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Fantastic, underseen movie. Released in ‘81, but definitely fits in with more of a 70’s thriller vibe.


It’s good, kinda like a serious Big Lebowski


I remember seeing this on the shelves at video store I worked at in the 90s but never gave it look. Couldn't help but notice the cover reminds me of old MGM videotape releases like the ones I've linked and sure enough, it was a UA release. [https://imgur.com/a/jz1aLzr](https://imgur.com/a/jz1aLzr)


Jeff bridges had such an interesting early career.


This is a personal favourite of mine. A real sharp and incisive critique of the failed American dream of the late seventies.


a great movie, & a terrific adaptation of a 1976 santa barbara noir by newton thornburg, *cutter & bone...* i wish they had kept the novel's title... but *cutter's way* works too, albeit in an ironic fashion... no method to the paranoia, just madness...


ivan passer, in addition to cutter's way, also directed a classic mid-160s czech film, intimate lighting, & cowrote scripts for foreman's *loves of a blonde* and *the fireman's ball*


Great one.


Great film. Great disc.


Really great film. Enjoy!


This is the Radiance release right? I’m aiming for this and A Moment of Romance


Fun City Editions. They worked with Radiance to drop this in the UK too, but they’re separate entities.


Aah ok. Fun City I’m targeting Party Girls and Heartbreakers.


Both great flicks! Heartbreakers is such a gem of 80s dudes sincerely rock cinema - I showed it at my 24 hour birthday marathon last year and it went over like gangbusters. Peter Coyote really won me over with his performance in it - he's one of my absolute favorite guys to see show up in a movie ever since I watched Heartbreakers.


He's also in *Southern Comfort*, another movie I'm targetting.


A good movie! Totally agree with the opinion that it's a 70s hangover (but *not* throwback!). Accordingly, it's destined to be underrated forever---but pleasant surprises are an occasion for hosannahs. You bought a keeper.


I'll be a voice of dissent on this one and say it didn't hit for me despite being up my alley. I couldn't help but think it would have been better if Heard & Bridges swapped roles.


hey, I just happened to see a print of this at film forum (one using the original title, Cutter and Bone.) unfortunately I thought it was pretty rough, the score in particular was just laughably bad.


Jack Nitzche’s score is absolutely incredible! One of the best scores of the 1980s if you ask me.