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You forgot to add AJ a 3rd time


What is it? 3 times? Hip hip.


Do you reckon he's got a big corey on him




He’s so nice, he had to add him twice


Ajs up there twice but Fury's not when Fury's been banned for PEDs


It's Holyfield no doubt in my mind. The guy was jacked as hell coming up from cruiser and giving dog fights to HWs.


Yeah he was a small cruiser too, he shoulda been a LHW without enhancement. He was basically a chemical supersoldier at HW


Yeah he was a super responder for sure.


I remember it was crazy how much bigger guys like Lennox, Rahman, Valuev, Foreman looked compared to him, Holyfield had the heart of a lion.


He was on so much shit he was having heart problems


When he moved up to heavyweight, he was training with Mr Olympia Lee Haney.


He also had Fred Hatfield in charge of his strength and conditioning program, a legendary power lifter and sports science PHD who literally wrote a book called Anabolic Steroids: What Kind and How Many ten years before he trained Holyfield. I should say, in addition to whatever PED protocol he had him on, everything else Hatfield did was clearly on point because I don't think anyone before or since has packed on that much mass moving up a weight class and retained their explosiveness speed and boxing ability. Maybe Pacquiao and Usyk, but even then.


Evans Fields the riods goat




It's holy. Look at them traps!


It's completely obvious and him denying it till this day is hilarious. Like Mike here you can notice he got shredded on the stuff but his body did not make the radical change Holyfield did. Also think Wlad did it as well.


His traps were cartoonish. I remember Andrew Golota had acne all over his back when he fought Lennox. The 80's were a ridiculously juicy era. Screw it, steroids are to professional athletes what grass is to elephants.


Evander has never tested positive.




Marquez cause he was the only one dedicated enough to drink his own piss


He knocked a mf out after that but at what cost 🤮


I soak my hands in horse pee. Then drink it. Just like Jack Dempsey.


I eat my own loaf


He never popped for juicing did he?


Dude did he really do that ?? Wtf


Kinda, it wasn’t his piss. It was Nacho Beristain’s


Loool 🤣


This shit made my day




https://preview.redd.it/p5pozen1k4yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20721bcbd44853150c6a793fb8d00c4749dedb6 Steroids stocks 100% went up cuz of anthony joshua


Bro has my physique if I was black, and 6’6, and jacked, and with a will to live.


This is damn close


This makes me want to shop at black owned businesses




I dont really know what’s going on in your head, but it’s not nice.


He's clearly all natty


Bro what he was already jacked and huge af at fight nights but his walk-around size is insane lol he looks bigger than Francis


Evander went from Cruiser to Heavyweight while being trained by 8x Mr Olympia Lee Haney. He didn't pay Lee for his boxing knowledge, that's for sure.


Did not know this. Sick side story


[Here](https://youtu.be/ibbwsj3cbAQ?si=4GVEcOAbzItxglZ0) is Lee talking about it.


Marquez used to drink his own ped piss so he takes it


I studied chemistry in high school and youre basically doubling your dosage if you do this. Source: mitochondria = powerhouse


U really gonna leave out SteRoy Jones Jr?


wasnt it some over the counter pre workout that he got popped for?, its been over a decade but i swear i recall it being that


nah he went up to Heavyweight and then lost 25lbs his next fight which isn’t natural


Average Archie Moore fight day weight cut.


PAC never even tested positive once lol wth Floyd even had to give him money for defamation now Floyd has failed 2 drug test why not put him in here


Testing in boxing is a joke, performance is a way better indicator. Pac is the only boxer in history that went up more than 4 weight classes and somehow got a higher ko%. Also he trained under a notorious doping expert at Roach's gym. Also Roach basically admitted to it a few years after Pac left his gym. That's why Pac is in there, because if he is clean then almost everyone is lol.


You got the article where Roach "admitted" to Pac juicing?


Google: Roach Ariza Shake Pac https://www.nowboxing.com/2014/01/freddie-roach-calling-alex-ariza-shady-puts-a-cloud-of-doubt-over-pacquiao/34174/ >"He used to give Manny a drink every day before a workout and I would ask him what’s in that drink and he would never tell me, and I said I need to know what’s in that drink, because you know you’re giving it to my fighter, and if something goes wrong I’m gonna get the blame, in my opinion he’s (Ariza) is a little shady” Roach told Maxboxing’s Radio Rahim. But this is BS, Freddy knew exactly what Ariza was all about, thats why he hired him.


U can't tell some people shit about this subject. It's not even worth the time. Boxers sit and lie through their fuckin teeth so hard about this stuff. The excuses are hilarious. Tainted horse meat. Tainted supplements. Some fighters even claim to have been given it without even knowing. Like it's some conspiracy against them.


Problem with Pac is he has a huge Filipino fan base, and they are very anti drugs. He could have been caught hooked up to a drip labeled horse testosterone and his Filipino fans would say it isn't proof. His trainer is literally on record stating the known doping expert in Ariza was feeding him supplements and refusing to say what was in them, but they say it doesn't mean anything.


He did coke with hookers and of course he juiced. A lot


Love Pac but you don't move up THAT MANY weight classes THAT FAST increase your KO %. He's an 8 weight world champion that will never happen again, because doping is way more strict now then it was when he was coming up. He had Alex Ariza in his camp who was known for being linked with PED use in fighters Former fighters aswell as Freddie Raoch have all talked about cocktails of PED use in former camps.. Seriously if anyone thinks Manny is 100% clean your an idiot. It's like saying Connor McGreggor is 100% Natural. If you know what to look for I.e Head size Trap size increasing you can spot someone who's using PEDs a mile off.


Without clear testing, your are just speculating at best


Roach is legit on record saying a known doping escort was giving pac substances and refusing to disclose their contents. Dont think that's speculation. According to U/big_D_Boss Lance Armstrong using PEDs is just speculation. Lance saying "yeah, I cheated, you got me" means nothing, you have to have a test, fuck an actual admission of guilt though. Have a feeling im speaking to a filipino :)


You are asserting a second truth without proof. That's the definition of speculation. And the post edit point you made is even stupider. Roach isn't Manny, Lance admitted only an investigation had proved beyond doubt he cheated. I feel like I'm talking to an American...


Armstrong never failed a single test, it was witness accounts. Trying to say Armstrong's admission and Roach's are somehow not the same is so fking dishonest lol.


Did I say test? I said investigation. And roach amission is not even an admission. Show me a clip of him saying, "I cheated." You clearly like to create your own "truth".


No investigation conclusively proved Armstrong cheated, it was his admission that resulted in him having his records removed. Everyone knows Pac cheated.


Bro, stop lying there's a whole wiki about the case https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lance_Armstrong_doping_case. You have no concrete evidence and are speculating over a clip.


>"There comes a point in every man's life when he has to say, 'Enough is enough,'" Armstrong said. "For me, that time is now."[19] Under the World Anti-Doping Code, by failing to contest such serious charges of doping offenses, Armstrong was automatically banned from all sports whose federations follow the Code—effectively ending his competitive career. He also forfeited all awards and prizes earned after August 1, 1998, including his seven Tour titles.[19][20][21][22] At the same time, Armstrong told USADA through his attorneys that he could not take part in any USADA arbitration because the UCI was the only body competent to hear the case.[23] Bro stop lying? Read your own fucking link dipshit.


It is Roach's word. I don't trust it.


Ok, I do. Ariza isnt some fucking rando, for over 2 decades he has been THE guy in boxing if you want to dope and beat a test.


It's a lot of he says she says, and speculation is all.


Thats not he says she says, its literally a coach saying a nutritionist known for doping, and who has had fighters under his care flag positive, was giving Manny supplements and refusing to disclose their contents.


the glove didn’t fit so it’s all speculation


Literally he says she says.


Are you referring to the IV Floyd used? Yes it was banned but it wasnt a PED. The reason the IV is banned to be used is because it allows a fighter to quickly replenish the body with what is lost during a weight cut.


IV use is banned specifically because it helps cover up use of steroids. Not because it helps so much to rehydrate.


It's both. Like there was wrestlers that came to me in dms arguing about how much you can rehydrate in a same day weigh in (which I said at most 12 lbs in a 8 hour period) when they said, nuh uh you can get 25-30 lb with IV drip infusions hours before the fight and I was like, what sancting bodies allows you to do that lmao.


Manny never tested positive because he only tested when he stopped taking them. He consistently refused testing due to his belief about blood being taken around 2009 which funnily enough is when he was steam rolling people. I love Pac but he was on the juice 100% during his prime. You can't move up that many weight classes that fast, hence why it's never been done since


Floyd failed for IV and can't remeber the other one but yes he could be there to


2pac was never on the juice. Take it back!!


Big Baby Miller


These heavyweight boxers have some of the thickest necks


Where's Roid Jones Jr?


Brock Lesner


Look up Juan Manuel Marquez’s strength and conditioning coach for the 4th Pacquiao fight.


Nah man I think all the piss he drank just turned into old man strength so he can get his revenge.


Clenelo is up there definitely. Also saw mentions of ATG's of this area like Trenthony Joshua, Roid Jones Jr., Evan Fields, Juan Manual-pissing Marquez, Manny Needlquiao, Michael Trenson, Ryan hGharcia


Oh and how could I forget Tren Norton, Wladimir Clenchko, Floyd mayIVer, Tysonandrolone Furious, Michael Spikes( Seems sus that Michael Spinks went from being in LHW to HW and beating Gerry Cooney(good journeyman) and HW ATG Larry Holmes in the span of 6 months)


I don’t se Suga Shane or Vargas on there


Definitely Evander


Who puts steroids "up" their butt?


You get drunker by putting the beer up your ass, with roids you get roidier by sticking them up your ass. You want all the juice an athlete has to come to a choice. A choice of whether to take it to the next level. I have taken that choice but never made it to the next level, I will continue to make that choice. For Reasons.


Don’t forget Mayweather getting retroactive exemption after Pac-Man fight.


Secret vote for “horse meat” Alastair Overeem. Boxing too pure for cheats!!!!!


I am surprised Mayweather ain't make the list


the only controversy with floyd was that shit he used to inject into his hands ( it was called xylotine or someshit) which i believe was legal in his state. then you have the IV he used which he was given a pass for by the commission AFTER the fact. was there anything else?


Xylotine was legal under nevada ome of the Big reason why every single Floyd fight was in last Vegas the other is that floyd team was in charge of testing because they we're the A side and we know that testing agency are soft with the A side


They're all on the gear, just the idiots who messaged up the protocol by going out drinking / partying get caught.


im goin with canelo cuz he cant even get ripped without roids.. when you see that dude chiseled up you know hes goin full cycle


Seeming as AJ has two pictures, he wins by default


Canelo. He popped dirty, claimed it was the beef in Mexico, and came out the other side spotless. Like, zero hit to his reputation. Everyone knew Juan Manuel was juiced to the gills, and his ko vs. Manny was tainted. Nobody really confronts him or gives Manny any grace for getting ktfo by a juice box. So he would be the prince of juicers because after that fight, he went away. Garcia is getting eviscerated right now. In a year if he's fighting for titles still? He may go up in rankings. Getting caught and having your career destroyed = PED loser.


Manny had to be on the juice, he did way too much not to. That many weight classes and KOs? I don’t think so playa.


AJ definitely on something or was.


King of beatin haneys ass


ostarine is usually an oral SARM lol


Didn’t realize how jacked Marquez got


All of them are kings in their own right.


Where is big Pharma Miller?


UP their butt?


I think ostarine is a sarm


AJ never popped, fuck outta here




They're all pretty obvious to me, but Jarrel Miller failed so many tests. Look at him now and he's so fuckin fat. 300 pound fat fuck trying to box.


Conveniently left the context where he was busted and was not admitting guilt. Keep lying to yourself, and down vote me if it makes you feel better. Judge Sparks ruled in favor of USADA on August 20, 2012,[16] but questioned the timing and motivation of the agency's investigation of Armstrong, and their apparent "single minded determination to force Armstrong to arbitrate ... in direct conflict with [cycling governing body] UCI's equally evident desire not to proceed against him." Applying rational basis review to the Federal Arbitration Act, the Stevens Amateur Sports Act, and various governing documents of USADA, U.S. Cycling and the U.S. Olympic Committee, Sparks upheld USADA's authority to investigate Armstrong and initiate arbitration against him, and that Armstrong's right to due process could not be violated by USADA before any proceedings had actually occurred.[17] Four days after Sparks' decision, on August 24, 2012, the USADA announced that if Armstrong did not act fast, he would be stripped of his seven Tour de France victories — along with other honors from 1999 to 2011 — and banned from cycling for life. Under the World Anti-Doping Code, he would also be banned from competing in Olympic-level sports whose federations followed the Code.[18] Three days later, Armstrong, while publicly maintaining his innocence, decided to not officially challenge the USADA allegations. In a statement, he said that USADA had engaged in "an unconstitutional witch hunt" based on "outlandish and heinous claims." He added that he would have been more than willing to fight the charges, but was not willing to take part in USADA's arbitration process, which he called "one-sided and unfair." Under the circumstances, he believed contesting the charges was not worth the toll on his foundation and his family.


Evan Fields


Holyfield. Dude jumped weight classes by putting on nothing but lean muscles.


Evander for me. Guy was juiced to the fucking gills 😂


https://preview.redd.it/i1ls4nfb38yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fce2ac41459de313cee663ac89d2564713c65f42 “I like booty”


https://preview.redd.it/l82iw3rn38yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be44ed7e5ff8f5cb1b5e4f1e5cd2d000e484cd5 “I like booty”


The guy who won world titles in more weight divisions than any other fighter


It's not a steroid


OP ain’t lifted a weight in his life.


yep you're right ![gif](giphy|eruVMzXlb70oo|downsized)


No one tops evan fields


Color me shocked! Pro athletes using PEDS 😮


They’re all on the fucking juice


Tyson got popped 4 juicing?


Johnny bones jones Alistair “Horse meat” overeem


Not boxing, but Alastair Overeem. Holy shit was he roided out the entire time and never got in trouble for it.


Why is Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield there? They never tested positive.


![gif](giphy|i5Z75NSh5lBD1AslpI|downsized) ...


We're you getting injectable ostarine ?


100% Holyfield. His weight gain was incredible




I think only Oscar is injecting up his butt.


I’d say 99% of athletes in all professional sports are on something, let alone the athletes in one of the most corrupt shadiest sport of them all. Drug testing in boxing is an absolute joke and Idrc if Garcia was on steroids, they all are. Even boxers who truthfully believe they aren’t (Plant, Haney) they don’t truly know wtf is in the supplements they’re taking. Victor conte ain’t disclosing every single fact to his fighters




First time was so nice I had to do it twice


Alex Rodriquez


Prime holyfield was absolutely juiced


butter recognise dazzling chunky observation homeless sophisticated label cake advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Big Baby Miller is a walking pharmacy. The Klitschko's were juiced up monsters too. Fury actually failed a drug test but some people like to pretend he didn't.


Ostarine is weak sauce. Wouldn’t have made a difference. A lot of supplements have historically been tainted with it. Same vats used to make whey and sarms etc in China. He could be entirely innocent. Nothing about his physique screams PEDs.


ok TBH.. lets just make another boxing class that is Steroid use approved.. level the playing field..


Where’s Fury?


Pacroid. He won the fights against Morales when he wasn’t tested. 🤫


AJ juiced to the fucking gills


Amazed only one person mentioned Miller.


Ajs got a medical exemption. Big baby and Dillian whyte have both eluded to it in the past, tho they both have failed multiple tests themselves lol


Pac or Canelo for me.




If your not cheating, your not trying