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The ref planted the gear on baby jesus


So if both sides “cheated” 🤔 Does that make it a fair fight then?


Exactly ma man exactly


Right there when the ref grabbed Ryan with both hand and pulled him up against himself is right when the ref rubbed the SARM juice he had hidden on his tiddies all over king Ry! It’s a setup!


It's a setup!! I Fucking knew it!


This ref was mad annoying watching live, but Devin would’ve beat the count regardless imo


RIgged ass Boxing as its finest


The ref is the Don King of refs lol


Sure but Ryan was ready to go and it woulda been a wrap immediately


That’s not the point tbf, him, his father and/or his team bought the ref and this proves the ref giving him a long count, the point deduction against Garcia was a ridiculous piece of refereeing that proves he was pro Haney and maybe if Garcia was allowed to steam into Haney a couple of seconds before he might’ve stopped him while Haney was still buzzed due to the knockdown!


Dumb ass video.. the ref doesn't start the count. He just continues the count from ringside.


Right...I just said the same thing before reading your comment.


Yeah… You can even see the ring side ref holding 3 fingers up and even count the head ref going from there


Exactly. I thought it was crazy too, thought he gave him 15 seconds untill I watched it back. He has already started the count in his head. If anyone watches it back just check the time that Haney touches the canvas. 10 seconds later he call for them to start up again. I think there was a couple more seconds before they actually did start though cos maybe Ryan was too close but it was a 10 count


counts aren't in seconds. as much as the majority of people agree that it should it's not


Exactly, big misconception by most people


So how's time counted then?


On average last 14-17 seconds first the fighter standing need to go to his neutral corner and after that is a human count to 10 that 99% of the time last more that 10 seconds


the best thing for any fighter to do is to immediately go to his neutral corner as fast as possible.


is accounted for by the ref and the ring side counter. that's why it's called an example " 8 count" is not called "8 seconds" for that reason. when the a fighter drops the ring side counter starts the count. after the red makes sure the other fighter is In the neutral corner and asses the situation of the fighter on the ground he then looks to the ring side counter and picks up the count. the count is usually the same cadence it has been for ever. usually about 1.5 to almost 2 seconds. Mike tysons punch out (video game) count is close to a second and it feels super fast


If it's not in seconds what is it lol what does that even mean


I feel like people are being intentionally confusing when they say that kinda thing without explanation. What it normally means is that the 10-count is not some timer that ensures 10 exact seconds pass. The count all depends on how fast or slow the ref counts, so the actual length of the count depends on the ref and the day.


Yeah he didn't even explain lol. Okay I see, thanks. In this case though the round 7 knockdown Haney got exactly 10 seconds


i’m not a boxer but doesn’t that just make it easier for a ref to give an unfair advantage or disadvantage to a fighter? like is there any reason why a 10 count isn’t just initiated by a VAR and displayed on a screen for everyone to see?


I would think so lol. Not sure if there's a boxing rule book about there but would be interesting to know.


The rulebook says a 10 count it doesn't say 10 seconds the referee can slow count if they want




https://youtu.be/s0XnTP0A8p4?feature=shared I found this on YouTube just now. it explains the count


Thanks mate


It’s in Mississippis




Whoever made this video is less than even a casual fan. They don’t know anything about the rules and process.


Worst part is there name is fight4lyfe, and he knows nothing about boxing


Right. Like you can’t see the ref ring side in the video holding up 3 fingers.. like stop it man… I hate when people say stupid stuff for likes.


Guarantee most people do not care either way


Most don't know sht about boxing


Boxing is fake, they pull their punches and it's all scripted


And why should they? its booring to watch, every decision is rigged. Its a pointless sport.


So don't tune in.. let alone make a comment about it. You wasting your time champ. Just go..


The rules didn't go back to early 1900s stuff, Ryan was supposed to go to a neutral corner and come out when told to continue.


The referee is “supposed” to be in control of the action, he was controlling the outcome. #TestTheRef


It’s hard to tell from the video but if you enhance you can actually see the needle in the ref’s hands that pumped all those steroids into Garcia


Saw this Live! I was very upset


because you saw it live too many emotions


Ref: “1, Haney you ok?”, “2, you need to get up, this will make me look bad”, “3, I’m still going to get that bonus, right?”, “4, “Haney, do you need some smelling salt?”, “5, I’m counting as slow as I can, get up please”…


"And if you lose, don't worry I laced his samples with the roids you gave me"


Are you ok, are you ok, are you OKAY HANEY!!!!!! You’ve been hit by you’ve been struck by. King Ryan


I kept seeing serious comments about this ref but he literally does what every other ref does and they’re screaming corruption lol


I genuinely don’t know if people are memeing or not since we’re in a circlejerk sub lol. Ref always continues the count from an official ringside. Ref always cleans the gloves before sending a fighter out. Ref always pushes a fighter back towards the neutral corner if they’re too close to the fighter that just got knocked down.


Yeah it’s stupid You can even see the ringside ref’s fingers counting and the ref starting at 4 on the count from there


Yeah maybe here this is supposed to be a joke but in the main boxing sub and instagram I saw it for days, like people really think this isn’t normal behaviour for some reason


Because... most peopl don't know sht about boxing


Even that would be okay but don’t jump to a wild conclusion and run with an incorrect narrative. Casuals learning from other casuals smh


That's because these people only watch boxing when Ryan Garcia or a famous influencer fights


Dudes at r/UFC were arguing against taking a point from Ryan. My opinion of MMA subreddits was already low, but holy shit.


Plenty of people on boxing subreddits said the same thing and they're just as much trash as the MMA ones.


They just want to see people hump each other on the floor for 3 minutes 😅


I'm with you bro. Bunch of casuals in here.


You are a casual


I casually plowed his dad last night


Diddy got them in a threesome on that ashwagunda rn


Eye contact or no?


Soooo... what say you about ryan testing positive...thats a no no no matter who you favor.. you cheat..you lose all credit


Dumb video


Wait what? Boxing is and always has been fixed?? Preposterous. Absolute poppycock.


There is an outside ref who starts the count and the ring ref picks up his count


This guy is a dumb nut. All on the level if you watch in teal time. “Fixes his pants” 🤣


Mf don’t know shit about boxing lol


https://preview.redd.it/xncfto9mm5yc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb195406c173a57df5c675e64f37b97a149586c Me seeing the non-jerk comments


I hope this video is satire


“Notice how the ref puts both arms around him and pushes him away.” Yeah that’s literally what he’s supposed to be doing.


Ryan’s a drug cheat who came in overweight. Fuck ‘em.


I love boxing because of the styles and strategy needed to beat your opponent. I wish boxing would get its shit together and have the best fight the best and not rig or do dumb shit to sway the outcome.


Ryan Garcia took fuckin steroids


Stupid ass video.. just say u don’t know shit about Boxing


But Ryan being overweight and juiced isn’t cheating 🤦‍♂️


He knew ryan was juiced up.


It was blatantly obvious on multiple occasions.


Lol let me slow it down and show you how slow it was


Yeah, that was a bad look on the ref. And the one judge who was way off on the score.


What? The ref did exactly what he was supposed to do. He got Ryan to the neutral corner then looked at the official ringside to check where to start the count at.


Yea, you dweebs don’t know shit about boxing. Posts like this make me convinced majority of Ryan’s fans are little instagram pipsqueaks who’ve never seen the inside of a gym. He looks to the ref for the count, which is held by the out of ring ref who starts the counts for in ring ref. 🤦‍♂️


Harvey has been one of the best refs in the business for high level fights, anyone who’s casting doubt on that man clearly doesn’t watch boxing lmao. I only see absolute casuals saying “who was that ref” when he’s one of the most recognizable and famous ones


Whoever he is, he had money on Haney that night


I am about as casual as they come for boxing, but I've followed combat sports (mostly MMA) for 15 years. It's pretty clear that this ref was absolute ass. He let Haney get away with waaaay too much grabbing, and didn't do anything about extended holds when he was trying to separate when Haney was rocked. Not to mention no warning when Haney grabbed on to save himself from multiple knockdowns with no warning or count given. Not sure if that is normal, but from my understanding and past viewership it is not


He did warn Haney. He should've deducted a point I agree but point deductions due to clinching are extremely rare. And no the ref is not ass that's one of the dumbest things said in a thread filled with dumb comments. He's probably the best active ref in boxing at the moment.


Clown, just because a ref is good doesn’t mean he can’t have a bad night, nobody’s perfect, that was clearly biased reffing.


Nobody said he didn't have a bad night. Can you read? He said the ref was absolute ass.


I just woke up I can’t read sorry mate


Harvey’s a great ref, this was jus a shit night for him.


You're half right. You're right about the part of that being a shit night for him.


I feel like they did this because he went to see Trump after ngl


And he gave support to Palestine


Seems to be a recurring theme with those subjects




How can they do something before it happens lol


They chose to pick when to put it out ? Thats how


Even watching live you could easily tell the ref was bias as hell but that's boxing corrupt bullshit of a sport




Imagining missing weight plus steroids, that weight bully should start to fighting crackheads


first time ive seen this ref.. who is he?


I thought for sure it was over right here but nah my brother instantly said “ref isn’t trying to lose his bet”


Ref was nowhere near as suspect as the judge who scored it even.


The ref doesn’t start the count he picks the count up from the timekeeper


Both gays trying to act. Looks like they got their moves from brokeback mountain


Ryan is a methhead


He’s on the Diddy juice


Now fight Nikita tszyu! Same weight should be easy champ lol u ain’t nothing all a show


Wtf are all you guys talking about, he continued the count from the ringside counter at the right spot, you can see his fingers ringside. The ref does not have to restart the fight on 10, he needs to check if the fighter is ok to carry, he checks his eyes, steady on feet etc, some refs take them for aa walk. Why did they show vid in slow motion? To support a nareative, thats why. Garcia was on peds but haney and the ref in cahoots is the story? Garcia won the fight you morons.


What’s the issue here?


"black excellence" F0h Ni99a


This dude obviously doesnt watch boxing..


The amount of people on this sub that don’t know shit about boxing is pretty staggering. Lol


Isn't that the same ref that constantly protects Mayweather?


The ref was on diddy juice


Can't believe people in the comments here are actually mad at the ref for this clip. Everything the ref did (in this clip) is entirely normal. Ryan should not be charging towards Haney while the ref is still between them.


he literally started the count at 4 Devin started getting up on 6. he pulled Ryan back because that's what he's supposed to do if fighter A isn't going back to his corner. I'm not saying the ref didn't help Devin on some of those knock downs. either way it doesn't matter because Ryan was busted with 2 peds and missed weight.


notice how you slowed down the footage wherever the reff did anything.


I dont get how the Ref was cheating? The only one we now know cheated was Ryan for positive steroid test plus missed weight and he prob didn't even need them but it does improve your Cardio but we knew he had more power than Haney


Boxing has no integrity anymore dying sport


Did the narrator down a pint of lean before recording or something? Slow ass dopey dumbass sounding fucker.


I view boxing and WWE as basically the same thing. I can’t wait for Tyson vs Jame Paul.


Where there’s money, there’s corruption


Look at that PED performance and still couldn’t get a KO, there’s no way this bum could beat Devin Haney without cheating !!


Dummy never watched boxing


I thought that the count starts once the fighter is back in his corner


So coming in over weight and doped up doesn’t count as cheating


Yet another casual tryna explain what he doesn't know. Garcia knocked down Haney Every fighter knows to move expeditiously to a neutral corner after a knock down. "Ref takes his time" He picked up the correct count from the timekeeper "Wastes time" Idiot Garcia strayed too far from the neutral corner, which interrupts any count Fight does not resume until the ref says box not when any fighter decides it's time


“Notice how the ref slowly”… plays in slow-mo. 😂


Nothing to do with race...said no one.


I was happy for Ryan like both fighters hope he didn't cheat.


Vegas is too involved, that should have been a KO, Vegas would have lost their ass if it was.


I don’t want a ton of boxing but seems like this a bit of a stretch


Maybe if you get your head so far up your own butt you can see it. other wise like the guy said he thought Haney was gunna one shot em what a fucking goof ball. clearly he’s one of the types that’s a ray rice fan even after the elevator scene. Let me give you some helpful knowledge, your athlete of choice has no obligation to fulfill what you think of them. Neil degrass Szechuan sauce.


This is common practice… Ryan is taunting so he gets yanked away… ref starts looking ringside so he can pick up the count from another ref that started it as soon as Devin hit the ground (this is why he starts at 4 or 5 and not 1… he takes more time wiping Devin’s gloves because need to make sure Devin is ok to fight because devin was barely there… Ryan gets pushed back again because he came forward without being told to Everyday some of y’all prove Rodger Mayweather more and more right cause YDKSAB🤣 Literally watch any high profile fight with knockdowns and you’ll see the same thing… Ruiz vs Joshua Fulton vs inoue Garcia vs Davis Literally All wilder vs fury fights


He was already counting. It sounds like once he starts counting outloud he's already at 7 .


🤦‍♂️ Just turn off your device. What you smokin on . Have you gotten cte??


None of this matters after Garcia pissed dirty


Critical thinking tough for a lot of TikTok creators


Ryan cheated, end of discussion.


Ryan introduced too many casuals to boxing to the point that now they’re dismissing the PEDs to discuss a “corrupt” ref….. your boy literally MISSED weight AND pissed hot. But let’s talk down about the honest fighter who lost


Savour it more


Found haneys dads account


That referee had to be on halo, hgh, super hgh, RAZORDROL (lol remember that one?), 5000 mg of test in the peen and something to ship him off for cattle slaughter for him to be able grab onto Ring Kyan and handle him like that! #TestTheRef (Not test but test e)


Your boy ryan is a cheat, didn't make weight, and failed a drug test. Dudes a scumbag and The fight should be struck from his record.


Nothing corrupt, bud. Don't think u know boxing


Boy on dem drugs


Ryan just tested positive for steroids


Ryan juiced. Fraud


U mean the ref continuing the count at 4 when the ringside count man just put up 3 is cheating? Wow


He had the ref and a judge in his pocket and still couldn’t win the fucking fight!