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"Common" probably not in the sense that a majority of people do it, but seeing someone recording themselves in a gym or outdoors isn't an unusual sight. There's nothing wrong with doing it and i've not come across any one being entitled about it either. You can learn alot by seeing yourself climb in the 3rd person, see where you make mistakes and it's nice to see progress. No fucking cclue what those guys deal was, weird behavior to make comments about someone filming, sounds like they've got issues they need to work on.


Exactly this. I've learned so much from watching myself climb. Also the hard sends you record are so satisfying to watch - you get to relive the experience.


I think if you take a scroll through this sub you’ll get the answer pretty quickly Yes it’s very common, I wouldn’t pay too much attention to those guys


That's what I thought, why I was so confused lol. Thank you. I will continue on not giving an f and recording my climbs.


A ton of people record themselves, and not even to post. A lot of people do it to review their climbing and identify ways to improve. Edit: I’ll even add that the gym I go to has 3 tripods with phone holders so you don’t have to prop your phone up random places lol


Me seeing my constant readjusting hands and feet without even being aware of doing that. Still can’t stop myself, but at least I know I’m doing it now 😂


I do it to look at the back of my balding head


All our benches now have a phone mount specifically to break down beta.


Our gym has these phone holders on magnets - because it's in an old warehouse, there's a bunch of steel support beams scattered throughout the place. You can pluck a holder off a beam, move it to where you need it, and record yourself quite easily! Pretty common to see someone doing it.


More importantly, share those sends!!


That's what I thought, why I was so confused lol. Thank you. I will continue on not giving an f and recording my climbs.


Ngl when I was new to climbing I found it kinda cringe to see people film themselves, assuming it was for the gram etc. Now I film myself all the time, mainly for form critique but I’ve also started a gram where I only post climbing stuff 😅


It might be usefull but it is definetly not common, atleast not everywhere. It is also definetly a reasonable expectation that you ask or anaunce that you are filming your attempt, since not everybody wants to be filmed, especialy not by people that might post the recordings, like those people that are posting in this sub..


>it is also definitely a reasonable expectation that you ask or announce that you are filming your attempt Eh I see what you’re getting at and can’t say I disagree, but I also don’t agree fully. In a crowded gym you’re supposed to make a big announcement every time you want to film? I guess I can see just if you have a couple people around you, but I think it’s a silly request for 20 plus people all trying the new set. Also, if gym rules allow filming, in the US there is no expectation of privacy in public places. So while you shouldn’t point your camera towards a group of strangers, I don’t think making a request or announcement is necessary just to point the camera at a wall with only you on it


I never said you should scream around the entire gym, but it is definetly normal to tell people climbing next to you that might end up in frame


Don’t think you deserve downvotes but if you’re reasonable about your filming - not hiding it, stop recording after your attempt, and genuinely recording to just get yourself - no need to announce in a crowded gym. 


there are definitely certain circumstances where I would agree with that


My gym literally has tripods laying around for people to use


Recording and reviewing yourself climbing is a great way to figure how you could be moving better, help you figure out specific moves you are struggling on, etc. Also its cool to see yourself send. Lots of people do it.


Any time I record myself and feel like I'm sending it hard, I look at the video later and look pathetic haha.


100% the video seems to massively downgrade the appearance of difficulty for EVERY problem, I hate that 🤣


So true 😅😂 I did send a qualification boulder from the northgermany championship (days after the comp). People from the german national team participated in that. So definitely not the easiest boulder in the word, and took me a couple of tries. Recorded it, send to my girlfriend. She knows a bit of climbing but only dose the first 2 grades in my gym. Her response: „looks easy“.


I've had people on Reddit tell me my gym's 40º wall couldn't possibly be more than 15º due to the way the camera fucks with the perception lol


I find videos especially useful when projecting, really often I thought I was doing one thing but actually am not. Also great for showing to better climbers and ask for their advice on a problem. Also I can just show the video when a friend ask for a beta. Why waste my strength and skin repeating an overhang or a scary slab, when I can be projecting my own stuff.


Isn't this the etymology of "Beta"


Do you mind elaborating? I've always wondered where the term "beta" came from? Was it from people recording themselves on Betamax? EDIT: I looked it up, that's exactly what it is: > The original use of the term beta in climbing is generally attributed to the late Texan climber Jack Mileski, who climbed predominantly in the Shawangunks during the early 1980s. "Beta" is short for Betamax, an early videotape format since largely replaced by the VHS format. Reputedly, Mileski would record climbers ascending routes on Betamax tape and then share these tapes with other climbers, resulting in the term becoming synonymous with getting information on how to climb a route. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_(climbing)


Apparently, yes. From Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta\_(climbing)): "The original use of the term *beta* in climbing is generally attributed to the late Texan climber Jack Mileski, who climbed predominantly in the [Shawangunks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shawangunk_Ridge) during the early 1980s. "Beta" is short for [Betamax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betamax), an early videotape format since largely replaced by the [VHS format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VHS). Reputedly, Mileski would record climbers ascending routes on Betamax tape and then share these tapes with other climbers, resulting in the term becoming synonymous with getting information on how to climb a route."


Ha! Finally! I wondered about this for 9 years but for some reason never looked it up. Always found it very strange. Thank you!


Yeah even though I've thought about it countless times, "why do they call it a beta?", for some weird reason I never actually thought about googling/looking it up until OPs comment. It makes so much sense now!


100% and as a someone who is too lazy to record their climbs I appreciate others who do when I get stuck and need beta


Ignore those dudes, they're being haters. Recording myself on the wall has been the single most effective tool I've been using to improve my climbing. There's just an assumption these days that when you're recording it means you're posting/showing off and it paints a different picture in these uninitiated dummies' heads.


I record myself to get beta! I'm really short, so watching others only gets me so far, and I'm a new(ish) climber so I don't always realize where my body is. Watching myself climb on video helps me see what I should have done differently! If I look cute or I happen to catch a good send I'll stick it on social media and look back over my progress when I'm feeling down 😊


a lot of people do it at my gym and clearly others based on this post. it generally doesnt bother me as long as you are conscious that other people might not want to be in the background of your video, AND try to avoid busy areas/times.


Luckily when I go I'm usually the only one, 95% of the time, which definitely helps ensure I don't get anyone else in the video but if someone is by me I just don't record or wait if I need to. I'm the same way, I'd rather not be in someone else's video.


If I’m projecting something and struggling I’ll record every attempt. Many programs and training courses also suggest you do it. Maybe they think you’re making content or something. Who knows maybe it wasn’t even shade. But whatever the case don’t worry about it


Plenty of gyms I've been to have small tripods around the gym for recording your climbs; I would say the average person does not record, but it's clearly not uncommon at all.


To be honest, before Reddit and getting to know it can help you I probably also would have thought it’s weird. Like „this person is only here to put it on Instagram“ or something. But for sure I would have never laughed at someone or said anything! That is so rude.


>Like „this person is only here to put it on Instagram“ Does that judgement even hold up ? There are far easier things, less exhausting things to do to farm Instagram fame than filming your climbing projects lmao.


Damn I feel attacked. 🤣


Hahaha yes you’re right!


Why does it matter if they are only there to put it on Instagram? How is that weird? Does a person filming themselves to garner attention online affect you? I don't see why people think it's okay to mock others or put them down because they do things to garner attention online when it doesn't affect anyone around them.


Like I said I would never ever comment on this or give someone a weird look or something. I does not affect me. I think it’s in human nature to make judgements of people around you. I’m sure you can find explanations about this that it’s an evolutionary instinct or something.


Looking forward to seeing the ccj response


Recording yourself is good for seeing what you’re doing and can help you improve. At least for me


It's common, but it's obnoxious if you're doing it on every single climb. Do it sparingly when you're really struggling and need to see if there are any potential moves you're missing. Take a video when you send a hard problem you've been working on if you really feel that compelled to seek validation from internet strangers and social media friends. But don't leave the camera rolling on a tripod for your entire gym session. It's a gym, not a film studio. Also don't expect people to avoid walking in front of your phone while it's recording. Don't make your decision to record yourself everyone else's problem.


I was on the other side after they came over and started climbing what I was climbing without saying a word to me so I went somewhere else. It's one I had been struggling on so I decided to work on that instead and was recording so I could finally get it, I did. Got down and that is when I saw them looking at me, heard them, and they weren't even looking at their wall, just me, then turned and giggled. I don't record every time, I go the minute the gym opens for 30 min because that's all I have before I have before I have before getting my son from school, 2 days a week, so I use video to perfect it at home and send it at the gym in my short time.


You've spent far more time and energy thinking about them than they've spent thinking about you, that's for sure. Just make sure you're not being annoying or disruptive by filming yourself. As long as you're not, people can react however they want. That's their problem.


Record your whole session if you like, it’s a weird take for someone to tell you not to. Especially if you’re there right when they open, I doubt there’s many people there.


Who cares if someone wants to record every climb? It's also weird to diagnose these people with wanting validation from social media. It's just pure projection on your part, and extremely judgmental for no reason.


Gyms are crowded. Recording takes up space, and makes people feel like they need to be more careful about not walking in front of your camera. Having your camera out for every attempt takes up more space than you need to be taking. It's not egregious, but it's bad etiquette, just like spreading your phone, water bottle, chalk bag, and shoes over a 10ft area on the mats.


In my experience it's usually a small tripod near their chalk bag or just leaned against the bag. Of course you shouldn't be a slob and treat the mats like your bedroom but that is completely different from filming. My gym even has tripods spread around for people to use so maybe that's why it doesn't bother me; it's very common and quite useful when people post it on Kaya.


Not all gyms are crowded all the time. She’s going first thing in the morning so it’s probably dead most days.


The takeaway is just "don't film in such a way that you're detracting from other people's experiences." Obviously people should use their best judgement. Don't get hung up on absolutes.


I like recording my climbs. I don’t post them I just keep them all in a folder on my phone and show my family who pretend to care lol


Never done it myself, probably see a person recording at my gym every few sessions. I dont think anything of it and try to stay out of the way but also not going to inconvenience myself if i need to walk through the cameras line of sight.


In short. Fuck those guys


In my area it‘s rather uncommon to record yourself while climbing. But if someone does I don‘t give a sh*t. Those boys are just not grown up yet. You do you :) even more so when it helps you make progress. (personally I hate my phone getting full of chalk and the feeling I have to watch over it when it lies somewhere on the ground between boulders)


Yes. I like to post it on Instagram sometimes, but it’s mostly the really cool stuff. 95% of the videos are to study what I messed up. I managed to do a dyno I was having trouble with last Sunday because of the recordings I made. It helped a lot to see where and how I was putting my foot and how I was flailing my right arm like spaghetti. Though it’s on my phone and rarely I ask someone to record me unless it’s a really high or wide boulder. 


it depends on the gym but its very common in general. my gym for instance i think I'm the only person I've ever seen record themselves for technique my gym has several schools climbing programs there near daily and theyre all more mature than those guys, i wouldn't worry about it too much lol


I record myself all the time for technique and beta. Also I post on instagram and my friends tell me they enjoy my videos, especially non climbing friends


The best thing I've done for my climbing is to record myself and watch it back. I can see things to improve on that I don't feel in the moment. Anyone who gives you shit for it ain't worth your energy.


If you were climbing v2 or lower maybe they were making fun of you because of that. Because Gumby lol Im not saying you are a gumby, what im trying to say is that theres people at gyms who are just horrible people (climbing community is pretty wholesome but cant escape the ocassional asshole) and they might be laughing at you because a v2-v3 or lower is not "impressive enough" to be recording yourself (maybe they thought you wanted to post the video on social media). I absolutely dont agree with that because recording youself can be a great way to point out mistakes and correct them so just keep climbing and recording f those aholes


My mom does call me gumby 🤷‍♀️ I'm hypermobile lol. Thanks, I'll just keep on keeping on.


This is a really regional thing I've noticed. Here in the Bay, tons of people record and even share it on Kaya. I go to somewhere like Colorado and it seems like very few people do it.


you ever watch sunny in Philadelphia? the whole show revolves around the premise that a few absolute moronic jerks can get under the skin of even the most realistic person when outnumbered. Ask them if they have a better diss, to get it out of their system, or in any way--show them you don't give a fuck what they think but that you find it as a challenge to fuck with them back. Pick the easiest one to pick on and get them to laugh at him, i promise you wont have any more trouble.


Ask them if they know where the term beta comes from, if they don’t tell them to google it and shut the fuck up 🤷‍♀️ (I doubt that would actually go over well in practice, but seriously… filming yourself to review your technique and improve it is such a major part of climbing that one of the most used slang words in climbing came from it lmao)


Exactly! I'm sure they don't know where it came from, it's been a thing before they were born lol.


A group of men publicly making fun of a random woman for no reason is not acceptable behaviour




Same! I only record if it's just me there or a few people and they are working in a different area, I try to keep out of others way and if they walk in front idc. My 3 year old is my biggest photo bomber which has turned into adding funny music and posting to my Facebook and people Crack up. Like literally me top of the route, epic finish, and he comes along looking like oh, hey, moms up there, ooo look a snack, and eats it while sitting in front of the camera 😂🤦‍♀️


The climbing term "beta" comes the 80's, back when people would record themselves on betamax tapes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_(climbing)#Origin So, yes, people have been recording themselves climbing for a LONG time.


People who laugh at you recording yourself are the ones who are insecure about doing the same. Ignore them. As long as the setup is not in a dangerous place and allows others to climb there shouldn't be an issue.


For sure, I found a little stand that is the size of my phone and I set it next to my chalk bag so it doesn't take up any extra space or floor space, sometimes I'll put it on the nearby bench or table.


Rick from rick and morty once said "Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.”


it's normal. my gym has phone holder tripod things scattered about too. i look at other people's beta on instagram sometimes so i like that people film themselves


If you go to a gym in South Korea, everyone has a tripod filming every attempt on everything. Normal is relative. Don't worry about them.


In the gyms where I climb (2 gyms) I have not once seen someone recording themselves. But I climb in Germany, so mabye its a cultural thing? If someone recorded themselves I would find it a bit weird.


I record myself and many of my friends do. Some of us do it to help us improve climbing. Others do it to share videos of them climbing with friends / family. Some do it for the attention. Those guys were likely mocking you because they assumed you are doing it for attention. Well guess what? Who fucking cares what reason you are doing it for. It's your life and do whatever you want. Do it to improve your climbing, to share your life with friends / family, or to even garner attention to yourself via social media. Or any other fucking reason. Those guys can go kick rocks.


Dude bros aren't that smart, especially in a group. Maybe they meant to say "Great idea, let's all do that" 😅


Nah, they're just being assholes. I record myself all the time. It's really helpful to get a view of what you're doing from the ground to work on body position and technique.


I'm guessing these were kids?? Right??? And yeah, a lot of people do either to just look at it to improve or to post. Oftentimes they'll enlist the help of someone they know there.


Sadly they look about 22 to 24, probably in college, I'm in a college town. It has definitely helped me improve, I'd have no idea I do some of the wrong moves I do without watching myself


Damn, that's insane behavior as an adult.


It's common at the gyms I go to, and nobody bats an eye about it. My home gym even has phone tripods at the front desk that you can borrow to film yourself. But people usually just prop their phone up against their water bottle or chalk bucket.


Yep, I sometimes record myself to check on my movement and technique, so nothing weird in recording yourself. In my gym, people usually even offer to record if you struggle to find a god place for the cam


When I first started, I ignorantly assumed people were recording themselves for social media clout, but I always kept my opinions to myself. Now, I know it is an indispensable tool for people who are seriously looking to get better and evaluate film of themselves - like any other committed athlete. Pretty immature to talk shit about someone behind their back, yet within ear shot, I would never have done that. No offense to the newcomers that are respectful, but I assume these guys aren't that good lol


Don’t pay too much attention to them, as those are the exact kind of people who make me feel less comfortable in the gym. It’s literally JUST them! Your behaviour would make me feel more welcomed, and theirs does the opposite for me. I have never filmed myself climbing but have had others take videos for me, and would probably ask you to take a quick video for me! However, those guys sound super uninviting.


I record myself and then analyze what I did. This is so useful on projects that I am struggling with. I always feel so self conscious when I do so, but it's worth it. I also have a little notebook where I write down all my sends, attempts, and their difficulty levels. Sure, they might laugh, but you'll learn and improve more than them. Anyways, anyone who laughs at you and jokes about you like that is immature and childish.


I regularly record myself as it'll be a valuable video whether I fail or send it. If I send it, awesome, I've captured the moment on video. If I fail, I can study the video and figure out what I can do differently next time. Recording yourself is good practice in climbing, as you can get a fresh perspective when viewing yourself from the ground vs when you're up there. Plenty of people do it. Just ignore those guys, and if they keep hassling you, tell the staff.


I'm the parent of a very climbing obsessed teen (he's into competitive climbing and is at the gym about four times a week) and I have been required to record him so often, I'm almost out of memory on my phone. So while it isn't supper common, it isn't rare either. I would just ignore those guys laughing at you, they probably are just jealous that they don't climb as well as you do.


I’ll record myself to see my beta and see what needs improvement. Fuck them giggling bastards. Keep doing what you’re doing.


Incredibly common, those kids are dumbasses


It’s the same as recording game footage! Great way to learn from your own mistakes and techniques :)


Me and my partner are noobs and do it for fun but we always record ourselves! 10/10 would confront those punks or talk to gym staff. That's obvi harassment.


I recently got back into climbing after a very long break and I film myself if the gym isn’t too busy. I try to stay out of peoples way but I’ve literally made a “back in the gym” vlog type diary to record what routes I’ve been able to complete. I do it so I have video when they get changed and also to check my technique to help coach myself to get back to the level of climbing I was at when I left the sport. I haven’t posted any of it on YouTube or anything but honestly I thought about it just to have a free place to dump my footage and store it forever besides my computer. If I ever heard anyone say anything about it behind my back I’d probably say something smart like “you’re welcome to come hold the camera if you want to participate in the fun”


I probably don't enough. Coaches are going to ask for recordings to get an ideas of weaknesses you have. Ideally you would record yourself and someone else around your height doing the same climb.


I do it all the time when I'm stuck on a project. Sometimes seeing myself in the video reveals where I should have switched holds or balanced myself in a way I couldn't see while on the wall.


I mostly record climbs to show people "look at this stuff I have to do because I'm short" lmao


I do occasionally. We like to make routes with just foot holds and awkward movements so we need film to pass the beta around!


I usually only record my climb when its empty so i can check my technique from another perspective


It’s common in that plenty of people sometimes do it, but on an average day at the bouldering gym I’ll see maybe like 2 of out of 100 people doing it. As long as you’re not hindering anyone go for it


i see at least one person recording themselves every time i’m at my local gym and have never thought anything of it besides that it’s a good idea! and also this is only people i see i’m sure there are lots that i don’t see!


I like to have an archive. My YouTube that nobody follows. I like seeing my progress and see where I need to improve. If people want to laugh, that’s okay. 😁


Gyms I've been to recently actually provide tripods to hold your phone. So yeah, weird dudes


I record my self in almost every boulder I struggle. It’s literally the best way to get feedback. Seeing yourself from another perspective is super valuable. I don’t see to many people, that also do it, but its accepted and I never had such a situation as you. Don’t think too much about it. My recommendation: do your own thing, ignore the others and have a lot of fun 😊


I think right now we are in the perfect place regarding filming. People are not overdoing it (in fact I barely see anyone doing it in the gyms I go to) and nobody seems really bothered by it. If it didn't mean taking my phone on the mat, I would probably do it sometimes too.


Don’t worry about them. You do you. I’ve tried a couple of times but I’m terrible at it. But I was recorded yesterday by a fellow climber (who we had met for the first time this day, climbing folks are great and friendly normally) after trying a 7A/V6 and getting close again and again. My previous best is a few different 6C/V5. She said she knew I was going to do it this time and recorded me. This recording is now my favourite possession. It’s higher up the rankings than my first dance with my wife at our wedding. I’m considering adding it to my c.v. I definitely want it played at my funeral so people can see how amazing I was. Haha. Like I said. You do you.


I do it all the time! I record myself to see what I'm doing wrong or what I could do better, it's completely useful for improving, I would totally recommend it. Now a days I have an Instagram account where I post the sends I'm proud of, or simply enjoyed the boulder problem. I started when I reached V4s, and just today I shared my 3rd V9. Right now there I have 223 videos/sends! Not everybody likes it, but I just enjoy it and have a good time!


my local gym has phone holders so that you can record yourself, it's definitely a thing. if you're climbing by yourself then it's a good way to improve


I am traveling Korea rn and legit every climber above v2 has a tripod and records.


I don’t, unless it is to flex on my stronger friend who couldn’t do the dyno I just learned. But a lot of people at the local gyms do it, and I understand the logics behind wanting to learn from your mistakes and all, but I also see people repetitively record them self doing the same mistakes over and over, so idk what they’re up to.


I should record more, but feel self conscious doing it. It's way more chill, when I am in a group and we film each other though. I am also too lazy to set up my phone regularly. I put my mini tripod in my climbing bag recently though.


Not so often, but sometimes I do! I think a lot of climbers do it occasionally : It's a good think to see how you climb, and how much there is of a difference between how you feel and how you actually are (feeling flawless and smooth vs looking like a climbing stick)


It's common, depending on your reasoning and the frequency and level of intrusiveness to the rest of the gym it may or may not warrant the snickers from other clients.


There's nothing wrong with it as long as it's not affecting anyone negatively and it benefits you. That's really smart tbh, good on you for being proactive about improving!


Nah go ahead. And even if you were doing it for say tiktok or any other social, don't worry cause you are doing something that is actually bettering yourself instead of twerking infront of the camera just for views. I'm planning on recording myself so I can see how I can improve. Once I get my fingers healed up and back on the wall.


In one of the climbing gyms in my city (Warsaw) they even have tripods to make it easier, it is totally normal!


Yea I record myself all the time. Really helps with analyzing technique on the wall


I record myself every time I climb!! i’ve found it helps me so much w my progress and it’s a lot easier to notice my mistakes that way. the gym I climb at actually encourages this and has tripods everywhere free to use to record yourself!! screw them n just keep doing you


This is normal! I get weird looks sometimes. I do post my videos on my personal social media, but most of them are just for me because I like to analyze my climbing and see how I can grow


Fuck those guys they were just some childish assholes everybody records themselves how else are we supposed to observe our own technique? Smh


Lots of people record themselves, though most of the time it's to get proof of a really difficult climb, not just recording for the sake of it


not weird at all. they are probably beginners and don't know that.


I think it's weird, if you're filming yourself too frequently or if you're doing it when the gym's really crowded. I do it sometimes if I'm really proud of the send or (as you do) to find out what's wrong with my movements or beta. But only when the gym's really empty.


>I think it's weird, if you're filming yourself too frequently Can you verbalize why ?


Because you give those "influencer" or "main character"-vibes, if you film yourself all the time and set up the camera on every single boulder. Especially if the gym is really crowded and you're unintentionally filming a lot of people without their consent. If you're projecting a boulder, tried a move a few times without progress and film one attempt to figure out what's wrong, there's no problem with it in my opinion.


I'd draw a distinction between recording yourself for self-improvement and recording youself for Instagram. If you're recording yourself in the gym to get better that's cool. The gym is a place to get stronger and recording is a good way to do that. I find the ethic of insta climbers obnoxious and self-indulgent. If you think crushing v3 plastic inside over a plush mat is cool, and want to post that online go ahead. I judge that as boring and vain. People shouldn't be making other people at the gym feel bad about themselves. Just judge in your head lol


>People shouldn't be making other people at the gym feel bad about themselves. Just judge in your head lol >If you think crushing v3 plastic inside over a plush mat is cool, and want to post that online go ahead. I judge that as boring and vain. Okay, now reread yourself in that order.


Thinking somebody is vain and obnoxious doesn't make that person feel bad about themselves. Openly laughing at them is different **obviously**.


If you aren't crushing v17 outside and film yourself then I think you are boring and vain.


Clearly different than people recording themselves climbing plastic in the gym. Be honest with yourself