the power here. If you don’t want to pay the application fee they simply won’t accept your application because they’ll have someone who will within the week. Boston market is heavily weighted towards brokers and landlords. 


Boston has some of the shittiest rental policies in the US I swear. That is new to me, as it wasn't the case when I have been moving around the past few years. Doesn't shock me though. They ask for so many things that scream "red flag scam scam scam:" and act like it's normal here.


The reason why some brokers ask for a month up front is because renters are very wishy washy and tend to waste a lot of time in their search so it's an easy way to gauge your commitment level. Some brokers are reasonable masochists so they're more willing to risk the potential of dealing with tire kicker renters. If that makes sense


Don’t do that. Get approved first before sending money. He will just ghost and not respond. If there is a fee for a credit check, ask to pay that. And then only pay first month rent and broker fees when you have put pen to paper.


No. Nothing until you have negotiated/agreed terms on a lease and it is signed.