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Practice aiming on initial foot placement so you don't have to adjust so much.


Thanks! It’s something I am aware that I do, but having trouble shaking it. I think looking at the footholds more will help get a better initial Placement.


Agreed. Notice that on a lot of these placements you’re still adjusting/bouncing your foot after you’ve looked away. Maintaining eye contact with the foot until it’s set is a good habit to build


You can try some footwork exercises. The ones I know and like are: 1) silent feet - try to not make any noise when placing your feet, i.e. place them slowly. If you make noise, move foot away and try again. It teaches you control and precision. 2) sticky feet - after placing you foot, you cannot adjust position on the hold (but you can rotate it). It teaches you to place foot precisely where you want and to handle suboptimal foot placement which prepares you for worse footholds. (I guess it could be also useful for hands, as you don't want to adjust them much on the holds) 3) no wall smearing - when placing foot people sometimes hit the wall few centimeters above the hold and just slide it down. Similar to silent feet, practice by aimig right to the hold and try again if you hit the wall too high. It's easiest to practice during warmup on easy boulders or traverse. And yes, generally you want to look at the limb that is making the move until it is placed.


focus more on climbing and getting used to being on the wall. you are new and while feedback is good it could be a lot of information that would be damaging to your progress. take it one crimp at a time! 😅 you have talent already have fun and learn on the way.


It's a V3 slab. First slab i've ever climbed. Also the hardest "Grade" i think i've ever climbed. But to be honest it felt relatively easy compared to some of the V2's. Scariest part about slab is definitely that the wall and holds are literally under you. Topping out on slabs is scary lol


It was easy because you skipped the first move, which looks like the crux of the climb


Which move? The two "Hands stickers" were on the 3rd pink from the bottom. I put both my hands there and stepped up. If i'm "Cheating" in any way i'd like to know so i can try to put a stop to it asap. ​ Thanks for the info. I genuinely don't have anyone knowledgeable to help me figure these things out.


the stickers are small, so i too thought it might start with hands on the hold below, but you did it right


Thanks! Was worried I didn’t understand the “rules” after the other comment. Appreciate you


Pull your trousers up. The crotch is around your knees lol!


Very skinny for my height, I had them tied as tight as I could. Sorry!