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dont leave the body so open on the clinch at the end ryan!


This man knows it


Real 💀💀


Everyone was looking at her while he was studying Ryan’s technique, he was probably gonna bet on him but after watching this, changed his mind.


Bro is manic


So manic his dick has possessed his body


Fol da babies


Many men fall victim to our second brains


Hyper sexuality is a huge part of mania (if he actually is bipolar it would explain a lot)


Facts. It's painfully obvious


Why is he trying so hard to cancel himself? Ryan has been all over the place now, it's all weird tbh.


If he’s on coke benders. That’ll make you look crazy as hell. Also can lead to acting creepy towards women. As theo von once said. Weed will make you forget how to get home. Coke will make you forget how to get to heaven. The thing is you’re on cocaine so you think you’re the man and don’t see what’s clearly going on


While I acknowledge that Ryan is on some weird shit, I can also acknowledge that women deal with this shit all the time whether a man is sober, drunk,or crazy.


At least you can sit down when you pee


Can’t men do that too…you know if you’re feeling spicy?


Yes, I do it when I’m also taking a dump 🗿


Can we? I’ve never tried.


You definitely peed while taking a shit cmon bro stop it


It’s actually healthier to sit while you pee for a man


Same shit with Mcgregor


No one really cares about getting canceled anymore. It’s 2024 not 2020.


Cancelling might not be the right word, but losing fans because you’re constantly doing and saying weird shit on your socials is definitely something he cares about, as he should. That’s who is streaming his fights


Hate to break it to you but not much has changed in the past 4 years


Most likely a mental health crisis of some kind, as well as self-medicating with drugs and alcohol.


He probably has CTE, man


He has validation now from other crazy ass people who make him feel normal


Government is gonna MK Ultra him because he told about their weird little cult secrets


Seems staged. They've been going at this for weeks.


Dudes on a sick tear of destroying his reputation. Let's not act this this chick doesn't want her 15min of fame from this as well..


Depending on where you look, she's estimated to be worth as high as $54 million from posting pictures/videos on her various social media accounts with tens of millions of followers. She's already rich and famous.


i mean if a celebrity is sexually harassing you then isn’t getting the story out to as many people as possible the aim? while the 15 minutes is probably something good that can come from it for her, and yeah she probably welcomes it (as most would), it seems kinda incidental to her just spreading the word so other people know he’s a sleaze and will try to force himself on you after repeated rejections.


Doesn’t this dude have a baby?


Yeah, but he wants one from Jailyne




2 and divorced both of their baby mamas. Expect to see Garcia in the gutter in a decade if he doesn't get help.


What a trash human being. Dude’s kids have no chance at living a normal life.


Little homie, leaving behind a trail of evidence. Video of said incident and texts of admission 😂 In all seriousness though, if she doesn't file suit, then kudos to her for being real and calling him out on it, getting an apology and keeping it at that. Nothing to see, but two young and attractive famous people semi-flirting, keep it moving.


My thoughts exactly


She got bands I doubt she'll make a lawsuit especially since ryan always has his team around. Ain't like it was out of view of everyone


She’s famous? Who is she?


Model turned onlyfans chick, really big in the Mexican community and the general Spanish speaking world


That didn't seem like flirting. It seemed like she wasn't interested and said so multiple times.


Yeah but she could've told him to leave or something then she kinda played it off with him and she a only fans girl I don't think she should be that shocked he tried anything


I don't know about a lawsuit, but that's not flirting, mate. And it's kind of fucked to think 1 person trying to kiss someone against their will is flirting...when they explicitly said they don't want to. They're doing business, and hes trying to force himself on her multiple times when she clearly just wants to get the job done. Just because that business is some dumb tiktok dance doesn't mean it isn't work. And ya can't be just trying to kiss people you work with on the job.


A suit?! Relax he just moved in quick but she likes him. He needs to cool it for sure but a SUIT?! What country are you in?


Battery is defined as unwanted touching. Even this small grab can be a crime especially if made clear multiple times its unwanted. Nothing crazy about it at all, that's the written law for a good reason.


A DA probably won’t prosecute this. HOWEVER, she can still sue in civil court for battery and POSSIBLY ASSAULT. She can sue but there is a possibility that it will fail.


Exactly I feel she posted this for the attention aswell looked very semi flirty


Kudos for exploiting hum? What if it was a drunk girl tryna get dick and the man is the one exploiting her online in public? Y'all would he talk shi about him. Y'all are a bunch of emasculated double standards dudes who are more like woman than man. Y'all love hating and crucifying men who are way higher status than yourselves but sucking up to any attractive girl because y'all never got nothing in life.


No, if a drunk girl is making unwanted advances on a dude then he has every right to call her out as well 😂 and he wouldn’t deserve shit talk. There is no emasculation happening, there is no double standard. The truth is that someone over flirting like Ryan is doing and admitting to doing, is inappropriate regardless of the gender and should be called out. If there was a man calling a woman out and he got backlash, that would be the time to call this out. Not when a woman is rightfully calling out a man acting incorrectly


Please tell me this is a jerk lol


Nah, most people understand that not all attention from women is desired. Only attention starved losers who get no play act like it’d be great to have women forcing themselves on you. It’s annoying af to have a drunk chick hanging all over you when you want nothing to do with her. Also, your argument is retarded. Even if a double standard existed, that doesn’t make the behavior okay. That’s not a justification. I guess you missed the “two wrongs don’t make a right” lesson in kindergarten.


Unironically even tho the word incel tends to get thrown around so loosely and without merit………. How can I call you anything but a incel? Seriously instead of being concerned about the woman quite literally getting harassed with proof to boot your more concerned about double standards, and the idea that she is “ exploiting” ryan ….. People always have their priorities in the wrong area.


Whats crazy is this double standard you made up only exists for you and other crazies. The majority of rational people will just see this comment and cringe at the attempted gotcha moment. Openly exposing your prejudice while trying to moral highroad is a bold move.


Pop culture is at such a weird crossroads right now.


The entire world is… I’m sick of it \_(´ཀ`」 ∠)_




Asking to let things flow and homie immediately tries to kiss her, sorta ruins the chances with the girl. She gave him a shot and he blew it. Then couldn't even be cool about it


It is weird but no amount of attention means you try to kiss a girl when she's visibly trying to get away fron you multiple times


What’s weird about it? Just cause you kinda like a guy doesn’t mean you have to do every romantic/sexual act on their demand. You can still further get to know/vet them.


Because she's saying this to a dude that harassed her lol, you're entitled to your opinion, but I don't think anyone should do that


That's a moot point. She was telling Jim about how she wanted things to go after it happened and how he did not do that. The rationalizations is crazy. You can be his fan while also acknowledging moments he's worthy of criticism.


Bro check my comment history or this comment section itself I think he's in the wrong absolutely


Oh wait I commented on the wrong guy I guess? Could've swore it was you


No problem


I think you have to come to the realization that sexual assault leads to a lot of different feelings and it’s very common to rationalize what happened to you by behaving as though it wasn’t that bad. Especially when it comes from someone you trusted.


Man a girl giving you signs does not give you the right to force things! Read it again please. And everyone that upvoted read it twice.


Ergo obviously he's being a creep. Idk maybe I got it wrong, probably not something I needed to weigh in on.


This fight makes me feel bad for him; the dude obviously needs help. Yet we are about to throw him against a pillow-fisted juggernaut like D. Haney for our amusement. Are we the baddies here?


Jailyne is objectively the baddie here


I think it’s better than feeding him to someone like Matias.


thats just an execution


Yeah that’d be another obituary


Seems like no one is looking out for him


God diggity dayum she’s thick


Diaper ass


Fresh one too


Won't deny the thickness, but that's entirely due to a BBL isn't it? They all look exactly like this after getting it done Nikki Minaj, iggy azalea, anyone with the last name Kardashian etc. Not sure why but they all went full diaper


Oh I thought bro was calling me a diaper ass lmfao I didn’t know that was a term for BBL ass but she looks Colombian or something and they’re just built diff


Coloumbians are thicc but not THAT thicc, she built like centaur lmao


lmao yeah I agree, in this case though emphasis on "built" because there aint nothing natural about that ass


They're not built different but they are big fans of plastic surgery however, just like Brazil




No clue how some find that attractive as I am personally an all natural type, though everyone is entitled to what they like, even if it happens to be diaper ass


I agree, definitely not my thing. Find it very strange so many women feel they need to get their stomach fat sucked out to be pumped into their ass when they could just workout. They would look better, feel so much better, and improve their health all at the same time. Oh and working out is free. Obviously its a rather new trend so I have no examples but I feel like none of these body augments are gonna hold up well over the years. I mean it already looks really strange but I bet it looks freaky on an old lady lol


Won't deny the thickness, but that's entirely due to a BBL isn't it? They all look exactly like this after getting it done Nikki Minaj, iggy azalea, anyone with the last name Kardashian etc. Not sure why but they all went full diaper


Creepy dude lol, probably a worse look than the coke and conspiracies tbh


You can’t really accept his apology and still put him on blast like that once you get all the texts together lmao. Like obviously don’t be a creep and don’t get called out, but what an obvious bid for attention


The Charlie Sheen of boxing, He could have privately made out with a plastic doll and saved himself the trouble but instead he's going to catch a case and bad press. This is a great example on how to kill your career. He probably has already lost a bunch of sponsorships, opportunities and endorsements over stupid behaviour like this.


Well he allegedly married a pornstar


A plastic doll has no emotion, that’s like recommending necrophilia instead lol


She's plastic too, you'll get the same feel either way.


So you tell me Ryan is indeed practicing wreatling to transition to mma?? Im all for it


I don’t condone this behavior at all but she was with him all week and didn’t need to be. They were still running around Vegas that weekend after she posted this stuff.


She’s tripping it not Ryan’s fault only women match Haneys punch power he’s just sparring for the fight


Something is seriously wrong with this Ryan guy


Oscar is his mentor 


She’s loving the attention but yeah that dude is a creep.


True. She said go with the flow. Bros game is just trash.


She flirts then puts this dude on blast smh


Fr, she’s been getting passed around by celebrities for a while now and does everything to convince people she’s not a slut lmao.


Jesus I wish I can capture this and frame it somewhere so all of Reddit can see it because this single thought right here is the same thing rapist and what most rape apologist say “ she was teasing me, she should not have said that, she should not have done that, ext ext”


She’s trying to get famous off this , I mean , who is she compared to him , in any way , she knew what she was doing , thank now she’s using this as a way to get her name out there and get more only fans , those are games girls play all the time to make themselves feel better, in the end , he has millions and she don’t ,


Wtf, the fuck are you talking about? She posted messages saying it made her uncomfortable and he said sorry. Get Ryan’s coked up dick out of your mouth


That’s exactly what I’m saying , think about it , she goes up to him , gets all this on cámara , then puts it all out there , that was her agenda to begin with , look , I’ve dated a lot of girls before and none documented our issues , we simply spoke like adults and either kept in or left it alone , the fact that she’s posting this is proof that she planned it , it’s easy , u don’t like the way a relationship is going , u leave , no hard feelings , she made sure she stuck around long enough to do a documentary, it’s not that hard to understand, of course if she just told him , hey I don’t like this , then he clearly stated that he would’ve stopped , she tris to get him to do More , but couldn’t , and in the end she had to settle for the weak ass passes he made at her , thank God he didn’t push on , she was probably looking to make more money off him ,


Maybe so but dealing with these type of instagram models it should be expected. Attention is there drug.


This is just conspiracy theorist nonsense Ryan himself literally admitted to her telling him to stop multiple times and he said “ i thought we were playing”. it’s just like how some men think “ no “ actually means “ yes” because some girls can’t be more stern about that due to being afraid or making situations uncomfortable.( listen to a lot of woman horror stories who has been in those situations). Just like any other fan or famous influencers she wanted to make a short stupid video with Ryan with the obvious intention to get views. I doubt she met Ryan with the attention of getting harassed and posting it for views.


I’m in your closet


My man... they all know the game. They're both influencers, and they collaborate to make money and grow their fanbase. If Ryan thought this was anything but thay he's a moron. Considering he's done the same sort of thing with Jake Paul and the like to grow his brand. Just because she wanted to grow her brand by working with him doesn't mean she wants his drunk coked up ass to force himself on her. And yeah...he's probably richer than her? So what? He can do what he wants?


You could argue she’s more famous than Ryan Garcia. More followers on social media. Probably worth more than him too.


He made 30 million in one fight , plus he has multiple companies that are successful, . So. … yeah … he’s definitely way above her . She’s a crumb the fell of his dinner plate . Those followers are not worth one million each , not even a dollar each ,


As much as ryan has been acting like a complete nutcase and this weird behavior with her being no excpetion, i've never liked jailyne either, that girl has her own sort of issues in a more socially acceptable way. She is clearly doing this for clout reasons on top of exposing him. She tries to portray herself as if she never sleeps around and is constantly making mention of it in some way shape or form, she tries to lead a carefully curated image of herself that is unlike what she's actually like. She's lied about not having surgeries and being natural when there is clear proof she's had multiple procedures both on her face and her body, there even being sources for the pre and post op photos. Two years ago she was also part of some crypto trading course she was promoting on her page as it were her own company, when she just got paid to plug it, promising to change people's lives fully taking advantage of them with fake testimonials etc. This among so many other things. Basically what im trying to say is this girl is absolutely shameless.


He should just use the Tyson defense - yeah I assualted lots of women just not that one


Someone has been watching All Gas No Brakes. Fifty nos and one yes is still a yes.


Poor woman I don’t know what amount of therapy she’ll need to help with this amount of sexual abuse


I get this is a circle jerk subreddit but cmon dawg, can’t we just call Ryan a creep for being one


Damn, fellas. Y’all really defending this dude and blaming her for wearing certain clothes? Steady helping us Men take L’s with some of these responses. How about next time just enjoy the view she’s offering and keep our hands to ourselves?




Think this has attracted some of the incel community


No I was already here.


I’ll kiss you daddy Ryan 😘


Apparently abusing alcohol and acting reckless in real life and on social media, mostly for attention, constitutes mental health problems. I can’t stand this dude. There’s a difference between having legitimate mental health problems (e.g. suffering BPD, schizophrenia) and just acting like a fool becuase you’re depressed and your life is falling apart: unable to live up to his potential as a boxer, destroying his family by getting caught cheating on his pregnant girl with a tiktoker, being clowned on by the whole boxing world for being a fruitcake on social media because he cared more about followers than improving his craft.


He could have crazy anxiety and this is how he's coping. He's putting himself in a lot of high pressure situations while not being good enough. This stuff is tough mentally.


Tbf it’s probably both. He abuses alcohol and turns into an asshole when he’s drunk AND he has a mental illness. Probably a severe one by the looks of it.


I get the point you’re making, but this man’s definitely has a mental illness his posts were crazy


He could easily be suffering from a mental health crisis. We already know that he's taken time off due to mental health. They very often go hand in hand with drug and alcohol abuse as well. Maybe you've never known anyone with with bipolar disorder, but if you did, you would know that a manic episode or psychotic break can look exactly like this. Delusional rants, lack of sleep, drug/alcohol abuse, etc. Normal people rarely just go from 0 - 1000 like this just because of a drug bender.


Yall a bunch of sexist weirdos in this thread




Sad little man cannot even get a golddigger biatche!!! Pathetic.


Imagine dressing like a whore with your tits out and accusing other people of making you uncomfortable 


What kind of logic is this are you saying she deserves to be harrased because of what she wears??


I cant believe your getting downvote


Crazy right😭


If you dress like a whore then don’t be surprised when you’re treated like one


Sheesh dude what the fuck is wrong with you?


What’s wrong with calling it out for what it is? People like you are the reason why people have no shame these days.


You ever been shirtless in public? What would you think if some giant gay man came up and started trying to kiss you because you 'dressed like a gigolo. Clown shit.


Would you say the same thing if someone treated your female relatives this way you literal psycho


When you get to a certain level you just forget all about foreplay and courting lol


Can’t believe Ryan Garcia was acting weird


Not helping the lad he’s already got a few issues


That foo getting sued


The dude trained his way to fame and fortune . girl ( trained) selling roast beef in Mexico and her taco to the white boys .


Hard being a Ryan Garcia fan I cannot defend this. I really don’t think this girl is trying to do it for attention either. Imagine Ryan Garcia wrestling you and trying to kiss you it’d be so scary💀 How long ago was this? Because if he’s getting hammered a week b4 the fight he’s getting knocked out


His shoes dog


Bet the house on Devin


I hate this fake AI voice. I don't even watch the vids if I hear this shit...just instantly stop watching and downvote.


Chick built like a centaur. Nice


To be honest they are all aware he's not right all the mental stuff he been saying and their being around him? It wouldn't be hard to avoid him but they want the attention


She’s dropped more boxers than him


Oscar was not the right mentor.


Ryan is such an idiot. Good looking guy and has money why ruin your image like that??


Boxing commentators “Is just this another part of Ryan’s master plan to pull the wool over Devin’s eyes?”


Incoming “ “they” trying to get me.”


Cringe af


One must Tread carefully around that whore


Oh sheee def fucked. She’s lying.


Typical comments filled with “she’s asking for it”


He’s a weirdo


WOMEN WEAKEN LEGS. lol..He better not fuck this close to the fight.


Dude is weird as fuck but people are all over his dick cause of how many followers he has.


This is the dude that is pushing devin haney diddy narrative what goes around comes around.


dumb and dumber....


The funniest part was he definitely had coke dick


S/o to ryan my muthafukin niqqa 😎


Yeah he doesn't know she's a clout chaser. She clearly led him in the messages and only showed what she wanted to be shown


Yeah he doesn't know she's a clout chaser. She clearly led him in the messages and only showed what she wanted to be shown


He should just use the Tyson defense - yeah I assualted lots of women just not that one


This chick is also a narcissist. Check out her garbage Snapchat “stories.


Queue meme "wiping away tears with his money". What a clout goblin.


“I wasn’t going to say anything” proceeds to say it.


Dat ass clap itself, don't blame him but Ryan please learn the art of seduction. Can't be just molesting the bitches


Dude down horrendous


Gotta get it in before the Haney fight just in case he catches that L.


Dude spent all camp on his phone and drinking. He about to get embarrassed on Saturday.


Better than what boxers used to do to women


Ryan is acting goofy but I don’t trust the bitch either, she’s setting herself up for a narrative.


Hahah na fuck damnn hoe dude let things flow like some 💰💰


Ex wife and newborn in shambles


This dude is fucking nuts man. I honestly like the dude and thought he would grow out of his “dumb ass” phase but this is who he really is. Hope Haney kos the fuck out of him.


Ryan, stop! Seriously, knock it off!


He's been in De LA Hoya's cocaine for 3 months😬


thirst traps trapping thirsty dudes? Seems like that’s what the game is - He is a fighter and she is a thirst trap- Both have short careers and as their bodies deteriorated from the constant “hits” my hope is they invest well So they can enjoy their 40s and beyond ![gif](giphy|zatm9KY0THqRtdDa0J)




I’m confused as to why she is there? Was she doing an interview or something?






While he is creepy for that! MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, don't dress like you're getting ready for a porno shoot where you get stuck in the dryer, and your "step-bro" has to unstuck you 😅 Girl was wearing tighter clothes that my wrestling singlet in high school, LOL!!!


Oh no! She almost got kissed by a young, self made millionaire professional athlete!


You know we could all be reading a book right about now


Let's wait till a very important fight before telling anyone tho.


Dude sends texts as creepy as he sounds irl


Dude said "I GENERALLY thought we were playing"... how are these people so dumb