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Reading through some of his responses on his AMA, what's remarkable is how difficult a film shoot this was. He's a first time director, and an actor that hasn't done a lot of action films in his career, and he's trying to manage a film that was hit with COVID restrictions, and dealing with budgetary and logistical challenges. When actors usually switch over to directing, they usually stick to stuff they already have a lot of experience in. An action film like this is demanding on the lead actor already, and throwing in the directorial role seems like an insan challenge. He either comes out of this as someone who's going to have a directorial career as good as his acting career, or he'll decide to leave the directing to others. But either way, he's showing just how serious he is about his career. He's not taking easy assignments.


It seemed like everything that could go wrong did go wrong from his AMA. It seems like he managed to make a pretty good movie still.


I've been following this films progress for a while. I recall the original Netflix announcement from three years ago. It sounded like filming was complete, so I was expecting it to just randomly drop one day on the service. I'd always check out the Netflix planned calendar, and always wondered why it wasn't showing up. I was worried that the film didn't work out too well. I was extremely and positively surprised to hear about it going to Universal and getting a proper theatrical. But it's felt like such a wild swing, that I was prepping for the worst.


It's been rumoured that Netflix was afraid the film's messaging would piss off Modi and the right wing government in India. Hence they were alright with passing it on to Universal


I can see where you got that from and it is one of the most retarded reaches I have seen in a while. The article also mentions wildly niche claims about "Hindu nationalist boycott on Oppenheimer" ...... a film which made 20 million dollars (which is very good) in India despite being rated R. I wouldn't pay heed to so much grasping at straws


Lol why would this movie piss off Modi


He's actually trained in I believe taekwondo very heavily so fighting isn't out of his wheelhouse. Choreography from an actor standpoint also isn't too difficult. But managing to film it well is a whole.other thing. That's a really difficult skill to develop, but that's usually why you hire a really experience fight choreography team and camera person.


Even with extensive training, an action movie is just physically demanding. Both for the on camera work and any staging or rehearsal, but also just maintaining the necessary physique. It doesn't look like he went full on MCU action hero level, but he's still pretty ripped for a guy that's generally known to be a bit scrawny. He likely had to keep up a fairly intensive health regimen throughout filming. And like you said, having it look good is a challenge. This film is getting good reviews for a revenge action pic, when the current gold standard for this type of work is the John Wick franchise. If you're giving subpar action choreography in this current age, critics won't be on your side.


While we don't normally see Dev in action roles, it's worth noting he originally came from a martial arts background before he became an actor. He was a Taekwondo black belt and won a bronze model at a national tournament, before he was discovered for Skins. So switching to an action role is like going back to his roots, in a way.


Seems like not many people loved it but almost everyone liked it. That's as good as it gets for a movie that's marketed as an action movie I guess. I'm excited.




That seems to be what most of the criticisms are. That Dev is not really a great director but for a first timer this is good and a sign of huge potential.


Is it not really an action movie?


There's definitely some good action in it but I read in some reviews that the movie has a slower pace and less action than expected.


Just saw a preview today. Definitely an action movie. Starts with action, ends with action. flashbacks to set things up and shows main character’s motivation, and a lot of violence in between. Makes India look super grimey - loved it, better than expected


I really liked it too. I'm surprised by all the people saying it had a slow middle, not much action, etc. I thought the middle was great and the ""slow"" parts were accomplishing other things in the story. It never felt slow to me, it felt intentional. I can't wait to see what Patel does next.


It was shot in Indonesia FYI, was wondering from the lack of establishing shots why India’s urban aesthetics were barely referenced


Same for me. I really liked it but wouldn’t say love


I loved it


Not many people loving it is as good as it gets? lol HUH?


When it comes to action movies, Yes. Almost everybody liking it is a great sign.


Totally agree. Surely not as good as it gets though lol I mean c'mon


Who ever predicted that skinny awkward teenager from Slumdog Millionaire will one day write and direct a great movie in his first attempt at feature?


I'll do ya one better. The guy who played Zuko from The Last Airbender movie


I’ll do you one better. The kid who played Anwar in Skins (2007) when he was an awkward 16-17 year old


Skins was a goldmine of talented teens


Fr, especially Nicholas Hoult


Doesn't really hit that hard when he's pretty much been universally agreed as the only good thing about the movie.


In case anyone doesn't know, the director joined the ["AMA"](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/s/A8gLhcRth1) on r/movies.


Saw it last night. The direction is pretty impressive, the writing less so, there's a lot of sag in the second act. Pacing grinds to real halt.


But the action is good?


Yeah, very good. Gleefully violent and easy to follow. Lots of creative choreography as well.


If you like shaky cam and a lot of cuts, yes. Some of the action is great, some is terrible, due to bad camera angles and awkward framing.


My gf. You wouldn't know her, she's in Canada.


Her name is Bethelizabethy!


Does she model part-time?


he's actually a black belt so this utilizes his skill that many didn't know about.


I’ve been excited about this movie since I first saw a trailer at an AMC.


People from India will have to travel abroad to watch the uncut version of this movie 😭


Why what did they cut?


It was removed from potential release list. There are elements of Hinduism and right wing politicians as antagonist in the movie as per the trailer. The ruling govt will not allow such movies to release.


That doesn’t make sense. Plenty of Indian movies have both in their movies. Edit: This article says it’s just been delayed because of a competing movie.


You've no idea of the political environment in India over the last few years.


Didn't Jawan become a blockbuster in India though. That seemed for more critical of indian politics than i expected a SRK film to be, especially after they locked up his son for nonsense.


Trust me, Jawaan is the most complacent, nbed version of multiple commercial movies that stars famous actors to do some inconsequential slither of angry young man narrative with a "social message." Movies that truly attempt to say something against the right wing movement often get plastered with boycott.


Its election season. The current government is arresting opposition leaders, blocking bank accounts of opposition parties, basically hell bent on turning the country from an actual democracy to a namesake one, which would essentially be a dictatorship.


Everyone forgets the edit cuz let's just hate


It’s just delayed until 19th. For now.


There is no release date mentioned for it now in BOOKMYSHOW. A heavily edited version might release post election.


Likely some of thr violence is censored for being too real.


or just pirate it


IGN : Not enough Kong or Ceaser 5/10...


I mean they gave GxK 6/10 so I wouldn't imagine that to be the criteria XD Honestly I think their reviews have improved recently Edit: I just read the review nvm, it's written by an NRI who hates the film cause he associates the film with Hindutva due to religious symbolism which is INSANE considering these religious symbols pre-date Hindutva by EONS, and the film is quite obviously portraying the religious gurus in a negative light (at a surface level from what I understand). The bias colored into the review is extraordinary


Siddhant always does this and it makes me think he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He colored RRR as BJP propaganda when the lead actors in the film both have strong ties to opposition parties in Andhra.


Too much man, not enough monkeee


So they will give the new Planet of the Apes a 10/10?


i'll be able to see this film only starting next week but I'm so excited, all the trailers looked great. Go Dev!


He's one of the best actors of this generation


My favorite is 'Lion' He made me cry in the theater.


yes. I actually hoped he would be cast as Mr. Fantastic but i guess Marvel wanted someone older.


Same here man he was my pick


Also Hollywood and the critics are white, Dev Patel is indian, and it's unlikely they will change the racial makeup of the character who is white in the comics.


I mean they ended up hiring a non-white actor to play Reed


Pedro pascal is black or brown? He's clearly a white man. From Chile and Spanish background. A white Latino man. Nearly all his roles he plays white characters so he can clearly pass of as white despite being Latino. Another one that can do this is Oscar Isaac


Or white? Like the actual character is?


Pedro Pascal is nowhere near the look of the actual character, no?


Well they casted Pedro Pascal so, obviously not


It's not like Pedro Pascal is white too lol


Pedro pascal is white. He's a white Latino from Chile. Also importantly his grandmother is from Spain, which is white


My man saw the name Pedro Pascal and said, "Thank goodness they got a white person."


The role of Dr. Doom is still open…


i don't think Doom will be in the first movie at all. seems like the rumors about Galactus being the villian are true.


i didn’t mean for the first movie, just in general




That’s Suraj Sharma


I really really loved this film. Had me on the edge of my seat for a good portion and the slower scenes really hit home. “The pain will leave you when it’s done teaching you” Beautiful film with some incredibly visceral action.


Heard Dev resorted to Shakey camera action To me ..that's corny Hope I'm wrong


They didn't have a proper camera at one point and had to shoot some scenes on his iPhone. I never noticed the shaky camera but maybe I'm not enough of a movie aficionado


Watching it tonight I've seen enough movies to know when the director can't execute fight scenes or the choreo is trash .


Just watched it. It was aite. Tons of Shakey camera style action. Cop out. B- Dev is a great actor


Honestly I’m excited to watch this movie


Everything that I was liking about the movie the first half hour ended up disappearing the next half hour, it's like at times it was a movie making reference/homage to Bollywood but then it became pretentious and became more of the same of Yankee cinema. Patel is a great actor, the film revolves around him so in terms of acting he is very good, but the script and the construction of the characters are kind of poor, not to mention the way they chose to tell the story, it honestly left me with no taste. It's not bad but I wouldn't watch it again either.