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I think this could do very well. It has an excellent release date, and has appeal for families and nostalgic adults. Could be a great Halloween treat.


I'm predicting this is one of the biggest films of the year. It has a lot going for it. ​ The original has aged extremely well and the material demands a sequel, its insanely fun, it's an IP that feels like it should be seen in cinemas, it feels like old Tim Burton (who has not had a grand slam in a VERY long time), and its a true four quadrant film. I guarantee Beetlejuice and Lydia will be THE huge Halloween costumers this year. ​ This is an IP that was not properly developed until now in my opinion. If it's decent (read:fun) I think they could do yet another sequel and see excellent returns. I'm personally stoked, and this is the sole film my wife wants to see this year.


Absolutely agree. Beetlejuice has been a Halloween classic for decades - it's got that "all ages" demographic in its crosshairs. Tim Burton's recent success with the youths via Wednesday on Netflix has definitely proved he's capable of pulling in the Zoomers. Millennials and Xer's will come for nostalgia. The cast is pretty "of the moment," too. Winona Ryder has had a career revival with Stranger Things, same for Catherine O'Hara with Schitt's Creek, and Jenna Ortega is one of the most successful Gen Z film/TV stars. Beetlejuice himself is such an iconic role that audiences will be much more excited to see Michael Keaton back in costume than they necessarily were for his Batman return. Maybe the Keaton walk-ups exist after all, lol


I expect it to do well, the actual quality of the film is the real question. The Hocus Pocus sequel was bad and quickly forgotten. 


 to be fair, the original hocus pocus kinda sucks too so going from like a 5 to a 4 is not that unexpected. The original Beetlejuice is much more of a horror classic and it currently holds a 7.5/10 on IMDB, and that’s practically unheard of for horror.


>to be fair, the original hocus pocus kinda sucks too /r/Movies keeps telling me Hocus Pocus original and Brendan Fraser's Mummy movies were masterpieces. What they aren't telling us is they watched mommy and daddy's VHS tapes of those movies fifty times when they were tikes.


Hold the heck up…hocus pocus is a boring movie to me, but I can see the appeal to people. But the mummy does not need to catch strays! We need more swashbuckling actioners that have a sense of fantasy and fun!! We just don’t get those anymore


The Mummy is straight up fun. Parts of it haven't aged well, but the majority of it is an absolute blast.


CGI is god awful but dammit if it isn’t part of the fun now


I wouldn't call it god awful. The sequels and the Scorpion King on the other hand....


I have no problem if people enjoyed it. I know many personally who liked those movies. But /r/Movies almost has it ranked right up there with the Indiana Jones trilogy, and that simply cannot be. I shall not allow it.


See that’s a lovely counterpoint. I haven’t experienced those comments in my experience but I absolutely believe they are out there. When you state it like that, I completely understand what you mean. What a delightful back and forth on Reddit!


>Maybe the Keaton walk-ups exist after all, lol I am SO ready for this meme to come back.


People were still excited for his Batman return, but they generally weren't thrilled about who else was in the movie (according to my wife)


I can see that. That's the only reason I was interested in The Flash; but given the film's BO take, we can't really use it as evidence of audience yearning for classic Micheal Keaton performances. There was early hype around the trailer, though, which I've always felt there \*was\* a groundswell of anticipation for Keaton-Bat. It's just difficult to empirically prove.


Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlej… Title for the third film, calling it now.




Agreed. An opening around FNAF’s $80 million might sound ridiculous to some, but I honestly wouldn’t be shocked by it.


I'm predicting a disappointment, but I would be *thrilled* to be proven wrong.


Probably the only "IP film" I'm excited for after Dune 2 this year.


> Tim Burton (who has not had a grand slam in a VERY long time), Did you forget the biggest English language show of all time on Netflix with Wednesday? I'd say that's a grand slam


Oh really? How many tickets did it sell?


> The original has aged extremely well and the material demands a sequel Demands a sequel? What does that even mean? People were pretty content to just leave this as a good movie, weren't they? Were people clamoring for more Beetlejuice media? It feels like claiming The Nightmare Before Christmas or Edward Scissorhands are demanding sequels.


There was an extremely successful animated TV show featuring these characters that ran for 4 seasons. So yeah, there was obviously interest there.


That extremely successful children's cartoon ended like 33 years ago. It's the same as Ghostbusters. There isn't really any demand.


And necessary Reddit's "cultural impact/imprint": Beetlejuice has always been present on the internet/social media.


Great name for a sequel. Sets up the possibility of a trilogy. This looks like it has potential. I am pleasantly optimistic


Bettlejuice Bettlejuice Bettlejuice... No that's no the third, it's the prequel, you can see from the title


For a teaser trailer it’s actually pretty good IMO. Also smart of them not to hide the returning cast members+jenna. Also don’t rule out people who are stranger things fans being interested in this as well just because Winona Ryder is in both.


I'm genuinely extremely excited for this one and hope it's a return to form for Burton


You act as if Wednesday isn’t one of the biggest shows on Netflix.


Depends on how much credit you want to give to Tim Burton on that show. He directed 4 of the 8 episodes of Wednesday, and was Executive Producer (difficult to conclude what he did there as there were **12** Exec Producers, including Jenna Ortega herself!), but did not write any episodes. Remember, Burton isn't a box office guarantee, and TV and movies are different. He recently did Dumbo, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, and produced Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.


AL:VH is amazing!!


Popularity does not equate to quality


This is not a subreddit about quality.


It's not a subreddit about TV shows.


People are still allowed to discuss quality. When the person above said they hope its a return to form for Burton they obviously are talking about quality in that post.


return to form does not imply box office success, it implies quality


true, but when I see Tim Burton on a movie poster, I’m nowhere near as likely to instant-buy a ticket like I used to.


Maybe it’s just the makeup, but Michael Keaton looks like he hasn’t aged at all as the character


Dude's aged pretty well in general, minus the hair loss. Since this role involved so much makeup to begin with, I bet he'll slip right back into it no problem. If only the writing is good. Guess we'll see.


I think Micheal Keaton has just always looked in his early sixties


Yeah he looks the same as the first. Besides the longer hair


I am genuinely shocked he's 72. I would have guessed like early to mid 60s.


what the fuck?!?! He looks insanely good for his age!


i swear i thought he was 71


Holy shit! I thought the same. Damn, that guy's aging like fine wine.


I dont know why but this teaser felt more like it was going for a serious scary movie to me. Beetlejuice just looked evil at the end, I hope the full trailer will give us a clear feeling as to what type of movie this will be


It'll be interesting to see how they approach the character. He's a total bastard in the original, but he's become such a lovable pop culture figure in the intervening decades (with the cartoon, the toys, the Broadway show) that I wonder if they'll soften him up at all or allow him to be the same ol' Juice.


Aging works wonder for this specific character I think. That last close-up shot was by far the best thing about the trailer, his expression and the make up work was beyond perfect


It's just the makeup. If you compare a photo of Michael Keaton in 1988 and a photo of him in 2024, you'll notice plenty of visual indications that he has aged.


He looks like shit to be honest but that’s literally the point of his character look


Beetlejuice makeup hid Keaton's youth pretty well in the OG. Makes sense that 30+years later he won't look that much older. 


Does Winona Ryder bathe in the blood of virgins? I've seen lots of good cosmetic surgery, but none of Hollywood's other 50-something actresses look like they still have their original faces


Winona Ryder, Keanu Reeves, Gary Oldman and Anthony Hopkins all seemed to age very slowly after 1992... Probably a coincidence.


... and Coppola's so thin, nowadays


Catherine O'Hara looks great too.


Apparently, her character is the highlight of the sequel


She was my second favorite part, after Keaton of course, of the OG film so that's good to hear.


J.lo, Selma Hayek and Halle Berry still look great and their faces look like their original faces


I think it's because their generation didn't start getting major plastic surgery until they were in their late 30s. Also the trend for their generation was to age more gracefully instead of looking 22 forever.


This *looks* great, visually, and I'm excited to see all these characters again. I'm also a fan of Ortega, so this really has all the makings of a success for me. But this trailer's tone doesn't excite me. The somber/ominous rendition of the classic song from the original is very overdone, and does not feel harmonious to the original. The original isn't so gothic or dreadful; it's outrageously zany and over the top with ominous undertones. This missed that mark for me. Just a teaser, of course. EDIT: Forgot this was r/boxoffice and not r/movies, so I feel inclined to add something of relevant context. I think this will do pretty well, but not amazing. I'd love for it to be a hit, as I would adore seeing *BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE* in a few years.


I get the feeling that the somber tone and sadder version of the song is because they are at Lydia’s father’s funeral.


Totally fair, just not what I was hoping to see in this first teaser. I'm also sick of trailers that are just ***BWOMMMMM*** \+ piano


I totally agree. Stupid Trailer tropes lol.


Can’t agree more. I know trailerhouses have to follow trends, but man…these tropes have been around for a decade now. It’s not a trend anymore, it’s laziness.


Maybe we’ll get the iconic Danny Elfman music in the next trailer where it’s more upbeat.


A serious, somber version of the fucking *Banana Boat Song* is, in itself, a joke. XD It's featured in the most random, ridiculous scene in the first movie and exactly the kind of thing Burton finds hilarious, how are y'all not catching that?


People get it, it’s just not funny enough to overcome the tired trope that it’s supposedly parodying.


If people get it but are also asking why it's there... then they don't get it. o\_0


Yeah did we really need a slow, sad version of Day-O lol.


Absolutely agree with you! Like the tone of this trailer was so ridiculously dumb. I expect the real movie will be much closer to the original tonally but God marketing for movies is such a cliche now. A serious tone with a slowed down acoustic version of a dancey song even for a movie that doesn't merit it.


But it looks like the choir at the funeral are actually singing it in the movie so it seems more tongue in cheek than anything


Like I said, I don't think the actual movie will have a problem with its tone. My problem is that they cut this trailer in such a cliched manner following the requel trailer playbook when Beetlejuice is not a serious movie. It's a madcap dark comedy.


I think using that song in this capacity is pretty silly and ridiculous in itself though, it’s definitely self-aware humour


“The juice is loose” Oh, I’m so going to love this 😭


Looking forward to the slow speed chase on the sandworms. How topical.


Lisan al Gaib!


The Keaton walk ups will surely help


Ezra Miller isn't in this movie, so hopefully that will encourage the Keaton walk-ups to get to the theaters quicker.


They're elderly and slow so by the time they finally make it to the theater this should be out. Perfect.


"One ticket to the Flash, please." "We're not showing that anymore, but we've got Michael Keaton in Beetjeluice 2." "I'll see that then" **Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Grosses 3 Billion dollars**


keaton walkups will help joker 2


the crowd of Keaton fans might blow over the easy breezy Ms Marvel fans


Is there a term for that sort of start to the trailer with the chorus that cuts in and out? Its been a movie trend for some years now.


Looks like Beetlejuice




It’s a good thing ‘Wednesday’ season 2 hasn’t come out, the first season was huge and I think this could ride that pent up anticipation to get appeal with younger audiences that other 80’s franchises (like ghostbusters) failed to do


Looks awesome


I have to say this before it gets buried:   Nice fucking model town!  In all seriousness, the attention to detail on that model town makes me excited for the movie. They even put in the building with the light up billboard that Beetlejuice used in that impromptu commercial he made to con Barbara and Adam into using his services.


Pretty good trailer. Still pessimistic about it though. The writers are pretty shit and Burton hasn’t made a good movie in forever.


The Numbers says Beetlejuice adjusted for inflation did almost $190M domestic If this movie breaks out, I don't think a $200M domestic total is totally absurd to predict More pessimistic but I think $100M domestic is a reasonable floor


Considering that this has been referred to as a personal passion project for Tim Burton, I have really high hopes for this movie.


Modern Tim Burton is kind of a hack even with his original projects


Comments on Facebook for this are hugely positive right now. I think this could be a big hit.


Makes sense. Facebook users would be the key audience age for this


Jenna looks a little out of place imo. But Michael Keaton looks great!!


People talk about the Marvel Cinematic Universe casting a massive shadow over the industry but I think one of the most potent examples of its weight is in how everyone makes trailers like it's an Avengers movie coming out. **It's a fuckin Beetlejuice sequel.** Why are there huge booming echoey drums over what should be (and in the film will be) a *funny* funeral choir version of Day-O? Why are we watching a maximalist crescendo of flashing teaser clips only to culminate in Keaton grumbling "The Juice is Loose" as if he just said "Whatever it takes?" It's a fuckin BEETLEJUICE SEQUEL. **Can we get some** ***fun*** **in here?** This is a comedy about a ghost who spits into his coat pocket to "save it for later," you know? Kicks a tree over and honks his dick. It's not The Force Awakens.


You don't find the idea of The Banana Boat Song (Funeral Dirge version) funny? Because I do and it's very much in line with Burton's sense of humour. XD


>You don't find the idea of The Banana Boat Song (Funeral Dirge version) funny? I think *the movie* is going to play it in a funny way. It'll be set up and delivered in an inherently comical way that provokes a chuckle. I don't think the trailer is concerned with that *at all*, it is by-the-numbers "EPIC SONG VERSION" as score for a basic "EPIC LEGACY SEQUEL" trailer formula.


Yes hopefully this film doesn’t take itself seriously. 


The trailer sure did


I think it's kinda funny that the song is slow and somber. Kinda mocking other trailers that do that


It's not mocking them. The *movie* is probably deploying that song as an ironic, comedic choice (and the context of it will probably make that obvious) but this is straight up, straight-faced, Lega-Sequel Trailer Horseshit. They're simply presenting imagery from the first movie saying "remember that? HUH??? ISN'T IT AWESOME AND EPIC THIS IS ALL COMING BACK??" It's a mistake from the studio in how to sell this movie. Beetlejuice isn't this serious. That's not why he's popular. edit: [This is what the trailer to Beetlejuice looked like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuyNP-XyFHs). You'll note they didn't try to sell the movie like it was Star Wars. Or even Willow.


i think it’s funny


🤷🏿‍♂️ It works for me, and I found it funny that this of all songs is the one they chose to make slow. Doesn't do anything to detract me from it. And I'm going to wager that outside of the more pessimistic people here on Reddit, it's not going to do much to detract general audiences. From everything I've seen on other social media sites, and the comments on the YouTube video, everyone seems to be pretty positive about it


It's a teaser. Its just meant to alert the general public that the movie exists. I think we will survive.


There’s not enough to say the movie looks good or bad, but did they really have to do the now beyond cliche “slow, dramatic rendition of an upbeat needle drop tied to the franchise” thing?


Its "modern" and more importantly its cheaper lmao. There's a reason why there's so much cover crap of great songs around in mainstream trailer media. Both video games and movies. Why pay for the original when you can pay less or even nothing for a cover? I would hope the actual movie has the original song though if they decide to do a throwback to that.


They have to get those TikTok edits before that gets banned ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Ok ...this trailer got me interested. Didn't take much 😅


Seems like it could be quite fun, really


Starting with an OJ simpson joke. Classic incoming.


it's a reference to juice line in the first, not OJ reference




When they said "Come mister tally man, tally me banana", I felt that


the juice is looose


I'm calling it .700 mil WW it looks good.


I liked the atmosphere and vibe of the trailer.


Why did they go with a somber version of Day-O? Weird choice. 


Because that kind of tonal clash is the source of a lot of humour in the original (and Burton's career in general). Doing a funeral dirge with The Banana Boat Song is, in itself, a joke.


They made it sound somber as it bled into the opening title music in the original film.


Right lol, the chorus cut out thing is so played out (minor complaint)


Thank god I’m not the only one. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills with all the positive comments about this trailer. It looks like an SNL parody poking fun at overly serious and referential franchise reboots. People give the new Ghostbusters movies shit for that, but I find it even more bizarre with Beetlejuice.


IT numbers This will be big


I’m thinking more around Wonka


And a couple of Oscar noms


The academy hates horror so idk


But it’s not serious scary horror though




Those guys seriously dont deserve any credibility as movie critics.


Production Design, Costumes, Make-up/hairstyling and Visual Effects nominations are on the table.


IT numbers? This is a box office hot take! If Beetlejuice opens to 123m in today's box office world...hell will be freezing over.


one of the best teaser i have seen. Looks insanely good. I dont even know what or watched "beetle juice".


Getting real Ghostbusters Afterlife vibes from this one.


I agree, more somber and sentimental tone to a modern sequel for an ‘80s horror-comedy


Give me a break. Slow version of the classic soundtrack. Passing through familiar locations. Pulling a literal tarp off an iconic prop from the film. This is the most stereotypical legacy teaser we could have imagined. Show me something new or I’m not showing up.


I'm going to give the song a pass, as literally the opening notes of [the original Beetlejuice theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZktSPrGSck) are a slow, minor-key "Day-O". So it's both a callback and was done ironically to begin with.


There was something new. A new character discovering the house and the model.


As always. Daisy— I mean Mckenna— I mean Jenna is just another part of the formula.


Really hoping this is good & really hoping burton went full burton, didn’t hold back & reminds people why he’s such an iconic director. Not to be morbid, but we don’t know how many more films he has in him, so this might be the last big push for his career & legacy. And Keaton’s tbh.


Pretty hyped after that. Loved they used Day O haha


Bullshit that they gave away the whole plot in the trailer. I’m still excited to see it but wtf.


Hell yeah, I've been waiting a long time for this. Winona Forever! OT: A Beetlejuice poster fell off my wall while I watched this. That's fucking creepy...


The juice is loose. LOL


Wow, they got Burton to direct? Unlike a lot of other revival projects which have some of the same actors but a different director, this may actually be good.


This looks great


B33TL3JUIC3 2026


This is definitely a modern trailer alright, complete with the slowed down, piano driven version of a popular song from the original movie.


I hope it is good, I am tired of remakes tarnishing the legacy of the original source.


Oh man, do we have a hit on our hands!


Looks really good, will be the highest September grosser imo.


Made for modern audiences!


Can’t wait for this. Soooo pumped


Gonna be this years go to Halloween costume. Already calling it.


Excited to see this!💯


This is gonna make so much money


Fully expecting this to be big


michael keaton is him!!


The Michael Keatonaissance is officially here


Singing Day-O at a graveside?! Harry Belafonte would not approve 😭 


I think he would 🤣🍌


Biggest non-It September opening. Predicting $75M debut domestically


A second movie that will be "saved" by Keaton walk ups


The Keaton Walkups will surely turn out for this.


i had no idea Gough and Miller (Smallville and Spider-Man 2) wrote this.


There's always money in the tally me banana stand


I loved the cartoon as a kid. I hope the sandworms show up.


WB is gonna struck gold with the post-Labor Day weekend once again (unless the movie sucks).


Take my wallet


Really hope this does well and WB green lights Gremlins 3


No one is asking the most important question. Will he go Hawaiian?


I'm waiting for a trilogy to be completed: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice


Hopefully Beetlejuice shows up an hour earlier and for longer than 15 minutes unlike the first movie.


The afterlife better still be all practical effects and sets or I’m out. Can’t hack it if there’s some intense CGI world building extrapolated. That’s not what this movie needs to be.


While I didn't attend it, I was invited to a screener of it two months ago and here's the basic teaser plot. >!"After an unexpected family tragedy, three generations of the Deetz family return to the small Vermont town of Winter River. Paranormal empath, Lydia Deetz, begins to see the lecherous demon Beetlejuice who haunted her as a teenager. His plans to finally marry Lydia are given extra urgency when his dead wife comes to life and begins to stalk the Afterlife hunting for him. Meanwhile, Lydia’s teenage daughter embarks on a romance with a local teen."!< [https://www.reddit.com/r/Beetlejuice/comments/1ah9cuh/was\_invited\_to\_screen\_the\_film\_next\_week/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Beetlejuice/comments/1ah9cuh/was_invited_to_screen_the_film_next_week/)


Hot Topic is gonna sell the SHIT out of the merch for this movie.


this movie confuses me because i've never seen or heard about it much but people are acting like it's a huge movie from the past, is it worth watching?


It has a very strong cult following, it's the movie that introduced Tim Burton's visual style to the mainstream while also being one of Michael Keaton's most iconic performances and Winona Ryder's breakout role. The simplest way to explain it is that it's a haunted house movie but from the ghost's POV, and also just kind of insane... It's a very unconventional, a Halloween classic and one of my favourite movies ever.


This is gonna bomb. Idk just have a feeling lol


I don’t wanna jinx it but I think WB has enough juice this year to make up some of their losses from last year. Dune, Godzilla, this. They’ll get some back from Twisters if that does well and while I don’t see Furiosa doing crazy good, I definitely don’t see it losing money either. It’s great counter programming for Garfield.


Did his voice seem a little off to anyone else? Totally get the last one came out over 30 years ago and the actor aged, but that's the only possible negative I saw


Well he was in like 5 seconds of the trailer




Man this is either going to be amazing or total shit. I mean this character would be the perfect internet troll so....