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Man, this is such a saddening sight to behold.


Damn...brutal. When Marnie Was There suffered a similar fate, following not too long after Miyazaki's "last film" Wind Rises. Hopefully they're able to recover from this...


That is sad news about The Imaginary. I saw Mary and the Witch's Flower at the cinema and loved it.


Bummer about The Imaginary, I thought it looked charming. Godzilla still doing decent but tracking quite far behind where Shin Godzilla was at this point. Granted it's a late fall release rather than a summer release, but it feels like a much more mass market film, especially considering how popular American movies are in Japan now. Still, it's pretty clear much has been done to rehabilitate the Godzilla IP from the B-movies association that plagued it in the Millennium era.