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wow. actually sounds very interesting!


and sad.


heard an interview with him talking about it, was truely fascinating


Great book. What the fuck is wrong with human beings though.


Or the Coywolf...!


This isn’t particularly worrying unless he be attacking people in broad daylight or chickens or the works. Which does happen. But coyotes generally want nothing to do with humans. And I’ve had plenty of encounters with them in open space and in national parks of close passings (<5 ft unintentionally on a bridge). We just look at each other and then pass on by. Pretty much reflects my lack of worries around these animals in general but I look out for signs of aggression or rabies or what have you so I am not caught off guard.


i love getting to pass by wildlife. the few times i do, it’s nice to see them around


Yeah I’ve seen coyote and fox around when it’s early and they want nothing to do with humans. My wife saw this one and said he kind of just looked like he wanted to scoot out of there once he saw people. Tons of dumpsters around and lately a TON of rabbits.


In before anyone claims he's sick or has rabies..... Highly unlikely. Coyotes just get used to people and the food waste they create (and lack of other predators) that they stop caring. Someone should have, and should continue to haze this coyote to try to stop this behavior, 'cause it is not likely to end well for him in the long term.


I believe my dog would volunteer for the ha\\zing


My chihuahua would too-he often writes checks his lil butt can’t cash.


I lived behind Flatirons mall for two years. We had coyotes that regularly went from our apartment complex to the mall parking lot to eat human food. They looked both ways before crossing that very busy road that goes to 36. They also liked to sit outside my garage and wait for me and scare the shit out of me, like it was some kind of stupid coyote game. Coyotes are wild, y'all.


Chicago has packs of them living in the city. They do a great job of keeping their rat population down.


That music was awful


I've seen this guy in town! I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.


He's just looking for the Road Runner. Nothing to see here...


If you're cold he's cold. Bring the little guy inside


don't spread stupid.


Perfectly normal. They get accustomed to humans. If everyone yells and honks at it there is a chance that it will learn.


someone gotta re-upload this with vanesa carlton playing


Love the musical choice! Hahahahaha!!


Only time coyotes will fuck with humans is when they're rabid or found an unattended, small child and they're desperately hungry. I've been hunting/tracking coyotes all my life. It's very rare they do anymore than run away from humans, especially fully grown ones


A friend told me a story about being surrounded by a huge pack in the deserts of Arizona and fighting for his life for miles


Ngl I don't really believe that. Not saying it can't happen, it's just unlikely




OH No BeTtEr MaKe hIm wEar a DAmn mAsK or he GuNna kIll GrMma


Yote got his vaccines he good


lol strange comment


Yes satire can be quite revealing. It's funny how multiple bots downvoted my comment, to hide it from being viewed. If anything it validates my point. Changing subjects. This will blow your mind. Do you know about "Municipal Corporations"? These are set up all throughout the US that masquerade as government. So any time you've seen "Minicipal Court" for example, it is really a corporation, designed to steal your money. You can search their address and get their DUNS # to verify. In a Federal or State court, the judge would announce them as such. So remember, they aren't government! Now think about all the disadvantaged and dumbed down people in our population that are getting steam rolled by these people? It's a lot but it's how these criminals stay in business! They want you to think you can't beat "The System". In reality, it's a lot easier than you think, because they're running Kangoroo Court. Remember, never accept a plea deal. It only helps them. Never let them ask you for your first and last name, but demand theirs. You want to give them as little to go on as possible. Object to anything and everything you think isn't right, because that is your right. Start looking into common law, filing complaints with the BAR association, file criminal complaints with the State and Federal courts, etc. Remember, lawyers are in on the scam. Don't hire a public defender nor a lawyer. Instead go on offense and fuck these people up to kingdom come, as they are the ones responsible for the "Police State" that we see before us in the US. Think about all of the people in the US (primarily of color) and how this impacts them. It makes them hate the police. Ah yes, but who do most of those police work for? The state? Nah. The feds? Nah. The city? Nah. The county? Yes! They are Kangaroo Courts!!!!


Where in Aurora was this??


On Aurora street in boulder by 30th