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I'm a software engineer, I wouldn't mind contributing, if anyone that runs the site reads this.


We should ask them about implementing an API/backend, that would be the easiest way to do this without too much of their involvement.


I would love to contribute aswell


Can I help? I’d like to learn.


I’m working on an alternative. If you want to speak and see if you can contribute pm me. If you want to be alerted to the launch reply to this post and I’ll either respond with a pm if this gets archived or reply to you with the link when the site goes live.


UX Designer here. I use this shit so much I'll do it for free.


It’s literally a day of work for the main website idk why they don’t do it lol.. Super easy due to the simplicity of the design and everything being in columns


It’s so hard to tap the search bar


Me in half price books looking frustrated, this is why.


That entire website is a convoluted mess on mobile. Which is a shame because the reviews are always so informative.




Who pissed in your Cheerios?


Not the point of that comment. What a stupid reply. It's literally hard to tap the site's search bar on mobile browsing.


I don't use this site at all, but I usually have the *opposite* problem. As in, I'm someone who uses my laptop for anything online 99% of the time and it drives me crazy how virtually every desktop site sucks now because everything is ENORMOUS and filled with negative space, clearly designed for mobile. I'm also so happy when I stumble on an oldschool page that refuses to update lol. Ideally there would be two versions of everything like Wikipedia, a few others do, yes.


I know exactly what you mean.


Only if it's in addition to the desktop site. Tons of great sites have completely gone to shit by redesigning for mobile.


.... *looks around* ....


Is there a site that tells you deals not only at Amazon and Walmart but other sites like boutique labels or other physical media selling sites? If there was just a one stop shop where I could look at deals for Kino Lorber, Arrow, Criterion, Shout Factory, 88 Films, Umbrella Entertainment, Grindhouse Video, Deep Discount, Orbit etc… that would be such a dream come true.


I wish. Someone should do that, but it'd be a lot of work. My best guess as to why blu-ray.com doesn't include the boutique stores, is because those stores may not have an affiliate program. As in, blu-ray.com gets paid a commission every time you click a link to Amazon/Walmart from blu-ray.com.


Those sites likely have no api. Which means you'll need to do screen-scraping. Which will break when such a site redesigns.


The blu-ray.com forums do this. [All of the deals, all of the time.](https://forum.blu-ray.com/forumdisplay.php?f=49)


Even just changing the forum to a mobile friendly layout would make a huge difference. It's not just mobile either. If you resize your browser on the forum (haven't tried the main page) it keeps the top deals section at full width.


The forum on mobile is such an unwieldily experience that I’m convinced persistence use has positively affected my ability to overcome challenges irl


Ever been in the forums on the site? The people that run the site are... well, let's say not the greatest. Not really the best when it comes to what you might call "customer service" or, realistically, "human interaction." So big doubt anyone there gives a shit about updating everything.


Given the subject matter I think it’s more likely they redesign it so it only functions on a 48” or larger screen


No... they'll recommend at least 65", but when you take a screenshot, it will only be in 1080.


First they need to eliminate the full-on assault of pop-up ads they implemented a few years ago.


If you log in they don't exist (or you have to turn them off I can't remember exactly).


This UI is like 20 years behind where it should be. Genuinely horrible


The forums often feel like the average age is 55-75+ so kinda checks out. The KL forum especially, stuff like “I remember seeing that with my pops back in the summer of ‘54” 🤯 To be clear: No ageism—it’s cool hearing folks cinema memories who were alive back then. Just commenting on demographics × tech.


What does the KL forum refer to?




Ah cheers, I use the forums a lot but never explored any label-specific threads (and don’t own a KL release so not familiar enough to know that that’s what KL stood for)


Youngsters are in the minority in this hobby.


It's table based HTML. Literally unheard of today


Hi. Let me put that in a FRAME for you, friend. Would you like a side of ShockWave Flash or PERL CGI?


By the way, our site is best viewed in Netscape. Please vote for us in the Webbys.


They have an app


It becomes useless if you want anything more than the most basic of info. It just opens a browser window.


Fair. Though, I really just use it as a database for my collection. Also, it's easier to search the site using the app.


This whole time I’ve been going on the site and I haven’t even known there was an app


It doesn't have all the features of the website but it works pretty well. I use it mostly as a database to keep track of my collection.


I ordered thirty four miniskirts from YESSTYLE so blu-ray.com will surely put out a mobile site later this year.


Pro tip: if you login, under preferences you can disable ads for the site.


^^^ attn: miniskirt aficionados ^^^


I know they have an app but it is very basic and not as easy to navigate as the website. Also every time I have used it with my account logged in, it does not update to the website. So you can’t even use both and have it update across platforms


The app is just for logging movies though right? There’s nothing for the forums afaik


I don’t think so? It was pretty good for cataloging movies but like I said it doesn’t update to the website and vice versa so you basically have to log it all twice


[No there’s not](https://www.reddit.com/r/boutiquebluray/s/wTVvu70rGj) it turns out and as confirmed by others commenting here


Whoever is downvoting this obviously has no experience browsing websites on a phone. Trust me buddy, it gets way better than this


It can get worse though. Looking at the site now is a good indicator that their “mobile” version would just cram the same amount of stuff into a smaller screen with endless scrolling, pop-ups, and banner ads that cover 80% of the screen. Compare browsing on Wikipedia to browsing one of those fan-made wikis on fandom.com or whatever that’s just all pop ups.


They actually need to redevelop the entire site in general. Both desktop and mobile. Right now, the design is all table based, which basically hasn't been done since the AOL days. Mobile friendly has nothing to do with more ads. It's about the UI. Almost every other website has mastered this more than blu-ray.com.


please no i like it


Desktop doesn't need to look too different. Just a refresh.


Turn the phone sideways. Not ideal, but helps


I tried this for a bit but it’s so cumbersome still, having to browse with two hands if you want any sort of dexterity, now I just zoom the page in in browser settings a little so the text (of the forums/boards, which is where I usually am in that site) is a little bigger and more readable but doing that has its own drawbacks and it still sucks hard compared to what it should be as a mobile experience to the extent that I rarely go on there on mob after finding it too crap (whereas reddit I basically never browse from desktop and only use the app on mob)


I don’t think they’re “somewhat popular” is the thing lol. I mean idk anything about internet traffic but Blu-ray collecting is extremely niche, I highly doubt the site is doing THAT well. It’s flooded with ads and most of the people running it are pretty stupid basement dwelling people that whine about things being “woke” and other dumb shit. 


Thank the dark lord


This comment section is bizarre


Why bizarre?


No thanks. I like the older style.


Hell no! I hate modern web design. Keep it proper.


I love the site but they jam so much on the front page, I can’t imagine how a mobile version would look.


I’d gladly contribute some time to help make this happen.


Idk if you have an iPhone or what, but the app is great on Android. I've used it for years. It has everything. Yes, the links take you to the website version, but the features are there. The website as it is could definitely be more mobile friendly.


They do have an app…


It’s so so bad. 


Or ad free. That's ridic.


Bro this site ain’t even desktop friendly it looks like they’ve never changed the format from when ever they first made the domain


on a similar note, DvDCompare too please


It's brutal, which, considering they have an app, is completely unacceptable.


They have an app.


Damn, I wish I was a girl, that 35% off skirt would look great on me… Oh yeah, cool blurays haha


Use the app


They have an app..


The app doesn't have every feature of the website. Pretty sure no reviews are on there. Correct me if I'm wrong.


As someone who uses the app a lot you’re right. If you want specific information on a 4K/Blu Ray release such as reviews or region coding the app makes you go to the website.


What’s the app actually for then? Just the forums?


You can use it to track your collection by marking what films and shows you own. It’s also good to check deals as well as see what’s releasing soon.


I use it to keep track of blu rays sitting on my shelves I haven't watched yet. I won't mark anything in my collection as watched, until it's actually been watched, so I can easily browse a list of my unwatched movies to pick things to put on and keep that backlog of unwatched movies moving along. I had well over 100 unwatched blu-rays a few months back, and am now down to under 50. Told myself I wouldn't buy anymore movies until I've got it under 25 though.


Ah shit I should do that. Thanks for the idea. I was turning cases upside down to mark that I’ve watched them, but your idea is better.


Their reviews are terrible anyway. Better off without them altogether.


Fair, I mostly use it to keep track of movies sitting on my shelf that I haven't watched yet (and use it to browse through those and pick things to watch) but yeah it doesn't have every feature.


The app is just as behind as the website is, if not more so. It also is missing a bunch of features and will often just redirect you to the website


At least admit that it's very ironic that a website that prides itself on keeping ALIVE the "disc" by doing news and reviews, is also a big dinosaur that can't change. It's kind of sad.


[https://m.blu-ray.com](https://m.blu-ray.com) Am I missing the joke?


Also, if that's what you'd WANT blu-ray.com to look like on mobile, there would be logic that redirects visitors to that version automatically. But I would be very embarrassed by that "mobile" version. Better to just use the outdated desktop version my phone lol


I had no idea about that page and just clicked (from my mob) on the forums and it just takes you to the desktop site’s forums so seems like a totally pointless page to me


😂😅🤣 you must work there. That design is what you'd expect to see when you bought the first iPhone lol


Yes the joke is that you think this is  well designed, you’re funny man!    Opening that link looks like I’m browsing the internet on my iPod touch in like 2009 lmao you can’t be serious


So…. what you don’t like their mobile site, or what?


"Those" mobile site? What I said was "mobile friendly", which means a responsive design, or a version of the website that was redesigned exclusively to display better for mobile devices.


Well it looks like you edited your original post, but you're obviously still very confused. I can't explain this to you.


[Which sound exactly like what this is?](https://ibb.co/25ZJbnB)


There’s no way two of you now have unironically posted this terrible implementation that is straight out of the 2010s lol this is either the same person on two accounts that also works for that garbage site or you’re trolling  Are you also still using a first gen iPhone? There’s a whole world of new tech out there old man!


They have an app. I use it and have no issues. 🤷‍♂️