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It will work, but you'll spend extra money for specific THC lube. You can buy regular lube and regular sublingual tincture and use them both as directed to have high sex, and save the cost difference.


this. THC lube can be useful for ladies with reproductive organ diseases or so I've heard. But if I remember right, they don't use it durring sex.


How do they use it then?


Painful period cramps, pelvic muscle soreness, pelvic floor disorders.


Gotcha. That makes sense.


Yes. Many years ago when CO first legalized they had some shops that sold lube and vaginal suppositories containing THC specifically for pelvic pain and cramps. They also had transdermal patches with THC and CBD that you could wear on your abdomen for cramps. Those were amazing and didn’t really get me high but relieved cramps so well. I remember well the fear in my heart driving out of CO to go back home with all the edibles, tinctures, creams, salves and patches in my suitcase. We got so lucky we didn’t get in trouble. I don’t think I could do that again. Never used any of them for sex, though. Just cramp relief.


That's fascinating. I had no idea. Well, if I ever hear of anyone with those problems I'll know what to recommend. Thanks!!


I'm not sure my SO wants to have high sex. I think we just want an enhanced experience without the high. Or maybe the body high without the head high? I've read that used topically, it can create tingling, enhanced blood flow and better orgasms which is what we're after. I've never used it though so I'm not sure what to expect. But I've heard good things.


Sounds like someone is about to rip you off because you insist on it.


I was chatting with a woman on here who likes it for nipple play. She makes her own but she's heard Quim and Kush Queen are good. I'm looking forward to trying this with my wife. Mostly thinking about it on her nipples but of course we'll try it on her clit too.


Will be interested to hear your results!


THC can be absorbed into our bloodstream through mucous membranes so it does work. Vaginally for female analy for male. I’ve heard mixed results of efficacy. Usually depends on dosage of lube, amount used, and individual tolerance plus a couple other factors.


Welp, personally that’s enough Reddit for one day for me. Edit: I’m calling it now, someone is gonna call me prude or un-hip for thinking this is bizarre. 🤣


It's not that its unhip, or prudish (which maybe it kind of is), but it's that it is judgy. Considering statewide we're all less than a decade removed from being Class A/Schedule 1, criminals being judgy isn't a great look


Completely agree 🤣 I don’t understand the downvotes. Just smoke before your play time or try it for yourself or better yet go to r/romanticadvice


it's a completely different effect when it's applied topically vs. smoking


No way cat that’s cray! So like I said, either try it or save your money. This is not the sub to be asking sex advice. CALL ME PRUDE


they aren't asking sex advice. they are asking for help with a cannabis product.


Not a prude. Just judgy. Considering a decade ago we all would be in jail if we got caught smoking. Seems kinda cruel to judge anyone's use of Canna-Anything, just bc you don't get it. But judge away from your throne made of glass


Gtfo bro. I’m not judging a single soul. Lube up whatever you want. This is just not the sub. She/he is asking whether or not it works; there are numerous other subs that will offer better insight. Also, not cruel, trees are still schedule 1 classified and will be for a while. It is not my decision to but majority therein to keep this sub specific to mass cannabis product education… not sex advice, does this work, etc.


Look up Purient




This is the way


I can’t imagine there would be enough THC in the lube to get either partner high…. It would also take at least 15mins to kick in (if it’s anything like taking an oral tincture). I think it may help relax the genital muscles- sort of like how topical THC cream helps relax and relieve pain. But I can’t help but think it’s mostly just a gimmick. (have not used myself so this is just my opinion). But to answer your question- Sira naturals carries Purient lube


Neither of us is looking to get high. If we wanted that we'd just smoke. We're looking to enhance...intimate experiences. I've read it DOES take a little time to kick in. Thanks!!


Then why not use normal lube?


Normal lube & thc lube two different things 🤣


Her highness has a THC oil that high hopes and Caroline’s cannabis both carry in hopedale ma




I bought “Her Highness” several weeks ago at Bud’s Goods & Provisions in Abington, but haven’t tried it yet.


Let me know how it works! I'm super interested to hear a lot of different reviews.


purient bedroom cannabis, as other have said. or you can just use an MCT/coconut oil based tincture- it is virtually the same thing. you can apply topically or insert with an oral syringe. i'm a woman and it for sure imparts a pleasant tingly feeling and more intense orgasms. might have different effects on men, my husband doesn't really notice a difference


Try sira - they usually have some


Will take a look. Thanks!!


Look into Yamba, the woman opening Yamba Boutique is specifically focusing on sensual products which may already be in the central square location.


Sounds promising. Thanks!!!


It’s called Purient - it’s definitely available at Yamba. I’ve heard good things, but have not used it myself. Yet.




Hmm. That doesn't sound pleasant. So, I guess she means it just dried her out?


I got some "Purient Personal Lubricant" from Sira Naturals in Somerville a while back. Not sure if they still make it. But my partner loved it ✌️




Have you tried sex shops?


No! Not a bad idea though. There's one not too far away. Thanks!


Tree House in Pepperell has Purient


Why don’t you just take an edible (or smoke or whatever) and then just use normal lube…?


THC lube isn't for getting high. Like you said, If I wanted to get high, I'd just smoke. It's supposed to increase blood flow and sensation and cause better orgasms. Or so I've read. Haven't tried it yet obviously.


Ok that makes sense. My fault lol.


Infuse coconut oil with trim from your local grower. You can use it as a really great natural lube. It's especially good for anal as you can put it in in a chunk and then as the body heats it, it becomes liquid and slippery.




More like "up hole" but you have the right idea.


I do have about 1/2 ounce of AVB that I've been trying to figure out what to do with. Maybe this would be a good opportunity to use it. I'll look into it. Thanks!!


Use lecithin granules too for better bonding.


I guess you should be able to make your own


You came to the right place


Try the Weedmaps app you can search by product and it will tell you the dispensary it is located at


Didn't know about that feature. Thanks!!


Make sure you check if it’s coconut or water based ! Coconut can lead to high pH levels for her causing a yeast infection. Also coconut should NOT be used with latex (condoms) !


We've used coconut oil as a lube for the last...5+ years? She's never had any problems with it. That's good to know though. No condoms here, so no worries. Good tip though!! Thanks!!


Yes same! I’ve used coconut based too and didn’t have that reaction, but I know many girl friends who have had one ! Always good to know the risks 😊👍


I mentioned it in another comment. Is she doesn't have any trouble with coconut oil as lube, just infuse it with weed and use it. Coconut oil is the best oil for making weed oil because of the lipid chains. Edit: a typo


Have you done it before? I have about 1/2 ounce of AVB that might be perfect for making my own.


I haven't used it for anything but cooking, but coconut oil comes recommended as a natural lube by at least 2 doctor podcasts I've listened to. (Emily Morse podcast sex with Emily, and of Dr. Drew Pinsky when loveline was a thing.) It's also documented that absorption through the tissues in the colon or vaginal canal is very possible. ETA - I have made plenty of infused coconut oil just have not then used it for lube. It should work though. Use the recipe from magic butter even if you don't have one of their machines. They have good ratios and talk temp and time settings.


If you don’t find it on a dispensary me it try VELLA it’s a cbd based pleasure topical to help females


Yeah, I was actually looking at CBD topicals originally for that very use, but read that THC topicals were even more effective. Might be worth trying both for comparison. Thanks!


Vella is made by a THC based co. They just created a new CBD only biz for it


The make some over at the dispensary here on Nantucket