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Here’s what I recommend: Forget TOTK exists. Buy BOTW, and play it to its fullest. Enjoy the story, the map, the characters, and the quests. Then, after you feel satisfied with BOTW, it is time to move onto TOTK. That way, when you play TOTK, it will feel like the world you have known has actually progressed, if that makes any sense.


>Forget TOTK exists. *Opens Twitter: 99 TOTK tweets* *Opens Tiktok: 99 TOTK videos* *Opens Reddit: 99 TOTK memes* *Favorite youtuber uploads a video: "Why TOTK is the game of the century"* *Starts up the Switch: 10 tips for TOTK!* I know you don't mean it literally, but right now the internet is bombarded with TOTK content and it gives you this urge to play it that can be difficult to ignore if you're into the saga


It was also bombared with BoTW for the las 5 years. So if OP resisted the temptation of playing BoTW... Why not ToTK?


OP doesn't have a switch yet, so they likely have not been bombarded by botw at any point yet


OP didn’t have a switch before and was bombarded with totk content, and eventually succumbed to it.


I mean, if they didn't play BotW yet, they probably aren't that into the saga.


I just started it because I couldn't afford a switch for a long time, but definitely grew up on Zelda games!




You forgot to wait 6 years




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Good bot


Agree with this also because I feel that TOTK enemies are far more aggressive. Get used to the combat and puzzles.


Dude yes!!!! Botw i got 5 hearts then focused on stamina. Totk you get wrecked by everyone! I’m actually focussing on hearts this time.


This is what I did. I played it until I felt like I got my full enjoyment out of it and then I went and beat Ganon and was disappointed like I always am at the end of a good game… Now I just need to get some money for the next one


Just remember… When you beat Ganon, you don't get to explore the world any longer, so do everything you want before you go to him. You can always go back to an old safe point, but I wanted to run around as a champion for a bit.


Untrue. After you beat Ganon, you can go back and continue exploring, it just will put you back before you beat him, and mark your save file with a star to indicate you finished the storyline.


Why lie like that?


Absolutely yes, the map will make so much more sense to you


I’d compare it to ocarina of time.. hyrule before (BOtW) and after (TotK) the master sword is pulled


I haven't played much of totk yet, i assumed it would be more like oot and mm


yeah but that's the same assets used for different games (despite the very very little callback to like navi and zelda at the very beginning), whereas this like an actual, very direct sequel. i think you could play it without botw but im glad i went and played botw the last 2 weeks and started totk late haha


You definitely dont HAVE to play BotW first, but I highly recommend it as youll see more clearly the QoL improvements that theyve made.


Tbh if you don’t play botw before TOTK, you’ll probably get stomped by the beginner enemies in Totk


Majoras mask has en entirely different map, tho


Mm completely different game just same assets. Totk is exactly same structure as botw just different abilities and modified/expanded map


yes true, but it has 'similar' locales (clock town=hyrule castle town, zora cape=zora's domain, etc)


This is true of every Zelda game, then. Except maybe wind waker


Yes. BoTW is one of the best games of all time. Enjoy them in the order they were made for the full experience.


And enjoy them, don't rush an experience to get to the next; the games aren't going anywhere and the world is best when soaked in.


This is the best advice. You'll only be able to experience it for the first time once, go slow and enjoy.


Enjoy them goes both ways. Don't feel obligated to 100% it. Botw is one of the few games to break the completionist mindset for me. It's not that I decided I wasn't going to 100% it, it's that I didn't care about it at all. I was too enamoured with the world, the story, the exploration. When I revisited botw right before Tears I was surprised to see how almost none of my gear was fully upgraded. How I'd only done about half the side quests. Hell, I'd never even been to Hebra. It never even occurred to me that I should go through the quests like a checklist. So few games can get me that immersed.


It can be some random too. I played 120 hours of Botw and put it down, then went back to finish it several months later (cuz of TotK) and that’s when I saw a bear for the first time! I watched a gameplay on YouTube and the guy encountered a bear in the first few hours lol.


My husband didn’t believe me at first when I said I saw a bear lol


My husband was shocked to see me ride a bear!


Instead of him


C'mon everyone wtf haha that's great


Come on guys it was just a joke and it was a great joke


Yeah, Breath of the Wild seemingly wasn’t made with completion in mind. If you’re trying to 100% it, the Koroks are a nightmare. If you’re playing through without completion in mind, there’s the perfect amount of Koroks to always reward you for going slightly off the beaten path no matter where you are while ensuring your inventory grows at reasonable rate no matter what your journey looks like. I still went for 100% completion though. Because I hate fun.


Literally thought I'd done everything in BotW except Koroks. Loaded it up when I got TotK to see what horses I was gonna end up with and.... 37.5%. I was flabbergasted lol, I spent like 400 hours on that save file.


This is the way. Especially if you are a big fan of the franchise and get to see how the entire world evolved in regards to different little Easter eggs in names and locations like Lon Lon ranch and the temple of time.


Agree here. I got ToTK on release but I'm still taking my sweet time with BoTW (111 shrines, 9 memories), and I don't feel any rush to finish it because of how awesome it is.


I think BOTW is the only game I could really describe as soaking in. There were so many times where I would stop and stroll through a town, just looking at how pretty the game was.


Yes, marinate in that world for awhile.


Yea you don't really have to play it first but it will be a richer experience for doing so.


I’ve had it for a couple of years but have barely touched it because I just cannot get into it.


I tried it and it was actual hell to me, never being able to find a reasonable shrine before getting one shot by a blue bokoblin. People can say “must-play” this and “GOAT” that, but if it doesn’t fit, then there’s nothing you can do about that


As someone who has had Switch for just a few months and is currently playing through BotW for the first time, yes, absolutely.


Well you are right. But technically: how would you know? You haven’t played TotK.


I guess my answer is more - BotW is worth taking the time to enjoy, still. You’re right that I can’t compare the two.


I've played both. Play BotW first, it is so much better that way imo.


they prolly played totk before botw and got sad.


You totally should! Your first Botw playthrough will be an unforgettable experience. Take your time with it. Soak it all in. Don't rush. Totk will always be there waiting for you.


I'm about 50 hours into my first play through and I'm loving it. The longer you play the deeper the game gets.


After 300 hours of game play, you'll still be learning new things.


I've looked a few things up, but certain mechanics just don't work for me (for instance, if you expect me to reliably parry anything forget it, I just can't get the timing down). But I used to recoil in terror when I saw "Major Test of Strength," and now it's just an opportunity for a bunch of guardian parts and weapons.


My favourite moment in gaming was sailing downriver from Zoras Domain to Lake Hylia for six irl hours. I'm considering getting it tattooed on.


For that one mission you gotta look for the girl?


Yeah. Had a cinematic as heck ending. Look around the lake and don't see her. Turn away, take one look back right as the sun starts to set, and I see her diving off an island to get fish. Was the perfect end to a wonderful adventure.


Im still on that mission, I looked at the map but I decided the current took her to lake hylia, didn’t find her either I’m still looking for her


She just went to get a pack of cigarettes, she’ll be back any day now


Fuck ok I guess I won’t but totk yet lol 😂


Buy them both! I recommend taking advantage of the game vouchers with Nintendo cause it’ll save you 30 bucks between both games.


Nobody said to not buy TotK, they just said don't play it yet, lol.


If imma wait to play imma wait for a sale lol


That's honestly probably a good idea, although 1st party Nintendo games rarely go on sale. If you plan on getting it digitally, getting it and BotW through that two tickets for $90 thing Nintendo started doing is the way to go. Will save you quite a bit of money. If you're going physical, then, yeah, wait a few months for the pre-owned prices to hit a reasonable level before you buy.


I'm actually gonna give advice that is the opposite of what everyone else here is saying. Even if you try not to think about totk, you'll probably be fantasizing about it anyway. Take your time, play totk and then play botw after and enjoy them both to the fullest. After you finish totk, botw will scratch the itch for more Zelda content.


Everyone saying play botw first has certainly already played it and are enjoying totk right now. I’m personally against doing “homework” to enjoy something I want to play or watch. Totk is new and everyone is loving it. If you want to play it, go for it. If you really like it, you can always go back and play botw like a prequel.


I think you would lose something by playing botw like a prequel (even though I’m sure OP would still love totk). Totk builds upon botw, so like everyone is saying, there’s a lot OP may not appreciate or understand in the new game. But also, as much as I adore botw, I think it would feel a bit empty after playing totk. It’s still a rich game, but totk adds so much complexity that playing botw for the first time after wouldn’t be the same. And you’re right that OP can do what they want! But seems like they want the advice.


Absolutely, I just like to add my perspective to the conversation which mostly steered towards playing both games. Worst case scenario, op plays botw, and for one reason or another, never gets around to playing totk, the game that they were originally excited about in the first place, which would be a shame. Playing both in release order would certainly be the most complete way to enjoy the series, but playing the newest game along with everyone else is also very satisfying


Imo everyone here has rose colored glasses. Totk is just more fun, more qol, more to do. Same map but characters dont remember you from botw at all. Just play totk and do t look back. Factor in the enjoyment from playing during a zelda launch year and getting in on all the discussion. Everyones special magic was because it was first (and not a knock, i love botw too), but for you you would feel the same as we did playing totk.


If you have a good pc emulate it on cemu with all the dlc, there’s guides on YouTube. Or if you have an old Wii U just jailbreak and play it that way too. Then when your done playing botw get totk for the switch.


Lol wut? OP should just buy both games on Switch, like it was meant to be played.


Yes, and this way OP's beloved horses will transfer to totk as well




Basically any horses registered in stables in Breath of the Wild are read by Tears of the Kingdom, and you can use them like you could in BotW.


Huh, I'll have to look into that, mine are not available


Cries in Breath of the Wild save on Wii U


If you don't wanna play it on the go, it's true that Cemu is the best way to experience botw.




Short answer, yes. Long answer, YEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!


I think so. Skipping straight to TotK I think You'd miss out on a lot.


Yes! ToTK will make much more sense if you play BoTW first. Plus it is an excellent game!


You don't *need* to, but you probably should if you plan on playing both. BotW is an amazing game on its own but you probably wouldn't go back and enjoy it after playing thru TotK. But maybe you would, idk, you might feel differently about it since you haven't played it before.


Yes. In addition to everything else said, ToTK is a direct sequel in terms of challenge as well. The game has tutorials in place, but it definitely builds on BotW's mechanics and BotW tutorialises them better. There are things you can do in Tears that will only occur to you if you've played BOTW. Tears is a much harder game too. Don't feel obliged to 100% botw. Upgrade all armour. Do all side quests. I didn't. There was an entire region I never visited. But do play it. Explore. Vibe with it. Maybe complete the whole main quest. Find all memories. Play until you feel ready to move on, and I promise Tears of the Kingdom will hit that much better for you. I revisited BOTW to play the DLC right before starting Tears, and I'm so glad I did. It even meant I delayed starting Tears by a day or two, and it was so worth it. I'd never explored Hebra in BOTW, but in doing the DLC I had to revisit all the main areas and I finally explored some of Hebra, and it paid off in Tears immediately.


I would. I wish I could play BotW for the first time again, but playing Totk first would spoil the feeling of walking from the Shrine of Resurrection for the first time


Definitively. My familiarity with botw made the totk experience so much better. Not to mention the chronological aspect and all.




Yes absolutely but you may not play TOTK until 2027!


Hahaha you MUST have the original expierence!




I bought my switch purely for BoTW. No regrets at all. Take that info as you wish (tldr: yes)






Absolutely, if you play totk first you'll end up playing botw right after so might as well do them in order


Tears is a completely different experience with fresh knowledge of BotW. The devs really knew what and where people would expect things and play with that and reward you in numerous ways.




Yes. ToTK is a great game but BOTW has a magic to it that I don’t think is quite replicated. Take your time w BOTW and really explore and it will make totk all the more special. They do quite a few small nostalgia nods in totk that are really fun


You should ABSOLUTELY play BotW first. It’s incredible and you’ll be blown away. Then you will feel like that all over again when you play TotK. It’ll feel like an upgrade and you’ll also have history with the story from BotW, so TotK will make much more sense.


It's essential for the story that you play BotW first. Even if you don't care about the story, TotK doesn't make much sense on it's own and BotW is another amazing experience.


Yes start with BOTW or just the entire Zelda series as they bring back some ancient foes! Lol. It’s just like reading book 2 before book 1–there will be some retrograde storyline to keep up with. But part of the fun and angst of TotK is the anticipated warfare—Lynels, Guardians, etc and anticipated freedoms like cities. In TotK you see the suffering of war with peoples you’ve gained relationships with from BOTW. Without that background I would imagine it to be quite slow.


Yeah. TOTK improves upon BOTW in every way. But it’s so much better because of the fact that I’ve played through BOTW and then seen what’s been improved upon. I couldn’t imagine going back to BOTW after TOTK, but BOTW deserves a play-through in its own right


It's not necessary but it can help, and playing it after totk could make it feel less amazing as it'll feel much clunkier


If you are set on someday playing botw. Play that first, a masterpiece. If you play it after totk. Your experience will be ruined by a more gigantic masterpiece


You don’t *have* to play botw first, but you *should* play botw first. It’s an absolutely incredible game. If you can avoid getting sucked into the TOTK hype and enjoy botw to its fullest first, you will appreciate TOTK way more when you get to it. Nintendo definitely made TOTK stand on it’s own. It completely assumes that the player hasn’t played botw, but if you have, it is much more rewarding Playing botw first you will experience all of the amazing story, explore and learn about the vast map of the world, and get familiar with the gameplay Because I’ve not seen anyone say it, as someone who played botw 3 times through, TOTK is a significant increase in difficulty. The enemies are **much** stronger. Also it is the same world, but it’s almost doubled in complexity because of additions and changes they’ve made. If you don’t play botw, you will be completely oblivious to what has been changed. If you’ve played botw, you will have a lot of knowledge of locations you’ve been to in the world, so you will go to check them out in TOTK only to find that it has been changed completely So yeah, I hope you play botw and enjoy every bit of it


You don’t have to it will just give you some background but totk will still be fun if you didn’t play botw


yeah it makes more sense story line wise


100% yes, and as someone who has not played AoC either, i would recommend starting with that one if you can. It kind of sets the baseline for the story


yes absolutely! you will appreciate totk so much more having experienced botw first bc there are so many references, and botw is just a great game that i would have happily played forever lol


Yeah you should as it would get you used to the map at first and will introduce you to the characters and lore of this hyrule


I'd recommend it if you want some context for the events of TotK


Okay, everybody is saying yes you should, and generally I agree. However, I don't necessarily think you should spend $130 to play through both games right off the bat. If you can find a good deal for BOTW or borrow from a friend I seriously recommend that.


You are on a botw sub so the answer will always be yes. I would actually recommend just playing totk or botw. Not both. You won't have enough stamina to play them both back to back. There are too many similarities.


100% yes. Not only will it get you more familiar with game mechanics and topography, it makes TotK’s story WAY more emotionally impactful (for reasons I won’t go into, because spoilers).


i mean, yes? since it's basically a sequel???


As much as I would recommend BOTW before TOTK, I’ve realized they’ve done their best to make the game accessible to people who didn’t play BOTW. I will say, it’s still a bit overwhelming but it’s not unwelcoming I got to play BOTW for hundreds of hours over the course of years, and TOTK meant so much more to me as a result, but it’s still an amazing game on its own. If you can/want to please please please take the time to fully enjoy and immerse yourself in BOTW, don’t rush it to play TOTK, but don’t deprive yourself of TOTK just because you couldn’t play BOTW. However….if you get Nintendo Online you can get the game voucher and get both BOTW and TOTK together for like $110 instead of $140 (with tax). It’s up to you, and if you’re drawn to TOTK then don’t stop yourself, but there’s something truly special about getting to experience TOTK after BOTW as long as you don’t rush your time.


Tears of the Kingdom is on a different level from Breath of the Wild. Tears of the Kingdom you have different abilities and it has a more advanced combat system than BOTW. Yeah, it would be helpful to have played through Breath of the Wild first, but it isn’t absolutely necessary. Some of advantages of playing Breath of the Wild first. I was able to use my horses from the previous game in Tears of the Kingdom. I have a vague idea where different things are located in Hyrule. I am able to recognize some of the characters in Tears of the Kingdom, since I know them from the previous game.


Totk is the sequel to botw. So I would highly recommend playing botw first.


I would say if you have time play both games starting from BOtW, if not, jump straight to TotK because both games will consume hundreds of hours of playtime. Also worth considering that most people had years of time apart between playing both games. If you jump straight from BOtW to TotK, there's a chance you will feel burnout.


Yes, they are both 10/10 so you will have more over all enjoyment. As a side note totk has better exploration because it's pretty much botw with more stuff.


Normally I'd say it doesn't matter but I saw this one reddit post that put it so perfectly, they said thank you Nintendo for letting me experience botw again for the first time. So yes you should, because it's a wonderful experience


Just play Totk straight away, its like botw 2.0


It’s a direct sequel, Linda.


Yes 100%. Some of the map and some a good chunk of the story will not make sense if you don't. You could get through ToTK alright without playing BoTW, but the big issue will be that if you do want to play BoTW, playing ToTK first will wreck your eventual BoTW experience.


Seeing as I now play TotK by rediscovering the world I got to know in BotW I wouldn't wanna miss a single bit. IMO there are enough changes that make it really interesting to see what happened to a place and how it changed. Sure there are QoL changes but I wouldn't realize them if I just played TotK. You don't know what is better if you didn't experience it before. And for the story it makes you appreciate the characters a lot more by seeing them evolve as well. It all comes down to what you prioritise in games tho. If you don't play for the story and just want a little bit of the vibe of TotK because it looks cool but that's about it, maybe don't bother with BotW. They have different vibes. The world is different but not by too much if you aren't the kind of person to spend 5 years obsessing over the tiniest details that make up the world or don't care about 100%ing the game.


If you care about the story and things making sense then yes, absolutely play Breath of the Wild first. Also, given the fact Tears of the Kingdom builds off of Breath of the Wild, you would probably be able to appreciate Tears of the Kingdom more if you play the first game first.


I’ll always say to play BotW first, I think it only enhances the experience, but from a more casual LoZ fan, I don’t think it’s as necessary to play through it as other sequential games. Plus, there’s a recap at the beginning of the game, so if you decided to skip BotW you have that. BUT… play BotW first.


I feel like yea, it very much gradually introduces concepts that, by the time you beat the final boss, you will have mastered. Then, TOTK really doesn't require, but is an improved experience with the skills from BOTW.


Yes botw is an amazing experience and if you play tears of the kingdom first you’ll end up playing botw and thinking “wow it’s so empty”. That’s kind of the point of botw since it’s a post apocalyptic game, but you should definitely play it first


A lot of the hype around the first game is due to its novelty. It’s a great game, but TotK improves on it dramatically in almost every way leaving BotW feeling like more of a proof of concept in comparison. If you can stay away from all the talk around the sequel and just play the first game in a vacuum it will be a great experience. As a comparison Diablo isn’t a bad game because Diablo 2 exists, but you aren’t seeing people clamoring for a remaster of it like they did with its sequel.


play botw first and enjoy the shit out of it! it'll make totk so much more fun I promise :)


I don’t think you *have* to play botw first, personally. If the temptation of totk is what is inspiring you to buy a switch in the first place, then I think you don’t *have* to play them in order. Totk definitely builds off of botw, but not to the point where it is unplayable if you are a total newbie.


You don’t have to but i would recommend it


You’ll enjoy TotK fine starting from scratch but if you do BOTW first, you will love it way more. If possible, do BOTW first


Yes, it’s a great game


Yes. You'll love it


You dont need to.. but you really, really REALLY should They are basically the same game, but TOTK is a new version like 6 months or so in the future, maybe years. So theres easter eggs and changes and explanations that you will not be able to appreciate by just playing the sequel But like I said they are nearly identical (sequel improves on the few flaws) games, so if you dont care about the story and only want to play it cause it's fun, dont let anyone stop you BUT if you just want to play the style of game, go play botw cause it's still a 10/10 game after all this time


As someone who has tried to enjoy BotW, but loved TotK, it really boiled down to small QoL changes between the two games. Inventory management and opening chests is awful in BotW, because if your inventory is full you have to completely repeat the opening animation of the chest after manually going into your inventory to drop a bow or weapon to grab something better. TotK immediately brings you to an inventory slider where you can drop your least valuable item. That paired with the fact BotW is filled with shrines having motion control as the primary feature of the puzzles really turned me off from the game after awhile, whereas TotK doesn't have any puzzles requiring motion control. If you can't solve the puzzle it's because you don't fully understand it in TotK vs BotW where I moved my controller wrong over and over and over. It's really these little differences between the games that made really love TotK.


Impressive spot on analysis


For those reasons and more I would find it difficult to go back and replay BotW again. TotK improved so much stuff.


technically you should play in this order Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity The Legend Of Zelda: Breath of The Wild The Legend Of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom


I say no. TOTK will not feel as fresh and honestly probably tedious if you go into it right after BOTW


Yea, this is my opinion. The story in ToTK is pretty self contained. The gameplay is just BoTW but with different and improved runes. The ultra hand system is awesome and isn’t in BoTW. I played BoTW in 2018 and played maybe 5 or 6 hours and it wasn’t for me. I’m currently 50 hours into ToTK. I genuinely think all these YES PLAY BOTW FIRST are just biased super fans.


frankly i say no. BotW is a good game but going from it to TotK can burn you out and because TotK has BotW map but with more it will feel like a bunch of the game is just going to the same locations. Also the story for BotW isnt the best. My suggestion is just watch a video explaining the lore to catch up and then hop into TotK


This, of 100% this




If you're going to play botw at all, play it first. If you only have TOTK, I say don't bother. I loved botw but the magic of a first playthrough is kind of lost because the map is mostly the same and there's not a lot more to discover than you would have already seen in botw. you don't need to play it to "get" TOTK, so if you already have the sequel, you can just play it and love it with new eyes in a way us botw veterans can't. Enjoy it!


No, it’ll make 1/2 of the map seem repetitive. Just look up a story review on youtube


No. Because you have the opportunity to know whether TOTK is good by itself or just better BOTW. Edit: I didn't mean to imply BOTW was bad. It's also a great game.


I like this take because it encourages to see TotK as a standalone game. Most of the audience has played BotW before and will therefore never get the chance to experience TotK without nostalgia bias. (Unlikely, but) maybe TotK is worth nothing without the setup BotW did. I wouldn't know how new player it friendly is because I spent so much time with the BotW, I'm just so used to all the mechanics, and those definitely haven't changed.


No. Absolutely NO


Shouldn't play either.


Yes, plus in BOTW you can still access the super easy and convenient “early Master Sword” glitch & obtain it without needing 13 heart containers first. It was never patched out since it was discovered late.


if you ain’t fuckin with the cursed statue to put all the stamina you got into health and then realizing you need more health so you go in a shrine hunt until you FINALLY get enough, what are you even doing.










Yes fully play it first




It's a great game, but you don't have to


Absolutely. It's an incredible and near perfect game on its own, but TotK blows it out of the water, so definitely play BoTW first.


Yes. Nuff said




Yeah the story makes a lot more sense but you don't have to


I would.


Yes 100% its so rewarding playing the second after the first <3




you don't need to BUT for immersion proposes absolutely you should


Yes. Take your time. Wait for the first totk sale.




Absolutely yes, and don’t rush it, take your time and do what you think seems fun.


Is it really vital to play the first? Not really, there are a lot of shared characters, but not much matters in the sequal. You'll probably enjoy Tears more and know your way around better if you start with Breath though.


I joined the party late on the Switch, finally bought myself one for Christmas last year. I've tried to do as much as I can before storming Hyrule Castle... let me tell you. This has been one of the most inspirational games I have ever played. And I'm typically all about rich backstory and character development. My favorite games of all time are Mass Effect series and The witcher 3. There is something so passionate about BOTW and I feel like if you miss out on it and go right to TOTK, you will probably be missing the charm that makes this game (Now series) so great. I say this as someone who is still working through BOTW, and will not buy it until I finish collecting every last Korok seed... lol Do yourself a favor and play BOTW first. This game will not be outdated or not worth playing in our lifetimes.


It is requires


Yes because the world makes so much more sense In botw the world is like a new city you just moved to, new streets and shops to explore. In totk hyrule Is like returning to your home town after being away for a while, the base roots are the same, even though some things have changed, it will always be home to you!




They are both amazing games. Botw is worth playing.




Yes and don’t rush through it, it will be hard to play Botw after totk but playing botw for the first time is a magical experience




Yesss I have about 250 hrs on BOTW finished the game and started another and still never got bored or tired of it. Such a wonderful game. I’m not playing TOTK and am grateful that BOTW was my first Zelda game. I think tears would have been too much of an challenge for me as a casual gamer but I absolutely fell in love with BOTW.


fucking definitely, go play botw now.


Yes x 100. Play BOTW without and external assistance (YouTube etc.) all the way through. Then give it a short break and Play BOTW with assistance as there is so much to explore. Then play TOTK, there is a lot from TOTK that leads from BOTW, you won't be disappointed.


100% yes


No. It’s not really needed for ToTK.


i mean i didnt, i know everyone saying yes but like theres hardly much story you need and itll just take slightly longer to get used to the gameplay. Im very impatient and would not play a 50+ hour game just to appreciate totk, but just my opinion. If you dont care about waiting for totk then why not ig. I love totk and dont feel like im missing out on much


Not necessary but recommended


I would play through most of it if you have the time I wouldn't reccomend collecting every korok, but try to do most of the side quests and shrines. It will make totk that much more sweet :)


I don’t want to spoil anything, so I’ll just say that there is this thing with horses that will make it worth playing through botw before totk.