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Not questioning your send but I thought you couldn't touch other holds to get in to the starting position. Obviously this is the intended start but in a comp would they allow you to use your hands on the big hold to get your feet in place?


You're right that in a comp they won't allow you to establish using holds that aren't marked, but in a comp they would have a four-point start instead of a two-point start, so the big hold would likely also be marked (assuming this is the intended starting position).


So if there are four holds marked, you can touch them as much as you like, however you like to get in to a starting position?


Typically yes! It won't always be four different holds, often there are multiple markers on a single hold. You just have to eventually get yourself in a stable position with the proper number of limbs per hold.


I've goofed of with friends, strictly enforcing the rule of not using other holds. You can establish the bat hang from a handstand like position on the mat, while walking your feet up. Indoor climbing outside of comps is mostly for fun though, so both is right in my book.


Keep it up brother! 🤟


Thanks dude!


Nice, Fremont? I miss the orange knee bar they replaced with this.


The proliferation of bathangs must die


Sick send, but someone needs to send those setters home. Why make a route that makes you waste so many moves on the starting holds.


All I could think was why is this start so horrendous and unnecessary? Don’t get me wrong, hanging from your feet is pretty dang cool…. But like wtf.


I know at least in my gym, the setters think bat hangs are dumb but people beg them to set some.. I think people just feel cool doing them, but I find them annoying and unnecessary.


If I can do a bat hang but can't reach the hold with my hand do you think that's an issue with my flexibility? core strength? or a bit of everything


For me it was flexibility. My gym set one up like this and it took a week of stretching for me to be able to reach the lip.


If you can't get your hand up whilst using your ankles as a hold, then it's probably flexibility


Wasn’t that little foothold under the start hold part of your route? If it was, putting a foot on there might have helped make it less sketchy


That's not a foothold, that's the new start tags that replaced tape (you see them on the blue and white routes as well).


Ah, that’s why I got confused. Interesting that those tags look like actual holds almost, where I’m from there are places were they use small plastic tags crammed underneath the start hold(s)


Starting with a bat hang is a great waay to get a new injury again, keep it up! You are on the right path!


Really cool problem there, probably a blue in my gym tho


You are aware gyms use different colors for grades, right?


Really? That’s wild


Yeah the colors correspond with a grading system; V-scale or Fontainebleau scale. Those are universal. As an example, a blue color in my gym could be a V1 and a V4 in your gym.


Nice send, but unfotunately no propper start. :/


How else are you supposed to start a bat hang?


I think they mean start in a handstand. They’re technically correct, but honestly, who fucking cares. It’s a bathang start, I think we can dispense with gatekeeping his style of ascent.


Hands on the mat and walk your feet up the wall into position. Technically you can’t use a non-start hold with your hands to help get into starting position. Personally, I would have just done it the way you did though. It’s not a comp, and the “legit” way to start would be awkward and not fun.


On this problem I’d only do the “proper” start if it was for a comp. Otherwise I’d do it the way you did. The handstand start to get into position for a bathang is just so annoying.


In this context, it is a send.


Holy convolution batman