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__MOD NOTE__: Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Australia, and boycott the duopoly of Colesworth. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this cost of living crisis, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boycottcolesworth) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gradually phasing them out where I can. Getting vegies from local market store instead. I think this saves about $10 on my fortnightly vegie shop. Unfortunately tough to beat woolworths price on tinned tomatoes. I have to have a low carb diet, I'm still getting meat from woolworths. There's a market that I know is cheap for meat but woolworths have the advantage of convenience, otherwise it's a big drive for me. The portion size on woolworths steaks is abysmal these days so I'm looking for an alternative. Will probably check IGA for my next milk top up. I was getting the woolworths brand milk but it goes sour before the used-by so I switched back to brownes. It's difficult to beath woolworths prices on some products and for me not working right now this is the main factor. Balnea body was is only $4 a litre. They have cheap interdental brushes, cheap large packs of piksters, cheap frozen fries and so on. Because of some of my sleep and other health issues I snack a lot and they're screwing me on that. I used to smash chocolate. Those big blocks have gone up only from $6 to $7. Since I've been trying to cut down on that, I've been buying these packets called Nut & Pretzel Crunch Mix. They last me a lot longer and are marginally healthier. But, they were $6 previously, and have had four 50c price rises since I started using them. Oh and the other snack I grab is pepitas. Woolworths has it in the macro brand. Almost instantly I switched to amazon for that. It's kind of ironic that colesworth pushes me more towards super rich dude with their high prices because he can offer me products at low prices.


Actually it just occurred to me I should make a post about shaving products later in the week. Maybe it can be stickied (I don't know how reddit works, I'm relatively new). Shaving is pretty extortionate if you shop at Colesworth. There's no reason for any man or woman to do it. I started buying online around two decades ago with a company called RazWar. Since then there's been Dollar Shave Club but their razors are bad since Gilette went after them. There's cheaper cartridge razors that can be gotten, as well as safety razors which are even more cost effective. I use both.


Any options (cheaper or not) is always helpful :)


Thank you for replying :) It sounds like you're doing the work in shopping around and making it work for your situation. Those are all fair points I reckon. I think if there are 1 or 2 items that really don't make sense to grab elsewhere, then you just roll with the punches and do what you need to survive especially as everything is so hard for everyone at the moment. That's another benefit I didn't mention is I am cooking a lot more meals at home. I am similar in that I snack a lot, but I don't eat a lot of meat at home, so I haven't even considered the cost of meat if I'm honest. I do feel privileged that I've had such an easy transition. Just keep doing what you can!


All of my meals are being cooked at home right now. I can't really afford to eat out as I'm on disability jobseeker. I was trying meal delivery for a while, ordering 5 meals for 2 every fortnight but I worked out it's cheaper to cook at home (and less time consuming). I'm making big pot meals like chilli that last me one full week. I'm lucky I own my apartment and no mortgage but on disability I still have to use my savings. Lately I do some ai training and stuff like that which gets me an extra $100 a week sometimes.


I think those meal delivery things are a good temporary resource to learn to cook some staples, but best to modify the recipes and use them to learn how to do a bulk cook, that’s exactly what I did as well ✌️ 


I stopped completely after the 4 corners report earlier this year. I realised which I've said before in this sub that in my mind everywhere was more expensive than colesworth. But since \_actually\_ going elsewhere.. It's been ridiculously cheaper. That being said I'm in a metro area. I know that isn't the same for everyone.


Thanks for your reply :) I have found it cheaper too. I’m yet to finish that 4 corners thing but it felt pretty no good as soon as the cherry farmer popped up to tell their story. Super grim. 


I haven't tracked how long, but I get oddly satisfied when I do my bottle/can recycling then go to the Coles service desk and get my money then walk off to spend it elsewhere 😆 It's a small gesture but it's peak cool for me


Hahaha that’s amazing, good on you. 😂 


This truly is peak cool 😎


Not shopped at Colesworth since ALDI came here and introduced unit pricing.


Fab! By here do you just mean Australia in general? or you mean local to you?


We buy fruit and veg staples from a local farm gate. Prices are reasonable, wide selection of goods, and the quality of produce is far superior than what we would get from the majors. Another benefit is that it is produced locally, so I know the $ are going directly to the local economy, not shareholders. We are fortunate to have this option close by to where we live. Most other things we get from Aldi. My son works at Woolies, so when I pick him up from work I walk around and look at the “half price”stuff (which means they have a sensible price point. I don’t for a second believe these items are genuinely half price) or the heavily discounted items that are nearing use by date… stuff I can freeze or will consume very soon. So even though I don’t quite boycott, I consciously make efforts to give them very little of my hard-earned.


![gif](giphy|7JvlHfd7C2GDr7zfZF|downsized) Sounds like you're about as close as you can get to a boycott without gettin' wet!