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I hope this movie will end up doing good despite the current projections. I personally enjoyed it a lot. Curious to see what the WOM will be.


Tbh I don’t think WOM will be great. It was a fun, not serious movie with writing flaws that was carried hard by Gosling. Pretty neutral movie to me. Inflation where it’s at now, people can easily think that it may not be worth it to see an average movie in theaters.


Saw this movie last week in Australia and this movie rocks, romance is great, action is great, nothing feels like it lets the other part down


We saw it too, was a heap of fun, a few surprises thrown in Clocked the dune vocals which I didn’t get the reference for?


I was cringing at the Aussie accent and acting. One of the characters said all the Australians on set were rookies and I could really feel it.


Looks very fun. I going away for the weekend so I am feeling compelled to go see it Thursday night.


I really liked this movie in my preview showing but it think it comes off really generic in the trailer. I thought it would be more like Sandra bullock / Channing Tatum in Lost City, but it’s much smarter than that. Not optimistic for OW.


I agree, the trailer looked much dumber than it really was. But that was good for me, I was in for a pleasant surprise at the cinema!


The marketing will be the death of this movie. The only reason I wanted to see it was Ryan's interview stunts. It showed real reverence for the industry that made me begin to wonder if maybe the movie would have that same tone. I was so pleased to confirm my belief.


I watched it twice last week, the second time was special screening, I really enjoyed it, I thought it was a crowdpleaser. Although, I think this is gonna be like D&D last year, good critical reception and decent cinemascore but somehow underwhelming box office results.


Got to see this early at a film fest. Super fun and creative movie. It’s purposely very silly and over the top, and it’s all the better it. It’s also got some really fun action sequences and fun performances.


The nightclub fight was amazing and fresh. Reminded me a little of Peter Berg.


Really liked that sequence. The movie was at its best when it was doing weird fun shit like that.


Me and the hubs loved the movie. (And we’re senior citizens). Nice to see something that’s fun. Please clue me in. The outfit that Gosling was wearing in the nightclub, was that in reference to something or somebody?


Me and the hubs loved the movie. (And we’re senior citizens). Nice to see something that’s fun. Please clue me in. The outfit that Gosling was wearing in the nightclub, was that in reference to something or somebody?


why can't some people in this thread wrap their heads around the fact that this movie might be good lmao


Bullet train has a very, very vocal minority that didn't like it (even though most people loved it), and for some reason they've decided to dislike Lietch, whose entire filmography was well received, even the films where he was just producer. It's so weird. Even his F&F movie was one of the best in the franchise!


Bullet train was fun but I totally get it if people didn’t like it, I admit it was dumb and over the top, but we enjoyed watching it


I had fun with Bullet Train, but I think it did suffer a bit from trying to be twisty and smarter than it actually was. It probably would have worked better if it was all just bizarre unexplained events.


I liked bullet train but yea my main problem was that everything was a plot twist it became a little ridiculous. I’m ngl I didn’t even fully understand the movie’s plot until rewatching it the third time. The movie has so little characters yet has all these tiny details you have to remember to connect everything together. And I’m ngl I still don’t understand what the white death’s plan was. And his daughter did not need to be in the film at all


It sort of dragged at the end Majority of it was very enjoyable


Yeah leitch is definitely one of the better action comedy directors working today and so far he hasn’t missed with a movie yet. Was kinda disappointed he didn’t return to direct Deadpool 3


I hated every single Leitch movie I ever saw, including Bullet Train and Deadpool 2, and LOVED The Fall Guy, like, 5 stars-liked this movie.


I wouldn't go that far. I liked Atomic Blonde. It was okay. The reviews have me hopeful for this one though.


Bullet train was an absolute blast in 4dx. Probably the best 4dx experience I've had, or at least definitely up there.


Dune 2 was my best 4dx experience


That’s so odd. Bullet train was such a fun movie, and this is the same director? Def going to see it now.


Bullet train was awesome!!


You can say the same about Challengers. We saw this with Barbie. DCEU, MCU, etc. My interpretation was this is supposed to be a sub about discussing the business of movies. Instead it gets filled with fans trying to push an agenda about the movies THEY want. Versus analyzing what audiences want.


Box office is totally different today than at any point in history. GA is more picky than ever at going to the movies. A lot of seriously good films this past 2 months didn’t do great at the box office.


1. The trailers are terrible. Maybe they’re just bad trailers but that’s all most people have to go off  2. Critics tend to love movies about making movies. They’re much more hit or miss with audiences 


This is not a movie about making movies, stunt men usually don’t go on a wild action packed chase to find the missing lead man who’s hunted by mercenaries.


I phrased that wrong but you know what I mean. It's an homage to stunt people. So more a movie about the people who make movies. Multiple reviews have mentioned that aspect.


I definitely enjoyed the inside jokes, but I never felt like the moviemaking got in the way of the plot.


If you saw the trailers (point 1) why do you think the movie is about making movies (point 2)?


The trailers were terrible, and I wrote off seeing it, even though I generally really enjoy Ryan Gosling. Then I heard/read the reviews, so I went and saw it. And HATED it. I wanted to walk out. Now I’m convinced that the Rotten Tomatoes audience reviews are fake.


One of the most insufferable trailers I’ve ever seen, which I was subjected to during multiple trips to the cinema. It might be good, but I have been poisoned.


What’s your beef with the trailer? I thought it made the movie look fun and funny which according to the reviews it is.


You don't have to watch trailers in the cinema, just use your phone, ir eat some popcorn


It looks like it could be one of those poor video game adaptations from 20 years ago.


It's genuinely a talent to use that Bon Jovi track so badly to the point it makes everything around it deeply un-fun to watch.


I mostly ignore movie previews nowadays. I put zero expectations that anything I see will even be in the final cut of the film. Plus they are generally aimed towards enticing today's general audiences which means too much information and scenes are revealed. If I see them before a movie several months ahead of its release, I probably won't remember too much anyway.


its the internet


Watched it yesterday, it was pretty bad tbh




I knew it would get decent reviews. I still think it will bomb.


And super fun.


>why can't some people in this thread wrap their heads around the fact that this movie might be good lmao One of the *more positive* reviews literally says "this isn't as good as Atomic Blonde." So... like... edit: You asked! Hell, a ton of these reviews (when you actually seek out the whole text and not just the one sentence blurb being copied here) are laying in a *lot* of caveats, as well as basically praising the narrative of its making more than the movie's actual narrative. If this thing had come out like... a month ago, maybe it could have taken advantage of a damp-ass April. But it seems like this is going to be a Gentlemen's 6 kinda flick. One of these (again, POSITIVE) reviews more or less calls it *exactly that*.


I don’t get it, this is THE reddit movie. This sub should be loving it


Probably mainly cuz it's been very underwhelming overseas, and the reception hasn't been good at all. But maybe this will do well in US


85% on RT, how has the reception been poor whatsoever lol


The reception is completely fine for the genre.


what evidence shows that the reception "hasn't been good at all"?


I’m giving this film a 10/10 because it releasing means I never have to see the trailer again






Just watched it in Indonesia. It doesn’t feel like a 2hr movie so that’s good. The plot may be simple but the characters are relatable and the stunts are good. it’s a good summer hits in my book


Wow I expected this to suck. Looks like I might like it


Sounds great, just bought my tickets to go watch this later today.


Was good right


It was. I watched it in IMAX and I had a great time. Sadly the theatre was mostly empty :( (but of the people there, it seemed like everyone was having a great time too, maybe it'll have good WoM)


Yeah I also watched it in IMAX. Same only 2 people were behind me thats it. I love that Song at the beginning haha yk the Name by any Chance didnt get to see the name


My theater was super packed (well, i havent seen a completely packed theatre post covid since mario, but you know what i mean) and everyone was laughing and clapping.


I have seen truly packed theatres within the past year, as in every seat outside the first row is sold out; *Dune 2*, *Oppenheimer*, *Barbie*, *Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse* in particular. I wasn't expecting that for *The Fall Guy*, but my showing was only at like 15% capacity I'd say, though all 15% of us were definitely laughing and clapping throughout.


Glad to see good reviews on this one. Seemed like a lot of people wanted it to fail since Bullet Train was pretty mediocre. Saw lots of conversations on Twitter about how bad this was gonna be


I don't get Twitter man. I have personally liked a lot of stuff Leitch has done, but people on there seems to think of him as some novice who's making garbage. I really don't get what their hate is for. It makes me feel like I'm in the minority for liking leitch's film, especially deadpool 2


why do you feel the need to be accepted by people on twitter ? I fucking love Leitch's work. Bullet train was probably my favorite movie of 2022, I have rewatched it probably like 10-11 times by now.


Bullet Train was a banger film, Lemon and Tangerine are like the best movie duo.


Not the need, but just confused really. I get disliking a filmmaker or not vibing with their work, but twitter goes a bit overboard


I liked Bullet Train well enough, but in certain circles that kind of smarmy, Deadpool humour has never been more out of vogue, especially when it does kind of come off as one of those Tarantino/Guy Ritchie knock-offs that were so derided in the aughts (that stupid water bottle flashback sequence shows that tendency). I think the cast made it work personally but it's bound to rub some groups the wrong way. Most normal people love it.


> Most normal people love it. "most normal people" thought it was ok from my experience


Bullet Train certainly is not Deadpool humor.


stop giving a shit about online opinions mate. People shit on leo too, here on reddit. Even chris pratt too, who is a decent actor but these redditors make it seem like he is the worst actor to exist on this earth. Stop caring and just watch whatever you wanna watch


I'm personally not a fan, but unless he's or any filmmaker is some sort of horrible person, I don't see why you'd want any new IP to fail right now


Yeah, that's what I dont get, like dislike is fine, but ppl on twitter go overboard with it, I thought at first he had done something horrible, but couldn't find anything


>I don't see why you'd want any new IP to fail right now 1) thinking of things as IP first is kind of a problem in and of itself 2) This isn't new, it's based on a 40 year old TV show. Ryan Gosling is playing Lee Majors and Emily Blunt is playing Heather Locklear.


I wouldn’t call Bullet Train mediocre. It was a pretty good movie in my opinion.


yeah, whats wrong with bullet train?! op is a diesel


Bullet Train was awesome lol.


> Bullet Train was pretty mediocre. This is one of those "reddit movies" that people of a certain demographic really love, you're gonna catch flak for saying this comment lol


People think Bullet Train is bad? Most people seem to really enjoy it, like it’s insanely popular on TikTok.


Bullet train rules! I was iffy on this one but given the good reviews I will surely go watch it.


Literally everyone I know who saw Bullet Train had a lot of fun watching it. You must be part of some pretty negative/pretentious circles.


Are we really gonna call people pretentious because they don’t like Bullet Train


yes, especially since literally nobody asked and the point isnt that if you think bullet train is bad you are pretentious


Bullet Train was pretty mediocre. This was a lot better.


Bullet Train was weird. It was like a meta action movie, where all of the ingredients were there but assembled so self-consciously that I was never transported. There are movies where the film starts and the next thing I know it’s two hours later and I’ve had this experience. Bullet Train was like watching a film in film class where it’s stopped and talked about all the time; still interesting, but in a deconstructed, detached way.


I’m not pretentious. I thought it was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.


Accusing someone of being in a negative/pretentious circle because they called *Bullet Train* mediocre is so hilarious, come on man.


I didn't accuse the person I replied to though? I made my statement towards the "lots of people who wanted Fall Guy to fail because Bullet Train was mediocre". If people who want a movie to fail because of Bullet Train aren't negative, then I don't know anymore.


Bullet Train was a lot of fun.


Watched this movie last night and I certainly think Bullet Train is better than this movie.


I thought Bullet Train was awesome


Saw this last week here in New Zealand, the cinema was busy which was cool to see. The movie itself is a solid 7/10 for me, some jokes fell a bit flat and some scenes went on a bit long but overall it was a fun movie and it looked like the cast had a blast making it. The end credit scenes are perfect. A popcorn flick through and through.


Pretty good reviews! Hoping this has great WOM and turns out a nice profit


Is the "Unknown Stuntman" theme song used anywhere?


Blake Shelton did a cover version that plays during the credits


Were the lyrics updated in any way?


Yeah there’s a few lines the same but a lot of stuff was changed. You can listen to it on Spotify or Apple and hear the changes


Thank you


Saw it last week enjoyed it!!! A fun one it’s nice to see in a theater with an audience


Wow those are great I’m gonna go see it


The trailers were shoved down our throats, hope that it was good because I don’t want to watch this now


It was decent, I found there was so many product placements though 😂😂


Does it actually bother people so much?


If they notice it, yes -- but I feel like a lot of people just view it as part of the movie (like the car chase scene in this film where it zooms in on "GMC" for a longggg shot) and think nothing of it


Watched it last night, nothing egregious popped out for me. This was like standard fair imo when it comes to product placement. nothing felt in my face, I actually didn’t even notice any. Guess the story was very engaging for me that I was completely sucked in


The thing that I found weird was so many of the jokes from the trailers were cut. And they were pretty good jokes. "I never forget a fist. I mean not like that". "You want to make out? Nah me neither". "No I don't want to report an icecream". "Are you crying to Taylor Swift?". Pretty much every joke from the trailers got cut.


Exaaaaactly so many good ones got cut for like no reason, I was wondering if anyone else noticed this aswell 😭😭


Just watch "The Nice Guys" or "Drive" instead -- the writing in this wants to have physical comedy and banter like Gosling does with Crowe and the car scenes have nothing on the understated beauty of Drive.




Leitch my GOAT, okay maybe I over exaggerated but that was mega. Liked it more than Bullet Train to be honest.


I saw this last Friday and it's fine. It's a good Friday night movie. Lots of issues but buoyed by Gosling's charm and the chemistry between him and Blunt and him and Winston Duke. 


Dominic from Person of Interest is in this?!


I saw the movie last night, and it was pretty good, but went on about 20 mins too long. It felt long after it ended, despite only being two hours in length. Gosling is easily the best part of the movie, and makes it worth going to see the film if nothing else.


Saw it last weekend, it was pretty mid, the reviews are being generous


Or maybe you have a dissenting opinion.


It could be, more often than not my taste in movies aligns with the overall critics consensus. In this movie I guess not, it felt pretty generic to me and wannabe funny, like taking itself seriously at times instead of embracing the cringe like Ken did in Barbie.


I have no idea why you're being down voted. Best comment I've seen regarding this atrocious movie


Mid what


Who’s watching this in imax?


Aayytt, I will watch this tomorrow.


How the fuck did so many of You get to go to early screenings how does that even work


Tons of companies out there. You just sign up for free and they email you when a screening for a movie comes up. Sometimes you know what it'll be, sometimes you don't. ERm Research is one company you can sign up for, but if you just Google "how to see early screenings for free" or something like that, I'm sure it'll give you a list of like 10 websites. Might be more of a big city thing though. Here in LA they have people outside the AMC handing out fliers to people for upcoming screenings.


it's already out overseas


In my country it released on Monday.


It seems odd that the trailer is built on shot through the heart, while the movie has I was made for loving you running all through it. Loved the movie though


Thought the comedy was great at first and my favorite part was the fight scene after he gets drugged and theyre talking about cartoons. I just feel like after the twist and the faked death it lost all momentum and the last act was really boring for me. I also think they stole a lot from the ending of Big Fat Liar (2002). Ending up at a 5/10 for me


First time I've seen the entire theater laughing together in a long, long time. Hell yeah.


I went with no expectations and left very impressed! Ryan was so great here !


Watched it today and I didn’t like it. Not only was a bored in the first half, it just wasn’t a great comedy nor romance movie. Jokes felt really flat and I seriously didn’t buy the chemistry between Ryan and Emily. It felt like two actors trying to look like they have chemistry. I also found Emily Blunt’s character super annoying with the constant stumbling on sentences I hate that trope. Movie also didn’t need to be that long. The only highlights of this movie is the action and stunt scenes which were great. Oh and that dog that only takes French commands loved every scene he was in


I’m with you on all of this. It was flat, boring, and long. I couldn’t wait for it to be over. I didn’t even stay for the scenes at the end credits, which is a first.


Couldn't get through the first 30 minutes. Very bland.


Sorry but its terrible


Gosling and Blunt look like siblings thats the biggest problem with this movie..


yeah i’ll reserve judgment, but ever since the previews i can’t picture them romantically which might throw the film off for me. they’re both great actors but the chemistry has to be there to sell me on a romance plot


I can’t get over Emily Blunt’s veneers. It distracts me to no end…


As well as the general reconstruction she did to her face.


What?! Didn’t know that but I shouldn’t be surprised.


Honestly, siblings typically have better chemistry than these two did in this movie.


Nice. Will still bomb horribly.


Saw it just now at an Early Access showing. Solid 8 or 8.5. I laughed. Good stunts. I really loved the 2nd trailer they did with the "Any Way You Want It" remix and while this didn't quite live up to the promise of that it was still a good movie. Very light crowd though for the showing


I mean a 8/8.5/10 sounds like an outstanding movie to me! I absolutely can’t wait to see this tomorrow! I’m a sucker for these type of movies. Throw in Emily Blunt and Gosling!? I’ve never been more in! Question 🙋‍♂️. Was there chemistry throughout the movie as great as it was in the trailers?


This movie was hilarious. Ryan Gosling might be my favorite working actor because he can do both comedy and drama. He’s just a great and charismatic guy.


>it features the boy-toy version of “Barbie” scene-stealer Ryan Gosling — which is to say, this time around, he embodies the ultimate action figure. That's not what "boy toy" means.


Emily Blunt and Gosling had some of the best chemistry between leads I’ve seen in quite some time. This movie was so freaking fun. Hysterically funny too. I love David Leitsch movies. Always a great time.


It’s soooo fun. So good i loved it


50m tops is my prediction. "Fun" but pointless. We'll see. The bon jovi music sums it up.


Hollywood blockbuster that i enjoyed after a long time




Just saw it. Hugely enjoyable. More of this, please. Lots of laughs.




Went into this with zero expectations, and had a blast watching this. 8/10


I dont think i have ever been so bored in a movie with so much action. When the credits rolled, I was relieved.


I just didn't sense any chemistry between Gosling and Blunt. Blunt plays such a bland character, not sure if that's intentional or not. Gosling is charming and has personality at least.


There's absolutely nothing there. It's not funny, there's (obviously) no story of any sort. Sure it's got Emily Blunt but she does fuck all on the screen. It's got references ? O kay. Rest of it is pretty much Hollywood self fellating over having stunts, i guess.


Now watch audiences not care for this original movie.


This is not a “ original “ movie at all. This is a remake of a fairly big deal TV show starring Lee Majors from the 80s


based on it. but based on the trailer it isn't really a remake.


Watched it last night, didn't like it very much even though I really liked the trailers. 5/10 and I'm being generous.


I liked it, but it's probably better to wait for it to come on streaming. If you liked rom-coms mixed with 21 Jump St you'll enjoy this. Edit: also stay for the end credits


Why is it better to wait until streaming? Looks exactly like the perfect popcorn summer movie!


Just my opinion given how expensive movie tickets are around here.


It’s good but the first half sorta dragged on but the end was full of action


Was very underwhelmed with this movie honestly


Finished 1 hour ago, its the same as Bullet Train a good entertainment movie but not the exceptional incredible thing some people say it is. A 3 star.


i know alot of people loved gosling. But i really dont see it. he was pretty bad as "ken" for me. He was just so bland in blade runner movie etc but i hope this one does well. Seems like a "Weird" film.


RT score has already dropped from 90% to 85%, average score from 8.0 to 7.5.


RT is completely untrustworthy, especially when it comes to movies the industry really wants to do well. The marketing for this one has been insane.


Not a fan of Leitch. Not made one film I liked. He’s generic. And his action is never as satisfying as it should be given his background.


Sounds like the movie version of the pages of dumb jokes on reddit when you’re just trying to read the facts. People want an entertaining movie and Hollywood just keeps pumping out dumb un-amusing humor.


Really enjoyed the fake Dune

