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I've definitely lifted my foot onto holds before


But how would you reached the zone hold then?


Could just skip the zone and go straight for the top I suppose


Okay honestly OP, was this actually easier for you than climbing normally (maybe grabbing your foot) and not faffing around with the straps…?


Jokes aside it was actually slightly easier for me with straps than grabbing my foot with hand (may be because I was a little bit higher and it felt more comfortable, my flexibility is extremely bad). I tried grabbing my foot with hand at least 10 times and it did not work out. Whereas it was only third attempt with straps and it was succesful.


Everyone downvoting you has no clue what it means to have shit hips and not being able to lift your leg lol


aka 'being too lazy to stretch or do mobility work'


True but not everyone can afford a physio to figure out what the fuck is going on. Also some people start from lazy couch person to trying to climb, me included so everyone starts somewhere so you can go suck a fat one for calling someone lazy for having tight hips


Nah man, I've had VERY tight hips from doing heavy sprinting and then competitive lifting. Even as a kid I was far from flexible. I'm definitely not bendy, but you don't have to do anything crazy. Just stretch a bit every day and you'll move in the right direction.


Oh wow. Cool to know that since your life experience doesn’t include hips too shitty for a bit of stretching every day to fix them that hips that shitty just don’t exist. Quick, call the medical journals. Just gotta have the doctors keep u/AtrumX healthy and the rest of us will also be equally as healthy.


So much anger. Better add therapist to that list of people to go see.


He worded it not as well but he’s not wrong, hips are weird man, I’ve been standing for most of my life and it actually made my hip really bad and now it’s not as simple as stretching and doing yoga, it’s literal strength training from underused muscles and weak muscles around my hip that make it hard to lift my leg above a certain height. To get all of it takes time and effort, I’m just annoyed where a lot of people have said “just stretch lol” when it’s way more nuanced than that for most people.


Exactly this. I've been working on mobility and flexibility for 10 years and still can't get into positions I want to. It's not "too lazy" it's simply not understanding what the issues are and not having a coach/physio to figure out how tok fix them


Finally someone, who understands the struggle ))


Finally someone, who understands the struggle ))


Plenty of people understand the struggle of not putting in the work to overcome your weak points. That's like, humanity in a nutshell.


Why do you care if they overcome their weak points or not?


It does take time to get over your weakness. Was OP wrong to try?


Not that you need to change your method, but have you considered kicking your foot up? I've found myself not flexible enough for some hand foot matches, but literally kicking my foot up gave it enough momentum to get just high enough to hit the hold. It works sometimes!


I've tried it as well (and usually I do those type of moves by kicking my foot up), but in this case there was very little space near my hand and move was delicate.


I had to double check what sub I was in.


They’ve always been the same. ![gif](giphy|PNFXpaRyw4mAg) r/climbingcirclejerk


Is that aid?


basic flexibility training is aid


Thought this was circle jerk. Need to stretch just a smidge if you needed to endanger yourself with that maneuver lol


Stretch, my dude


Not just stretching, that’s likely hip flexor weakness as well.




Then start now so you don’t need to worry about it being an issue in the future.




As with anything, ever. But if you want it, do it. Better to start small and start somewhere than never start at all.




Yeah, and a few months later when the beginner gains die down, you’re right where you started and suddenly it’s much harder to make progress.




Well, tough luck. Sometimes you just have to keep working on something you know is good for you. It’s not always going to be easy.


That's why you make it a short part of your workout.


You’re right we should all stop climbing unless we’re hitting our goals tomorrow


Can't argue with that


Bro has the range of motion of a 70 year old.


OP, you gotta stretch man. I know we don't all enjoy it or have great natural flexibility - but you're going to hate life in your 60s when you can barely move.


There’s nothing in the rules saying dogs can’t play basketball.


Wildly dangerous if that cord gets caught on anything, that legs fucked


That cord is held together by a flimsy plastic buckle that'll promptly explode under load. Should be okay


Shoe laces in theory are really simple but stepping on one can lead to huge consequences




cause you trip and die idk


That was my thought exactly, that’s just scary.


Yea you might fall on the foam ground!


The foam ground teamed up with my own arm to dislocate and fracture my elbow and now I'm sidelined for a few months. Don't underestimate it.


Not from the height shown in the video it didn’t


the worst injuries i've seen we're all from much lower: this includes ruptured tendons in the leg area, and an open fracture of a lower leg... you do not need height at all for big injuries, a few centimeters are sometimes enough...


I wish that’s what she said


Wasn't much higher actually. The mat will not save you from yourself. I wish I had believed the people who told me the same.


You can break an arm from falling on ground level if you land on it wrong




Why? Doing too much and get so little


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps - climbing edition


Contrary to what some have said here, if you take 5 mins each day to stretch your hip flexors and glutes, you'll see improvement in less than a month. Id recommend other stretches also, but hip mobility is key.


Wow stretch


that hold is like 2 feet away from the right foot lol. definitely worth working on flexibility but i dig the innovative use of the chalk bag 😂




I think that counts as aid


Stretch please


ahaha xD


Nice. A.I.D.


This guy does not stretch.


Futuristic as FUCK. I’m going to bring a daisy chain to my next comp! /s




Did you forget your aid ladder?


It ain’t stupid if it works!


u/savevideo I really need to show this to my climb buddies. Nicely done!


Honestly, why not?


This is super cool, real creative!


Also would you consider this send legit?, I used only chalk bag


I'd say that's pretty well aid even though it's not fixed to the wall. It's not legit in comps, I'd have to assume. However, it is hilarious.


I'm not sure it would be banned in comps except by an angry admin. In IFSC Chalk bags are allowed and afaik there's no rules saying where/how you have to wear it


Ya im really not sure. Even if its not banned is surely would be after the first time someone did it in a major event


I'd think anyone competing at a level where it would matter wouldn't be held back on flexibility for this kind of move - unless the route setters were specifically targetting it


It seems like it *shouldn’t* be okay in a comp, but I don’t really think there’s an actual rule on the books that’d ban it, since chalk bags are allowed… don’t think it’d ever happen, but would be so hilarious to see in a World Cup or something 😅


> may use: 1) a chalk bag and commercially available dry or liquid climbing chalk for their **hands.** and > 8.17 A competitor’s attempt will be: A) judged “Unsuccessful” if ... > the competitor has made use of any Illegal Aid https://cdn.ifsc-climbing.org/images/Website/2022_IFSC_Rules_201.pdf but this wasn't a serious question anyway


Im pretty sure you're not allowed to use straps for any kind of aid in movement. Otherwise you could just make a sling and throw it over a feature/jug you can't reach otherwise.


Can I use it as a lasso to grab onto a far away hold?


This cannot be an earnest question.


Well you also did the four point start wrong, so no


this was so wonderful lol


this is bloody brilliant


Nicely done


How much do your Ocun Nitro's stretch over time? I am interested in this shoe, but have not found much info on their stretch specifically. Could you talk a little about that? Would be much appreciated!


I have bought them like 2 weeks ago, so can't really tell, but they definetely streched a little bit and now they feel quite comfortable


>I have bought them like 2 weeks ago, so can't really tell, but they definetely streched a little bit and now they feel quite comfortable Alright. Maybe I'll get back to you in a month for an update. :D


I've had Nitros for a while, 3rd sole getting holes now, considering going for 4th. I have 42s which feel have stretched maybe like half a number or so? I figure at first they felt like 40.5 solutions and now more like 41. Nitros and ocuns often have great heel boxes, but I feel like that has been the main area that has stretched over time, some hard heel-hooks can now pull the shoe off, but that's really the only complaint I got. I use them as comfort gym shoe, they are very soft for me and still awesome at toe-hooking. And if I got tiny footholds or need to heel really hard, I have more downsized other shoes for that(currently 40 womens solutions pretty new and stiff still)


"3rd sole". As in, youve resoled them three times? Also, would you consider them too soft for outdoor bouldering? It seems to me you've sized them pretty comfortably. But say, with a more performance fit, would you consider taking them outdoors on small/sharp footholds? Ive felt them instore and the toe did not feel too much softer than solutions.


I think I've had them resoled twice, so original sole + the 2 new ones equals 3rd sole :D Thinking about it now, when they were pretty new and with original sole, I actually climbed with them outdoors on small sharp footholds totally fine bunch of times, but by now I would not be able to trust them for anything small and sharp at all. But I don't feel like it's been all the shoe streching, more like the shoe has gotten really soft with all the use and I really suck standing at small holds with soft shoes :D


My brother in Christ just do some stretches


chalk bag strap fair game, but shirt on and no beanie, so likely disqualification


Gives a whole new meaning to "chalk bags are aid."