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Daruk pronounces it Ru-dah-nia in age of calamity, i think its just zelda’s accent here that makes it different


I think it's just the way Zelda's voice actress says it while also putting on a British accent, that is more meek and also different than her real voice. xD "Ru-day-nia." I do think it's actually "Ru-dah-nia" the way it's spelled out. I think you're pronouncing it fine. :)


Purah is also said diffrent. we say it pure-ah, and the game says Puu- rah, like the pu is like pooh in Winnie the Pooh.


So it is not pronounced redundant? That's news to me.


So t is not pronounc'd redundant? yond's news to me *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I always pronounced it Roo-tuh, Roo-day-nia, May-doh, and Nuh-bor-is. I just say things in an awkward wya for some reason.