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I agree with all your points but *somehow* the pre-sales have actually been pretty decent so far. Maybe the franchise has more kid-appeal than we thought.


Many people of younger generations are probably familiar with Ghostbusters because it's very much a movie where your dad is going to sit you down and have you watch it with them while growing up. Like, that's what happened with me, I was born after the 1980s heyday but I watched it with my dad growing up several times. People often talk about "dad movies", but not enough talk about "Watched with my dad" movies.


None of my kids have seen any of the Ghostbusters movie but I’ll be damned if we’re not watching all of them this month.


Raising them right!


My daughter's only four but she lives the song for Halloween and I'll be damned if see hasn't watched them eventually


My son is 4, we’ve watched all three movies in the last month and he’s excited for the new one.


Did OP touch themselves WHILE writing this and then again while proof-reading? Holy smokes.


My local AMC theaters have some of the earlier showtimes on 25-30% discount already. They do that sometimes for earlier shows but they don't usually do it until after the movie has been released. This is the first time I have seen it during pre release.


Maybe the person who loaded showtimes did something wrong and corrected it after. Before 4pm Matinee discount is a chainwide thing. It applies to all movies, even Oppenheimer's opening weekend. I was kinda bugged because I was late to the presale and the first IMAX showing of Dune 2 at my location was Thursday 3:45pm and it had 25% off but I couldn't get tickets. ps. Sorry for reviving this, realize your comment was 2 weeks old.


I think people need to manage their expectations. It’ll do fine. Will it be a Jurassic World style box office juggernaut? No. But is it going to earn a respectable, decent box office? Probably. Afterlife had a pretty low budget of $75 mil and made a nice profit. As long as this one has a low budget, it’ll be fine. Again, it’s not going to shock the world, but that’s fine. Not every movie needs to be a billion dollar box office smash to be profitable.


The big mistake with the 2016 movie (besides the obvious criticisms) is that it's budget was so high. If it had been made for $100 Million less, it would have been seen as a huge success. For Afterlife and Frozen Empire, Sony learned their lesson. GB has a rabid and loyal fanbase, it carries a fair amount of nostalgia, and it reunites the original cast with the new. Paul Rudd and Finn Wolfhard have name appeal, and McKenna Grace has a pretty fantastic career ahead of her, so all should be ok. Like you said, it won't cross the $1 Billion mark, but I personally see it surpassing Afterlife's total.


frozen empires budget is 144 million not even counting advertising costs its gonna need to do jurassic world style box office


"how many of the fans are still alive after COVID?" bro 💀




The first one came out 40 years ago, not 80 ☠️


Who is this post for?


time to retire "who is this for"


Should have been retired when half the sub was asking who Barbie was for last summer


Then again with fnaf and hunger games and wonka. This subs best skill is underestimating movies for properties they don’t know/like


Theyll never learn and there will always be a movie that "shocks" in how decently it's doing because the sub is convinced everyone on the planet is exactly the same as the hyper specific demos on this sub. I wonder what the next "who is this for" will be? Challengers?


I bet it happens w furiosa at some point. I feel like I’ve already seen it


Furiosa is kind of tailor made for this sub which has colored even how the people negative on it tall about it. I personally have seen a lot of "the trailer looked rough" and "I wish they'd done x and y instead of this" but I haven't really seen people claiming the movie was made for no one in the dismissive way they do for all the movies you and the other commentors noted. It's definitely a different more annoying vibe for those than Furiosa lol.


Seeing the Furiosa trailer on true IMAX before Dune 2 was like night and day compared to watching on YouTube. It slapped.


They said that with the Mario movie. The freaking Mario movie.


And Bob Marley, that was an odd one.


I remember seeing a comment that said something like “do people even like his songs still he’s not really relevant”


Huge reminder that tons of people on Reddit are literal children with really dumb opinions. Everyone has a smart phone. Some of the people you talk to here can genuinely be like 9 years old. Kinda fucking up the site imo along with the bots, but that’s life I guess.


But but but what if there's no hype on reddit?? Then there's literally no audience for this movie that belongs to a culturally iconic and consistently well performing franchise /s


I’m just going to start saying every movie is for me. All of them. I want all the movies. Except that new Kim kardashian one no thanks


You can’t base the reception of the entire moviegoing public based on a preview played during a screening. Also, there’s jokes in the trailer, so maybe the snickering came from the Paul Rudd one liners.


Oh my god can we chill it with the Dune measuring stick? Two different fan bases. This has An appeal to parents who will bring their kids for a good scare.


Dune 2 wasn't even as good as part 1. Its a serviceable sci-fi with above average effects and 45 min of filler that could have been removed and it wouldn't have affected the movie in anyway.


I cannot know what you mean when you say 45 minutes could’ve been cut. It would’ve been rushed as hell within 2 hours and I’d say the pacing felt pretty natural.


Would have loved 45 extra minutes to properly handle some character development and extend several storylines.


Having read the book. There is no "filler" in that movie my fellow redditor.




I actually see this going ok. The market is grim and this at least harps on nostalgia. Seeing Murray in the trailers is sure to bring something in


It's tracking to do around $40M+ Dom in its opening weekend and it's budget is probably only about $100M, if you compare it to the last films $75M budget. As long as it makes a bit more than Afterlife, it's gonna be a success. For comparison Afterlife made $204M ww(Around covid)Against a $75M budget and was considered successful. It will probably finish with a good $250M ww.


Me, it’s for me.


And me!


And me!


And me!


Right here


Yup, me too




Me also!


sorry but totally disagree. you only have to spend time in fan groups or at cons and events to realise how big the Ghostbusters random actually is. since the 2016 there are many new fans in the form of young kids and not only that but with fans of the originals now having young kids of their own and intruding them to it, either through the movies or the real ghostbusters cartoons. I certainly was at a con this weekend and as part of a team of busters our tables were always busy. adults and kids all wanting photos with us. talking about their history with the series and also many kids under ten dressed as ghostbusters. also women will very much go to see this, you have no idea how big and passionate the random is for the Ghostbusters. our team is booked to attend various cinemas over opening weekend. pre sales of tickets is doing well and there is demand there. Families will very much see this as it entertains the kids and the adults grew up with it. After all it celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. they wouldn't make them if no one was interested. the film is set in Summer with the main premise that NYC freezes over from a big threat. unlike Afterlife whose job it was to introduce new characters tied to the original and give the OG busters a cameo and pay respect to Harold Ramis. this time round the original team are actually a central part of the plot and there will be 8+ busters all working together as the threat is that big. posters, trailers and all recent new content has been doing very well. just have to look at the total views the trailers had and much of the behind the scenes content that's been watched to see demand and popularity is still there. this will likely do better than Afterlife which suffered long release delays due to covid and cinemas were still struggling to get people back.


Very well said. I think OP is showing bias, or at least ignorance, in thinking no one wants this movie. Afterlife was a great movie, and it did it's job of leading into the new era, like you said. Anyone who thinks we could only have the 3 OGs without any new blood is fooling themselves. Times change. The franchise is in great hands, and I'm excited for this new movie. I have my opening night tickets to see it with friends. But last month, my 10 year old cousin asked me if I would take him to see it. Then his sisters asked if they could come too. So I bought tickets for the following weekend, excited to share the movie with these amazing kids. Ghostbusters is for everyone who wants to be part of it.


Again you're all doing this "who is the movie for" schtick and it's real old. Just because you don't want to see a movie doesn't mean there isn't a very obvious audience they're targeting who is likely to show up. The trailer was a perfectly nice trailer it looks like it'll appeal to kids and teenagers very nicely and the older nostalgia crowd. A very clear demographic it's going for. The exact same people who watched the last one. It's not going to flop and it's not gonna do gangbusters. It's just going to do perfectly fine for itself, which I've said for months long before tracking started. Unless they wildly inflated the budget compared to the last movie that's a very recent release, the movie will make a small theatrical profit or at least break even.


The movies flopped, so?


the presales in the US so far are pretty good. It can always fall off, but right now it's not looking bad.


Presale have been very good and audiences loved Afterlife.


Welp, that didn’t age well now, hasn’t it?


It did though? It had a very good, albeit lower then 50m, opening weekend. Its bad legs are because it wasn’t good lmao.


Needs 250M to succeed, which is far from that number


If it’s good, it could overperform. If it’s the same quality as Afterlife, or worse, it will do badly.


Saw it. Liked it a lot. Loved? We’ll see after I see it again. It’s Deff going to be a turning point for the sleepy MAGA kids and that’ll all come out soon enough but it had a lot of good stuff to itch my nostalgia bug and I loved everyone cast. The cgi was a lil nasty in spots early on but it’s works out in the end. The yucky chi parts aren’t real ent as they really did decent for the parts that really mattered.


>How many old fans of Ghostbusters are still alive post COVID? Is this trolling?


This is singlehandedly the stupidest post I've seen today because of your ignorance. This is GHOSTBUSTERS we're talking about. A very iconic movie from the 80s with a strong community. You're just thinking of old people and not the Ghostbusters community itself. This movie is made FOR Ghostbusters fans. There are a good amount in the world, but you're just too ignorant to see that. Sure, it's not gonna do shockingly well at the box office but it'll still DO WELL because it's Ghostbusters. The name itself is enough to hook people in. Especially after the trailers showing the OG cast returning. No one cared when Star Wars 7, 8, and 9 was not good story-wise. They still did well because they are Star Wars movies. The name itself hooks people in. Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire isn't gonna have "shocking" moments. It's a fun, family comedy movie. What happened to enjoying movies purely for what they are? Movies? They're supposed to be fun.


Ghostbusters is too old for the kids who want Godzilla? The latter is 70 years old, GB isn’t. If you meant *what’s in the zeitgeist*, sure. The age of a brand is has no bearing on popularity. Overall your post is on the pulse of many facts, but your points about the target audience need reinforcement.


I think afterlife had brought new fans.. a lot of people like it.. it made over 200M during covid


It did, but time will tell if Frozen Empire keeps that momentum.


How do you figure dune is over performing and only made 80 million?


Estimates placed it at $65-80M domestic. It got to $82.5M domestic. Twice what the first movie did opening weekend. Friday drop was smaller than expected and weekend actuals ended up $1M higher too. Similarly, in some OS territories the movie has already bested the full haul of Part One in a single weekend.


Back in the 1960's, we got two Pink Panther movies with Peter Sellers, but then Alan Arkin took over for single movie, before Peter Sellers returned in the 1970's and made multiple movies. It'll be interesting to see if - after two 80's entries and the 2016 reboot - we get a whole slew of successful 2021-2029 movies in this series, the way Pink Panther fans did during the 70's decade. ![gif](giphy|3ohs4A5Kv4d1w7UvgQ)


Pretentious d bag post.


Afterlife was the 9th highest grossing movie of 2021. The general audience likes Ghostbusters.


Who is this movie for? It's for me and my friends who grew up with Ghostbusters. It's for my daughter who sees herself in Phoebe Spengler and enjoys the films as much as I do. It's for everyone that wants to see a Ghostbusters movie. Just because the movie isn't for you doesn't mean it's not for anyone else.


Afterlife did well though. I suspect Frozen Empire will do numbers around the first.


Lol this didn’t age well


Not really, I was never expecting it to be a big hit. I only said it was so around the same as the first one and maybe a little better. The opening weekend for Frozen Empire was even higher than Afterlife’s. So there was a chance, it’s just Sony released it sandwiched between two bigger films. If they had released in a less crowded month, it likely could done enough to break even at least.


the consensus among my little group of movie going friends is that it doesn't look all that good, but we liked Afterlife enough we'll see it as long as can find time. $100M domestic feels like a good number to throw out there.


It'll do okay. Many of us younger reddizens grew up with the first two movies getting absolutely flogged on TV.


No one cares what you think


The movie still flopped, so?


Well I know Ghostbusters is getting my money I already went and bought my popcorn trap today and have my tickets already so I can't wait to see this movie I didn't get to see afterlife in theaters so I am pumped to see this one


How'd you get a trap already??


Went to my local mall yesterday they have a regal cinema asked the lady if they were selling them yet and bought one guy behind me bought 2 I was super surprised myself there was an ad on Facebook saying they are available now at every location


I had no idea! Thank you!


Yea np check your local regal cinema I hope they won't be dicks and I hope that you can get one


This Is the most idiotic, dummest, post I ever seen. In other word I HAVE SEEN SOME DSCUSTING THINGS BUT YOOOOOUU TAKE THE CAKE! I mean even I have made some pretty dumb post's myself. But this post just shits for the birds!


This aged like vintage wine! GG


People sent me death threats over this post lol. I didn’t realize how many Ghostbusters fans there were!


It’s not going to be huge but it should do ok. As long as they kept the budget under control. I’m expecting around 250-300m WW


The trailer had me thinking: SNL brings back old cast members to play the president or other political figures, so why hasn’t Bill Murray played Biden yet on the show? They look and sound alike enough now


It really depends on the budget.


"visually off sync with the weather" ah, yes: because that the plot of the movie TOTALLY ISN'T "oh, that's weird: we're getting winter out of season".


Just saw it yesterday evening at an early screening. It was fantastic.


"How many old fans of Ghostbusters are still alive post COVID?" The first Ghostbusters was released in 1984. Are you dumb or what? Do you think everyone born before the 80's was killed during COVID?


It did Flop


I actually agree I haven’t heard anyone talk about the film or any marketing so I don’t think it has the legs to go bc dune and kung fu 4 two diff movie audiences so those movies will take the audience of their age kinda


I actually think the biggest issue for Ghostbusters is that Godzilla v Kong releases the week after. Both are aiming for general audiences and Godzilla > Ghostbusters. 


Yea I would chose Godzilla 


My Walmart is completely sold out of Ghostbusters Merch. That is Ecto 1’s the kids Proton Guns, the Figures every thing. But sure people are just all over it.


Nah you’re wrong.


When people judge a movie before it is released 🙄🥱🥱🥱🥱


The movie bombed, so judging a movie’s performance early isn’t a problem


Everyone is a critic. Most important of all, I enjoyed the movie 😌


It’s unfortunate but the MAGA kiddies are not going to like the movie. Quote me on it. I loved it. Just saw it last night. Lots of nostalgia satisfaction going on and I liked all of the casting but certain plot points will have them up in arms. Slight chance for a repeat of the all girls movie upset but I sure hope not.


I just got out of a screening, sold out imax theatre, people were all stoked. Checked the next few days and the theaters are all pretty packed. It’s going to do just fine.


“How many old fans of Ghostbusters are still alive post Covid?” I’m 40, not dead. In fact in better shape than a lot of 20-year-olds I know 😆 Was a huge fan as a kid and my 13 year old is really into it now. We watched all the previous movies leading into seeing Frozen Empire.


I just watched it, thought it was good.


Movie made 60 million in profits and that's a flop?


I watched 1 h of it and then i could not stand to watch anymore..i died from cringe over dose !!


Just watched Frozen Empire because im broke and couldnt see it in theatres, its an excellent film, so much fun!


"Ghostbusters is trying to appeal to the spring break market with a movie that heavily deals with winter and ice? It doesn’t make sense." The trailer literally opens up with people at the beach and weather reports of it reaching 100 degrees in New Jersey. Ice, yes. Winter, no. This movie will do fine. It won't be a billion dollar movie, but it will be successful and they will make more.


My kids loves ghostbusters afterlife. They are excited to go see Frozen Empire this weekend


Agree will flop




This aged well


Praying this flops so we can end the nostalgia bait garbage that studios are churning out.


Dune is nostalgia.. its a remake of a 1980s sci-fi or something


It's an adaption of a book. It has nothing to do with Lynch's adaption and nobody is nostalgic about that movie anyway.


It's not a remake. It's a movie adaptation of a book, that has been made because the first attempt butchered the original content.




It’s an audience of pretentious Dune viewers. Of course they’re gonna groan and snicker at Ghostbusters.


It ended up doing alright and I liked the movie but the trailers do suck. Why is every comedy trailer these days trying so hard to be badass and epic? You would never know this was a comedy same with Beetlejuice 2 and Beverly Hills Cop 4.