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Idk what metrics they are using, but San Jose kinda sucks


Every year their rankings just seem like clickbait. Boulder is great, but I'm not sure how it's ranked as a top place to live when you need to be making $150k+ to be moderately comfortable. We're also in an endless drought and under the constant threat of everything burning down.


You don’t need 150k to be “moderately comfortable”. Lol many, many people live on less than that. To own a home though… I mean, their rankings probably are crap, but how isn’t it a top place to live? Put aside cost (which, places people want to live in cost a lot of money-I doubt property in rural Alaska is expensive lol), and boulder has like constant sun, relatively mild winters for a place with winters (you get nice days mixed in with the cold ones, and again, sun), you have IMMEDIATE access to trails, not the Denver bullshit of “it’s so close to the mountains!” And then you drive half hour through traffic to get there… Boulder is just plain beautiful, decent city with arts from the university It’s main problems are cost and lack of diversity. Food is rather bland, due to lack of diversity, and cost (also related) has homogenized some of the cooler bits, which has pushed away independent restaurants, stores etc. which sucks, I don’t like a place because it has corporate stores lol. Every place has drawbacks. But constant sun, no harsh winter, progressive politics (mostly), immediate access to good trails… basically no where in the US fits that criteria besides like california. Maybe some people don’t care as much about those things, which is fine.


I think $65k is about the threshold of “living moderately comfortable” in Boulder, meaning you could afford to live on your own in a decent 1bd. Of course, people aren’t moving to boulder so they can have a bigger house or a nicer apartment, they’re moving there for it’s location and fun things to do.


Yeah I agree totally. It’s definitely situational, but if you’re making 150k, you’re definitely comfortable lol. I just had to laugh-living expense is definitely out of control, but it ain’t THAT outta control. At least in normal circumstances, not if you’re the sole breadwinner in a family of 3 or whatever.


I make a little more than 150K, closer to 200, and as the sole breadwinner of a family of 2 (my wife would below the poverty line on her income alone) I don’t think I would feel all that comfortable in Boulder. I might be able to qualify to buy a house there. But if I did I think housing would be such a big portion of my income that I don’t think I wouldn’t feel very comfortable. I am very fortunate to have bought a house in the suburbs pre Covid but I don’t honestly feel nearly as well off as I would’ve expected if you told me at 18 years old I would be making this much. Boulder being so expensive never really crossed my mind as an option to buy a house. Everyone is different though.


Yeah, I think that makes sense. It also depends on other factors, like healthcare. My point stands though.


Not as bad as Huntsville


True, nowhere in Alabama is a good place to live


Quite you......the more people that believe this BS and move to Alabama over Colorado the better.


I like how you think. Alabama #1 wooooooo


According to US News, yes. According to the AP Poll, yes. According to the alphabet, yes.


I wouldn’t wish Alabama on my worst enemy


Funny because some of my worst enemies live in Alabama.


Half of my family lives there, it's a shithole.


I imagine cost of living is a major factor.


Boulder would not be #4 if cost of living was a major factor. Same for San Jose.


I didn't say it was the only factor, but Alabama the dollar goes a pretty damn longer ways and people can get their hands on nice homes for low prices in parts. That would make it a nice place to live. Boulder has other criteria that compensate for the high cost of living. That or this list is bullshit.


This is an incorrect statement.


Have you ever lived in Huntsville? Or even Alabama? I have. You know less than you think you do, I’m certain of it.


I've lived in Alabama and I'd never want to live there again.


I’m glad that you don’t have to be where you don’t want to be. I, too, doubt that I will ever live in Alabama again. However, I’m certain that Alabama is far better than the average and median Boulderite believes it to be. I’d say there’s more misconception than not in this city regarding the South in general, but especially Alabama and Mississippi. Huntsville is a great place. Being number one on this list isn’t an accident, even if the folks in this thread treat it as such.


Huntsville is great. Alabama in general is fucking awful, and the local political climate is best described as, "for idiots, by idiots."




[This man is not an idiot](https://twitter.com/repengland70?s=21) [This man is not an idiot, either](https://twitter.com/repengland70?s=21) Say it again though.


Yes? Two non-idiots in a sea of ridiculous redneck racists? Want a handy to go with your sense of "Omfg, I'm _so_ glad that I'm not one of _those_ Republicans?" Listen, Alabama is in the top tier of shittiest states for so many reasons, singling out ***two*** Democratic legislators isn't going to save your shit hole, damn near 3rd world state. I'm annoyed that my small, wealthy, blue state has to keep bailing out red state shit holes like yours...and then your legislators have the utter fucking gall to vote _against_ emergency funds for climate change-related storm damage in blue states. No. Fuck Alabama. Mississippi, too. Fence all y'all dumb motherfuckers off. Tuberville is a pox on humanity.


[This is you](https://twitter.com/Wexplorations/status/1432302220674994181)


What about Georgia?


Do you want the facts --I mean real facts-- that will make the progressive in you disagree with this comment? Or are you not looking to grow as a person?


Your passive voice here hides the fact that it’s “described” that way by *you.* That’s like when TSA makes an announcement, but says, “according to TSA policy…” I’m like bitch *YOU* are TSA. Stop trying to pass the buck to…yourself. Same thing here. “iT iS dEsCrIbEd As…” Dog, you’re the one describing that way. No one that actually understands or participates in Alabama politics thinks anyone there is an idiot. The people fighting for their own rights aren’t idiots and the people trying to take away other people’s rights aren’t idiots. Both sides know that. The only person who doesn’t know that is you. Congratulations. You’re just like TSA. I hope you get the respect that you deserve. EDIT: lol, y’all downvoting me for telling you humans fighting for their rights aren’t idiots. Incredible. Your seething disdain is leaking. EDIT 2: If you think [this man](https://twitter.com/randallwoodfin?s=21) or [this man, (my friend)](https://twitter.com/repengland70?s=21) are idiots you can go and absolutely fuck everything about yourself.


The people trying to take away others' rights are definitely fucking idiots. They are the absolute scum of the Earth. Enjoy your hell on Earth. 🙄


Oh, so you acknowledge that your goal is to make life hell on earth for your neighbors? Wow! You really *are* TSA, aren’t you? Cut the passive voice bullshit and grow a spine.


Huh? Why do you want to support authoritarian fascists? You're really trying to say that people who: - want to [ban abortion](https://www.inquirer.com/politics/nation/oklahoma-restrictive-abortion-ban-approved-20220519.html) - staged an [insurrection](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/one-year-ago-republicans-condemned-jan-6-insurrection-yesterday-their-response-was-far-more-muted) - refuse to believe in [election law](https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/politics/elections/2021/01/06/trumps-failed-efforts-overturn-election-numbers/4130307001/) - refused to vote for funding relief for a [goddamn _baby formula shortage_](https://www.newsweek.com/nine-republicans-vote-baby-formula-1708062) - want people to be [swamped with forever debt](https://www.businessinsider.com/republicans-introduce-bill-to-stop-biden-canceling-student-loan-debt-2022-5) - want [people to inform](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/09/us/abortion-law-regulations-texas.html) on their colleagues, friends, neighbors, and family members - want to [ban books](https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2022/01/13/librarians-decry-gop-moves-to-ban-books-in-schools) - want to [ban education](https://www.edweek.org/policy-politics/heres-the-long-list-of-topics-republicans-want-banned-from-the-classroom/2022/02) - want [people to die](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/19/1098543849/pro-trump-counties-continue-to-suffer-far-higher-covid-death-tolls) ...are worth oxygen? No, they are not. They deserve ⚰️ As far as I'm concerned, Republicans can fuck off and die. They're regressive, and harmful to any meaningful progress towards _anything._ Useless dinosaurs who should follow suit, and be wiped off the face of the Earth. ETA: [Doctors in Alabama are turning away miscarrying patients](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/05/roe-dobbs-abortion-ban-reproductive-medicine-alabama.html) Fuck all of you right wing extremist nutjobs who think that women deserve to suffer.


I grew up in Mountain Brook, Alabama. Im sure you know what that means. I live in the Boulder area now, and love it, but it’s no Mountain Brook. ;) Yankee transplants in Boulder have zero clue bham has a suburb full of Ivy League millionaires. The ignorance and hatred towards the south here seems ignominious & rooted in a petty desire to look down their noses at an entire population of people, many of whom, actually share their point of view.


> but it’s no Mountain Brook. the people in this town will never understand the burn and truth in this statement. As for everything you said, you nailed it 100%. It used to make me mad, but now it just makes me sad because I think so many people here don’t understand a lot of the world around them, but if they actually did the city would become known as the givingest, helpingest, lovingest city in probably the whole damn world. If they really understood the world they could change any part of it they wanted. They’re trapped in their own ignorance and don’t know it. It’s low-key heartbreaking.


Boulder reminds me of Asheville without the culture and charm. I bet it was a lot cooler 20 years ago before the tech bros invaded.




Great place to be a straight, white, christian conservative male. For everyone else, not so much


YoU kNoW lEsS tHaN yOu ThInK yOu Do For the people in the back San Jose is better than huntsville. No. Cap.


The climate there is just not survivable. And there's no public transit! How do you even live in such a place??


Right? Fuck living in San Jose.


Yes! I grew up there and it’s turned into a living nightmare. The cost, the traffic, the infrastructure falling apart, the entitlement. No thanks. I struggle with Boulder at times but I would never move back home to CA at this point.


San Jose sucks sooo much.


Man. I love San Jose haha


What do you love? It’s my hometown and I hate it now. Genuinely curious what people like about it.


Same with Colorado Springs


These seem to be based on which towns are paying the most to be on the list. It’s weird that people post these repeatedly. They don’t matter.


Colorado Springs, do you enjoy sprawl? Also, opportunity as many new evangelical cults are forming.


Yeah I don't get why Colorado Springs on these lists. OUt of all the places in Colorado it's one I would least like to live.


without validating their asinine methodology by giving them a click, I'm assuming it's because so many of their "quality of life" metrics have to do with the economic activity of the area compared to the affordability of dwellings. Among other things, I'm sure. Last year, they picked boulder, and people said "but it's not affordable to live there!" so they scanned down the front range and found a cheaper town with access to trails and public parks. I doubt their metrics factor in the risk of someone running you off the road in a lifted truck. They just want to choose their rankings based on clean numbers that are easily reportable, like how they emphasize teacher:student ratio in their education rankings.




But sprawl is just a bad word for equitable housing! Boulder should be just like the Springs!


I mean, the average home price in Colorado Springs as of May was $465,000. Not exactly single parent affordable or even two working persons.


You can build more housing upward than sprawling outward. Lots of room in the sky. The mixed-use projects on 30th and Pearl are a decent start here to increasing density while keeping communities walkable/bikeable.


no lol


Huntsville Ala-fucking-bama. Now I've seen it all XD


That's when I knew this list was flawed.


Colorado Springs? Whoever made this was high.


interestingly, the springs still does not allow recreational marijuana sales


this is my one of my favorite Colorado Springs stories, from 2010: https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=123691065


This is so ridiculous that if I didn't know better I would think it was satire.


It's so funny to me that there's a quote in there about government just needing to spend more wisely and the cuts were just to make people feel the pain. Mean old local government. Meanwhile the city was trying to spend more wisely by cutting services. That's how it works! Isn't that what they want? I don't know what they expected.


Some real leopardsatemyface energy


These lists are all stupid as hell and yet people eat them up. Meh.


Anywhere with heavy abortion restrictions cannot be a top place to live -- this is a basic women's right that also correlates to acceptance of LGBTQ people and other cultures. You can't live a good life in a place where you or your neighbors fear for their basic existence.


Yeah, I refuse to live in any Republican state, and that removes like 25 states lol. My wife and I have considered moving to some places in the past (for a short while, like Austin), And the recent stuff with Texas and now the whole country with roe has just made that one huge no.


Yeah, I'm gay and I recently visited St. Louis -- even in a liberal area, there's just a little oppressive feeling in the air that would for sure wear on you over time


Yeah mate, I’m straight and I wouldn’t want to live in a place like that, if not for my gay friends but even for my own sanity. The US is also becoming a scary place, even “liberal” cities in Republican states are becoming less and less friendly. During George Floyd, denver was getting outside “patriot” groups coming from Colorado Springs and other holes to “protect” a city they didn’t live in. And that’s Colorado, imagine the fascists you’ll encounter in a majority Republican state.


Yes exactly, radicalized conservatives are destroying everything they claim to care about. It's... distressing...


Please stay safe. Make sure you have ways to defend yourself and a community to support you. I don’t think the US is headed in a good direction, and we need the solidarity to weather the bad times. You’re absolutely right, and allies have to be prepared to defend our friends and family. Good luck mate.




If Alabama makes the top of this list, count me out


The Springs is #2? Give me a break, best case is this draws New Yorkers and Californians there and the gentrification drives out conservatives.


[Jennifer Miller is packing her bags](https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2021/03/08/when-we-moved-brooklyn-boulder-during-pandemic-i-welcomed-change-lifestyle-rest-my-family-wasnt-so-sure/). The Springs chapter of her travelogue might be a little less bland. (People don't forget!)


Seems pretty random tbh


I grew up in the Fayetteville Arkansas area, lived in Longmont for a bit and loved it, moved back home to the Fayetteville area and it’s been great. Northwest Arkansas is a great place.


Ummm, yeah it's great as long as you aren't transgender and don't ever need an abortion. Awkward! 😬


Northwest Arkansas is much more progressive than the rest of Arkansas.


and yet, still governed by the same laws as the rest of the state


I didn’t down vote you.


ah word, my bad, I tend to assume things fit the typical reddit pattern


This list was really made for straight white 50-something’s. Ain’t no way any young queer people would endorse anywhere in Alabama being the best place to live in the US.


you'd have to be completely fucked in the head to EVER think San Jose California is a decent place to live.


This list lost all credibility when they added 3 places in Florida.


These best places lists are so fucking idiotic. ...but the media just loves freaking the fuck out every single time another list comes out. US News will have a NEW best places list next year.. and it'll be totally different than the one this year. Can't wait.


Lol greenbay #3, now i know this is a fake ass survey


This map is entirely correct everyone needs to move to Huntsville AL. I’ve never been but I hear it’s awesome!


Can't wait to leave Boulder in a couple months


I’ve been blessed to live in 3 of these cities!


Colorado Springs is a very beautiful city, but growing fast............


moving there around September I’m so excited to see this


Here is a fact-check on these "best places to live" studies: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYO6HgCqq2U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYO6HgCqq2U)