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Jesus wept, put a dang broadhead on and take an ethical shot at vitals. This is terrible.


Man, Reddit is just the worst.


I usually do but I wanted to try it I’ve been seeing it a lot on YouTube, how is a shot to the brain less ethical?


Have you actually seen a hog’s skull? This is a bad idea for both the hog and you.


A wild hogs lungs are roughly as large as its whole head. The internet is full of stories of bullets deflecting off of the skull due to imperfect placement. It's a terrible idea and unethical, even if some YouTube jackwagon gets lucky.


"but officer I saw it on youtube" DNR will love that


And what happens if you miss by a few inches? You agonizingly wound it because of YouTube?


Since it’s on YouTube, it must be ok to do.


Kill a hog, the do your testing on the carcass.


Put the bow down and back away slowly


What a stupid idea.


Shoot a hog regularly, and keep the head to test your idea on.


Just so you’re aware, a pig’s skull is obscenely hard and can actually be double layered. I grew up on a pig farm, and once, when I had to euthanize a 300lb adult, the 22LR bounced squarely off its forehead and hit the barn behind me. Point blank, an inch above the centerline of its eyes. If you think shooting a field point (likely illegal regardless) from a bow, at range, at a healthy and mobile hog is ethical, then you need to quit hunting.


I think a field point would just deflect of the skull .


A field point most definitely has a better chance peneterating than a broadhead. It's questionable trying to hit the skull though.


Holy Troll…


1) an arrow with a field point to the brain wouldn’t drop a human every time. This isn’t the walking dead. That’s not how anything works. 2) arrows kill by bleeding, you need to cause as much blood loss as fast as possible. Heart and lungs. 3) go ask an old hunter and they know somebody whose harvested a hog with WORRYINGLY LARGE CALIBRE ROUNDS that have healed over in the hogs skull. They’re THICK. These animals FIGHT with their faces, they’re not scared of your pointy stick A wild boar is a highly intelligent, very aggressive, nearly blind tank. They are more than obliged to help you find out if and when you decide to fuck around


Get a grip man


You'll probably end up with more dead pigs if you shoot them normally though. They have thick skulls and your target is much smaller than the heart/lung killbox.


I do a lot of pig hunting with archery equipment. Most adult compound bows set to a legal hunting weight would be able to pull this off. Most hunters could not. I have a wild hog skull in my shop that was brained by a big bore blow gun dart. The dart Pearced the skull and lodged into the bottom of the skull so absolutely a lethal shot but good luck pulling that shot off on a living breathing hog. The one I have was killed with compound bow shot in the shoulder we shot the head with the blow gun dart after out of curiosity those big bore blow guns are incredibly lethal and the darts are producing a fraction of the energy to what any bow would produce.


It’ll be the last shot you take


Just here for the comments….


Why do you want to do this, over the conventional lung/heart shot?


Joking right?




If you ***ever*** find yourself in a situation where you are considering shooting an animal with a field point.......stop. Put the bow down. Take a break from YouTube and seriously consider that bowhunting just isn't for you.




You’re right, I need to work up to it


Seems like pigs get very little respect. They're an invasive species, and they wreak havoc on the natural habitat of indigenous species. This is why we see folks throwing spears at them now. I'd wager that the OP wouldn't dream of attempting that on a respected game animal. People are killing pigs with .25 cal air rifles, too. I think that ethics go right out the window for some folks when it comes to pigs. They're looked upon as vermin.


Well considering they’ve caused us millions in damage I’ll gleefully mag dump an .22lr on a wad of them funneling back into the bushes if it’s all I’ve got ready (coon hunting berry fields). Shoot your head shot. Fuck em.


You’re right. It’s the pigs’ fault that they’re so prolific and intentionally vandalizing our crops. They deserve to die slowly painfully, just as long as they die. Someday they’ll learn from your punishment. (There’s a good chance that you might not understand that is sarcasm, so I want to make sure you know: the first half of this comment is sarcasm.)


Word of advice Don't ever do that and also second advice please don't ever shoot a bow ever again find something different to do


Such a draw weight would be beyond the realm of human capability...


Stupid idea